OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 26th, 2020

Every time I hear "ass warp" [the Japanese term for backwards long jumping in Mario 64], I imagine a sexy book where someone tries to use a teleportation spell but warps just their ass by mistake, resulting in a hectic situation.

I'll go with a seasonal video for tomorrow's upload.

furry Vtuber

I'm thinking I'll get into a routine of uploading an old song to YouTube every Sunday.

Tomorrow's Sunday...? A week goes by too fast.

I changed my avatar [to Roset] and became a furry account.

I actually got some work done in the morning for the first time in 5 billion years... Aren't I great...

But listen, the Sith guide others to the dark side for their own benefit... That ain't right...

The power of the dark side is wonderful.

I always hear talk about anger managemnet, but myself, I think anger and hatred and jealousy and sadness shouldn't be suppressed, but converted into another form of energy to make you stronger. Though also, like... doesn't that sound like the mindset of Sith Lord...?

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