OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 30th, 2021

I'm freed from the despair of wondering what I'd do if it was impossible for my aged reflexes.

I'm now able to respond to a cat punch that felt too fast for me to possibly react to at first.

I might have fully comprehended Monster Hunter.

Lapras evolves into Laplacian, and Hamilton evolves into Hamiltonian.

:lips: KISS

What's gonna happen after this month is over? You don't know? Next month starts.

Made it through the month...!!!!!

Got a really cute synth and cried.

Don't be fooled by malicious rumors that the year is half over.

Tesro-sama gets asked what they'd bring to a deserted island and answers "a city."

Please continue to support this superbly-dressed lady (hunter) who makes Toro say weird phrases, has Molcars put the pedal to the metal, and is stimulated by sexy chords.

The ways people could've found out about me are multifaceted, but it's really funny there's now a possibility of people who learned about me from me getting vaccinated.

Casually making temporary vocals is really hard, but thanks to Kiritan, it's gotten a lot easier.

Excited by all the possibile answers for this. #QRTWithHowYouFoundOutAboutMe

Should I do club activities until noon?

Early (in the morning) to bed, early (quickly after) to rise.

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