OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 14th, 2021

Demo Magnamalo might be stronger than me, but I'm better than Magnamalo at composing.

A composer good at Monster Hunter: No
A hunter good at composing: Yes

I haven't gotten past Magna once since the stream, so I'm retiring from Monster Hunter.

Stream was fun! We managed to clear Magnamalo on the first try!!! (not saying it was my first try)

PC version Monster Hunter Rise! Starting nowwwww!
[Monster Hunter Rise PC] Demoing the Demo! [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

Thought I'd stream Rise on PC, but the program's not launching... Everything okay?

In my anger, I downed all the condiments on the table!

Happiness is the act of skillfully mistaking life as a wonderful thing!

990% of life is the way you feel about things.

This being my progress after two years working on treatment is definitely hard on me mentally, so let's stream Monster Hunter tonight, okay??

Want to temporarily disband my body leaving just my brain, and hold a general election to pick out the healthy cells.

Starting to think what I'll do if I become seriously bedridden. :smile with halo:

Progress on the back's no good...

Had a Tesroset Hospital Visit.

:cloud: Announcement :cloud:
I provided the song "Until Your Dreams Are No Longer Dreams" for Amatsuka Uto-san's album UTOPIA releasing 12/15. :clap:
Please listen to this ballad for all people chasing dreams. ♫
It was sung at the end of this stream. :heart:

Relative to the history of the universe, all humans alive now are babies, so it's fine.

It's gone by so fast that even though though I was 20 then, I'll still be 20 this year.

Nice to meet you.
I'm a rookie in her 14th year since becoming a Vocaloid producer.

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