OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

March 16th, 2020

Posted [Daily Life] Hospitalization Day 5 to Pixiv Fanbox!

Your normal way of living unknowingly ingrains itself into your body. When I see some kind of shape moving, I naturally think "there's a cat there." There are no cats here.

On the fifth day of hospitalization, I've learned to not talk to myself, but I'm being released tomorrow.

I personally don't desire to be famous, as all I want is for my songs to be listened to a lot, but I guess I probably have to aim to be a certain level of famous for that.

Wanna cut my bangs.

Please fix the human body bug where the burden on your back when sitting is 1.4x what it is when you're standing. They clearly messed something up with the balancing.

I was in the middle of appealing to entertainment, but they called me for a CT scan. Here I go.

Both serious things and stupid things, I wanna do with full force! I love entertainment!! Entertainment!! It's meeeee!!! Smile at meeeee!!!

I'm sure no matter how much experience I amass and how much I grow, I'll always have goals and things I want to do ahead of me, and always think of myself as inexperienced, but still, I want to think in the end "I did all I could in my inexperience," right?

Someday I wanna be able to treat everyone else to chateaubriand...

As such, I'll post the video!!!
OSTER project - AI Want Your Love! Kiritan feat. AI Kiritan

As a composer, I secretly hope for the day to come that I can say "This song everybody knows is MY song!" (whether I'd say that or not aside) I want the Kiritan song to suddenly get 5 trillion views and YouTube to send me 50,000 solid gold shields.

When people ask what sorta stuff I'm doing, I'm always unsure how to answer. (I say it often has to do with games and so on.)

I guess being a musician is a unique occupation after all... People are surprised when I talk about it.

Since they put a respirator on you after surgery, your voice gets hoarse. That's harsh too.

I'm just constantly worrying about my neighbor here.

My neighbor came back... I wonder if everything went okay?

I had an awful time myself, so I'm going and getting concerned for them.

Finally time for my neighbor's operation... Be on your way... :crying:

Wonder if soaking in vinegar [o-su] would soften my body... Huh? Then I'd be O-SU project... Never mind.

Thinking about it, since I've spent most of my life with back pain, I always avoided excessive bending of my body due to fearing getting back pain, which probably made my body stiffen all the more.. What should I do now...?

I've always had bad posture, and my body is desparately stiff, so if I don't change those root issues, I'll likely have an unhappy life... Just living is tough, but there's so much I need to work hard at...

Yoshimura-san (not actually Yoshimura-san) told me I should really be careful about desk work for a while, so maybe I should force limits on my consecutive work hours... Set a timer or something. People who make music know how incredibly unproductive it is to limit your time and take a break when you're in the groove, but I can't go saying that... :pensive face:

Actually, most welcomely, there is someone giving chateaubriand [5000 yen/month], yet no sirloins as of yet. I suppose they're a very generous person who figured if they're going up to sirloin, they might as well go to chateaubriand... :pleading face: Thank you... :bouquet:

If I gain 10 cafe lattes [300 yen/month], that's a sirloin [3000 yen/month]. I gained a lot of cafe lattes. Thank you. :folded hands:
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The kid next to me's surgery is in the afternoon... I hope they'll do their best.

Taking a shower made me really tired... It's hard labor, that.

Today, I can take a shower.

This ordinary man in my rehab info sheets looks a lot like Yuyuuta-san.

A physiotherapist who looks like Takashi Yoshimura told me my body's way stiff for how young I am, and said at this rate, I'd get back pain for a different reason...

Thank you to everyone who's given their support for my hospitalization diaries. I'll buy a spare corset.

Even if I'm anxious, I just have to simply do the most I'm able to do, so it's the same as life, right?!

Uneasy about my hurting legs this morning. :pleading face:

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