OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 6th, 2021

Rehab doctor: "Back when your back didn't hurt, did you exercise or anything?"
Me: "There was no time when my back didn't hurt."

I might not be suited for drawing cleanly. (epiphany)

:Tanabata tree: #TesrosetArt

["Wanna go viral. - Tesroset"]

I've given up on thinking what to call Tesroset fans, since all I can think of is Te-Ro-rists.

Most N64 games seem to be that way.

Even though it's a game I've played for hundreds of hours over dozens of playthroughs at a formative time and gotten very familiar with, when I watch a speedrun, I have absolutely no clue what they're doing... What even is Ocarina of Time???

Nude Monster Hunter multiplayer seems fun too. (hell)

That famous youkai, Monster Hunter Onna.

If you turned every term like "___ girl" into "___ onna," you'd have an outbreak of youkai.

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