OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 27th, 2020

I'm a Vtuber who started making popcorn at 2 AM.

The woman too stimulated by Mario to sleep.

So stimulated I can't sleep anymore.

Vtubing is so much fun, it's unfair how everyone was off doing something this fun.

I'm a Vtuber who can climb walls. #TesrosetTransmission

Today's super play. #TesrosetTransmission

Apologies for my dire dire playing in Hazy Maze Cave...

Even though I remember where almost all the stars are and how to get them, I'm not done with Mario 64 even after 6 hours, which is some impressive volume... Glad I played such an amazing game...

Next time: Tesro Dies! Mario Standby!

Done with the Mario stream! That was fun!! Got another 52 stars this time, for a total of 104! Only 16 left, so next stream will be the end!! Hopefully!! lol

Still doing it! Currently at 82 stars.

Let us begin!

I'm super not used to streaming, so I'm nervous the entire time before streams.

And at 9 PM, it's Roset-chan vs. Mario 64! Come watch!

Have this to go with moon-viewing. :moon viewing: :rabbit:
[Official MV] Moon Rabbit feat. Hatsune Miku - OSTER project

Got too sweaty...

I also scheduled an old song upload for 7 PM tonight, so look forward to it!

With that decided, I'll fit some rings, then take a bath, then eat...

My current star count is 52! The difficulty's climbing, so will I be able to do it in two more streams??

Starting tonight at 9 PM! Today's player will be Roset-chan!!!
[Super Mario 64 Livestream] Shoot For 120 Stars! Episode 2 [#TesrosetTransmission]

If I play Mario, I have to do the basement and second floor... I'm a little scared of Tiny-Huge Island...

Doing my best so I can stream tonight! I'm gonna do it, gonna do it, gonna do it!

I want to be in an era where you can flip a visual switch on your body to change modes.

Reopening a project file is also oddly difficult.

Switching between three tasks at once is so hard, my brain's glitching out.

Humanity's convinced they're not nude just because they put clothes on top of their nudeness.

Sugata-kun was playing Mario, so I wanna stream Mario, and AAAA-san's streaming composition, so I wanna stream composition, and I wanna practice art, and I wanna make clip videos, and I wanna make Tesroset Transmission episode 2, and I have work too, so it's hopeless... It's over...

The chorus-feel of the chorus seriously has something that can't be expressed in words... What could it be...

The ideal is if the melody is catchy, and the chords are restrained in the places they should be restrained, but there's a lot of sexy stuff being done in the in-between parts...

It's not like the lead-in to the chorus HAS to be a tonic chord or else it won't have that A-side feeling, but I agonize a bunch over how this melody won't sound as catchy if I dont use a tonic in the chorus lead-in...

I'm veeeeery quick to start doing sexy stuff, so making songs has started to become difficult.

Not that I make anything but good songs!! (powerful)

I'm makin' a super good song here.

It's like arguing which is one tops and which one bottoms between the pencil and the pencil sharpener.

With Kaito/Meiko songs, I skip right past making the song because I can't get enough of thinking up lyrics... Here begins the pervy-lyrics game of chicken...

Lover of making sequels.

But first, I'll finish off Mario. :earth: :comet:

The fact I'm going to stream means I want everyone to come watch. Please come watch. :pleading face:

The fact I'm talking about it here means it's completely for fun, indicating I can stream the composition process.

This is just in planning stages, but I'm going to make a sequel to on the rocks.

Women who want someone to tear off their tight dress and get nude, listen to "on the rocks."

The Circle of Life, in which you get reharmonized by Roset-chan.

I was intending to draw a picture showing about how big Tesro-kun would be when held by Roset-chan...

??? #TesrosetArt

A fun part to draw.

["Compressed eye when facing a little to the side"]

I wanna stream Mariooooo... Depending on how work progresses, I might have a chance tomorrow night??

It's boring not to have big dreams, right? ← seriously this

Interacting with people giving their all to what they wanna do gives me the energy to do what I wanna do, so I want to be surrounded by lively people. :heart:

Me going like "I wanna draw Roset-chaaaaan, fap fap fap fap!" is thanks to Bayachao-sensei...

I know from experience that there's more power in the passion of "I wanna do thisssss!" than anything, so I want to value the times when I'm motivated...

Though for instance, if there's something you want me to do and you compliment the hell out of me when I do it, it's possible that'll make me happy and turn it into something I want to do, so compliment the hell out of me. (?)

I live prioritizing what I want to do, so I know it'll inevitably not be what many people are looking for, but I have those priorities nevertheless, so I'm gonna live doing what I wanna do. Whoever gets to do what they wanna wins.

I'm doing my best to draw a picture a day, but it's so hard, are artists monsters???

The Tesroset Art tag is so full!!!!!! (self-satisfying life)

What do you wanna see after this??? #TesrosetArt

["What's going on under her hat??"]

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