OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 2nd, 2022

Dandelion and Campanile should be a cheerful song, yet I feel like I'm gonna cry listening to it.

I worked hard on a drawing, but I won't show it just yet.

Why am I drawing Goss Harag, I wonder...

Drew one while actually looking.

I checked how I did, and it wasn't remotely this fluffy...

Drawing monsters without any reference is such a tall order.

This Goss Harag I drew without looking at anything is so awful.

OSTER-san can't draw, I tell you.

Just what kind of pictures do you want OSTER-san to draw...?

(Marshmallow) Do you have any plans to open commissions on Skeb or something? I'd love to request art from OSTER-san, and voices from Tesroset-chan...!
This is a rather troubling idea, but is there demand???

I wanna be a grade schooler. (?)

Liking your own works more than anyone is the greatest fanservice.

I had a super cute video made, so all humanity, come watch...

Whoaaaaa, it's finally releasing! I'm so happyyyyy!!!!

:bell: New Song Premiere :bell:
:clock: 1/3 (Mon.) 8:00 PM:
"Dandelion and Campanile feat. Sorako"
Ring out, campanella of love. :church: :bell:
Vocals: Sorako (@yurusrk)
Video: Ropa Yashima (@ropa_yashima)
[Official MV] Dandelion and Campanile feat. Sorako

Can I make an announcement?!

Everyone's so great for running... Good work.

I can't even run to the local supermarket.

Can humans really run all the way to Hakone?

Could it be a succubus?

[Retweeting a kanji-based "the first three words you see are the most important things to you in 2022" image from BuzzFeed Japan]
:smile: ????

I'm uploading my first video of the year tomorrow. Details later.

Re: shabby villains in shonen manga having lines like "I've killed ___ people..." When I was little, I'd think "They've killed ___ people? Whoa, they must be bad news...", but if someone on Valentine's was like "I've received ___ chocolates...", I'd be like "You're bothering to count and bragging about it? How cute..."

The sashimi I paid 2500 yen for yesterday was tasty... I paid 2500 yen for it, though...

This world has no absolute right or wrong.
There's only a collection of interpretations believing something's right, or believing something's wrong.

But your boyfriend's to blame there.
Me, I wouldn't make you feel that way.

Also, I feel like I had a dream where I was like "I said I'm having mochi for lunch, so why am I eating curry?" Such un-dreamlike dreams...

I don't remember anything about my first dream of the year except that I was driving.

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