OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 3rd, 2022

The single aspect of my back being horribly bad is messing up my life, so I wanna get my life back soon.

I'm talking like an otaku who endlessly wandered a desert with no oases and achieved enlightment.

You yourself are the one whose views you most align with, so I'm grateful to have myself...

Oops, wrong timeline.

Good work in 2022, me!
A whole lot happened this year!! I'll keep giving it my all in 2023, so stick around! :flex: :flame:
["January: Betelgeuse explodes
February: Gamma ray burst straightens my back and reconstructs my atomic arrangement so I'm reborn as a healthy furry girl
March: Message From Twitter 3rd season reaches 1 trillion views and I hit 10 billion YouTube followers
April: YouTube sends a neutron shield
May: Tesroset Transmission gets live-action Hollywood adaptation
June: I win 50 trillion yen from the lottery and create Toyko Tesrosetland
July: First Japanese person to receive the Nobel Drinking Prize
August: Tesro and Roset finally become 4D, interdimensional FTL travel becomes possible
September: Discover Earth-like planet in star system 7000 light years away
October: Appointed Foreign Minister of All Intelligent Life on Earth
November: Tesroset Transmission goes viral in the Andromeda galaxy
December: Harmony with the universe"]

The world of Dandelion and Campanile probably doesn't have back pain or anything, so I wanna go.

Please check out the ones that get sexy as well. [Retweets Scandal x Makers]

I like both songs that get sexy and songs that don't get sexy.

Dandelion and Campanile wouldn't have existed if not for Claire-san... :bell:

I love this song even more now that it has a video...

I'm a fan of my songs, after all...

It's fun drawing fanart of my own song... So fun...

Campanile-chan (as I'm deciding to call her) is cute, I went and had her grow a tail... :cat: :puff of air:

"I'm coming to see you again today." #DandelionAndCampanile #OSTERsanCD

Thanks for the premieeeeere! :bell: :bell: :bell: :bell: :bell: Echo around the world! :bell:

New song premiere's starting! :bell:

Did I make Twitter mad...?


It's a new record!!! [Screenshot of another Twitter verification rejection]

30 minutes to go... :bell:

Take this, and do this. [Photo of the article, then photo of her including the link as a reference news article for Twitter verification]

This is my 2021. [Links the summary article about A Message From Twitter 2]

New song releasing tonight! :bell: Thanks in advance.

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