OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 5th, 2021

The event that's only for my followers, Me-ket.

I wanna make another Kiritan song.

Non-human followers, please step forward and say your names.

Non-Human Followers

When you become an adult, you can put whatever you want on your salad and no one will scold you.

Using my head to write lyrics wears me out too much, so I wanna write lyrics like "If you put white rice on white rice, that's a super huge serving."

People comment that I'd probably enjoy it if I studied music theory, but feel like it's enjoyable if I can just know the names of my faves and shout them. (aberrant)

In my case, it's not like I'm using music theory to put together compositions, it just feels handy to know what names are given to my favorite sounds so I can shout them when I feel emotional. It's the same as screaming the name of your favorite idol at a concert.

You never know what meaning the present you're struggling through will eventually have, so go ahead and live holding the present precious. (words of an old person)

Thinking about how in the future, there will be many more creators, but there will never be any more creators who were working hard to improve themselves back during the dawn of Miku, makes me feel kind of proud and kind of lonely.

[Retweeting the Among Us chords video] In which aug-san, with whom I have had a long relationship, dies.

[Re: the popularity of her announcement song] I'm glad I could make an announcement to so many people.

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