OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 26th, 2021

Isn't hell great?!

I love hell, so I'm glad. (?)

Watched a movie I was recommended, and it was incredibly hell.

21st-century technology surpassing the 22nd-century technology imagined 50 years ago is amazing.

No limit to the things I want to do.
Yes limit to my stamina and time.

I was determined to do a bunch of stuff today, but I'm lying in bed from yesterday's damage.

Even if my own existence were just a program that's part of that simulation, I wouldn't feel any fear or shock that my existence is fake, and in fact might even feel some relief.

[After linking a video about black holes] Even if this world were a simulation by some higher existence than humans, it's fun to verify the intricately-designed rules of that simulated world, so I wouldn't care one bit.

I have way too much of a fear of being bad at games.

Had a sad dream where I was sucking so bad at games I swore I'd never play again.

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