OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 13th, 2021

Having two Roset-chan songs is also pretty innovative...

My next CD having 4 Miku-san songs and 4 Kiritan songs is a personal innovation.

My first play of it will be on stream...

[Photo of Monster Hunter Rise demo on Steam] Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...

I have an announcemant. :ant:

Just talking all about the Oort cloud today.

I'm a space-loving human, so I want to live to see the moment humanity crosses the Oort cloud.

Wonder if I'll make another new planet...

Thinking how the planet of the Oort Cloud crew and the planet of the Dog and Umbrellas crew and the planet of the Innocent Revolver crew are all in this universe makes me wanna do my best.

I was at the salon, so I screamed in my heart.

When I heard "space motif," the first subject that came to mind was the Oort cloud, but I never expected crossing the Oort cloud like this, so I was deeply moved... All OSTER song worlds existed together...

The Oort Cloud animation is so godly I cried...

Isn't the background animation for Oort Cloud wild???????????

Why do they pretty much only sell masks in regular and medium??? Wish they'd have small, medium, large, pretty big, real big, damn big, and ultimate big.

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