OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

May 11th, 2021

Red Pikmin are strong against fire, but Arzuros's butt is weak. [Its Japanese name, Aoashira, starts with "blue."]

I was curious about how buffs stack, so I looked it up, and a site came up where they analyzed it based on damage dealt to Arzuros's butt, so they were just whacking away at that butt for research purposes.

Will I someday be able to do a stream going for under 3 minutes...?

I've gotten to 3:XX on non-Zinogre monsters without Wyvern Riding, so next I think I'll go for 3:30.

Immensely curious about this supermarket.

RT @chiruko_ask I was at the supermarket earlier and the BGM on the in-store announcement was one of OSTER-san's instrumental songs, which was both nostalgic and startling. (can't remember the name of the song)

Love this.

RT @ryogomatsumaru I found this when I went to visit my parents the other day. I was so bad at English in middle school it's hilarious.
["Translate the following English sentences.
(1) Honesty pays in the long run.
Mr. Honesty went running a long time and paid me.
(2) It is no use crying over spilt milk.
No need to cry. Because I'm the one who spilled the milk."]

I want the next Monster Hunter update to add a system to deposit the money you earn in-game into your real world bank account.

Kinda seems like the things that stick most deeply in humans' memories are less purely fun things, and more things that were inconvenient or you struggled with.

Also, it was good how the Buddies you hired made food for you.

Every time there's a new Monster Hunter, a whole bunch of things get more convenient, but there are times I get nostalgic for the life of growing plants in fields, hitting trees with hammers to catch insects, blowing up mines for ore...

For some reason, in the band in my dream, I was on ukulele.

It sounds so plausible that I'd say "This box lunch is super tasty, what the heck, LOL," is the thing.

I was eating a train box lunch in someone else's dream.

RT @yuuyu_ssry OSTER happened to be there on the train, where she was sitting on the ground and devouring a box lunch like "This is super tasty, what the heck, LOL"

RT @yuuyu_ssry Had a dream of a worldline where Vocaloid producers with supernatural abilities were gathered at a school in Kyoto and, having various agendas, sought to destroy monsters spreading throughout the world. I was heading to enroll there myself, but I got swept away by a river, it was rough.

I had a dream I started a band with my followers and it was mega fun, but it was just a dream...

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