OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 2nd, 2020

I thought about drawing Tesro-kun and Roset-chan with swapped clothes then stopped.

SLEEP [it's 4 AM]

Illustration of people whose clothes suddenly swapped for some reason. #MakemonArt #TesrosetArt

Haven't been playing ukulele lately, have you?? (time is limited)

Aren't you too great for working and exercising and practicing art every day? Everything okay there?

Gotta at least get back enough stamina that I can afford to play around all day... (frail)

Just gotta think that 100 kcals burned exercising is worth more than 100 kcals I didn't eat... No, it definitely is.

Thinking about how even if I burn 100 kilocalories a day, it comes to 3000 kilocalories a month, I'm like, is that a lot or a little?

Your muscles are Victory [Ring Fit results: 24m9s, 132.71kcal, 2.33km]

These sorts of head proportions are nice and cute, but drawing gets so hard when the notion of joints gets involved... Even without the notion of joints, it's hard... Drawing is hard...

Searching for an artist.


I'm still grinning today.

When there's somebody smiling on your timeline, doesn't it brighten the mood?? [Referring to her ^v^ Roset avatar]

Women who'd be fine with a fortissimo tonight, listen to Piano Forte Scandal.

You learn a lot looking everything up immediately.

Wait, the etymology of that is from a fictional creature called a "dei" [uses the same kanji as mud]...???

Even when I sleep like mud [idiom akin to "sleep like a log"], I've never thought to myself "Yeah, I was like mud," so isn't whoever first described sleeping as "like mud" amazing?

I'm making a good song, but I want to make an even better song...

I'm so itching to make a good song...

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