OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

May 12th, 2021

Regular quests are known as "Ruckuses." [The Japanese name for Rampages is like "night of a hundred dragons," so this is "night of one dragon."]

I wanna try using Gunlance.

Watching Monster Hunter streams makes me wanna play Monster Hunter.

During an online drinking session the other day, we were talking about how because people have the right to live their own lives freely, you can only be with people whose freedom overlaps with yours, and I thought "maybe you could say that about OSTER songs..."

The grass is always greener on the other side, but having those kinds of aspirations lets you decide you'll do your best too, so I want to value those feelings as well...

This for my whole life.

RT @SisterCleaire No matter what girl I look at, I see something dazzling they have that I don't, and it's so radiant I still can't look directly at it. But I'm still searching to see if maybe I have something like that too... :smiling face:

And just when I enthusiatically bought an AE plugin to make a video...

The light in my room suddenly broke... Not went out, it broke...

I thought "I wanna be a Vtuber," but I already am a Vtuber.

I want them to update this game up to version 500000000.0.

[Retweeting a Rise version 3.0 announcement] Update!! Come quickly!!

People Who Bought Monster Hunter Drunk: The Aftermath

I worked so hard last month that my motivation has been wandering since this month started, but I can't fret about it. At times like these above all others, those who get impatient die.

I'm also doing my best with Monster Hunter so watch me.

Have to appeal to the fact I'm not just doing Monster Hunter, I'm actually making things too.

RT @tomatowt [Owata-P] :music notes: Song of Super Chat feat. Garuna (Owata-P)
I sang OSTER project-san (@fuwacina)'s Song of Super Chat.
I sang it filled of gratitude for all the world's Super Chats and royalties. Thanks for everything!
The magnificent original

You learn just how much non-essential things support your life...

My cat wakes me up every morning. :black cat:

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