OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 29th, 2021

I think those who get to break into unknown territory for humanity are a 0.00-something% portion of chosen geniuses or oddballs, and the existence of those people is due to the expanding of humanity's thought, but the worries and troubles of a common person like me are surely well-trodden territory, so I'll worry and be troubled with peace of mind.

Probably everything I could ever think has already been considered exhaustively by smart people who came before me, covered in their fingerprints, but I think there's meaning in arriving there with my own thoughts.

The prosperity of the field of philosophy must be due to curiosities like this. It's always human curiosities that give birth to fields of study.

Ever since watching Night on the Galactic Railroad, I've been thinking a ton about what true happiness is. Thinking about things with no answer can be fun and worthwhile, and sometimes poisonous.

I'd go so far as to die for my health.

I want to work more, but sure enough, sleeping would be healthier.

Finished a song.

Having so much to do that I haven't touched Monster Hunter in days is no good.

I didn't sleep at all yesterday, yet I'm not sleepy, so am I gonna die...?

I bought a plugin that tells you how much you should lower the volume when uploading to streaming services since it was on sale, but I just gazed at it like "Ahhh, so you can lower it about this much..." and stopped there.

I'm working super hard, but a bunch of the announcements are far out...

I'll do my best to be faved by my faves.

I have no education, so when I saw Dogra Magra in the trends, I thought they were adding a new monster.

??? [Screenshot of new Twitter display name: ":water pistol: OSTER :music score: Vtuber Tesro & Roset a.k.a. Superbly-Dressed Lady"]

My verification request won't go through unless Superbly-Dressed Lady impostors show up.

[Screenshot of YouTube saying her account verification request wasn't accepted, and picture of Roset going "It vexes me..."]

I'll wait forever for Deviljho to come to Rise.

I want all my faves to be healthy, including me.

If I were healthy, I wouldn't have to go to the hospital... (sad)

Another healthy hospital trip today!!!!!

Wanna see Deviljho being fed poison meat by Claire-san.

My cat's being noisy no matter how much they eat, so I'm calling them Deviljho starting today.

In my dream, they added Silver Rathalos.

Why is it morning?

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