OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

March 28th, 2020

I have an idea in my head while I'm making it, so it feels normal to me, but when I watch the archive later, I've got no idea what I'm doing, and it's super scary how just all of a sudden it's a song...

You should know if you've watched my streams, but I really do make songs by clicking with a mouse, so it's time-consuming and a boring environment and not suited for streaming at all, but thanks for coming to watch anyway...

When people catch colds from now on, I wonder if there'll be anyone who goes out of their way to call it "the retro coronavirus"...

They're Amazon-recommended. [Screenshot of four of her own albums - Canned Miku, Attractive Museum, OSTER-san's Best, and Candy Jar Event Horizon - being recommended to her by Amazon.]

[Jun: "Err, do you think Tokyo lockdown is necessary?" [It's necessary / It's not necessary]
She's running a public opinion poll.

I provided the music for a PV of Nagimiso-san's manga Touring Girl!! The song is planned for release later! Thanks in advance. :cherry blossom: :motorcycle: :motorcycle:

Dawn has come, so let's make an announcement.

If lyrics like "even if the world becomes my enemy" never landed for you, from now on you can just imagine the coronavirus.

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