OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 1st, 2020

I'm constantly wearing the expression in my icon. [Now the ^v^-face Roset]

Now is the most filled with motivation I've been all 2020.

If there's a reason to do my best, I can do it... [Ring Fit results: 21m9s, 113.69kcal, 1.53km]

An ordinary woman who gets excited by F#m7-5.

I'm an ordinary woman.

My 30-second Tesro-kun just has the body of a sea lion.

Tesro-kun holding a gun with a full smile is superbly psychopathic.

Nah, actually, this also works in its own way... (?)

I feel like it'd be pretty scary if the faces were swapped.

I'm attuned to trends.


I wish I'd known 5 billion years ago that it's fancier to, with the left hand on the piano, play not just the root, but the root and the 7.

I can get a feel listening to it like "this sounds like a tonic...", but I don't know what note it is until I look at the :piano: on the left side of the piano roll. Honestly, it's amazing someone can make music with that level of knowledge these days. Whoever invented the piano roll was a genius.

To say something completely outageous, I don't make msuic worrying about key signatures, so I don't know my song's key signatures until I look them up.

It's a matter of how you use your limited brain resources... Although how exactly I'm using that saved space is a mystery.

Double-angle and half-angle formulas in trigonometry, too - I didn't memorize them at all because I was like "I can get them using the addition theorem, so who cares?" But taking problem-solving speed into account, it probably can't hurt to memorize them, eh???

I've completely forgotten the parts I was too lazy to remember because I was like "I'll manage anyway," so if you drew a diagonal line through the times table, that other half is super vague for me.

Aren't people who actually remember their times tables amazing??? They must have 500 trillion brain cells.

It's like how my brain capacity is tiny, so I can't answer 7x6 off the top of my head, and have to fix it to be 6x7. (the Db=C# problem)

When you're seeing a chord on its own, C# or F# is easier to read, but when considering the meaning of a chord in the midst of a song, it should probably be Db or Gb there. And I don't know how musicians think when they're playing, so I have no idea what the right answer is... Maybe different players see it differently?

I mean, there's a lot of things I don't know, so I definitely can't be making fun of others, so maybe the only ones who can do that are those who know everything in the world. It's not good to assume there's nobody who knows everything.

When writing flat key chords on sheet music, in terms of key signature you'd write Dbm or Gb, but no matter how I look at it it's easier to read as C#m or F# so I'm like waughhhhh.

No one in the world understands everything, so you shouldn't make fun of people when they don't know something.

It's fun moving Tesroset-chan individually on stream, but I can't see them riffing off each other unless I edit something together, so I want to get editing as soon as possible.

And it'd be easy if they were clearly different, but it's the ones that just have slightly different nuance that are confusing.

Isn't it so complicated how Japanese can have words pronounced the same but with different kanji that mean different things????? I used to struggle with the difference between "hoshou"s [one meaning "guarantee," one "security," and one "compensation"]...

Calamity Canon Progression

Calamity Ganon, the unavoidable natural calamity... [It uses the latter kanji.]

禍 (wazawai): Damage that could have been prevented by people's effort
災 (wazawai): An unavoidable natural calamity
Learned something new today.

Corona 禍 [crisis] :fire: :tornado: :volcano: :lightning bolt:
Corona 鍋 [pot] :oden: :food pot: :rice bowl:
Corona 蝸 [snail] :snail: :umbrella: :rainbow:

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