OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 31st, 2021

Here's Roset-chan doing an imitation of a Star Fox 64 boss. #TesrosetTransmission
["The guy who goes "My emperor... I've faaailed you!"... Like, in the first stage, Corneria, if you take the shortcut - well, not a shortcut. There's a boss for if you take the branch split, and one for if you don't. And the boss you get on the branch is like... "Who ARE you guys?!" "We're Star Fox!" "You'll never defeat Androsssss!" BWWWWRRRRRAAAAAH. Like that."]

I'm an otaku who calls all the Star Fox 64 characters by their full names.

Tesroset Transmission is supported by such an elite viewer base that whether I'm talking about Star Fox 64, or programming, or space, there's always someone who knows a bunch about it...

There's a bunch of references like "14 billion" and "background radiation"...

Speaking of space motifs, there's the song Galaxies on Parchment.

I like talking about space...

I talked a ton for over 3 hours, it was fun, bwaaah... Hope to see you again. :bowing woman:


Roseko's Room tonight!

I look down as I walk,
So that I don't squish the cicadas [parodying Ue o Muite Arukou]

I want to be a godly artist, a pro hunter, and a furry girl. I have lots of dreams.

[Twitter screenshot: "(Redacted) added you to their List "Those With the Qualities of a Godly Artist""] I wish I was...

"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys 'R' Us kid!"
But only grown-ups can sing that song...

Let's all celebrate Miku-chan together.

:clock: Tonight at 9 PM:
Gonna chat, chat, chat! Send in your Marshmallows! #TesrosetTransmission
[Freestyle Chat] End of Summer Chat, Reading Marshmallows [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

It's absolutely a bug that you can only feel the worth youth has once you lose it.

I too will have my 14th twentieth birthday this year. I hope for your continued support.


When a young person around 20 shows up, I'm like "amazin' to see someone starting so young!", but then I get told "didn't you do that 14 years ago?" and go "bwaaaaah" from all kinds of feelings.

It's wild thinking how if Miku-san is 14, I've aged 14 years since then.

It all started here...
[Hatsune Miku] VOC@LOID in Love (Fixed Version) [Original Song]

(Tesroset-chan's first anniversary is 9/5... Thanks in advance...)

Congrats on another year, Miku-san! :balloon: (repost from last year) #HatsuneMikuBirthdayParty2021

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