OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 14th, 2021

Discard strange excuses like "I missed the bandwagon" or "it's too late for that" - you should actively consume the things that interest you...

It's never too late to get around to watching an anime.

I suppose people are attracted to what they don't have, but I also feel like if they're too different, can they even accept each other?

Making the proposition that it's not gay love that has to overcome the barrier of gender, but straight love.

There have already been several incidents of me thinking "This song's super good, I wonder who the composer is..." and finding they already follow me and are like "I listened to OSTER-san's song!" What a terrifying world...

Praying for health. :folded hands:

Multi-pet owner. #TesrosetArt #IDrewYouClaireSan #IDomesticatedYouClaireSan [homophones in Japanese]

Health is a precious thing...

I do want to make something I'm pleased with quality-wise on principle, but really I want to make songs that stay with people.

I used to think music's value was dependent on the quality of the work, but I've come to think there's immense value in how it's nurtured in many people's memories... Perhaps because I've grown older?

I want a job making a first-cour OP to be played during the climax in the final episode of the 2-cour anime... I want to shout in front of my screen...

Boys like this kind of thing, don't they...? (During the climax in the final episode of the 2-cour anime, the first-cour opening plays)

So it's absolutely not like I'm slacking off.

In a confrontation with the cat to see who can sleep longer.

Day 3 of being burned out.


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