OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 13th, 2021

BotW speedrun videos are super amusing.

I used to do 16-star runs of Mario 64 and stuff, too. When I get into a game, I have a strong tendency to attempt diehard stuff.

Really, compared to other people good at games, I'm super slow to get good and inefficient considering how long I've played for, but I'm so glad I could get under 5 minutes on a elder dragon I initially thought would be impossible.

I've become a Vtuber who can hunt Teostra in 4 minutes...

The concert archive from the other day has been released! For if you missed it or want to watch it again. :blue heart: #TsunagaruDayOfSongs
OSTER project x Yuragi "Azure Blue" Full ver. [Interview & Concert Recording]

I've built up quite a few released songs, so maybe I should take the chance for a two-disc set...

Listened to an album of mine for the first time in a while and it's super good... This person should put out a new album already.

In the recorded intro for our pair, I abruptly say how natto and kimchi are delicious even when they spoil - that's because in an earlier part, I talked about how the difference between decay and fermentation, essentially the same phenomenon, is decided by what's useful to humans, so inferiority complexes should also be turned into something meaningful instead of being seen as decay.

Doujin about being locked in a room where you have to complete initialization of Windows to leave.

Is there a doujin about this cat?

I like this guy.

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