OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 7th, 2021

This game's always narrowing it down to either feeling good or dying.

Good things about longsword:
- Strong counter
Bad things about longsword:
- If you miss a counter you die

It's a super obvious thing, but foreign listeners are still listening to my songs with Japanese lyrics, huh... Thinking that makes me consider strange ideas like "I wonder if they're like "What is ICCHORA?"..." [from Inappropriate Lady's lyrics, basically meaning "my best dress"]

Due to Miku Expo yesterday, Inappropriate Lady got into the charts in the America rankings, which is pumping me up.

I've uploaded my announcement to YouTube as well, so please check it out.
[MV] I Have An Announcement For You All. - OSTER project feat. Roset

The half-tone difference completely changes the level of stylishness... Such an amusin' musical woman.

I dunno anything about the names of functions of scales, but I do stuff thinking "this is sexy" all the time.


["It's going down with E-D-C, so next's gotta be B...!!" (Bb: THIS NOTE IS SEXY) "Wha!! It went past it?! (daring to go a half-tone lower)" (B) "Aaaaa <3 <3 <3 <3 (hit with pleasure equivalent to having been disconcerted)"]

Unexplored territory. [Screenshot of searching Twitter for "half-tone progression areola attack" and getting no results.]

Making a picture drawn for me my wallpaper increases my happiness level.

Grant my favorite artists eternal life.

Drawing Is Fun

:dog: :paws: :dog:

SSR Roset-chan!!!!

Chord progression jokes might be categorized as academic jokes too.

The more academic a joke is, the more you can laugh at that discrepancy, so all kinds of fields exist for the sake of enjoying jokes. (radical view)

I suddenly recalled a memory from long ago of asking "How was the philosophy test?", getting the response "It was tabula rasa," and bursting out laughing.

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