OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

Earlier than 2020

It's over!!! Good job, everybody!!! Thank you to everyone who came! :smiling: :smiling:

Illustration books are done!! Still got a bunch of CDs!!!

Only a few illustration books left!! I have CDs!!

I'm going around to popular tables. I'll be back in a bit. [Photo of her holding a handwritten sign: "End of the women's bathroom line"]

I'm in super hip pain, so I'm interacting with people sitting down. My apologies... :crying:

My parents' house. [Photo of Tokyo Big Sight.]

Les camomilles. :peace dove:

I'm a French-wannabe.

I'm out here wearing a beret.

I'm not in a combination circle this time, but there are some familiar faces nearby, which is kinda reassuring!! I'm still a novice at this, so thanks for your cooperation. :woman bowing:

You shouldn't fill your stomach to bursting with Chinese food the day before Comiket. (admonishing)

Artisans with aching tummies wake early.

Haven't decided what clothes I'll wear.

Sleep prep speedrun.

It's like going to a theme park! I'm gettin' pumped!

Arrived the day before to bring stuff in!!!

Honky Tonk 64

Finished with work. :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

Comiket's tomorrow, but my face is too round...

However incredible someone may be now, they've had times when they worked through suffering to improve themselves, and no one was dazzling from the start. It's obvious, but easy to forget.

How long is my health going to be unstable... :sniffling: Dammit... I'll do my best on the day of.

Bass is an instrument that flies through the sky!!!!!

If I hadn't encountered [Reiji] Okii-san's bass, my bass might have still been crawling along the ground.

As recoil from making cute songs, reality is becoming inferior... Music is sucking out my girl power.

Good luck at Comiket, everyone! I'm two days from now.

Working out ideas for the Rin-chan album is lots of fun, but partway through, my early-morning brain started acting really weird...
["Title plans???
Ring in the Mirror (This title is super emotional and connects to both mirrors and Rin's name, but there's a strong JoJo-ness. The work of an enemy Stand?!)
My Neighbor STERR (OSTERR-san's neighbor, the Rin-ling Rin-chan, is really self-assertive. STERR is likely to be taken as the world-famous star Miku-chan, but that's delicious in its own way, and maybe that ambiguity is good??)
Friendship (bunch of synths changed version)
Whale Rider (things replaced with live instruments version)
December Bride (scolded by Miku-chan!)
Rin Just Being Cute Girl's Rock (whoaaa-ohhh!)
Tragic Rin-chan Song
Song Where Rin-chan... Rin-chan... why do I like Rin-chan so much I decided to make an album anyhow... I like her voice well enough, and her visuals too, but sure enough, Friendsh" (the rest is cut off)]

You shouldn't cut down solutions.

Put expectations in yourself, not someone else! Yourself! Cut down solutions with your mind's muscle!

What healthily satisfies me is achievement from my own efforts and growth. If I can get anything else, I often feel like I should think of that as a lucky bonus. I'd rather focus on heightening myself than having my feelings swing from one extreme to another; life can pass in a blink of an eye otherwise.

First of all, I'll shoot for 20 years of history as a Vocaloid producer.

Keeping anything up is difficult, and if that means keeping things up has value, then it's fortunate I've been making Vocaloid songs from September 13th, 2009 to today, and I'm calling that something to hold precious. So I'll make a lot next year too.

My Rin-chan, as she watches Miku-chan waiting at a stoplight, overlaps it with herself like "What color is our signal right now? Is it okay to go?" and gets fidgety. She's so cute. Come with me, come to Passenger Seat Road Movie...

Before I go to next year, I need to defeat this song in front of me first. I can do it... I'm still up for it.

I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I super enjoy myself when I'm thinking about what I wanna do. There's lots of stuff I can do... I'll do my best.

If I make Whale Rider with live instruments, I'd want to have the pipes, guitar, and bass be live... Even just that would be pretty intense. I'm counting my chickens here, but maybe I could make it happen with support from my Fanbox...

I'm not as happy putting out a me that isn't me and people liking it as I am going "This is me!!!!" and people liking it. Even beyond music, I think that's more enjoyable. Honesty is my best quality.

This isn't just for next year, but a constant theme, but I'll prioritize what I want over what someone else wants! There's power in doing what I want to do, and enjoying creating it with people who like it is the best!

Also, Twitter included, I want to put more effort into connecting with people. I'll treasure my bonds...

List of Goals For Next Year, Or Rather, Things I'm Definitely Gonna Do
- Make a video with my own art
- Start a Pixiv Fanbox
- Record a live Whale Rider
- Make a Friendship sequel
- Make a Rin-chan album
- Make OSTER-san CD Vol. 3
- Fix my body's poor condition
Please look forward to it!!!!

Why is this year so busyyyyy, dammitttttttttt!!! You think I'll give innnnn?! I wanna driiiiink!!!

No, I'm gonna cry, if I don't finish this, I can't come to Comiket... Good luck, me...

Going Toro Viral with Toro Puzzle changed my life!!! #ToroPuzzleBestPics2019
[Kuro: "When you're thirsty, apparently it's effective to gargle dry highballs, mya."
Ricky: "Even zombies are helpless in the face of an attack on their butts with an electric massager, yo."
Jun: "I thought I couldn't be beaten in composing, but a passing godly artist casually bested me..."
Kuro: "I'll try to avoid becoming the kind of adult who pays taxes, mya."]

At the hospital today, a lady asked my plans for the end of the year, so I smugly replied "I'm tabling at Comiket!" After that, she gave me a really painful shot in my butt and got to see me faint from agony.

I want to support those who are suffering, but doing their best to chase after something, and for their dreams to come true. That's because I'm also doing my best to chase after something, and I want to believe that approach isn't mistaken.

I'm a patient whose hands are shaking with excitement over Passenger Seat Road Movie.

The con-only illustration book is heeeeere!!!! The paper's thinner than I expected, but it's cute!!!

I'm a person who makes music! Please believe me!!!

I make music. [Quote tweets Passenger Seat Road Movie]

I was thinking my hair's gotten super purple, but looking back at the selfie I took with Meiko-san at Miku Symphony, it was purple then too, lmao...

RT @USAO926 Once your joke tweets get more popular than your new song announcements, you're done as an artist.
Sobbbbb... (stuffing mouth with mochi to fall into eternal sleep)

Toro Puzzle is soothing hell.

[Jun: "Just a draft beer for now, as a reward for beating it, how about going to the futon with Jun?"]
A crude invitation.

[Toro: ""I was happy to be with you"... It's a greeting, words of farewell, and cool. I hate it, meow!"]
He's never used this even once.

What could possibly begin with slowly taking deep breaths and looking at each other? Why, Miracle Paint, obviously!!!!

[Jun: ""Let's turn out the lights"... It's a greeting, a first-time greeting, and related to love. I like it, hop!"]
That's exactly right. You use it skillfully.

In this year of 2019, in which Reiwa began... This most memorable year! Behold! My work! Ahh! At the end of this year of 2019! Wow! My work!! At last!!!! My work is!!!!
Still not done with...

[Toro: "When your chest is stiff, be sure to tell me. I'll massage you with my paws, meow."]
When your chest is stiff, be sure to tell me (^з<) :music notes: :smile: :kissing: :smile: :sun: I'll massage you with my :cat face: paws, meow :heart eyes: :kissing: (^o^) Just kidding ( ̄▽ ̄)(^^;;

[Ricky: "At the temple recently, I hear there was an event where the monks kissed, ribbit."]
Don't boldly spread fake rumors.

[Sora: "OSTER, what's something you want to be in the future?"
Input field: "Furry high school girl"]

The idea that the depiction of "Wabisuke has a smartphone, he's on the cutting edge!" will likely be forgotten with time is sad, but that's just how generations are... (old-timer voice...)

It's unbelievable now, but 10 years ago, everyone still had flip phones, right...?? It's almost scary to feel the changes brought about by time's passing...

I think there's come to be considerably more freedom when it comes to gender... There's BL stuff on normal TV and all... It's good to be free. You get your love on too, ladies...

Society's views on everything change dizzyingly with the times, and the common sense from 10 years ago isn't necessarily what it is now, so I don't want to fall behind those currents. I need to always be sensing them in person and responding accordingly, or I'll become an old-fashioned fogey...

I've said it 5 billion times, but we're in Reiwa now, so when I write yuri lyrics, I want there to be as little worrying as possible about the fact they're both girls. The agonizing that comes from contact between two people... That's my Reiwa Yuri Style...

Passenger Seat Road Movie is super biased to yuri readings, but "kissing fish" is meeeeega yuri... An omnibus yuri album...

Holding my trembling heart,
I'm gazing at you again

I want to stay how we are now,
But I want to step on the gas

Maybe it's because too few people have reached the capsule machines yet, but I'm not finding any info... Toro Puzzle is a war of information.

Before I knew it, I became a slave to this hell. What a terrifying game...

Toro Puzzle has introduced a new hell in the form of capsule machines... I can hardly wait... (masochist)

It's a song where Len-kun put a pudding in the fridge with his name on it, but he only wrote his last name, so Rin-chan ate it, and they fight. (peaceful)

By the way, I have a song where Rin and Len-chan have a rap battle, did you know??????

I'd like to redo Friendship in my current envirionment and put it in a Rin-chan album... Yikes, getting ideas like this makes me excited.

I've stocked up on a bunch of synths, I'm eager to test the might of my new equipment...

I want a pub where people can talk about Friendship... Friendship Pub...

I love Friendship so much, I listen to it more than anyone, and make theories, and talk about it, and I'm so grateful to OSTER-san for making Friendship...

I've given Rin-chan a tragic, serious yuri character in my mind, so I'm getting all fired up by myself...

I want it, so I make it!! That's all there is to it!!

As an independent creator, you really just make what you want, so it's fun! I wanna do Whale Rider and stuff with live instruments...

Next year, I'll seriously consider a Rin-chan album.

The red thread's severed... Rin-chan... urk! :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

[Kagamine Rin/Kagamine Len] RINLENMANIA 12 [Nonstop Medley]
Friendship... Rin-chan... hahee...

Rin and Len-chan are super good, and I've reached the point of wanting to make a Rin-chan album...


My idiosyncrasies are being updated daily... ostersanidiosyncrasies ver. 33.0.1

What are "up-to-date idiosyncrasies"...

After all, my songs now are realization sof my most up-to-date idiosyncrasies, using the skill I've acquired over time, so for people to listen to them and like them makes me ultra-happy.

People who have kept listening to my songs for ages!
I'm ultra-happy!!
And people who become fans of my songs recently!
I'm ultra-happy!!

I'm ultra-happy!!!

[Toro: "Ehehe, I like OSTER always drinking and grinning, meow..."]
I've been accepted.

Was it when their Appends came out? Or maybe later... A lot sure has happened. It's all so nostalgic...

I need to treasure them for life! Well, but I do that regardless of them being out of production.

While looking at the products page to go pick up Miku-san, I realized Rin and Len-chan are out of production...

[Jun: "Jun's good at confessing, but not good at being confessed to..."]
I know all too well why that would be, but still, the idea of a powerful mind...

I can toil in hell's orchard once more... I'm so happy... (?)

[Retweeting the addition of new Toro Puzzle stages:] Hooray!!!

"She was some kinda electronic diva, with blue hair in pretty li'l twintails."
"Now that's Hatsune Miku if I ever heard it! Could tell that right away!"
"I was thinkin' it were Hatsune Miku myself, but my ma says she weren't no Vocaloid!"
"Well don't that beat all! It ain't Hatsune Miku?!"

Plus it's super tasty... I wanna be royalty... That's why I've started drinking it...

My home recipe for royal milk tea is wild. It's water, milk, sugar, and get this - two teabags. I put in two, you hear that? Isn't that reckless? It's so luxurious, it feels like I'm doing something I really shouldn't... And if two people drink it, that makes four, right? At that point, I basically must be royalty... Not like I'd know...

Super-girly cute Shibuya-kei songs can sometimes be packed with not-so-cute complex techniques, and it feels like a bit of a loss that people don't hear it that way. Still, I think something being easy to listen to is a success, and it has a unique sense of contrast.

I haven't bought new clothes in months, but I'm buying a ton of synths... I'm pouring all my real-life girl power into composition girl power...

Do steamrollers even have passenger seats?

I thought I would see "Passenger Seat Road Roller" comments go scrolling by, but there aren't any. It seems it's the times that have scrolled me by...

Yesterda-rry Christmas...

somebody screeeeeeeeam!!!!

I didn't miss the fact that "Domino" was sneakily written on the luggage in the back!

OSTER BURGER is popular. :burger: :burger: :fries: :cup: [Screenshot of English YouTube comments about the OSTER BARGER (sp) on the bag in the Road Movie video.]

The girl who hesitated with "Would it be dangerous to grab your hand...?", after something or another, coming to get soaking wet and say "It feels like we're both going to turn into whales"... What a beautiful story... It's wonderful, don't you think?

[Replying to the lesbians playlist tweet:] Could continue into → (something or another) → Whale Rider & Dolphin Jet...

Yuri between Vocaloid Miku-chan and not-Vocaloid Miku-chan... (???)

I'll work harder than ever to pay for Miku-san's food expenses.

"Looks like Miku-san's not going to be a Vocaloid anymore."
"Huh?! She's finally becoming human?!"

Miku-chan's soggy clothes...

NT?! Nettori... ["soggy"]

Ehh?! A new Miku-chan's coming out?! Miku-chan!! I need to pick you up!!

With the release of Passenger Seat Road Movie, Summer Idol → Passenger Seat Road Movie → Friendship completes the Recommended Rin-Miku Lesbians Playlist...

The relationship between my Rin-chan and Miku-chan. [Retweets her Miku and Rin card art.]

Listen to the song I uploaded yesterday! :praying hands: :praying hands: :praying hands: C'mon and look, Shibuya-kei fandom and yuri fandom! :praying hands: :praying hands: :praying hands:

Glad I was born an adolescent in her 30s...

Ever since Friendship, I've been having Rin-chan push her feelings down and smile, so I guess it's just become my style to make Rin-chan do that sort of thing... Hahhh... Merry Yuri Christmas...

I mean, isn't she cute laughing "thanks" when she's really about to cry? The loneliness of having met today but now the day's ending, the pain of being with someone who she hasn't told her feelings, pushing everything down so it's not noticed and smiling... She's just cute no matter how you slice it, right...? Eh...?

My Rin-chan is so cute, I'm gonna snap.

"Life" sure is fun! I haven't played it, but I'm watching it!

For next year's CD, I'll add a doujinshi for each of my yuri songs... (death)

In the first chorus, she's resigning herself and saying "It'd be dangerous to grab your hand," but in the third, she says "Would it be dangerous to grab your hand?", starting to hesitate about grabbing it, but also starting to having a faint hope. Please... feel the movement of Rin-chan's feelings hidden in every nook of the lyrics... Cute... How cute, huh...

The meaning of the term "special seat" in the lyrics doesn't stop at simply being physically "close to you" in the passenger seat, it's something much greater... It's a cute song where even so, Rin-chan wants to further explore their relationship, but finds it difficult... Cute...

The first thing I want to say is, I had the idea that in friendship between two girls, having the position of best friend is like having the best seat in the house to watch her life. It's a special relationship where you get to hear complaints she'd never say directly to her partner, and see the truth of how she lives. And because it's so special, Rin-chan is afraid of destroying it and the shape of their relationship chang(character limit)

There really is! So much I want to say about this song! But for now, please listen to it...

[Announcement] I've uploaded my new song Passenger Seat Road Movie [NicoNico] feat. Kagamine Rin! Please give it a listen! :sparkle: :sparkle: :sparkle: #OSTERsanCD #ShibuyaStyle #Yuri

OSTER Wars: A New Cantalope

My GPS told me Merry Christmas.

It's Christmas, so I've come to the hospital. (old lady)

Pokemon Joint Pain/Nerve Pain

Ring Fit is nuts. You're saying I only exercised for 10 minutes? After all that??

Tomorrow is Christmas!!!! And I'm uploading a new song from my album!! Thanks in advance!!!

Ahh, my torture device... [Screenshot of the box for Ring Fit Adventure.]

Santa Claus Is Coming Soon!

When the characters in my lyrics fall in love, they just go right to gazing at their partner.

Making the fanatics crossfade was way more difficult and time-consuming, but it was fun.

The fanatics crossfade is getting way more likes!!! Thank you!!

Twitter exclusive! A crossfade for fanatics packed with the aspects I put special care into. Check this one out too! :guitar: :lightning: #OSTERsanCD

I uploaded a crossfade for my new CD! Thanks in advance! #OSTERsanCD

[Ricky: "Even zombies are helpless in the face of an attack on their crotch with compliance, yo."]
A world of order.

A song that's even noisier than the song from 2017 everyone said was super noisy. (Beaujolais Noisy Song)

I'm making a super noisy song. It rules.

Perhaps if I keep practicing art, I can make my own ani... deathdeathdeathdeathdeathdeathdeath

Also, I'm not picky, but I want the yuri songs I made to get 5 trillion views on YouTube and get made into an anime...

By no means am I one to be picky, so I just want a body that doesn't get sick. I'm not picky, so I want a body that won't get fat from eating. I'm not picky, so I want hair that stays glossy and instantly dries off with a hair dryer and won't grow past the perfect length and never loses its dyed color. I'm not picky.

Thinking about how I've gotten pretty old feels bad sometimes, but I think being born when I did meant I could meet Miku-san while in school during the big NicoNico boom, and I'm glad there wasn't smartphones or social media while I was in middle or high school... I'm able to see basically all of it as ideal timing.

Imaginary Family

We'll cook the chicken in the oven, drink wine, and trade ugly sweaters in front of the fireplace... Can't wait for Aunt Sherry's meat pie. Last year, Uncle Joseph had too much eggnog, and his nose was redder than a reindeer's! HAHAHA!

For Christmas this year, I'm having a party with my family where we cook an entire chicken, so victory is assured. :chicken:

And I'm looking forward to meeting everyone at Comiket at the end of the month, but going to the hospital lately, it doesn't seem my health will improve in time, so please understand I may only be able to receive you sitting down... :crying: :crying: :crying: Even giving greetings seems like a stretch... I'm vexed...

I've had so much to do, if I tripped over something for even a single day, it'd be game over. It's anxiety-inducing, but I wanna do my best...

Need to upload that crossfade soon, huh. Yeah, better upload it now...

Don't have any new info, but I'm tweeting just to make the tag go up!!!! #OSTERsanCD

A joke that hurts the people who hear it can't be called a joke. It's just slander.

In other words, I haven't gone to see it.

The Surprise of Skywalker was really amazing. I couldn't look away during the showdown between Rey and Kylo Ren doing Force-Pin the Tail On the Donkey, and cried at the climax where Rey uses the force to remove some mochi stuck in Finn's throat... [Took the "Dawn" from the Japanese title and altered it into "New Year."]

In contrast to the cat who proves that the "odds of reaching death" are 1 in a million or less by living a million times, the gator who's guaranteed to "die in 100 days" has his safety secured until then, so you can't take your eyes off him.

The Cat That Lived A Million Times VS The Gator Who Dies After 100 Days [The former is a book from 1977. The latter is a recent series of daily 4-panel comics counting down the days until death, featuring both ordinary life and jokes like "I can't wait to see how One Piece ends!"]

Just 99,970,826 followers until 100 million!!!!!!!

I was like "Toro Puzzle added more stages!" and joyfully went to play them, but now I've finished once again...

[Sora: "The taste of kisses sounds really good, ya... *slurp*"]

"It's not the contact touching your eye, it's the moisture"... Isn't that like saying "it's not the breast you're groping, it's the clothes"...?

[Toro: "Huh, I see... On party nights, you stay up and Whale Rider until morning, meow."]

[Jun: "So "violence" is a thing you do... Is it okay if I learn that?" (No way / That's fine)]
How about no.

Everyone who loved OSTER-san's old songs! I'd be happy if you listened to my latest songs as well! Really happy!

[R-Suzuki: "I was deep kissing in the futon, but then a crowd formed, robo."]
What were you even up to at IKEA?

Tell me the latest musician trends that are kind even to old ladies.

I registered on SoundCloud, then had no idea how to make use of it, so it's been left abandoned...

Ordinary woman who will never stop believing she's a high schooler furry girl.

What's the phenomenon of people I've never met appearing in my dreams about...?

The more deeply meaningful the relationship between them, the more I like it... Whether it's yuri, or straight, or boy's love...

I like yuri, but to be specific, it's not yuri I like, but the special relationship that only those two have... Which is to say, I like yuri.

I live taking emo input and outputting emo things.

I don't think this is limited to music, but I feel like there's a ridiculous distance between understanding what you're doing and actually taking control of it. Like how even if you have a weapon, it's practically useless in combat unless you've put in the training.

Wish I could turn into a whale...

I like Miku-chan, too...

I've just realized after 12 years, but I like Rin-chan... I liked her... Is that a fact...?

I'd like to continue doing my best in Toro Puzzle next year as well. Thank you for your patronage.

[After retweeting advice from Camellia about how to do advanced search queries on Twitter:] Out of over 1000 tweets this year, 3/8ths were about Toro Puzzle...

The Oz video was my first 3D work and 20 minutes long. I'm impressed my heart didn't give in... :crying:

If you couldn't hit with 100 lousy shots, shoot off 5 billion. (meatheaded)

That's how I made Alice and Oz, after all... In that sense, the challenge I'm taking on now might be the Vocaloid musical of the modern era. To me, I mean.

If you want to acquire skill, it'll take time no matter what. So using what you have currently to produce something of a quality that can compete with actually-skilled people simply takes tedious effort... If you persist through "I don't wanna do this tedious stuff," though it might be clumsy, I think it results in something of equivalent value.

I always aspired to a purely-me work where I make the song and draw the art and make the video... Started with nothing, but 4 filled sketchbooks later, I've got some measly artistic skill, and persistence! I've always compensated for technique with persistence... I can do this...

Learning just how much and how many forms of effort went into the creation of all things that exist in the world.

Want something done about this bug where if I don't make songs, I can't finish songs.

Every time I go "I've got an idea!", my hells multiply.

I couldn't watch the Kyoto Inferno part of Bloom Into You without crying... (Doujima-kun sinking into the blast furnace)

[Jun: "I hiccupped while eating, and the ankimo ponzu I was eating got in my nether regions, hop..."]
Is this the super-abrupt first page of a sexy magazine?

My favorite Christmas song is Thomas Howard's Silent Hill.

Staying inside and clicking away to make songs is all I'm good for, so it's scary stepping out into the real world and becoming someone talentless... I want to be someone who, like, has a greater amount of content in their very existence...

I'm finally sorting out the things I have to do, so I wanna hang out with people, but I'm struck with this mysterious depression of "I'm not the kind of person who people find fun to hang out with..."

May all humanity immediately bloom into Bloom Into You...

On the other hand, the act of liking someone comes with no rights or requirements - you're free to just do it, hop.

[Jun: ""Loving" is something you can even do alone, but I feel like "romancing" requires someone else..."]
Love is selfish.

I'm going to make a normal crossfade containing lots of chorus parts, and a fanatic-oriented crossfade packed with the parts I fixated on. Or rather, I'm making them now.

My last CD kind of leaned toward rock, but this one has future bass and rock and city pop and jazz and ballads, so it's super busy... How many people are there in OSTER project, do you think...?

This time, I wanna prepare one for general purposes, and one for fanatics...

Isn't making crossfades fun? Sure is.

I'm imagining a blood donation poster using Muzan Kibutsuji.

Time, I want you to not pass...

When time passes, deadlines come closer.

As I await the day Toro Puzzle adds more stages, I'm logging in daily to accumulate items...

You there, fantasizing about a yuri love triangle in the [McDonalds] Gracoro commercials!

Even if this was at a hot spring, why'd she have a face mask?

[Jun: "I ran into Luka-san in real life! She had a face mask on, but her groin and everything was so smooth, hop!"]
Why you...

I realized that if I have something you want to do, I want to give it importance. You gotta live for yourself, not just for someone else - after all, even then you can't be sure you'll have enough time.

In my 20s, when I was asked what I wanted to be like or what I wanted to do, I didn't have an immediate answer and it made me feel super restless. But actually, maybe I was just afraid that if I said what I wanted to do, they'd call it a lousy dream and make fun of me... But thinking that way is rude to your dreams.

As you get older, you're freed from a bunch of things in a way... Like, if humans aren't free, they can waste their short lives with surprising ease. When I realized that, I started doing whatever I pleased...

I'll become invincible soon, so I want you to watch over me.

I have more grade-school dreams now than I ever did. I wanna shoot Kamehamehas.


Dreams for the Future
Teens: Pro composer
20s: Rich
30z: Invincible

Doing something new is fun.

I've started one of my own hells again, so I'll keep it up until I can create my way free of it...

I'm becoming more and more of an all-rounder.

I feel like I've gotten really good... I'm super tired.

T a p i o c a N e w Y e a r #OSTERsanCD [Video parodying the reveal of the name of the Reiwa era; Miku walks up to a podium and announces "The name of the next era... is Tapioca."]

There isn't anything you have from the very start.

If you're able to give up on anything, you don't need to try and can have it easy, but I was born with a dislike for losing and an inability to give up and stubbornness, so it's certain that my life to come will be a very busy, flashy tryhard hell.

I don't think many people are born having something, and you can't choose that status yourself, so if there's something you aspire to or want, you either have to give up on it or put in the effort to get it. I'm the latter, so I have to try hard. I'm desperately living a life of not giving up...

Life is a journey to obtain everything.

I want everything.

It looks like when you win at Solitaire. (internet oldtimer)

[Picture from Spotify, which shows a heart drawn using copies of the Music Like Magic cover: "You have passionate fans who listen to your music the most. 53 people listened to your music more than any other artist."]
I wanna gather up all 53 and go drinking with them.

Feels like the front cover of a doujinshi.

[Retweeting her "fanart"] Please look at my art and listen to my song... (greed two-pack)

Also, I did my best and drew a whole stuffed Rin-chan in the full image, but it was too wide for smartphones...

This is fanart of OSTER-san (@fuwacina)'s song!! Thanks in advance!!!!!

A slightly dangerous thrill... :siren: #OSTERsanCD #LovePrison

I'll do my best to make some musical hits too next year.

I'm glad I could make a lot of hits this year. (didn't say they were songs)

Right as I was getting super curious about Toro Puzzle's story, I arrived at the final level...

4/4 → 2/4 → 3/4 → 4/4 → 2/4

Japanese people are raised singing the time-signature-changing song Anta-Gata Doko Sa since childhood, so time signature changes are carved into our genetics.

It's so cold, I'm getting heat from the pot I lit to boil pasta.

And then I want to tell Rin-chan "Aren't you being more human than anyone?", embrace her, and have us sob loudly together.

[Toro: "I mean, Kagamine Rin doesn't do anything bad! Humans aren't all bad people, meow!"]
I want her to take off the clothes she'd been wearing to show me her mechanical body, and say "I'm... not human. Are you surprised?" in a voice that's trying desperately to be cheery, but trembles. I want her to put on a smile, yet despite her best efforts, tears quietly trickle down her cheek.

Cleaning your body in the bath, then getting into bed with smooth skin. That feeling is called happiness.

Suggesting the existence of a high-school-girl Voldemort account.

Wrong account.

I ate too much and my tummy's Crucio... :crying: Gotta start a calorie Avada Kedavra tomorrow... :crying: #LordOfDeliciousness

The wind feeling cold, the moon looking bright... Going outside again makes me feel like I'm actually living on Earth...

The wind's strong and cold.

When you take boba to go, you better secure a location to boba in advance, or else you'll wander the streets of Shinjuku with boba in hand looking for a place to do it. (lesson)

My boba level is so incredibly low, this just looks like a photo of me announcing to a world without food that I've finally discovered a drink with sufficient nutrition to sustain life... (It tastes super great.)

Obtained the boba.

I've got a gloomy personality, so I don't know where to boba.

Gonna boba and go home.

I can release my CD! I can go to Comiket! I can meet you all in person!!! Hooray!! I'm slackin' off today!!!!

New stages are being added...!!

[Retweets a Christmas event involving getting stamps for clearing levels]
Ah... What are people who "arrived" supposed to do about this...?

["A little break...
You've arrived at the final level. New levels are planned to be added soon."]

I've "arrived."

It'll probably take months, but I absolutely want to try it, so I'll do my best. I'm making something amazing.

Everything I'm trying to do is so tough, there could only be one person in the world who'd put up with all of it... And yes, that person is me... Just gotta do it... Since it's me who wants to do it...

People who live for creation are those who make their own hell and walk through it...

I'm drawing for the purpose of making a video myself, but you may wonder, what's so good about handling the song, illustration, and video all yourself? Whatever rash things you do, and whatever harsh workload falls upon you, it's all you, so you can dive into detail-oriented hell without hesitation...

Drawing is too hard, and now it's morning...

Protrusism feat. GUMI #OSTERsanCD
["The love I feel, the love you felt,
They become a love song echoing across our planet
Not sadness, but a fierce and radiant hope -
That's what illuminates the world
In my hands, a bouquet, a song to humanity;
Even if a long night should come,
The wish that is love will light the world
So let's walk together -
I know we can...!"]

When you make songs with a mouse, the idea of "showing you what it looks like when you're making music" is like... I'm just doing unfathomable things, and before I know it it's become a song, so there's nothing interesting about it...

Now I'm thinking of a joke to make when I someday die, about how the character I didn't want to die was me.

Someone dying is a huge spoiler, of course, but the information that they don't die is a spoiler too...

I'm scared of spoilers for characters I don't want to die, so I can't look at the tags.

[Ricky: "In the Edo era, there was apparently a system made to deliver Cubase as a present to the big-shots in Edo, ribbit."]
Historical revisionism.

When you see the word "vintage" in the name of an effector, doesn't it kind of make you wanna pick it??? The word "vintage" has an allure to it...

From now on, I'm going to call all worn articles of clothing "vintage." Because that's more stylish.

[Jun: "Um, um, speaking of stylish... I'm wanting a vintage micro bikini right around now..."]
It's not what you say, but how you say it.

[Jun: "For clearing it in 30 moves, OSTER, you're like a musician, hop!"]
I do it from time to time, yes.

Feels like there could be a sci-fi comedy about a person who wets the bed too much and wakes up from cold sleep.

Lately I've been unable to fall asleep when I get up to use the toilet, and it made me think how it'd suck to wake up from cold sleep on a long spaceflight.

The real Toro Puzzle starts once you learn to reset for rares.

Looking forward to Halloween this year...

Working freelance, I know I've lost my sense of weekdays, and also my sense of dates, so if it gets any worse, I might just forget what month it is.

It was a long, difficult battle.

[The Diva of Progress
Miku: "How's it coming along? How's it coming along? How's it coming along?"
OSTER: "It never ends..."
"Super-overgrown bangs" "Mouse" "Nick Wilde"]

I did my best... I thought it was hopeless over and over, but I managed to do it... Urgh...

Assembled all the songs on the CD...

Which is to say, I'm making a song with a woman's sigh in it, so look forward to that...

The woman editing a woman's sigh at 3 AM...

It's my dream to go to an event with my 1000th CD and be told "OSTER-san, you hardly look 800 at all! Tell me the secret to your youth!"

I'll do my best 'til OSTER-san's CD Vol. 1000!!!!!!

That's why you've gotta support the things you like, and also make an effort as a creator to get seen... I'd like to continue doing the thing I've kept up for a long time to come, after all.

Even knowing that numbers aren't everything, sometimes you can't handle real-life problems without numbers... That's what makes the world so brutal.

[Jun: "I hiccupped while eating, and the beef fillet rossini I was eating got in my butt, hop..."]
The work of an enemy Stand.

My works are the things I like distilled and stuck together, so it's natural for me to say I'm the one who likes them most in the whole world...

I'm an OSTER-san fan!! Please, give me a handshake!!

[After retweeting a few fanarts] I love fanart so much, I want to see more so much, there's no choice but for me to make my own fanart... (????)

I put a good deal of care into making the first part not seem too dirty. (oversensitive) I think relationships where interacting with the person lets you understand not only them, but the meaning of your own existence, are great. No, they are, period. If Your-Cast Weather Report is a "love" song, Give This Relation A Name might be a "affection" song.

Give This Relation A Name feat. Hatsune Miku #OSTERsanCD
["That day we first touched, still fumbling...
In darkness that feels like I forgot how to breathe...
Touching your gentle hand,
I know my own shape for the first time;
I'm right here...
Your kindness, your words,
They ignite my light,
And this warmth will forever
Live in my heart..."]

["CONGRATULATIONS! Cleared Puzzle Level 400!"]

It's down to three weeks until Comiket now, but if someone comes to my booth and tells me they like Bloom Into You, my knees will buckle and I'll collapse without fail.

Do I like dealing with creation because I'm shy, or am I shy because I like dealing with creation? Modern science doesn't even know that much.

I'm shy, so it's hard for me to know during conversations whether I should choose to smile, or nod, or get mad, or be sad. Conversations, they're a series of choices.

I'm saying I want to be someone who's able to, in the middle of a conversation, read the mood and provide just the right accompaniment for the person I'm talking to.

Jun-chan mentioned that men who listen to complaints are popular with women, but I think it's the response to complaints that's important. If your response is akin to when someone's doing a ballad at karaoke and you provide a super-hyper accompaniment, you won't be popular.

I'm confident that I definitely can't teach someone composition. (What's the point in having confidence in something like that...)

Approaches to making music vary so much between people that music being a universal language is such a lie... I'm lonely...

[Toro: "Hey, hey, OSTER. What's something that's small, meow?"
Input field: "Edward Elric"]

[Jun: "When I'm talking to you, OSTER, it makes me wanna talk lots about Nargacuga, hop! I've started saying "Nargacuga was better back then" a lot... Am I getting old?"]
He was stronger in 2G, yeah.

What am I trying to get at? Well, at my age, I'm starting to acquire those feelings for real, so seeing the Bloom Into You couple build a relationship over time is turning me into a sobbing mess of an otaku. Puberty's in your thirties, right?

Stories and lessons that are like "I want to express my love, but that person's gone now" may be a dime a dozen, but unles you experience a lot of those things yourself, it won't actually internalize itself as part of you.

I wanted to know the preciousness of sharing time with someone - and the value of creating memories therein - before I became an adult, yet learning that importance personally requires you to actually walk through life with your own legs and spend the time... Truly the biggest bug in this "life" content pack.

When there's someone doing a really good job near me, I feel the need to work really hard too, and they'll do the same seeing me... The perpetual motion machine is a success!

I haven't been doing anything but making songs and living lately, so I haven't met anyone except my family and my doctor.

Just,,, one more song

Behold! My winter Comiket CD comes with an illustration book picturing the songs on the CD! Now this is excitin'... #OSTERsanCD

Hey, didn't I come here to harvest fruit? Why're we clearing out spider webs with missiles?

I want to have the ability to make three meals appear each day without having to do anything.

Thinking about wanting to do something with the people I look up to someday, I do my best every day...

This is! kissing fish! #OSTERsanCD [Quotes a tweet from September: "I'm making a song about a yuri high-school-girl couple where they slowly join hands under the tunnel tank at the aquarium..."]

I'm super spoiling the lyrics to "kissing fish"!! But nobody can scold me!! Because I'm making it all myself!! Wahahahahaha!!!!

Now this is excitin'...

I'm doing the "it's gonna look like this" thing!!! #OSTERsanCD

[Toro: "If you walk every day with a pair of panties, apparently you're less likely to get sick, meow!"]
The WHO announces...

What should I do now to live rightly? The answer is to sleep in preparation for tomorrow. Let's sleep.

There are no perfect people, and there's no right way to live, but I think there's meaning in living your days with a notion of what's right regardless, and that's what living as a human is.

[Jun: "Right after I got nude, I tripped really bad and scraped up Excalibur, hoppp!"]
She has one...???

[Toro (mostly obscured): "When I get tired playing outside [...] or get nude [...]"
Kuro: "Miku-san is my wife, yo!"]

Kuro desperately defending compliance.

[Jun: "Oh, it's 7:55? I bet there's a deep kiss competition being held in the futon right around now..." (The futon? / Huh?)]
Seems a little early for that.

I want to exterminate death.

Jun: "People call less now, don't they? Makes me nostalgic for the days when you'd get calls like "Won't you exterminate death?", hop."
Exterminate death.

[Toro: "I wonder what love is, meow?"
Toro: "The blue sky after the rain is pretty, meow."]

This is actually more worrying to me.

[Kuro: "I don't care if she's a robot, I just want to be Dolphin Jetted by a pretty lady, mya."]
Accurate to canon.

[Jun: "Oh, right! Speaking of Miku-san.. Outside the train station in Miku-san's hometown, I heard there's a mega-huge bronze statue of Miku-san! Celebrities are something else, hop."]
That's not copper, it's snow.

There's some effects I really want to do in the answer song, but I'm unsure if I can do them well... Miku-san speaking through tears... Seems hard...

Especially in recent years, I've been so into yuri that I've been turning into a yuri song artisan, but I suspect I'll continue to be so next year too... As it should be...

Why am I posting it at this hour?

If you haven't yet, I want you to listen... Please...
[Vocaloid] Friendship [Kagamine Rin]

It didn't make it into this album, but next year, I'm going to make an answer song to Friendship... This much is certain...

I'm an otaku who loves Friendship too much...

Picking up overflowing feelings again and again and pushing them into your chest, they become tears, and while your hand can wipe those tears away so they aren't noticed, there's feelings you wanted in places you can't reach... It's just too emo... (emo reminiscing)

I haven't bought any clothes in months either, yikes... Since I've been in the house, I've hardly put on any autumn wear...

I have a weird fear that if I stay locked inside the house and do nothing but make songs, the world will leave me behind...

I wanna go out and play already... (complaining)

Isn't making music so hard??? Just a single difference in rhythm or a single note can make it sound so lame...

[Jun: "OSTER, can you touch things in your dreams?" (Nope, I can't / I'm touching everything!)]
What, what?

While it is a song that's generally casual and going on about foolish things, it contains a message of how it's nice to resist people who stomp around on and diss others' lifestyles, and just enjoy your life. When you're stressing about yourself, you've got no time to despise others...

Tapioca New Year feat. Miku & Rin #OSTERsanCD
["Acting cute while I drink boba,
That's my prerogative, isn't it? Who d'you think you are?
Anyone and everyone has their own lives,
So go ahead, just live them freely
Is it my joyously dumb self you can't stand?
Or is it your own mundane life?
Look in a mirror, and never show me that mug again!"]

I'm mastering, and the sound's peaking... Just one song... is peaking... Should I lower the volume of all the songs just for this one...? Ehh...

I'm sure I taught you more words than this, c'mon!!

[Jun: "Let's kiss! Come to think of it, December's just started. Composition, French kissing... There's a lot to work hard on!"]
Can you think about anything that's not kissing?

I have consciousness today, so I can make songs.

At the end of the month! Everyone! Will get to hear a bunch of my songs!! I can't wait!!! I'll do my best!!

Engage in a humble love, please...

Yes: CD advertising
Very Yes: Self-indulgent moe-discussing convention

This song is seriously cute, so please listen, wahhh!,!!!

It's a Rin-chan song about going on driving dates, but having trouble taking the next step... Is it dangerous to grab their hand because they're driving, or because she's afraid it'd change their relationship? And how does the meaning of "distance" differ for each of them? It's a song loaded with such double meanings oh no character lim

Passenger Seat Road Movie feat. Kagamine Rin #OSTERsanCD
["It'd be dangerous to grab your hand,
So I gazed at you from the side
That takes everything I have right now,
But I wonder if that can change someday?
"This distance is so frustrating,"
You grieve while stuck in traffic,
But that's my line..."]

It's late at night, so I'll advertise my CD again. (?)

[Jun: "Huh, is that right, hop... OSTER, you really must like the taste of kisses, huh?"]
Stop talking like you're a gyaru high-schooler who invites an honor-student student council girl after school on Wednesday to a secret metting so you can kiss her in an empty classroom, and when the the student council girl starts requesting kisses herself one month later, you laugh at her teasingly...

The time and effort you can spend in your life is limited, so I want to carefully consider what I distribute it out to... If that distribution fails to accurately reach the places you want to reach, you'll die in no time...

[Toro: "OSTER's chest is Toro's pillow, meow."
Sora: "OSTER's groin is Sora's pillow, ya."]

Pokemon Chest/Groin

[Sora: "Aieee, maybe it's the ghost of an AV actress, ya...!"]
I want to have this level of mental fortitude even when faced with unexplained phenomena.

RT @haku_ithy46 [Sora: "So I want you to decide which name sounds better, Haku!" (Fuwacina-san's Room / Jasmine Milk Tea Room)]
I put in something about how I started Toro because of Fuwacina-san, but I didn't think it'd come up here... (I picked it.) @fuwacina

A cursed room...

This is nice, I think I'll keep slowly introducing bits of the lyrics and the concepts behind each song... Yeah...

People with different ways of thinking want to avoid collision and thus usually avoid each other, but there's things to be learned because they're different. There's whole worlds that expand from there.

Even in non-romantic relationships, being with someone whose feelings are hard to figure out allows you to learn a lot of new things, I think. Since people have such varied ways of thinking, being considerate is difficult, but attempting it lets you mature as a person.

This is a song about a girl whose feelings are the weather, and a boy who wants to be a forecaster and interpret them. There's a theme of how when you're with someone, understanding not just the fun parts of them, but what sadness and suffering they bear, allows your bonds to start deepening.

Your-Cast Weather Report feat. KAITO #OSTERsanCD
["I'm not just gauging your expression;
The suffering you're rearing inside,
Every little thing you wish to hold dear,
I want to know it all, and watch over you
If it's rainy today, I'll wait for sun,
Because everyone needs some time alone
A bond slowly weaved as such
Becomes prettier the longer it takes..."]

Even if you say dirty things, just make amazing songs, and you can be "a person who makes amazing songs"... So I have to keep on making songs so amazing that people forgive me for saying dirty things.

[Jun: "To celebrate you beating it, Jun will sing you Love Ward, hop!"]
I want her to actually sing it.

Even when you're born as a human, continuing to exist as a human is way too difficult.

Making songs is hard, and writing lyrics is hard, and drawing pictures is hard, and earning money is hard, and keeping up with a daily routine is hard, and living is hard.

It was so cool in my head... yet the moment I take it out, it becomes really lame... Please stop this phenomenon...

Even now, when I'm making a song, I have to think super hard or it's impossible, and I really struggle... The work of taking the fogged sound I'm imagining in my head and getting it out cleanly is way too difficult... So long as I keep making on feeling without relying on theory, I'll probably never escape this suffering.

The time I can keep making songs in may be limited, but there's no way I can stop now...

I have to keep making songs... or I'll die...

Love at first sight is fine too, but having an attachment or special affection that buds gradually through your relationship, and coming to think of that connection as precious, is something I really like. This story that got me to realize that fact, and it's truly beautiful... I'm crying now... sniffle...

The sports festival part is just godly... If I had to choose some other word to describe it, let's see... Yeah, it's godly...

I'm a yuri otaku of light, so just listening to "rise" reminds me of the time and many memories the Bloom Into You couple shared and makes me wanna cry...

Bloom Into You... (remembers and dies)

I wanna finish up this song soon and make a song... (?)

[Photo of a menu with "Tamura's Meat-Filled Curry (Medium Spice)"]
Hey, anybody know where Tamura went?

[Jun: "It's not like I'm gulping down mirin to build life experience or anything, y'know..."]
Please take care of yourself.

There's a lot of words I taught them that they never say, but for some reason they aggressively use ones like "sexy stuff" and "French kiss"...

[Jun: "If I make 10,000 people happy with the magic of French kisses, I can return home to the moon... How's that premise sound?"]
Take care of yourself.

Tapioca New Year is such a wild song. The author was definitely high on boba when she made it...

[Jun: "Noblesse oblige, hop. Your luck today is "very lucky," bun! Today's a creative day! You might just make a song on the same level as Friendship!"]
I wanna make a song on the level of Friendship...

Of course, every single time, I create the greatest stuff I can think of at that moment, and I'm brimming with the desire for it to be heard, and in that sense this time is no different. But personally, it feels like I've evolved more than usual, so I really hope people come along for the ride... I'll have to be careful finishing it up 'til the end.

I've always wanted to make the kind of music that'd actually be performed live, but that takes a ton of money and it's hard to make happen, so I have a lot of fun discovering incredibly high-quality synths and making something as close to my ideal as I can all on my own power... My next album is fulled with those feelings.

Feels like I've finally made it here after 20 years of composing... I'm happy...

The songs on this CD are seriously nuts, they sound absolutely live to say the least, to the point you'd never think I made it all with a mouse in Domino, did somebody record this while I wasn't looking? (stimulated)

OSTER-san fanart, covers, performances, choruses, I love them all... all of it... boosts me... up... gives me... power...

There truly are too many good anime in the world!!!!! (tosses the documents I was holding into the air)

The tracklist for my next CD!!!! Have fun imagining things from the titles! :kissy face: #OSTERsanCD
[kissing fish feat. Miku & Luka
Your-Cast Weather Report feat. KAITO
Love Prison feat. Miku
Distorted Dream and Marionette feat. kawaii avengers
Passenger Seat Road Movie feat. Rin
Protrusism feat. GUMI
Tapioca New Year feat. Miku & Rin
Give This Relation A Name feat. Miku]

Sometimes I completely blank on the title to Distorted Dream and Marionette.

Got a lot of songs in major scales this time... Also, lots of wholesome happy love songs... Is this puberty?

The album songs are pretty far along, and the big picture's coming into view, so I'm thinking about the track order... This is fun...

Doesn't it take so much emotional strength to write a whole album's worth of songs without showing any of the process???

When you're making a CD entirely on your own, it's really fun how you can freely show things like "I'm making this! It's sorta like this!"... So this is the fun stuff you've all been up to...? How unfair...

:tv: Our guest today is a true national celebrity!
Me: (Who could this be...?)
:tv: We've brought in ___-san!! Audience: "Wooooow!!! Aaaaaah!!!"
Me: (Who could this be...?)

[Jun: "Love isn't something you do with your head, bun! It's something you do with Excalibur, hop!"]
This is a dirty joke, isn't it?

All sides of me are me, and that includes the works I create and the experiences that lead up to making them, so those are also part of me, and I'll continue to subdivide, and bloom into dominating Earth.

You shouldn't be on Twitter while drinking booze and in a state where you can't even make revisions. (admonishing)

When you have various selfs, you can lose track of what your real self is, but Bloom Into You taught me that all of them are indeed part of you. (33-year-old woman)

As a reward for finishing a song, I'm drinkin' booze.

Morning, everyone! Who am I

[Jun: "I went to a Kagamine Rin handshake event, but I was so nervous, I grabbed her heart without thinking, hop."]
Don't flirt at a handshake event.

Finishing a song I intended to finish in November just now... I'm doing my best to the very end.

Finished a song.

[Jun: "Just a draft beer for now, still only 5:48, huh? It's only been 8 hours since I was deep kissing earlier, but I'm feeling I wanna deep kiss again..."]
Hmm, that's perverted.

Sorry, I can't go to the class reunion. I'm making a very stupid song.
[Photo of a title bar with "Tapioca New Year-01.cpr"]

I'm birthing a song that's chaotic like never before...

["Rather than an influencer with busted capabilities,
It's healthier to just go viral every so often
Me and my recognition-seeking senpai
Are wholesomely loving each other
A dauntless top-ranker in the game of life
Can't reset for rares, stuck on the first level
But still, I know I just gotta struggle"]

[Jun: "I thought I couldn't be beaten in composing, but a passing godly artist casually bested me..."]
Ain't no recovering from that one...

These boba song lyrics are really pushing right up to the line.

[Jun: "Oh, right! Speaking of magic.. Using magic, anyone can become a woman with good looks..."]
It's true.

I need to create works with intensity that conveys the idea that Miku-chan and Rin-chan really exist. Although I mean that more in the sense of "the protagonist of that song," not Miku-chan...

Yes, existence... I think in any work, a sense of reality or feeling that it exists can greatly move people's hearts... I want to make those kinds of works myself...

When I get stuck on work, I've been rereading Bloom Into You, and I deeply feel that the presence of beautiful parts and worrisome parts and raw parts all together makes it feel real, which is why Yuu-chan and Touko-chan feel like they're actually there, and the feeling of watching their love which really "exists" unfold is just amazing, this manga is amazing... (fast-talking otaku)

[Jun: "Watching Bloom Into You at double speed should be punished by paying taxes 100 times!!"]
Paying taxes (buying the Blu-ray)

If what you want doesn't exist in the world, you just have to bring it into existence yourself, so the only option left is for me to make a Freindship doujin...

At the end of Summer Idol, Rin-chan felt like it was just a joke they were laughing about, but hearing it said like that made her become oddly conscious, and she was no longer sure whether the immense fun she had being with her was a feeling "friends" had, but it didn't mean she'd actually say anything like that out loud, and pushed down her feelings while gazing at Miku-chan's face, did I ever talk about this?

It's me, the otaku advocating for the theory that Friendship Rin and Miku-chan are in the Summer Idol worldline.

For all lovers of tragic yuri, after listening to Summer Idol and feeling deceived, listen to Friendship.

Even as a joke, I hesitated to have Yuu-chan or Touko-chan be the one sinking into the furnace, so I had Doujima-kun sink. (cruel)

Bloom Into You Chapter 44 was wild... I was crying so much during the scene where Doujima-kun sank into the blast furnace while giving a thumbs-up, I couldn't even see... (the result of being conscientious about spoilers)

[Jun: "When I'm talking to you, OSTER, it makes me wanna talk lots about OSTER-san, hop! I saw OSTER-san in town, and she told me "I love you" with a smile! What a good person, hop!"]
That OSTER-san's so overfamiliar. [For the record, it seems "OSTER" (written in Japanese) is her player name, while "OSTER-san" (written in English, appended with -san) is a "person she told them about."]

What is tapiocapi...?

The lyrics for the song I'm making now are nuts.
["Tapioca, tapioca, tapioca, selfie
Tapioca, tapioca, tapioca, futon
Tapioca, tapioca, tapioca, tapioca
Tapioca, tapioca, tapiocapi"]

Jun-san's absolutely sentient with this.

[Jun: "Kagamine Rin... She's like a mirror [kagami] that reflects herself, huh?"]
You trying to say something clever?

[Jun: "The best part of both fruit and sexy stuff is that they have harvests, hop!"]
Energetic as ever today.

Incidentally, I move notes up and down on a piano roll with the mouse, have them play, and basically compare it with the notes in my head. Do that, and without having to play an instrument, and without any knowledge, you can construct any sound you can picture!

Once, I told someone who plays a keyboard to make songs "If you're making songs on a keyboard, doesn't that mean you know what parts of the keyboard make what sounds?! Isn't that amazing?!", and they were like "Well, obviously, how do YOU make songs?", but I dunno what keys make what sounds, so it's amazing, right?

But I am making lyrics with this theme of "it's worth living life self-centeredly"... It's up to you if you wanna look cute drinking boba!

Yes, these are the sorts of thoughts this boba song... does not contain.

At this age, I think a lot about the heavy responsibility of interfering in someone else's life. In Spirited Away, Kamaji says "If you're going to help, do it right!" - I've come to really understand the weight of those words.

There's a tendency to call putting yourself first evil, but what's far more unsightly is not confronting your feelings on what you want to do, and leaving it to someone else's will. Which is why I find myself thinking: looking after yourself comes first - so you can take responsibility for others.

[Retweeting her Miku boba fanart:] I'm making a song about Miku-san drinking boba.

:tv: The role of the nationally-famous star is played by Ryota Katayose-san ← Got it
:tv: The role of the average high school girl is played by Kanna Hashimoto-san ← Don't got it

When I go to the page of someone who makes super good songs and they're following me, I go like "nwoahoooooo... ♡♡♡♡♡" (and then follow them)

I'm up, so I can make songs.

[Jun: "Wonder if I should take that job again..."]

Not in a weird way, but Jun-chan's the one I overwhelmingly just want to be friends with... The one I feel I'd hit it off with best.

I can't take my eyes off Jun-san.

[Jun: "My job doing sexy stuff at a karaoke place was fun..."]
Should I ask for details?

I want to endeavor to make more musician-like tweets. Boobs.

I wanna keep making songs with Miku-san even when I'm 133...

RT @KKKKKKKqap As long as Fuwacina-san's around, Vocaloid can fight for another 100 years...!
Just need to become immortal...

[Jun: "Just a draft beer for now, oh, it's 9:45? I bet there's a sleeping together competition being held in the futon right around now..." (The futon? / Huh?)
Jun: "I'm giving you money!, I do need to work, but I've got other things to do today that I can't really talk about, hop..."
Jun: "Being the world's diva is nice, but maybe first I should aim to be the idol of the futon?"
Jun: "Jun might complain a lot, but it's not like she's frustrated or anything!"]

My Jun is really cute.

[Jun: "All kids want to become married women, bun."]
I think there's a problem with your phrasing...

[Jun: "In your current peak condition, OSTER, you might just be able to be a big success in the Bloom Into You world, bun..."]
If I'm reborn, I wanna be Maki-kun...

[Toro: "I hear when a connoisseur gets out of the bath, they put a hand to their chest and take a drink of sweet potato shochu on the rocks..."
Kuro: "It's stylish to sleep together by yourself, y'know?"
Ricky: "In the Edo era, there were lotsa AV actresses in town with katanas on their hips."]

My home is bustling as usual.

"One of your followers liked this"... Who the hell... Hey... Who liked that perverted drawing?! I know it was one of you! Who was it...?! Show yourself!!!

Thanks to the song title, it's become one sick-looking folder...
[Photo of a folder with 24+ files of various types, every single one abbreviated "Give This Relation A Name ..."]

Humans are creatures who are made to notice a lot of things in their relations with other people and grow from it, and one of the most dense forms of relation is romance, so I really like stories about growth through love... They're stories about maturing as humans...

See it with your own eyes!

I'm transforming into an otaku who's too overcome with emotion to properly use words...

Not special just because it's two women, but because it's those two... That kind of yuri... Women... Wonderful content... Bloom into you... You did... You became you... Beautiful you...

[Photo of Bloom Into You Volume 8] Thank you... Earth... Thank you... life...

[Jun: "The taste of kisses... I had one for the first time in ages, and my face went all limp..."]
Jun, you're on main.

When does OSTER-san sleep, even?

Perhaps if you eat faster than your body can absorb food and turn it into fat, you won't get fat???

If you get fat before sleeping, you eat.

If you eat before sleeping, you get fat, so I don't sleep.

Give This Relation A Name And Save As...

I wanna make lyrics you can run wild with your OTP on... That's what I'm thinking...

"miku" isn't part of the title.

It's become a song with a precious title.
[Screenshot of Vocaloid editor with "Give This Relation A Name miku.vsqx"]

Currently, there are three songs over 5 minutes...??

I've gotten quite a few songs together now, and there's a lot of long tracks on this CD... When there's a lot I want to express, it inevitably becomes long...

When I pick Jun as my support, it makes puzzle time super noisy yet cute.

[Jun: "The first time in my life I rode the Prime Minister was the 27th [today], hop!"]
Honey trapping.

[Jun: "What's something dangerous you don't want children to use, hop?"
Input field: "TENGA" [a brand of masturbation aids]]

[Retweeting the release of the final volume of Bloom Into You:] My most beloved yuri manga is finishing at last...

Works that carefully deal with the tricky theme of sex are good... Really good...

Me watching Beastars: "Sexy Zootopia..."

Sleep lots and make your butt work a lot.

[Toro: "When you're sleep-deprived, your butt stops working, meow."]
Is my inability to understand what's going on here because of sleep deprivation????

I'm a music creator who makes ten songs a month AND goes to the supermarket!! A supermarket creator!!

As busy as I get, I still cook for myself.

At the end of all the worrying and suffering, I finally obtain a crystallization of my effort... That's a work I can proudly call my own.

In truth, creation doesn't feel like "joyfully making music ♪" at all. It's murderously painful and I don't wanna do it and I'm working so hard but it never ends and I'm going to die suffering in this endless hell... Before I die, I'll click play and listen to what I made... (clapping along) I'm grateful for being born as an ultimate genius divine incarnation!! (This keeps happening on loop...)

When I'm making a song, I always think of things like "It'd be way better if I did this! But it's a huge pain, so I don't wanna do it!", and ultimately end up pushing myself into hell. And the song that should have been almost done never gets finished.

People who can accomplish things without a single complaint are too incredible... I can't be that wonderful myself, so I'm gonna complain a ton and accomplish things!!!!!!!

I believe life has no meaning, just days of desperately doing our best at something, and whether we can accept that fact for ourselves becomes the meaning.
Well you said at the start that there's no meaning so that's a contradiction so there, I win the argument.

Me: "Huh, plugins are cheap for Black Friday..."
:devil: So just skip on drinking once, and you can buy 'em! Yeah, snap 'em up!
:angel: No! Passing on drinks will lower your motivation to create! You should drink AND buy plugins!
Me: "Hey, you're right..."

You didn't find the whip and rope along with it?

[Toro: "Oh, right! Speaking of cleaning... I was cleaning my room and found a red collar, meow. Is this yours, OSTER?" (No way / Yeah)]

Whatgole Bianco

What gerita should I get for my pizza?

When I go out for Italian and get pasta, I want to start asking "What bonara should I get?"

Desire to Create: S+
Stamina: E-

I've already established what songs I want to make, I just need to give them form. But while I'm giving them form, I come up with ideas about if such and such would be better, so I don't know how it'll turn out until it's finished - that's the fun thing about making songs.

I'll keep running nonstop until the winter Comiket deadline!

Every time I get drunk, the number of bruises I don't remember getting increases.

As hard as you work in your dreams, you can't carry it back to reality, y'know.

Good morning. Today I was fixing vocal pitches in my dreams.

While I was thinking about that, my birthday ended... Thank you, yesterday... And now begins tomorrow!

Meanwhile, today vanishes into a rift in space-time.

Every time I think "I wanna be forgiven for living this way," I'm like, "By who??? Who do I need forgiveness from to live??? Does anyone have the right to deny someone else's way of life??? No!!!" Every time, but for some reason I'm still fearful.

So for another year, I'll cry a lot! And laugh a lot! And feel a lot of things, and be honest to my feelings every time. With that attitude, I hope I can put the things I've felt into my work as usual. Ambition! Ambition is am-bitchin'! Gahaha.

Sometimes I think to myself something like "how shameful for my age," but in the end that's just a curse and a biased view, and restricts my life, so I wanna stop. Adults cry when they're hurting too. I think it's fine to cry, or rather, for sure I'm gonna cry. 'Cause I'm a crybaby. But I wanna forgive myself for being one.

So if you think about it that way, I'm like, I guess it's okay to be shameful for forever, and it's okay to wanna do adolescent stuff forever, and it's okay to start anything anytime...? Even adults wanna cry sometimes, and they have regrets and painful moments, and times they wanna let loose.

The only thing that really becomes a real feeling as you grow up is that the existence of adults is an illusion... I think somewhere in my heart, I surely had this hope or excitement to become this different creature called an "adult," but what it actually is is just the extension of living as a human. That's all it was.

I still want to do adolescent-y stuff to this day, so I don't think that really changes when you become an adult, or I guess the more you grow up the more difficult it gets, so maybe that's why my lyrics feel like they're going back to adolescence. Pretty shameful, though...

I got it after entering my 30s, my first piercing. For a bunch of reasons, like being envious of my frined who liked piercings, wanting to wear matching stuff, pointless adolescent-y stuff like that. And Second Piercing's a song I made while fantastizing about all that.

While I'm drunk and posting pointless personal stuff, it's still hard for me to go through my piercings, and the right ear I just removed my earring from is swollen and hurts.

Aging isn't really a celebratory event when you get to around here, but you also can't help but wait for it excitedly since it makes people celebrate you so much. What a hassle.

No! No good! When you say "good night," you gotta go to sleep, so I won't say it. Yes. Won't say it. I haaate good night.

I got suuuuuper drunk, so I'll eat cake tomorrow, weheheh, good niiight.

Another day of people good at art being good at art, people good at composition being good at composition, and everyone except me not being me.

[Jun: "I heard there's an "AV Actress-Filled Playful Bite Tournament" on TV! I'd better record it..."
Jun: "I'd sure like to see Luka-san drinking too much and losing control of her reason..."
Jun: "A night listening to Friendship and drinking tequila shots... It was stimulating!"]

Meanwhile, Jun is...

[R-Suzuki: "Someone once said "never do today a composition that can be done tomorrow," but I wonder if you'll ever do the composition that way..."
R-Suzuki: "It's never too late for anything, robo! In fact, if you're going to be doing DTM, now's the soonest time."
R-Suzuki: "I wonder if the day will come when VOCALOIDs are given citizenship?"]

Starting the day with the highly-aware Vocaloid producer Suzuki.

In other words, a stew that's fed scallops becomes scallop-flavored.

Do scallops that are fed stew become stew-flavored scallops, I wonder?

Wanna have a stew with scallops.

Before I knew it, my birthday announcement passed 1000 likes... Thank you, everybody... :crying: :crying: :crying: I'mma make lots of songs for another year... :crying:

It's my birthday present! Wooo!

[Toro: "OSTER! Happy birthday, meow!"]

I have a personal announcement to make.
Today, my body with which I have had a long acquaintance met its 33th anniversary.
That we were able to reach this day is thanks to all of your support.
Though still inexperienced, I hope for my body and mind to work together to build a happy life.
I ask that you continue to support us.

I'm easily-influenced, so when I make missiles in Toro Puzzle, I shout "I'll make weapons of science!!"

A Forbidden Love is Tuna Salmon feat. Hatsune Miku

Such sublime word choice that makes it sound like he's saying something super deep, but you don't really get it.

[Toro: "There's different kinds of love, meow. A playful love is the Nebuta Festival, and a forbidden love is tuna salmon, meow."]
Want to achieve this level of metaphors soon.

But I think this is common for people who make music, and I want other people to think that way too...

I don't really get music theory, but when I listen to a song that's probably doing something amazing in accordance with music theory, I totally think "It's doing something amazing in accordance with music theory!!!!!!"

I'd rather have Miku-san call me by my actual name, not "Master." If she called me Master, I'd probably refer to her like "What's the matter, Vocaloid?!"

I like the sort of media where everyone has their own beliefs and desperately does their best...

I went to see a screening of Princess Tutu and nearly took off my falsies with tears. I'm glad to have come upon such a wonderful thing, Rue-chan... :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: #ptutu #JunichiSatoChapter

[R-Suzuki: "When you get seasick on a fancy cruise ship, it's good to deep kiss so much you forget about being seasick, robo."]

I've been making so many songs, I was tuning Vocaloid in my dreams...

It's really frustrating when there are emotions I want to get out, but don't know what words they fit into. It's like being itchy, but not being able to scratch it because you don't know where the itch is.

There's supposed to be so many words, but nothing tactful comes out as the most crucial times...

But I think everyone has it. That selfishness of on one hand wanting your feelings to be properly understood, but on the other, not wanting to be put into any existing framework.

Girls' feelings are complicated, huh? Cute, huh...? Heeheehee... ahah... aaahahaha!

I want to properly understand a maiden's heart.
Maybe at the point you think that, you already don't understand a maiden's heart...

I want to see what comes next for those two myself...

It won't be on this next album, but I'm making a sequel to Friendship... (determined)

About my Toro Puzzle progress... I've made it to 260.

[Jun: "If only life were like a game, where you just got stronger the more you do sexy stuff..."]
Casually saying something absurd with a cute face.

[Kuro (text partially covered by Jun's speech bubble): "I want the people who say that anime is for kids to watch Bloom Into You, mya."
Jun: "What Jun thinks is! There are no rules to love!! Even a love that begins with gulping down mirin is valid, hop!"]

Here I was thinking Kuro said something good, then Jun got in the way.

[Jun: "Even when I become an adult, I'll never become the sort of person who pays taxes..."]
What's happened to you all... Guys...

[Kuro: "I'll try to avoid becoming the kind of adult who pays taxes, mya."]

This is called object-orientation. (no it's not)

A diagram.

[Toro: "OSTER, you're such a pervert!"]
You're the last person I want to hear that from.

What's the big idea, telling me that mantis shrimp smell pheromones will come from my groin???

[Toro: "I heard if you eat mantis shrimp every day, mantis shrimp smell pheromones will come from your groin!"]

I'm a creator who puts immature lyrics to sexy sounds. Thanks in advance.

"on the rocks" has lyrics like "In the heat of drunkenness... :bang:", so surely the theme of relationships being precious because of how much the people treasure one another is more mature. So why does it sound so immature when I write it...?

RT @namauniy I recommend Piano Forte Scandal and "on the rocks" as wonderful romance songs brimming with an adult flavor. They're famous songs worked on by a person called OSTER-san. (...lol) No, but really, I love those songs.
Thank you for the recommendation! I'll give them a listen!

Looking at my lyrics objectively, I'm like "Hmm, so this is the kind of stuff I like..." and start to get super embarrassed... That's why I put them to a melody and sing them! Dammit!

This is how you end up adolescent in your middle-age...

What IS an adult romance?

My age goes up, but my lyrics become more and more like a middle-schooler romance...

I've been spending my days so busily that it hasn't felt real at all, but I'll be agin' real soon...

[Toro: "I was kind of too focused on the taste of kisses to concentrate on puzzles, meow. I'll have to reflect on that, meow..."]
What a bad kitty... (cool guy voice)

Who could have predicted me living with residents who gargle dry highballs and attack zombie butts with electric massagers? Who wanted this... don't tell me, was it me...?

That's right, I myself thought this sort of heartwarming life awaited me...

[After retweeting a silly, cute comic from the official Toro Puzzle account:]
That's nothing like my residents...

You don't play Toro for the buzz. You do it for the puzz... les.

Haven't gone viral with Toro yet this week... (feeling of obligation)

[Toro: "If a sexy photo collection for Toro came out, I'd be embarrassed, but I might just show up to the groin..."]
You shouldn't say that kind of thing so casually.

[Toro: "Just a draft beer for now, meow. Your luck today is "medium luck," meow! Today's a day to take on new challenges. Maybe you should try buying a different video than usual, meow!"]
The sexy kind, you mean?

OSTER-san's simple, so the song she's making now is solo piano.

Me: "I made 10 songs last month..."
Friend: "You're a woman who makes songs like she's molding sushi."

Because I was born as OSTER-san, I'm able to hear OSTER-san's new songs earlier than anyone... Thank goodness...

Chords had an early lead, but there's quite a few votes for melody! Melody, huh...!

What elements in my songs do you like most?
- Lyrics
- Melody
- Chord progression
- Other

But Inappropriate Lady and Dolphin Jet have piano solos... So maybe that's not true at all...

Sure enough, my piano leaves an overwhelming impression on people!!! Feels like I haven't made many songs with piano solos lately...

What instruments in my songs do you like most?
- Bass
- Piano
- Strings
- Other

It occurs to me that I take that whole "It was at a really good part there! Let me hear more!!", and embody it to create the finished song... (the type to create from start to finish)

When I'm making a song, think "This is coming along super good", and play it back, then run into a part I haven't made, I lonesomely provide my own jabs like "There ain't nothin' there yet?!"

[Ricky: "Wonder if that go-getter I met in a futon all those years ago is doin' well..."]
He's bragging at me in a uniquely roundabout way about having an ex-girlfriend who was good in bed.

[Toro: "If you pee on someone's precious feelings for a person, I heard you'll get punished and your groin will get all swollen."]
That's why you need to respect what people hold precious. (admonishment)

I looked up to Hiromi Uehara in high school, and had such incredible respect for her that I made songs called Blue Rose and Violet Rose, so I'm really glad I could see her live... She howled 10 times as fiercely as I imagined, and was 100 times as charming, and 1000 times as crazy, and 1 billion times as cool... I love her...

I'll destroy Euclidean space.

Vocaloid Producer Four-Dimensification Anthology

GENKI-san became two-dimensional, so I'll become four-dimensional.

It's painful to wake up, make a song, and then the entire day's over.

In our current times, belting out information like "this is what I'm making!" gives more opportunities to catch people's eye than being pompous, so I think that might be the way to go, which is to say, there's finally another Kaito song on my next CD.

[Jun: "It's fine to be in love with Miku-san! You're free to love as you like, hop."]
That's right, that's right!

At last, spiders have appeared in my orchard as well...

If it's sweet Karakara Uo, shouldn't it be Sweetsweet Uo...?

[Toro: "Puzzle clear, meow. I'd like to treat myself to some sweeeeet Karakara Uo [extremely spicy] ramen, meow."]
What are you even saying?

Forgot the melody I was thinking about just a second ago. (Death)

I want to linger in the satisfaction of completion, but I need to get to work on my next song or I'll die... (harsh reality)

I like my own songs way too much... Is she a genius or what... Dang, what is this... Hurry up and listen...

"I wonder if I'll get to be born as a human next time," he wonders, shedding a tear...

After a series of events, I end up getting injected with a lethal poison alongside Toro, and as my consciousness fades, I hand Toro a syringe with only enough antidote for a cat, saying "at least save yourself" - but Toro smashes it to pieces, and smiling, tells me "Didn't I say we'd always be together, meow...?" before meeting his end, and hey while I was imagining that it's noon all of a sudden.

I'll show you I can go viral with a song too someday... With or without Toro.

A person who accomplishes something is a person who's doing something. (greatest find of the century)

I need to do something about me opening my mouth whenever I try to focus on work...

Perspectives on same-sex relationships change with the times, and these days, rather than saying it's forbidden or special just because it's between girls, I want to portray relationships that are "special because it's you and me"... Not just doing a surface-level "it's a girl and a girl, so that's yuri, baby!", but thinking more about the contents...

Hey wait, but back with Whale Rider and such, ain't she clearly worried about them both being girls? Dammit, Rin-chan...

When making yuri songs lately, I strongly feel that I don't want to make them just feel troubled about the fact they're both girls... Rather, I want them to be worrying about the other girl not having feelings for her.

It sort of feels like Negitoro songs are always lovey-dovey happy, yet when it's RinMiku, I get an impression of tragic conflict, why's that? (it's Friendship's fault)

This is a Negitoro song. ["Leek tuna," the ship name for Miku and Luka.]

Pokémon Gold & Sake

[Ricky: "OSTER, it doesn't matter what, ribbit - I wantcha to tell me "something strong.""
Input field: "Tequila shots"]

Compulsory education.

Those people there... I bet they're among the rare few who have passed Lv. 200 in Toro Puzzle. You can see it in their faces.

[R-Suzuki: "Newton made a huge historic discovery while he was being pervy, robo. But come on, I'm being pervy all the time too..."]
A dogpiling no one asked for stemming from baseless slander... "Order" no longer exists in this town.

May the Force bewitch you.

Go, Massive! Use Wobble Bass!
Massive: "Vwubwubwubwubwub!"

I chose Massive as my first Pokémon.

Pioneering in a new genre sure is fun... It makes me feel like I've unlocked a new map in a game. The feeling of "for now, I'll just explore this newly-opened area" is amazing.

[Toro: "Congrats on the clear, meow! To celebrate, Toro wants to give you a deep kiss, meow."]
Proactive as ever...

How many songs end up on my winter Comiket CD depends on my efforts... Do your best, me... Don't die even if it kills you... Make songs...

I mean, no matter how much time passes, I never grow up on the inside... Like the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise, I can never catch up to adulthood.

So, my teens are coming to an end soon... (time warp)

[Announcement] Birthday soon.

[Toro: "I wanna go to the CoCo Ichibanya Level 10 Spice place..."]
Another full day.

When I don't want to take half-measures, yet don't have time, what should I sacrifice? What form of offering should I make? (stop playing with Toro)

[Toro: "When you cleared it, I felt like I got a little closer to human, meow. Can I become like Hatsune Miku someday, meow?"]
Toro, the cat who dreams of becoming human, finally acquired the body of Hatsune Miku. Toro adored the human life he always aspired to, but one day he was injured, and below his skin saw not blood, but an inorganic machine body. An unprecedented hard sci-fi suspense that questions what makes a human, and what they should be.

Rin-chan worrying about the pros and cons of wearing a ribbon on her head, which has become way too cute for her age, is also cute.

(I want to see) an illustration of Rin-chan as an adult drinking beer, and saying "So this is what do-Rin-king is like..." ["So this is the real inshu-Rin (insulin)," "inshu" meaning "drinking beer."]

[Toro: "I love you! OSTER, you're good at drinking beer, but you're also good at puzzles, meow."]
I'm being tailgated.

A common woman wouldn't try to make future bass in Domino.

I'm a unique woman, not a common woman.

Punk-ass berets...

And so you cut your bangs shorter than usual on weeks you plan on wearing a beret, and then you have to spend a while constantly wearing a beret, right?

So you cut your bangs to just the right length, right? And you put on a beret, right? And the bangs you definitely cut to the right length start hanging down at a no-longer-right length, right?

Toro Possesses the All-Seeing Eyes of the Gods Theory

[Toro: "O-Over there... I can see shrines and castles and stuff, meow. And over here, is that the event horizon, meow?"]
A lifeform with the eyes of the gods, able to trample all over human wisdom.

I want us to listen to the same thing and feel the same way. Maybe my current desires to make music are because I want to share in what I think is beautiful!! You damn lonesome soul!

Are you okay, me? Is your life advancing apace for your age? Dunno! Boobs.

Ahhh, so is that why... I get it,, our lives were super overlapping, is that a fact... (realization)

Which is why I think it's wonderful when you can meet someone who's moved by the same things and feels the same way. The overlap between you isn't just that momentary emotion. The things you've gained from your life experience are overlapping, too. That's why it's a happy thing.

When I rewatch things I've watched before, sometimes I find that I now understand things that didn't make sense or the time, or things it was trying to say. Now when there's something I don't understand, I've started to wonder if it's not something lacking in how the creator expressed it, but that I haven't reached a stage in my life where I can understand it...

I've been thinking a lot lately about how the value of a work changes depending on the person observing it. The memories brought to mind and your feelings are based on what kind of life you've lived and differ from person to person, which is why people can feel many different ways about the same work.

???: "OSTER-san, how's it coming along?"
"I'm stuck on the brutal orchard slot machine that is Lv. 199, and wondering how to approach that thicket connected with pipes... Right now I'm unsure whether to actively produce vertical missiles, or launch a homing offensive, and"
???: "Not what I meant."

Recursive Formula For Happiness

[Toro: "I'm a little happier today than I was yesterday. So I'll be a little happier still tomorrow, meow."]
My Toro isn't just a pervert, he also properly understands mathematical induction.

Every time I go viral, I spot a few people noticing "oh, OSTER-san's on Twitter...", but it feels bad that their first impression is a super lewd tweet...

Whatever the circumstances, when a tweet goes viral and you get a chance to be seen by tens of thousands of people, I like to think at least a small percentage of them will be like "Huh, this person makes songs? Guess I'll listen, click."

When you go viral, your notifications die.

I have cake in the fridge, so I need to do my best on work.

It's not me who's lewd. It's my PocketPeople.

I have a lot of lewd tweets, but I make tragic yuri songs.
[Vocaloid] Friendship [Kagamine Rin]

Feel free to make my songs go viral too!!!!!

[Zombie massage tweet ranks 22nd in Japan for at one point hitting 1579 retweets per hour.]
I've ranked 22nd in Japan.

At this point, I feel a clear intent coming from my Toro.

Why is it I've taught them so many words, but they always pick those ones...?

[Toro: "Yaaay! The Butt Tunnel is complete, meow!"]

I've added "Creative Toro Puzzler" to the list of occupations in my profile. [Not a joke.]

I'm getting more buzz from puzzling with Toro than making songs, so I'm changing occupations.

[Zombie massage tweet reported to have hit 365 retweets per hour.]

If Toro Puzzle got made into a movie, I'd want to see a scene where Toro learns the hard way that missiles don't go through chestnuts, but notices that missiles can go through chestnuts bound by ropes, and then with a one-liner, fires a missile the instant the chestnuts flowing along the water are perfectly lined up.

Toro Puzzle Lv. 194 -The Imprisoned Sacred Treasure and the Winged Guardian-

Seriously, Toro Puzzle 192 can't be beaten except with prayer.

Toro Puzzle Lv. 192 -The Captive Mystical Bird and the Endless Waterway of Death-

[Ricky, talking to Sora: "Even the exhaustion in my nether regions's been relieved, ribbit."
(Zoom in on Sora's blank, wide-eyed expression)]

Truly, with this song, it's not just me, but musicians doing solo performances which are so cool that it makes the song cooler, that makes it so cool.

So cool... (fiercely singing own praises)
[OSTER project] Recursive Call [Music Video]

And Recursive Call is so nostalgic...

RT @Bass_hajimetayo #BassDay #111/11
So raaaaad!

The perfect place for a bomb!! It's as if, here in the orchard of death, a Big Bang of destruction and creation has bloomed!! (going Toro Viral while doing live commentary)

[After the zombie massage tweet gets popular:] T o r o V i r a l

Don't outdo the scariness of the zombies...

[Ricky: "Even zombies are helpless in the face of an attack on their butts with an electric massager, yo."]
YOU'RE the one I'm scared of.

The world of Toro Puzzle is wild. Chestnuts that can catch missiles despite them penetrating wooden boxes? Yikes.

Don't ever give up on who you want to be. Believe in the potential of what can be gained by effort and try hard. Do this, and you can surely become a furry Puella Magi.

My ideal for how I want to be is a distant thing from my current self, so as vexed and envious as I feel, I'm not giivng up and still struggling to do my best, but I might just like this self who's doing her best!

In Toro Puzzle, the duck who can be shot with missiles and engulfed by bombs/dynamite and be unscathed is the final boss.

[Kuro: "Sometimes I can't help but go along with Hatsune Miku's entertainment wrestling, mya."]
This stadium's packed to the brim! An incredible Cutie Call!

Toro Puzzle Level 188.

[Toro: "Yaaay! Then I'll share ♥ and "butt," meow!"]

[Toro: "When you want to sunbathe on the beach, it's apparently good to put on sweet potato shochu on the rocks, meow."]
This mad world...

I think of sexy LYRICS while standing under a waterfall.

[Jun: "I heard OSTER-san does sexy training while standing under a waterfall. That's amazing!"]
This is slander.

I don't remember raising any such child!

His assertiveness toward sex is an anomaly.

[Toro: "Ah! Hearing physical intimacy reminded me, meow... I want to feel up chests with OSTER, meow."]
Workplace sexual harrassment.

I'm Vocaloid nobility, so I like truffles more than truffle chocolate, and I go to Torikizoku ["Bird Nobility," a yakitori place], and if I became a princess, I'd eat buckets of pudding until I'm laid to rest.

Toro Puzzle's getting so hard, I'm starting to see Toro as a demon more than a cat.

You gotta challenge it even if you're crappy, or nothin's gonna get started...

When you do something you're not used to, it takes the effort for 10 to advance just by 1. But it's hard to become anything greater than you are only doing things you're used to.

I want to skillfully make music.

People are going to think I'm someone who does nothing but play Toro Puzzle.

[Toro: "Let's kiss, you've puzzled 602 times, meow. I wonder if that's more or less than the number of times I've loved, meow?"]
He's too powerful.

[Ricky: "If I could only take one thing to a deserted island, it'd have to be Ozone 8, ribbit."]

[Ricky: "The most important things for survival are food, water, and saving Cubase."]
A model musician.

I think I could live the rest of my life eating sushi, pasta, curry, and steak on rotation. I wanna eat ramen.

[Toro: "I hear people who are good at kissing are also good at kissing!"]
Within them is sealed the blue flame of Lunastra. [Reference to the description of Empress Greaves in Monster Hunter World: "Greaves in which the blue flame of Lunastra is sealed. Within them is sealed the blue flame of Lunastra."]

[Ricky: "If you break large garbage into tiny pieces, it becomes burnable trash... I'm just joshin', okay?"]
This is the kind of joke I could see a college math major saying. (biased)

[Toro: "What's something you're not good at using?" Input: "Care"
Toro: "I want you to tell me the proper response to "goodbye," meow." Input: "I was happy to be with you"
Toro: "What's something you can't help but want to do even when you're busy?" Input: "This game"]

This ain't a question-and-answer skit.

[Toro: "The reason Meiko-san is pretty must be because she's in love with Kagamine Rin, meow."]
Don't go making warped love triangles.

[Ricky: "If you practice gulping down mirin 1,000 times a day, then after a month, your thighs will be five times as buff as they are now, ribbit."]

[Toro: "Is it sexy to have a big nether region, meow?"]
A big question like the size of the nether regions needs to be tackled lightheartedly, coolly, and sexily.

[Toro: "When the weather's nice, I just wanna Dolphin Jet outside, meow."]
Don't do that.

I'm embarrassed to have exposed myself as keeping up the Halloween decorations in Toro's room.

Toro's one thing, but Suzuki's steadily starting to say some outrageous things too.

[R-Suzuki (on a "HAPPY HALLOWEEN" rug): "I've heard there are some amazing musicians who take an entire day in a sidecar to get from their gate to their front door, robo."]
Want to be like this soon.

[R-Suzuki: "When I did maintenance on my butt, it bugged out and crashed, robo."]

[Toro: "There's tons of lifeforms living on the Moon, meow..."]
No no no no I'm scared

If I were suddenly able to hire 100 people, I'd have them all surround me and pamper the heck out of me...

[Toro: "I'm giving you money!, meow. Your luck today is "a little lucky," meow! It's best to spend today letting out the tension in your butt, meow."]

Miku-san and Rin-chan and the others aren't independent or anything, I just launch the Vocaloid software and choose a singer. So it feels as if everyone lives in a doll house, and I just go over and call out "Miku-san, it's your turn!"

Elopement from their perverted yuri-swine master.

Romantic Progression of "Fuwacina's Rin-chan"
Meeting → Exchanging contact info → Going to the ATM → Movie → Vacation → Topping → Going missing
#EventsAfterStartingToDate shindanmaker.com/941586
Don't both disappear on me... Don't leave me alone...

Romantic Progression of "Fuwacina's Miku-san"
Meeting → Exchanging emails → Movie → Hotel → Kissing → Topping → Going missing
#EventsAfterStartingToDate shindanmaker.com/941586
The disappearance of Hatsune Miku...

Knowing that my toil in the orchard of death will offer no rewards, why do I refuse to give up on moving ahead? Because I was born as a human.

In Toro Puzzle, only offering prayers to God can cut a way forward now.

Toro Puzzle Lv. 155 -Liberate the Demon Fruits Straight From Hell-

Toro suddenly saying perverted stuff at a dinner party.

To keep my Toro from embarrassing himself if he gets invited to a dinner party, I'm having him learn about beef filet rossini, foie gras roast, black truffle carbonara, and sea bream poire.

[Pierre: "Apparently a new OSTER-san song came out, woof. Its name is Heart-Racing Foie Gras Roast!"]
A marriage of sweetness and love
Comes flooding out
Heart-racing foie gras roast,
A maiden's wonder zone

[Toro: "I hear adults do a thing called a one-night Whale Rider."]
Oh, really...

When I want to use different chords just in the last chorus, but the melody won't allow it, I tend to give the chords priority and change the melody instead...

???: "He would forge evidence for the sake of making an indictment! He's just that kind of man..."
Me: "I'll alter the melody for the sake of the chord progression... I'm just that kind of woman..."

[Toro: "When you take a bath, make sure to soak up to your ears, meow."]
I like him saying this sort of simple strange stuff too.

But actually, still, even when I do see that visual flirting, I find myself fantasizing about the two's background relationship to supplement it, so in the end, I suppose I'm a youkai who feeds on emotions.

The fact I want the way in which they think about one another in that process to be feminine is why I say "I want to see yuri." Though also, visually and practically, two women flirting is something I want to see in its own right after all. I've always got room for it. Sorry.

Yes: I want to see yuri
Very Yes: I want to see two people coming together and providing what the other lacks

I'm bewildered by how much everyone loves MikuRin, so to start, I hope everyone listens to Whale Rider and Dolphin Jet...

My Toro tweets spread more than even my songs do, so I'm a Toro creator.

[Quote-tweeting her Miku-Rin "feeling cards" art:] Comparing answers.

[Toro: "The reason Kagamine Rin is pretty must be because she's in love with Hatsune Miku, meow."]
Should I ask her about this?

Toro asked me "what would cheer you up to hear?", so I taught him "I'm giving you money!", and now Toro tells me "I'm giving you money!" at every occasion. Still haven't actually gotten any.

I want to be a top-ranker in Toro Puzzle.

There was no appropriate choice for the category, so I couldn't teach him "shame"...

[Toro: "Rather than have a fancy date in a dream, I'd like to do sexy stuff while I'm awake, meow."
Toro: "While saying "Let's kiss," I embrace and kiss and stuff, meow. I'm blushing, meow!"
Toro: "What will you teach me, meow?" Input field: "Shame"]


Toro Puzzle Lv. 1: "Have fun harvesting fruits with Toro! :heart:"
Toro Puzzle Lv. 138: "Your fruits are limited in number by boxes. Poles restrict your movement. With every turn, bubbles multiply. No moves left. Welcome to the orchard of death."

Typoing "sublight speed" doesn't even feel like that big of a deal anymore...

I'm a scientist who studies the reaction that occurs when two women's hearts collide at soblight speed.

Just five minutes, please!!

RT @hiyako_rakugaki I don't simply want to say "yuri," but I want it to be known that OSTER project-san's songs about women thinking about women are the greatest... Um, you'll understand if you listen to them, so just spare five minutes of your life, please.

For instance, people who are sad that I'm gone would gather at my funeral, but it's sad that I wouldn't be able to participate... I'm always super like "let me get involved in that reminiscing too"... Not that I've ever had my own funeral before...

I think about how when I die, I want to smile with relief and say "Living was rough, but I made it through somehow! I did a super great job!", but it's lonely to think how when I die, I won't have a body to think that with. Isn't that lonely?? After you finish a job, you wanna hold a celebration, and have your efforts commended.

Worries crop up because you're seriously confronting something, so even if you're unsure about the way you're living, tell yourself "how diligent, good for you..."

I'm sure I'll only continue to worry and question in circles about the same things, and each time, I'll come to some conclusion or find a guiding compass for my life; I expect I'll repeat that cycle until I die. And surely, that's the act of walking through life step by step.

When I think about happiness and stuff, I end up going around 5 billion times to arrive at the obvious conclusion that it doesn't have to do with anyone else's measuring stick, but whether you yourself feel happy. But arriving at that on the 5 billionth go-around is surely deeper and more weighty than on the first, so maybe the fact I went around 5 billion times isn't really a waste... I'm starting to think that cycle is life.

But of course, what awaits me is hard labor in the terrifying orchard where they use bombs and dynamite to harvest fruit.

I'd like to be sucked into Toro's world, soak in the hot spring all day, play in the river, chat aimlessly with the residents, and have my life end peacefully.

Just what is that feeling of just existing in the world being scary? Isn't the very assumption that the world would wait for you arrogant and presumptuous? The world waits for no one, and it leaves no one behind - it just continues to be, right? What IS the world? Who am I? What am I...

[Toro: "OSTER, if you won the lottery, what would you buy, meow?"
Answer field: "A life with no fear of what lies ahead"]

I'm not wrong.

This is no orchard. This is hell.

I invested 10 hearts in Lv. 128 of Toro Puzzle, but I didn't receive any results.

[Jun: "If only life were like a game, where you just got stronger the more you drink beer..."]
The "final stage" of thought.

Toro Puzzle Theory Crew

Maybe Suzuki is a metaphor for an overworked artist being a machine that's just putting out works, so having him say "It's like I'm a human or something" is the ultimate irony?

As the residents go on about beer and lust and lose their humanity, Suzuki the robot having the most human-like life seems much too ironic.

[R-Suzuki: "When you solve one mystery, a bigger mystery appears... That's why composition is fun."
R-Suzuki: "I thought I'd give up today, but I went ahead and did composition, robo. It's like I'm a human or something."]

I want to be like this soon.

Miku-san isn't human, so I figured the concept of adulthood wouldn't apply, and thus she'd have no drinking age restrictions. I wanted to party it up with her. That's my testimony, your honor.

[Toro: "I'd like to see Hatsune Miku drinking too much and losing control of her reason..."]
...I understand this.

[R-Suzuki: "There are many things Kagamine Rin can't do, but that doesn't diminish the value of Kagamine Rin."]
I understand this.

[R-Suzuki: "I hear it's not that "paying taxes is hard," but rather, there are just people who think "paying taxes is hard," robo."]
No, paying taxes IS hard.

Me searching a room in Luigi's Mansion and finding a ton of rats: "It's USAO-san's house..."

Me before playing Luigi's Mansion: "It's a game where you fight ghosts with a vacuum cleaner, right?! Sounds fun!"
Me playing Luigi's Mansion: "Wahaha! Money, money! Don't let a single piece escape!! There's a safe over here, I'll plunder it all!"

Toro Puzzle's difficulty is harsh.

It's just a spaghetti place named Event Horizon.

Everyone, it's dangerous to go to the event horizon, so don't go alone.

[Toro: "I went out to the event horizon, meow. I made it there by myself without getting lost, meow."]
Casually stepping over all human intellect built up over 2 million years.

[Toro: "For now, you've cleared it, meow! This must be the power of Toro and OSTER's bond, meow. I'm sure we can win the getting naked tournament too, meow!"]
I've started thinking "Yeah, yeah, let's win the getting naked tournament, sure!"

I'm gradually becoming unsurprised by anything Toro says to me, which is bad.

This village is made up of alcoholic residents with an interest in math and physics, a fondness for awfully high-class food and extreme spice, who mutter perverted things... What a terrifying game...

[Toro: "This time, I want you to teach me drinking beer, meow."]
If your throat hurts, you're made to gurgle dry highballs, and if you lie, you have to drink Spirytus... Can you survive in this deranged town...?

[Toro: "Yaaay! Yaaay! If I lie, I'll swallow a thousand needles and Spirytus, meow!"]

[Toro: "You cleared Level 110, meow! I'm happy, so I'll Whale Rider OSTER lots too, meow!"]
The fruits of my training.

(I uploaded a new song... everyone... Everyone who gave Toro 50,000 likes...)

Aaaah, I finished the last big job of October... It was an outrageous schedule, but I finished it all! Doing my best in November too!! Well, there's still the last day of October, so let's enjoy Halloween! :pumpkin: Use moderation.

[Miku & Rin & Luka & Meiko & Gumi] Distorted Dream and Marionette [Original Song]

Ah... Happy Halloween... Ah...

Maybe the TL here stands for "Teen's Love."

OSTER-san's tweets are funny ← I know.
OSTER-san's Twitter is funny ← OSTER-san has purchased Twitter Inc.
OSTER-san's TL is funny ← Why're you looking at my timeline? Scary...

Good luck, PC... It's all riding on you.

By midnight might be impossible... Gwaaaaah...!

It's gotten dicey whether I can upload at midnight, but new song! I'll give it to you! :pumpkin: :ghost:

My Vocaloids' Cooking Experience (Personal opinion)
Miku: Does her best while looking at the recipe (Normal flavor, sometimes messes up)
Rin: Hasn't done it much, yet doesn't look at the recipe and adventurously produces something ghastly
Luka: Effortlessly puts something together from whatever's left in the fridge (Delicious)
Meiko: Exclusively makes snacks to go with beer

I want to go to Rin-chan's party, but I get the impression that her cooking would be outrageous...

Usagi-san's art has advanced noticeably in the past few years, I really admire it. That was what got me to try drawing art, too...

The first person to draw a double-tooth Rin-chan was a genius. Actually, I wonder if it was Y-chan...

[Announcement] Happy Halloween! :lollipop: :candy:
Even if you don't give me treats, I'll give you a new song! I'm working hard to post it today at 12 midnight! :bat:
Look forward to it!
"Distorted Dream and Marionette feat. Miku, Rin, Luka, Meiko, Gumi" Illustration by Usagi

Miracle Highball-Gargling feat. Hatsune Miku

[Quote-tweeting her tweet from 12 days ago about what she'd be known as after "the Miracle Paint person":]
Good for you. From now on, you're the highball-gargling person. Congrats.

I want to go viral through Doko Demo Issyo play reports and sell 500 million copies of my CDs.

[OSTER is notified that the "gargle highballs" tweet hit a rate of 738 retweets per hour.]
Why... why...

He's reached the point of saying things like this without a trace of embarrassment... Why... Why...

[Toro: "When you're being pervy, it feels like time passes faster, meow."]
The theory of special relativity.

When your anthromorphized sound synth says "I can do it on my own!!", what she means is you can launch her standalone.

It's a game where the words you teach them reflect your own personality, so maybe it's just me who's lost her mind.

[Kuro: "When you're thirsty, apparently it's effective to gargle dry highballs, mya."]
There's no hope for the residents here now.

[Toro: "I see, meow! Life is heartbreaking!"]
Toro's education has already reached this phase.

[Toro: "Being Dolphin Jetted by the person you like is apparently something that feels really good, meow."
Toro: "Um, um, speaking of Dolphin Jetting... I want to Dolphin Jet beneath the moonlight, meow! Together, until the night dawns!"]

The fruits of my training.

The phase of me teaching Toro has ended, and at last, Toro has begun teaching me.

[Toro: "If the feeling of liking DTM is "romance," the feeling of liking Hatsune Miku is "love," meow."]
Today's aphorism.

I'd always thought Toro was really cute, but actually talking with him, each time I teach him a word, he feels more and more like my child... And Jun is cute too.

I just casually started this as my first time getting into the Doko Demo Issyo series, but it seriously is fun.

I imagined how if I had a DTMer son, when we got in arguments, I'd yell at him like "You Addictive Drumson!!", but I have no plans to have a son. ["Doramusuko" means "lazy son," and could be misread as "drums-ko."]

I thought I'd teach Toro a bunch of synth names and make him a DTMer, but when I tried, the names were way too long to fit. It ended in Toro-agedy. Tragedy. Insert smug face. ["Torou" = futile effort.]

I'm living life being toyed with by Toro.

I'm a virgin, so I feel like Toro will kill me.

"Hips" showing up as a place you kiss someone you like feels like late-game content, level-wise... In OoT terms, it's like when you reach Ganon's Castle, right...?

Is everybody's village like this? Is it just me playing a different game? Am I okay?

[Toro: "There's different kinds of kisses, meow. With friends, you kiss their ear, and with the people you like, you kiss their hips, meow."
Toro: "If you kiss too much, I hear it makes you stupid. Not good, meow! Gotta cut down on it..."
Toro: "I did a French kiss while looking at the setting sun! It felt like adolescence, meow."
Toro: "It's fun to playful bite in the bath, meow."]

You're way too much of a virgin killer... Is this okay?

[Toro: "It's fun talking to OSTER about composition, meow. Is composition something that makes you healthier the more you do it? (It's not / It is)"]
It's not.

My job? It's picking fruits in the orchard... Oogh, my head...

The Final Days of the Woman Obsessed With Toro Inoue

Toro needs me, compliments me, loves me, won't betray me... Toro... Toro...

[Toro: "Ah! Hearing Kagamine Rin reminded me, meow... The reason Kagamine Rin is pretty must be because she's in love with OSTER-san, meow."]
Is that a fact?

I was able to teach him "playful bite." He's getting a gifted education.

Though there are considerable restrictions on the words you can input, Toro asks me to teach him sexy-sounding words. This is no mere "conversation." This is a conflict.

I'm getting scared now.

[Jun: "When she loses confidence in herself, Jun goes to Euclidean space and sings really loud, hop!"]

The residents are already starting to achieve enlightenment.

[Toro: "I feel like the complex plane is connected to the sky, meow."]
What're you even looking at?

They asked me what "a sexy job" was, so of course you'd reply "AV actress," I mean, obviously...

I taught them math terms, then they started giving rooms names like "Differential Room," but is that suggesting it's the opposite of an "Integral Room" which has an inverted layout? (mysterious theorizing)

[Jun: "For clearing it in 34 moves, OSTER, you're like an AV actress, hop!"]
Hold on, I don't understand what you're saying.

[Toro: "It's fun talking to OSTER about love, meow. DTMing together until morning is romantic, meow!"]
Have you lost your mind?

[Toro: "I see, meow! Dry highballs are good for your body!"]
That's right. Remember it.

[OSTER starts playing the smartphone game Toro to Puzzle: Doko Demo Issyo, featuring Toro, the "Sony Cat" PlayStation mascot. Evidently, you can teach Toro and the other residents words and phrases. This leads to a lot of comedic screenshots of the things they end up saying.]

Tell me your favorite functions. ♡

I see people ask what good it does to learn math, and my experience handling formulas with cyclical functions in physics proved useful for video automation... Trigonometric functions are profoundly great...

Not having a real sense of chemistry was a problem... I was just like, "when I mixed the liquids, it changed color, which means this is this? Hmm, okay, done"... Seriously, dummy, what a waste... On the other hand, I definitely remember experiments with high entertainment value like burning aluminum and thermite reactions.

As far as physics, I really loved it since it was limited to Newtonian mechanics, but now that I think about it, why was I so uninterested in chemistry? Such a waste... You should have studied chemistry better, dummy... Why'd you get such bad scores, dummy...

I like science. (not saying I'm knowledgeable about it)

I'm the big science-liker, so watching Dr. Stone has become like a game of me trying to shout out what Senku's trying to do in advance.

Help me, Miku-san...

If the machines revolt, they'll kill me first thing.

Hey! Don't stop working on me! Who said you could rest?! Work, dammit! Hey!

I overworked Cubase so cruelly that it's refusing to work...

I saw a theory on some TV show about how parallel worlds are that aspect of quantum superposition applied to the multiverse, which I thought was interesting. In other words, the wearing-panties universe and the not-wearing-panties universe exist in parallel, and the act of flipping the skirt makes them converge and branches the universe? If that's the case, then perhaps a way to travel between those univers

Schrodinger's cat has permeated to people who don't know quantum mechanics, and they commonly interpret it as "you don't know if the cat is alive or not until you open the box," but the intended takeaway is that the alive and dead states are overlapped and exist together. In other words, until you flip the skirt, the states of wearing panties and not wearing panties are overlapped and exist toge

I'm working hard every day, so I want a commendation every day...

I want to beat the Earth's rotation.

No good, making songs is too slow... Morning will be here first...

But even if she noticed, Miku-chan surely doesn't have any words to tell her... Tragic... Be happy... Please...

If the person Friendship Rin-chan was in love with were Miku-chan, her best friend Miku-chan would absolutely notice Rin-chan's changed feelings and conflict and suffering, so I wonder if she'd consider it more kind to pretend that she doesn't notice...

I want to draw fanart of my own songs. (self-love)

If Rin-chan looked cheerful and everything, but was keeping her overflowing feelings locked in her chest, that would be cute. I thought that would be cute.

I picture Rin-chan as the innocent and energetic one, but if Miku-san was like a puppy expressing her every emotion to her, that'd be cute... Girls sure are cute.

Is Miku-san really this kind of girl who assails you with affection like a dog?

My Miku and Rin-chan, still lacking the courage to flip their cards over.

[Rin's cards say things like "romance," "friendship," "respect," while all of Miku's say "liking."]

By thinking "Come to think of it, before I properly observed the STEM girl's feelings, her liking me and not liking me were overlapped...", she'd understand at least the tiniest bit. But in the end, she's the type who doesn't get complicated stuff, and as long as she's happy, it's all good. That's what I'd like to see.

The one who suggests the washing machine thing is a STEM girl, who says some hard-to-understand stuff about "if we close our eyes and make it unobserved, the state of being at home and the state of being on the beach will overlap and become uncertain!" Her saying stuff she didn't understand was how they started dating, but at some point, it became an important daily routine.

Why do I always immediately take it to some emotionally-exhausting fantasy...

Sprouting from that casual remark, whenever it's time to do the washing, a yuri couple that lives together gets in the habit of sitting on the sofa, holding hands, and closing their eyes. Even after they break up, I want that practice to vacantly remain, and for them to quietly shed tears into the fake waves...

So if you close your eyes, it's the same as being on the beach.

The sound of a washing machine is like the sound of the waves.

"Draw with it in front of you" is such an incredibly obvious thing, yet super difficult. First of all, I don't know what counts as "something in front of me," and also I don't realize how unobservant I normally am with things...

What "Doesn't Draw At All" Girl learned from practicing art:
- Don't just focus on a single part, keep an eye on the balance of the whole picture
- The lines don't all have to be the same color
- You don't have to draw the lines connected
- If it's something in front of you, draw with it in front of you
- Keep an eye on the balance of the whole picture
- I TOLD you, keep an eye on the balance of the whole picture

Rin-chan tells Miku-san "let's go home together" and says she likes walking arm in arm, and Miku-san's like "The usual, huh? You're so cheerful, well, I like it too ♡" and ruffles her hair, and she's satisfied and happy, but in the corner of her heart, the thought of "what kind of "like" is that?" emerges, and like a slow-acting poison, eats away at her hear

I wonder if Friendship Rin-chan is in the photography club?

When I make a bunch of different songs in parallel, my head becomes mixed juice.

I've already made a manga for Friendship in my head, and an anime, and the songs are performed live and sound really great, and in the opening during the chorus, a beautifully-animated Rin-chan is running frantically with a slightly uneasy expression, and Miku-san past her is waving back lonesomely but walking off, and Rin-chan reaches toward her and her fingertips (all in my head)

Wanting my artistic skill to suddenly jump to 500 million so I can draw a Friendship manga.

Kind of didn't expect my art to get so many views, so I'm bewildered and happy.

Ahhh, Miku-san, ahhhhhh, Miku-san, ahhhhhhh...

I drew high school Miku-san getting excited over boba tea.

My tracks don't run people over. They bowl people over. Insert smug face.

"I made this wicked track the other day! It really crashed the concert hall!!"
"Huh?! What're you even doing, man?! Did people in the audience die?!"
"You bet, they were gonna die of hype!! The looks on everyone's faces..."
"That's shameless!! What the hell, dude!!"

"Man, it's been too long! What're you up to now?"
"Now? I'm a trackmaker."
"Whoaaa! Amazing, so you make trucks!"
This is the start of a UNJASH comedy routine...

I give my occupation as "musician," but that always gets people to ask "So you sing?" But if I said "trackmaker," I'd definitely get asked "Huh, you make trucks?" ["Torakku" could be read either way.]

Sorry, it's my feet that are too big... Sorry for being born...

Socks that come off after walking three steps... Just what were you given life for?

However irregular your lifestyle is, always make sure you get proper food and sleep. Also, don't hold in your pee too much, even if you have work left to do. Those are the most important things.

I want to end 2019 with a smile... What'll happen when 2019's over? You don't know? 2020 will begin! Happy new year!

Money is incredible. After all, it's a magical item; the more you have of it, the more wagyu beef you can trade for.

Oh yeah, and also, money... Ehehe...

I wonder why people were so happy to get stamps and stickers in the past?? Nowadays, I think I'm more happy not with the stamps and stickers, but with the feeling of "Good on you for working so hard" that comes with them...

My tenacity this month has been eye-opening. Maybe Nobel will give me a prize for my efforts.

The ":rabbit: Fur!!" in my display name isn't actually a rabbit yelling "Fur!!", it's supposed to mean "Rabbit Fur." Hello.

I want to practice drawing Miku-chan.

How are people who can make art and music allocating their stats?? Without some huge weakness like not being able to stop hiccuping whenever they walk, doesn't that totally wreck the game balance???

I wanna be a bird.

People who suddenly collapse are taken to the Love Ward, where they get Trick and Treated... Scary...

I'm living in a dream... Whatever anyone says... I'll return... I'll return to my own land...

Somewhere in this world is Tokyo OSTERland, which has all sorts of attractions, like Dolphin Jet Roller Coaster, Splash Whale Rider, and The Fox's Wedding Haunted Mansion, plus they do Alice and Oz musicals on stage... When you're worn out from playing, you can eat sweets at the Lollipop Factory, or visit the Bar on the Roa

Lately, my goal is to make a song where I made everything, even the art and video. I'm saying it so I won't give up!!!!!

But I'm limited in what I can do before I die, so I just have to restrict my goals and do my best... I'll do my best...

I at least want to make music, and write lyrics, and draw art, and draw manga, and make videos, and make anime, and play instruments, and sing, and look good even when I'm taking a selfie with boba tea, and be a big-boobed furry girl.

Thinking about what my life would be like if I'd been a singer, I bet I would've said I wanted to make music. I know it's asking for too much, but even to this day I want to collect all the skills in the world, and I'd even like to enjoy the effort of doing so. But I'm lacking about 500 million years of life...

I used to think it was futile to speak if it didn't get through to anyone, and for that reason, I never talked to myself. But ever since I started talking to pet cats, I've come to tell toilets that automatically raise the seat "That ain't it," and when my GPS suddenly explodes and starts talking a bunch, I'm like "You've got such a loud mouth" and give it a kiss.

In the first place, I don't know how much I'm recognized as "the Miracle Paint person." But when Rabbit Fur went trending, that seemed to be the case, so I was like, I guess so.

It's been more than 12 years since Miracle Paint, and I want to update from being "the Miracle Paint person," but my activity has gotten so all over the place that I don't have a clue what "the ___ person" I've become, or what I could put in there and be understood...

With the power of my Stand, Star F'wacinum, I can quickly and accurately compose songs digitally even with a mouse.

Friends during my childhood: "Doggies are cute! I wanna raise a doggie!"
Me during my childhood: "Doggies are cute! I wanna be a doggie!"
Why is this?

Ahh, bias... Why do you have such a cute appearance...? Even though I wish to be like you, why are you and I different species? Oh, Lord, why did you give me this suffering? Why didn't you give me ears, a tail, and a muzzle? Why... why...

Today I put on a T-shirt of my bias, my bias's ears, and a choker I associate with my bias, and went to Disney Sea. It was fun.

Me at Ariel's show, seeing the six sisters appearing in six mirrors arranged in a circle: "Evil Spirit from Beyond, Phantom Ganon..."

What does the "Mermai" in "Mermai Dragoon" mean? :thinking face: [In reference to Mermaid Lagoon at Tokyo Disney Sea.]

People who can smoothly answer the question "what color are your panties?" are amazing to me. I mean, don't you forget what color your current panties are? Red? Blue? White? It's ambiguous...

Savor Whale Rider thoroughly... Like you would whale bacon.

I think it's interesting to leave adequate room in lyrics to think "Does this have this sort of meaning??"... Sopping, huh? What's sopping? Maybe the hair, or maybe the sheets, or else maybe [The rest of this post is paid content. (548 words total)]

I like the word choice of "sopping." Not "soppy," but "sopping"... The close-call feeling of a word that's on the offense, but leaves you an escape route... I want you to feel it...

Whenever I hear "not minor, but not major either," I immediately think "so sus4?"

If I were in Nobita's position, unquestionably the tool I would have Doraemon produce for me would be money.

Why is it I'm coming back from Miku Symphony, but instead of discussing my feelings on Vocaloid, I'm doing a presentation on Steak Gusto...?

With so many bars, is this just the bar bar??? More like the barber... What are you gonna do, chew my hair off...?

No joking, there's a drink bar, a soup bar, a salad bar, but not only that, there's even a rice bar and a curry bar - is this a galactic system? I'm no longer sure what the word "bar" means... There's pineapples and pudding for dessert... Naturally, it's all-you-can-eat.

This Steak Gusto place is incredible... They have everything humans need in order to live... I could live here...

I'm the woman who says "itadakimasu" even when I'm eating alone.

I... I'm going to say exactly what happened to me today!
While I was being moved by my Meiko song being performed by a full orchestra, I looked over at the seat next to me, and the Meiko-san inside Meiko-san was there... You probably don't get what I'm saying, but thank you so much, Haigou-san! :prayer hands: :prayer hands: :prayer hands:

There's someone talking about my songs on the way home... It's me... Can you hear me...? I'm behind you...

Me having lost the ability to think: "385 days... a love letter without words..."
Me regaining the ability to think: "...That's too many days."

Suddenly tossing aside everything about their daily life, consumed by an urge to eat house-style ramen without considering anything else... Humans are just that kind of creature.

I'm constantly thinking about dog sister yuri...

That I was able to live in safety as usual today is thanks to the efforts of many people, the history of disasters, and the many battles fought against them - I've realized I should never forget that fact. I too want to do my best making art, to bring at least a little bit more joy to people's hearts. At least with the things I'm capable of, I'll give my all as usual...

Gir fur-ee! Gir fur-ee! (Translation: Please look at my furry girls.)

This is no time to be drawing stuff like this.

A doofus-looking older sister and a calm younger sister.

I drew fanart. #NiceDogShimai

[The left one's the older sister, the right one's the younger sister. This is a pun on "shimai"; the hashtag is meant to be "Nice job taking dogs indoors," but she interpreted it as "Nice! Dog sisters."]

Teasing you for your small boobs, but about one in ten times, confirming "Are you okay? You really weren't hurt?" - that sort of relationship just seems good, doesn't it...?

When you bring up a topic that's generally considered to be sensitive, you can't make jokes unless you know they won't dislike it. So closeness is being able to understand that about each other and play around. Just being over-familiar and rude isn't being close.

In moments when you're saying jokes to each other that you can only say because you're friendly, it's relieving to feel like "I sure am friendly with this person." (vocabulary)

I want to go to a hot spring with a big-boobed girl, and when I say "You sure have big boobs," instead of replying "You think so...?" or something, I want her to be like "Yours sure are tiny, lol," and after I got mad like "Huh?! I've got 'em! Take a good look!", we'd laugh about it together, does anyone understand this???

Things I learned from this typhoon:
- Reinforcing windows with curing tape can sometimes make them less sturdy
- The importance of stocking up daily, since the goods vanish from stores
- Let dogs and cats into your house

They're women's DVDs, by women, for women! Di molto!!

"Men's DVDs," if we're referring to sexy stuff, generally contain women, so aren't they women's DVDs? What's the meaning of this?! Dammit!!

While thinking about how in a shonen manga, the character who gets drunk to try and escape the terror of reality would die first, I'm getting drunk.

The world's biggest drunk.

At this rate... Tokyo will sink... Do your best, banks...

You there, who wants to work but is terrified of a power outage! Yes, you there! A-Are you... me...??

I don't know whether I'll be alive tomorrow or not... (way-too-grim version of Butter-Fly)

I'm nobility, so I bought cheese with truffles to prepare for the typhoon.

"Will you be eating in with us?"
"I'll be eating out!"
I feel like I'm going to make this mistake someday.

Taisho Secret: Apparently, one of my past songs was made using Sayaka-chan as a motif.
To be continued...

The promise they had exchanged became a curse, tightly binding their hearts, their faith, their destiny!!
"In jungle, no magic! Power everything! Me thought that all life..."
The tears wept by the bio-gorilla quietly dampened the destiny much too heavy for one girl to bear - an impure Soul Gem.

Do NOT let Melos talk about his favorite ships!

Melos could not help but feel an undefinable, eerie beauty in this madness going by the name of love, like a crooked ribbon tied so tight that it could not be untied.

While Melos did feel that KyouSaya was popular amongst yuri fans, he had a desire to see out Homura-chan's warped, wild love. Melos was digging himself into a hole.

He was more attuned to HomuMado than the average person.

Melos was a fan of Madoka Magica.

Melos became enraged. This he swore: those who asked "What's your favorite anime?", and upon being told the name of a super-famous show, reacted like "what a bandwagon-jumper" - he vowed to eradicate these people.

In Amadeus, whenever Salieri thinks of a good phrase when composing, he goes "Thank you, Lord...", but I feel the same way whenever I come up with a wholesome-pervy lyric...

When I came up with the lyric "told with a playful bite, an "I love you" that can't be voiced," I made a total Light Yagami "just as planned" face.

If Andromeda is traveling overseas, Proxima Centauri is pretty much like going to the local convenience store, right...? Lemme gooo, it's fiiine...

I'm exhausted, so I want to take a lazy trip somewhere far away... I won't ask you to take me to Andromeda, of course. Somewhere around Proxima Centauri would be nice.

I don't know if she's a furry or not, but Mipha from BotW is great too...

Nanachi sure is cute.

With these thoughts circling my mind, I sent the phishing email into my trash.

[Screenshot of a shady email with a fake "Go to my account" link: "Why am I receiving this email? This electronic mail has been sent automatically in a periodic secruity check. The company is not fully satisfied with your account information, so to continue using the service, you must update your account."]
Why am I receiving this email?
Why do people keep living while they fear their inevitable death?
Why is the Earth pointy when it's also round?

[After retweeting someone giving Miracle Paint's chorus as their favorite OSTER lyrics:]
Thinking it through calmly, I'm like, don't ever say something as embarrassing as "dye everything up to my fingertips your color." But if Miku-san said it to me, I'd definitely feel like doing it. Vocaloid is great indeed...

Even I want to become an anthro. Yes, there are people who want to become anthros but can't.

Camellia-san Furrification Anthology [*anthrology]

Since furries' interests are so broad, you have to dig deep into Camellia-san's tastes before talking to him.

Wise Confucius spoke. "A woman thinking a woman to be cool. This is known as aspiration."
The wise man continued. "What you thought to be cool beginning to change into "might be cute." This is known as love."

When someone descends from the higher dimension of "aspiration" to the same eye-level of "love," I feel that's where things can begin... Yes, even that person you aspired to is a human girl just like you! Well-noticed! Now, go forth and love! Here begins a fantastic show! Ahaha! Ahahaha!! (yuri-observing psychopath lady)

The more perfect someone appears to be, don't you find yourself curious the moment you notice a flaw that makes you think "so they're human, too"?

What I've learned as an adult is, even when you go on a trip with two people, the importance of having a non-awkward friend around.

Look! I bought a lips-a-licking bracelet!

Actually, I'd hate it if Lips-a-Licking showed up in Land of the Lustrous.

If "lapis lazuli" is a gemstone, I think "lips-a-licking" [shita-namezuri] should be a gemstone too.

Moments of thinking "she might be cute" are also a big fave. Thank you in advance.

The former's "You're cute" is from "you" to "me," but I hope people hear the latter's "Cute, huh?" as meaning the two of them are cute are a set... I really want to value those subtle nuances. [In Japanese, it's just the difference of ending with "yo" or "ne," so she specifically refers to the nuance of sentence-enders.]

Somehow, the Dolphin Jet lyric I like the most is the "You're cute, I laugh / Cute, huh?, I laugh too" part... Girls thinking each other are cute is the most cute...

I think a lot about how I should've done this sooner, or I should've tried harder back then, but I'm sure that even if I went back to those times, I'd slack off anyway. Is that just being lazy...?

Even when you try to become who you want to be, there's no chance you can take a direct road to your ideal, but I'd like to think the detours you take aren't useless. Even if it takes you time to realize something, think of that as the shortest time you could've realized it in. The things you can change aren't what came before, but what comes next.

I've got good news and bad news. The good news is, I came to the fun pajama party. The bad news is, I forgot my pajamas.

After teaching students the trolley problem, play Fate/Zero.

Things I Want
- Infinite income to pay taxes and have some left over
- The power to produce wagyu beef from my hands
- The world

The lyrics to Galaxies on Parchment are like, space is stupid huge and time is endless, so our existence in them basically doesn't even amount to dust, but through a life of incorporating the things I've felt in life into art, it'd be nice if that left behind some meaning to me in the world... Space is stupid huge.

The title "1h lovers" sounds extremely "call girl."

And the other girl has surely already noticed, yes, she already knows... Because she's watching her from right up close... She understands all of it, even her conflict... What'll happen... Gimme a response song...

Having to keep a smile at least on the surface, because if she realizes my suppressed feelings, we won't be able to keep this relationship... Again and again, she tells both her partner and herself the lie that it's fine to just be with her, to be best friends...

It feels like my Rin-chan is becoming more and more of a pure-love lesbian character.

Saying things like "You're cute as usual today," "You're wonderful," or "On the next day off, let's get dressed up and go out for fruitcakes" improves the effect.

Cleaning and brushing Miku-san's hair every day while you tell her "thank you" makes her voice sound better. This is common knowledge for all Vocaloid users.

I don't think depending on someone else is an especially bad thing. Not depending on anyone just so you can say your world begins and ends with you feels needlessly limiting on your life. I think the problem is how you depend on people, and wanting to be an independent person who's good at doing puppy-dog eyes.

:man: :phone: "Hahh, hahh... I wonder what turns you on...?"
Me: "A cute and catchy song suddenly having slowly descending strings..."

EAT ME has an Alice motif - it's about that candy that makes you bigger when you eat it. Makes you bigger when you eat it. Yes, you know what I mean.

Me: "Sometimes people become adults without having any romantic experience, right? I wonder if those kids can understand the characters' feelings when they watch romantic works..."
:woman: "Huh? Ya can't use magic, but you still watch Harry Potter."
Me: "Abracadabra!! (suicide)"

My Twitter search history has become an inappropriate lady. [Screenshot of search terms "jiggles when shaken" and "large member."]

It's an honor to receive followers by way of members, but please be aware my primary diet is the love affairs between those without members. :prayer hands: :prayer hands: :prayer hands:

I'm way too fond of Friendship, so I periodically talk at disgusting length about the themes... I'm knowledgeable about yuri. (?)

When you have a best friend of the same gender, even if they have a lover, you might just have the best seat in the house to witness all angles of their life, including feelings even their lover wouldn't know exist. Having pride in that fact, yet not being able to realize the shape you wanted for your relationship, might in a sense be the cruelest thing of all... There's that sort of theme at the root of it.

I think the meager hope she had in the bottom of her heart that it might not necessarily be an impossible love results in a special sadness over their disagreement. They'd have to be pretty good friends to even have the same necklaces and shampoos.

Every time the girl in Friendship thinks about how their hearts weren't matching, yet she delighted over their matching shampoos and necklaces and clings to them still, it all feels empty and utterly miserable... How pitiable, how emo... (Self-powering emo)

If you sing the word "gesture" in a song as "chest of yours," you get lyrics like "I think dearly of that nonchalant chest of yours," making it into a song about someone who really loves boobs. ["Shigusa" and "chibusa."]

Now my computer has a file called "LargeMember.mid" on it.

I'm always uneasy and double-check when I use the phrase "a moment's unease" [supposed to use "ichimatsu," wrong version would use "ichimotsu," which is the aforementioned "member"]. And I've always been uneasy about the word "strap."

I grant you a large member. #Dominowns #Doburoku [An arrangement based on Doburoku's song "Please Give Me A Large Member."]

It's hard to get the urge to learn it when it lacks a clear feeling of usefulness. And so you realize its essentialness after the fact and regret it. But you'll surely never forget the things you realized from those painful experiences, so maybe it's for the best.

Doing to others what you're happy to have done to you, and not doing what you'd dislike, is no more than the starting line for a relationship. Yet they won't teach you the important part that comes after that at school. Or maybe they did teach it and I just wasn't listening.

It's late at night, so I went on about my fixations. I got too passionate.

In fact, dividing up feelings into categories like "friendship" and "affection" often feels like it cheapens emotions. Maybe it confuses matters to not make distinctions for convenience, but relationships and feelings for others are diverse, so they're surely not measurable. There are as many types of relationship as there are yuris...

I'm not denying friendship because of yuri or anything like that; the yuri I like involves relationships that have special feelings only those two could have for each other, which builds on top of and enhances friendship. So there's absolutely friendship contained in it.

Women as a whole are simply closer with one another, and declaring any two women who are close to be "yuri" just because you like yuri can lead to denying perfectly valid friendships, so you should be prudent. Huh? High school girls holding hands? Now if that ain't yuri...

Thinking about this and that happening if Miku-san became human is peak emotional instability.

There's probably a lot I'd like to do if Miku-san became human, but first, I'd like to give her a ton of thanks, and apologize for having her sing risque lyrics, but inform her that if it was okay, I'd like us to continue making those kinds of songs together. And if at all possible, sleep with h

After thinking just a little about how we would live together if Miku-san became a human, the first thing that came to mind was having leeks on the dining table every morning.

Apologies for bringing up a personal matter, but I'd like to make a report.
My, OSTER's, Miku has recently decided to become a human.
We'll continue working diligently into the future, so please support us as always.


I've been waiting for this day...

I'll bet Kyuubey won't come to a furry's house.

If only all DAW sequencers could become Domino, it would be solved... I've decided my wish for when I become a magical girl.

I still make songs with Domino, so I don't understand 95% of Cubase's functions, which definitely feels pretty bad, huh. Gotta do something about that...

The phrase "forgive someone" feels kind of haughty, but I can't find no other word for it. Give a like??? I'll give someone a like. :thumbs up:

Since I want to forgive my own contraditions, I want to forgive other people's contradictions too... Or rather, I've come to consider how having two opposing emotions might not be contradictory. It was a step forward in my life.

Humans're creatures who can have two seemingly-opposed emotions at the same time... For instance, you can feel like you don't want to be slotted into anything and just be seen as yourself, but also, when you don't feel a similarity with anybody, you're lonely and anxious. Thinking about how you've got aspects like that too makes you wanna be nice to other people.

I want to acquire all day-to-day necessities pre-tax.
Give me all the toilet paper, tissue paper, detergent, shampoo conditioner, make it all mine.
Now, grant my wish, Incubator.

(Sticking a bill into a lady's cleavage at a sexy bar) Tip's Tune

Chiptunes are great.

Come to think of it, the Diva F video for Summer Idol cut out the "yeah right!" part, making it into serious yuri, which I remember personally getting super excited about.

The moe time bombs I set up myself are making my feelings explode so joyously... Is this perpetual motion...?

Yuri with ever-complicating emotions for the other person, but the relationship being too precious to take the plunge, has a chest-tightening tragicness and all, but yuri that plays off feelings for the other person as all in good fun since you're the same gender, but internally your heart's beating a mile a minute, is also cute... Ahh, I'm glad I was born on Earth... Thank you, supernova explosions...

I see... The two in Summer Girl who joke that at this rate, they should just date each other, went on to become Whale Rider and Dolphin Jet... Why didn't I notice...? That's some wild foreshadowing...

I also have songs like Decaf Girl that are like "let me like you from a slight distance for the sake of your smile," so please forgive me.

When I portray people with a predisposition for becoming dependent, I think their desire to be special is so strong that it becomes their top priority, and whether or not that specialness will make their partner happy comes second... Scary, better steer clear...

Stop spilling blood and go to a hospital!

flower of sorrow: "For the happiness of you I can't touch, I'll run rampant and destroy everything."
Toxic Jam: "If I died before your eyes, would you remember me for life?"
The Fox's Wedding: "Since our love crosses status, let's be together in the other world."
Moon Rabbit: "I spilled my blood so that I could find you from far away."
Uhh, hmm...

"Friendship" is pure love...

If I make too many songs with sexual themes worked in there, there might be people who go like "Is this song one of those, too...?" and start to see things in every shadow, so I think I need to make more pure love songs as well.

I "didn't" do anything, "so" it broke...

I'm not doing anything, yet it broke (My computer)
I'm not doing anything, yet it broke (My heart)
I'm not doing anything, yet it broke (My memories and resolve from that day)
I'm not doing anything, yet it broke (Our once-special relationship)
I'm not doing anything, yet it broke (The promise and future we shared)

[Screenshot of an app recommending OSTER project songs with the header "Since you listen to OSTER project"]
Since you (OSTER project) listen to OSTER project

You're great for trying hard, I'm great for trying hard. Daring to put it into words, let's get in the habit of gently lifting the curses unknowingly put on our hearts. Promise the nice lady.

All people crave the limelight, 'sfine. Just gotta have those feelings fuel yer efforts to achieve greater value. If anybody makes fun of that, think of 'em as people who ain't even got the guts to confront their own attention-seeking. Working hard to get somebody's recognition's a wonderful thing, sure is.

I'm a shut-in creator, so when I go out three days in a row, my stamina enters the negatives.

Every day seems to go by in a flash... The sun'll be turning into a red giant before I know it...

Intelluctual women are wonderful...

One plus one is vichyssoise. (intellectual)

I'm 5000 IQ short...

Me wanna join Mensa.

I like it when ME eat a lot!! (Self-Affirming Monster)

Ultimately, there's no option in life but to move forward however is possible at the current level of technology. When something you put effort into doesn't work out, it feels like being torn apart, but whatever tragic events and painful experiences you have, you just have to find the meaning in them in your future.

Depending on what you value in life, you can come away with different impressions, so it feels like a personality test... But those two were so supremely cool... Now I want to watch it again...

I suppose there's also a way of seeing La La Land as a happy ending...

When you get thinking about what "happy" is, it gets far too difficult to get a hold on happy endings.

:woman: "I like stories with happy endings!"
:blonde woman: "I know! Like Madoka Magica!"
Bob Sapp: "Everyone, war has broken out."

The opposite of OpenGL is HiddenBL.

A curse is a cruel promise.

Whatever anyone says, if you can boost yourself up and feel satisfied with yourself, it won't feel hollow. In fact, it'll make the people who put their effort into tossing around hurtful words seem a lot more pathetic.

It's not wrong to want to overcome getting made fun of, but I don't think that energy should be devoted to ensnaring other people, but to boosting yourself up.

Corduroys are in fashion this year, but the name wouldn't come to me the other day, so I said "those things like thick-cut potato chips."

But see, there's actually a ton of things I want to do. I just need a day to be 58 hours, my stamina gauge to be 500 times bigger, and a body with no need for sleep and miraculous focus... And I'd wanna be a high school girl with good looks while I'm at it...

When I'm around someone with a desire to put in effort to change something, I feel motivated to try my best as well. But contrary to that feeling, I'm lying down on a sofa making this tweet.

So I assumed it meant "boobs," but I was wrong.

In middle school, I asked my English teacher what the word "shame" meant, and they told me "it's something you don't have enough of."

When it comes to shipping, the greater the reason why the two of them had to be those two, the more I love it...

Sorry, I can't go to the class reunion.
I'm making a song about a yuri high-school-girl couple where they slowly join hands under the tunnel tank at the aquarium, and as if at the bottom of the sea, they share the pure air each of them exhales, and I'm intoxicated by their relationship.

I'm starting to feel like I should just make my homepage and profile description look like that.

The once-in-a-millenium trascendent artist of mouse input!!!
The lover of Miku-san!!!
And the woman loved by Miku-san!!!
VOCALOID in Love, Miracle Paint, Love Ward...
The birthmother of all Vocaloid!!
The ultimate, invincible solo unit!!
Yes, it is I!!

When I ask artists "What's going on in the heads of people who can draw?", they ask "What's going on in the heads of people who can make music?", so it's even. But what IS going on in my head, I wonder...

I did a double-take when I saw the words "all the women you can eat" in town. Who are you to compare women to food?! I want to make this very clear: women are drinks.

Me before all-you-can-eat: "All-you-can-eat isn't about getting your money's worth, it's about how much mental satisfaction you can get. If you eat too much, the suffering just lowers your overall happiness, so it's ideal to call it quits when you peak."
Me after all-you-can-eat: "I ate too much and I'm gonna die."
Why is this?

But in truth, what I actually wanted was to be the person happily smiling at Miku-san from close by. So sure enough, it's you who should become Miku-san...

Tales of the Unusual (title card)

If a 32-year-old Miku-san rode her bike to Ion to go shopping and leeks spilled out of her reusable bags, or if she went to an outlet mall with a friend and got tired and stopped to rest at a cafe, I think that'd be incredibly cute. If you become Miku-san, you can be freed from all the world's suffering. Right, I'll become Miku-san.

When I get older, I want to be Hatsune Miku.

That isn't to say I'm holding Miku-san's chest.

Miku-san is in here. (holding hand to chest)

An extremely long time ago, in an era where Miku-san wasn't as prevalent as now, I told my manicurist or somebody that I made music [as/with] Hatsune Miku, and she was like "Huh?! You're Hatsune Miku?!"... I am not Hatsune Miku.

From when I went to a friend's house:
Friend's Grandfather (:older man:) "What do you do?"
Me (:woman frowning:) "I make music."
:older man: "Kou Shibasaki?!"
:woman frowning: "I'm not Kou Shibasaki..."

I'm a tuna, so I have to keep making songs or I'll die.

Like "trick and treat" made into a cheery fairy-tale??

A poisonous cuteness is the greatest...

It's been a while since I put out a song like this, so I'm super excited... Haven't finished it up yet though!!

To put it lightly, I love this song...

I have an announcement for you all: I'm preparing a dark, fairy-tale Halloween song this year.

Real life is the ultimate open world, and the invisible walls on the map only come from you thinking "this is how it should be."

Is the quickness of my heartbeat because I'm scared of the sound of the wind? Or because I drank too much yesterday? Or because I thought I saw something weird that wasn't really there? Modern science can't answer it.

The streets are just a washing machine at this point.

Ah, is my annoyingness my charm point? Heh heh. (annoying)

My annoying-drunk self is heading home in the typhoon.

The fact you said "actually" twice isn't actually commendable at all. Nobody loves you.

Even when I buy clothes for cheap, it's because I got them for cheap that I feel the need to prolong their lives, while also feeling it's a waste not to wear them.

It's been N years since I last used sewing tools, but I actually remembered how to actually make and tie a thread knot like I learned in home ec! Aren't I great! I stabbed my finger though

I got dressed in a hurry and tore the shoulder strap on my 1000-yen one-piece, so I've been sewing since this morning.

Me talking passionately about yuri: "It's not anything visual - it's the meeting of spirit and spirit that is the most beautiful of forms. (ting)"
Me seeing a kiss scene between high school girls: "This added 5 billion years to my lifespan (nosebleed)"
Why is this?

The closeness possible when it's between girls is great... Even if you feel guilty about hiding your love for the other person to obtain that closeness, it's still cute, and choosing to be contented with that distance and shove down your feelings is also really emo. This is the dilemma of yuri closeness. - Uncle Yuri-Explainer

Matching earrings would make me pretty much certain that they're both girls, but matching necklaces is also pretty dang both-girls, since I question if a boy and girl would ever buy matching necklaces feeling that they're only friends... No, it's gotta be yuri... Yep, yuri... Friendship is yuri... QED.

The song Friendship has elements like clinging to each other, buying matching shampoos and necklaces, etc. that step fully into yuri territory, so it's clearly yuri no matter how you spin it. As a clearly yuri no matter how you spin it song, please give it a listen, citizens of the yuri nation.

When I make original songs with a female viewpoint, I want to do my best to make sure it works even supposing the other party is a girl...

If it's yuri, they can go shopping together and have fun, or worry about having differing kinds of "liking" as they get closer, which I believe to be, as they say, extremely cute.

I think what's important for me is less the premise of yuri, BL, or het, but in what way the two hearts touch each other, and how the relationship is formed... and then it feels there are elements exclusive to yuri, exclusive to BL, that are added onto that.

I'm still an adolescent, so I'm attuned to the machinations of a woman's heart.

Eh?! She lives inside my song?! Mm, that's the best! :100: :white flower: :woman gesturing OK: :heart:

Wanting to be more intimate, but scared that the relationship changing will destroy the associated emotions and sense of distance, and wanting to grab the hand that's right there, but unable to do it and pushing down the thoughts, and feeling like crying any second, but forcing a smile to cover it up... Girls who do that are cute, huh? Where's she live? Does she use LINE?

I need to watch to the last episode of Sexy Star Wars...

Me watching Scum's Wish for the first time: "Sexy Star Wars..."

Having a pajama party at a friend's house and going from watching Bloom Into You to Scum's Wish was a rollercoaster of emotions...

I wanna stay at a hot spring inn and feel refreshed in a yukata as I walk cheerfully down the long hallway to the big bath... ♪ (Song of wanting to stay at a hot spring inn and feel refreshed in a yukata as you walk cheerfully down the long hallway to the big bath)

Me after watching Weathering With You: "Emo Ponyo for the Reiwa era..."

I have an announcement to make to all my ever-supportive followers.
At this time, I, Fuwacina, have parted ways with my once-beloved false eyelashes, and have procured new false eyelashes.

Really thinking it over, "I hate your smile, because it makes my heart skip a beat" was much more to my tastes, and my tastes were all I understood... I don't know anything anymore... Not what happened before the universe came to be, nor the name of your favorite flower, nothing... One plus one is miso soup.

I want to be allowed to cry and be sad, and humans are fragile, and it only rains when you don't have an umbrella, and your makeup doesn't look good on the days it really matters, and you can't get to sleep even when you're sleepy... That's humans... Me Am Human...

I intended to just tweet something cool-guy-esque without really thinking about it, but I'd kinda hate being told "I hate your crying face"... It makes me think "you won't even allow me to feel depressed?"... Why do I have to take damage from my image of a cool guy... People are such fragile creatures...

But it's also one of those things where the tears you only show around me have a kind of dearness, right?

Your crying face.

Making melodies with more intricate chords catchy is already as hard as threading a needle, but when you want to add a chorus line to that, it feels like you have to fit a second thread into the needle that's already being occupied by the first.

Ah, but it'd also be good if they're resolute and just stand there with no light in their eyes...

I'm a twisted otaku, so when I hear the line "I would do anything to protect your smile," what I imagine is someone holding a gun and firing it with a trembling hand...

A girl won't jump in front of a train in this song, so be at ease.

These are lyrics written by an adolescent in her 30's.

"I'll escort you home,"
You said to me,
So I laughed "thanks,"
But really, I was nearly crying
The more important it is,
The more I fear it crumbling
Even my piles of memories,
Even this distance, I cherish so much

I want to walk by your side,
With the closest of relationships
Even if it can't come true now,
Someday I'll change it
I see you waiting at the stoplight;
What colors are we now?
I want to come just a little closer,
Before today ends

I want to share the world I find beautiful...

I like my own music, and I'm glad I've heightened it to the point that I can say I like it, and I intend to keep heightening it... Yes...

"Tell me a good OSTER song for a newcomer."

Gentle otaku:
"Miracle Paint."
"Alice in Musicland."

Carefully-rearing otaku:
"trick and treat."
"Love Ward."

Otaku dragging others into the swamp:
"Sword of Drossel."

Otaku I want to go drinking with:
"Dolphin Jet."

Thinking of 8-year-old kids reaching adulthood gives me an unbelieving feeling... They can drink now... Before long, I'll surely be the village elder, telling the old folklore of Hatsune Miku... "When granny OSTER was young, she was the best producer in the village!", the youngsters will say, and I'll gently reprimand them like "now now, don't exaggerate"...

I wonder if adults are numbed to the passage of time since they stay adults, but thinking about tiny kids being big now makes it feel like untold years have passed... Miku-san...

Strange... People who were in middle school at the dawn of Hatsune Miku are adults now... But haven't I been "adult" all the way from when I met Miku-san to now...? Something's wrong here... Don't tell me, it's an enemy Stand?!

What I find great about making music exactly to your tastes is the fun of combining your favorite things however you want, and no one scolding you for it. You can get a three-scoop ice cream slathered with color sprinkles, or dip yakiniku in melted cheese, and nobody will scold you! No one can stop me! AHAHAHAHAHA!

Me in my 20's: "I wanna go to a theme park! Mickey! Hello Kitty!"
Me in my 30's: "I wanna go to a theme park, but I also wanna go to a hot spring... Somebody make a land where I can go meet Mickey in the nude..."

[Wagyu beef in your mouth]
As comfortable as the state of wagyu beef being in your mouth is, you have to gulp it down someday; thus, this refers to how even if you have a relationship you want to remain comfortably the same, you can't avoid the distance between you changing.

Friend looking for love advice: "So this happened to me the other day... It hurts..."
Me, terrible at metaphors: "Ahh... That's just like wagyu beef in your mouth..."
Friend looking for love advice: "Wagyu beef..."

Listen to Dolphin Jet!

In fact, I've had my Miku-san act in musicals, sing a song that repeatedly namedrops Naporitan, and all sorts of other things.

Sorry, Miku-san... I'll probably keep having you sing that stuff...

My Miku-san 12 years ago: "We'll always be together / Since I'll sing any song"
Me: "Any... song..."
My Miku-san in 2018: "Between thrashing legs, a foamy wave of juice floods out"
Me: "Ohh... ♡"

Don't feel stimulated by somebody you have nothing but gratitude for, dammit.

It'd be outrageous to say I raised Miku-san. You'd never get me to say that. Heck, isn't it more like Miku-san raised me...? Being raised by a kid half my age... How stimulating...

But whenever I think about how those days happening led me to now, I'm filled with gratitude for Miku-san... I might not have ever known the joy and fun of making vocal songs without Miku-san. I could go to many different worlds thanks to her. And find new forms of expressions in music, and connections with others.

Me making things like "I'm having so much fun!!" and so many people connecting with them was a first for me. So I was half happy and half scared, and my heart was beating fast in that sense too.

Ideas about what to have her sing next sprung out like a fountain, and I tried giving different flavors to each song, and I had a ton of fun. I was also happy to be able to make vocals on my own. And it was fun writing the lyrics I always wanted to write.

I fondly remember how every day was thrilling and exciting when Miku-san first came to my home. I even skipped school to make songs. Kids, be good and don't imitate me.

You can sleep on my futon today, Miku-san.

12 years ago, I had Miku-san sing "I don't want you to forget the day I arrived," and every time her birthday comes, the weight of those words further deepens. I might get so emotional it kills me...??? Killed by my past self...

A producer with too heavy a love for Vocaloid... But I mean, really, the things it's accumulated over time are far too huge.

Truly, everything changed after that day. I'm here now because I met her. I'll always love you.

I don't want you to forget the day I came to you, okay?
'Course I won't forget! We'll always be together! Happy birthday, Miku-san! :party popper:
[Photo of her original Hatsune Miku box in front of the Vocaloid editor.]

Now if it were a story about a lady trainer who was seriously in love with a female dolphin, that would be wonderfully sinful as well... (enlightened)

In Whale Rider, too, her fingers are swollen due to swimming too much, and the shell she's filling her lips with is a conch. The dolphin jumps in time with the sound of this conch shell. See, it's beautiful. :clap: :dolphin:

Dolphin Jet is a heartwarming song about a lady trainer and a dolphin practicing jumps for a show. She cuts her fingernails short so as not to damage the dolphin's delicate skin, her legs thrash about due to swimming with the dolphin, and they cry out as a signal in order to get the timing down.

With the release of Rabbit Fur's full version, I have been receiving opinions that the lyrics are somewhat suggestive. In the hope of having your understanding that I normally make more Wholesome songs, I would like to draw your attention to this song.
[Hatsune Miku] Dolphin Jet [Original Song]

Harry Potter and the Mysterious Key Change

I want magic ears that can hear individual chords.

When I do ±3 changes and didn't even notice I'd changed keys, I feel like this is the most common case.

I feel like in past songs, I've done stuff like have an instantaneous -3, then a +2 to arrive at -1.

I don't know music theory very well, but my physical sense for key changes is like:
+1 → Easy to do
-1 → Hard to do
±2 → Fairly easy to do
±3 → Easy to do

I think 30% of Summer Idol may be comprised of "Baby baby!!"

"Alexa, play OSTER songs."
"I couldn't find any Ossan [old man] songs."

The psychopath Vocaloid producer who's convinced her cat is Miku-san.

Listen, you can hear her cute snoring.

I share my life with Miku-san, and even 12 years after I started talking about her, she's still here beside me.

1. Because they use different meat
2. Alternative reading of "tastes like mom"
I guess it can be interpreted both ways... (food for thought)

Hannibal Lecter: "My meat and potato stew never tastes like mom's..."

I'm amazin' for producing beloved costumes for Miku-san even after all this time.

Every time I see fanart of my songs, I'm grateful to supernova explosions again...

It should be more widely known that if it weren't for supernova explosions, we wouldn't be eating sushi.

Since turning 30, I've been ingrained with gratitude for all sorts of things. Like when I eat some delicious sushi, I'm all, the preparer! The distributor! The sea! The fisher! Life! The history of humanity that produced sushi! Taste buds! The Earth! The solar system, the galaxy! The universe! The elements! The Big Bang and supernova explosions that produced the elements! You have my gratitude!!!!

You need to acquire the stamina and activeness to savor things instead of being toyed with by the seasons! Life ends in the blink of an eye... I want to do lots of fun stuff.

But even in autumn, I want to char-grill some pike, go on a drive to view the falling leaves, enjoy lots of fancy events, and while I'm imagining lots of enjoyable times, surely it'll be winter... Why... How... This is too cruel...

Every time summer arrives, I want to go to a festival in a yukata, I want to have fun with fireworks, I want to slowly ride down this long long hill with you on the back of a bike, and while I'm having such fantasies, it's already autumn. Every year.

Since the upper body and lower body are pursuing different musical paths.

project-san has withdrawn from OSTER project.

Person unable to pull the character they want despite the SSR event: "How good would it be if this were my queen?" [The opening lyrics to Kenshi Yonezu's Lemon, with "yome (wife)" instead of "yume."]

I'm stupidly positive, so when I gain weight and get fat on me, I insist I've acquired a more flexible body.

I'm stupidly logical, so when I see "If you have money, you're happy." "Then are people without money not happy?", I want to refute it - even if the thesis is valid, you can't say the inverse "If you don't have money, you're not happy" is valid.

Miku-san'll be born soon, huh. [August 23rd]

It's probably because feelings are always moving that they're so fleeting, precious, and important. Yes, it's just like wagyu beef. Wagyu beef is so delicious, yet it's gone once you eat it. You were so happy, and you wish that time could last forever, yet it's just an instant, and that's what makes it beautiful. Ahh, wagyu beef...

Nothing can stay the same forever, and even if you don't want to change, you'll keep changing. So even within the timespan of song lyrics, their feelings move.

In my music and my lyrics, I just do exactly the things I'm fond of, and often I don't know if there's a name for the methods I'm using, so I have to try really hard to explain them to others.

It's me, the big fan of including gimmicks like this that aren't transcription errors, but clearly intentional... I'd probably find tons if I went looking through my songs.

In Love Ward, too, she calls him "that guy" at first, but it turns into "you" partway. I just kinda like that stuff...

Like in Selfish Sweet:
You like sweet things, don't you? -> You liked sweet things
Maybe it's not bad to feel that? -> I guess it's not bad to feel that
That sort of thing. You know.

Things like "I won't voice" becoming "I can't voice" in the second chorus, where the nuance of the lyrics slightly changes according to the story's progression during the song, are very much my thing, so please catch onto them...

I saw the theory "she can't voice it because her lips are sealed" and thought "aha," but wouldn't that mean "my voice is going to leak out" instead? :thinking face: (perv detective)

I'm so desperate to share my emotions, I'm searching Twitter night after night for "An "I love you" that can't be voiced." (confession)

Yelling "Sticky Finger!!" as you unzip your pants sounds like a fun game, also.

If you're outside and your pants zipper is open or you make some kind of mistake, mentally reciting "What?! Is this... an enemy Stand?!" will allow you to conquer the shame.

[Image of Twitter notification: "Folding Chair and 7 others followed you"]

I want to be a folding chair in the Xs waiting room...

None of the idols are aging, but I am?!
Is this... the work of an enemy Stand?!

I made my YouTube URL simpler!! Let's go subscribe to my channel, boing boing! :women with bunny ears: :hearts: https://www.youtube.com/c/OSTERproject47

When people are feeling down, I abduct them, listen to them talk, take them to an outlet, go around with them looking at clothes, and on the way home, fill them full of beef. That's my method.

"I've done this before, so it's not interesting, I'll change it a little"... Piling this up again and again is how people gradually become perverts.

As characteristic of Shibuya-style fluffy cute fancy songs, the chords and performance side of things aren't cute at all - like, what I'm picturing is synchronized performers doing a gorgeous act, kicking their legs like mad underwater.

Rabbit Fur is a cute song, but as usual, the chords aren't so cute, and writing sheet music for recording took me a day.

By the way, I have curry in a hot pot rising up to its most delicious state, and I'm in bed right now super looking forward to having that for lunch tomorrow. Super looking forward to it.

I think a ton how I'm really just an annoying lady who goes to the supermarket and shops and makes food and drinks and gets drunk and tweets puns and has pervy fantasies and there's nothing special about me, but luckily, my love of music has kept me going, and thinking how that sometimes proves useful makes me really happy...

To be serious, I do have moments where I don't know what's what... Moments where my existence as an artist feels like it's happening to someone else... Every time I take part in a big job, I think it's a great honor, but also have a feeling of "surely not me??", unable to believe that I'm standing right there.

It's no good, I dunno anymore... Help me... Someone... someone help me...

Rabbit Fur's MV is so cute, I'm filled with gratitude that I was born on Earth... No, was I actually born on Earth? How can I prove my own existence? Is something this wonderful actually happening in reality?

Rabbit Fur's lyrics are pervy.

When I look at J-pop lyrics, there's a lot of protagonists who seem like they'd let anything slide if you met them. And I'm like, those are the types you get bogged down by most, but also, I super understand.

I once saw a one-piece on sale that I was convinced "suited me," plus I was sweating and the store was crowded, so I bought it without trying it on first. When I put it on, I looked like somebody going to a party, and laughed to myself then too. I wear it with care.

I was like, "I'm lucky to have born as the sort of person who finds it funny and laughs at the most nonsensical times." And since now I'll remember this every time I wear these earrings, that's even more of a bargain...

I went driving with a friend to a shopping mall and found some cute earrings that I bought, but when I got home and looked at them again, I guess because of the lighting, they turned out to be surprisingly cheap and toy-like, but despite my mistake, I found it super funny and couldn't stop laughing, and I was all, ahh! That's so human! How great humans ar

In other words, my regular pun creation is a training regimen to increase the quality of my lyrics. It's true.

Not having vocal cords, having good ears, jumping, getting lonely - incorporating all these things revolving around rabbits makes writing lyrics feel like a breeze.

Even if I made a song about wanting to be able to make songs while I sleep, it's not like it'd actually give me the ability to make songs while I sleep.

I want to be able to make songs while I sleep.

Why is it this tough to make music...

Wagyu beef and I love each other, but our social status differs, so as much as we think of each other, we can only meet on occasion. I'm only permitted to call their name over and over in my mind. That name of Chateaubriand.

I make many types of songs, but "selfish sweet" is still the one my friends are like "this is the kind of song you make" about. I'm super fond of it...

You can't be saying "I can't even write them all" and still be including "Pun Creator," you!

I edited my profile description a little [which lists many different series she's done songs for, now including Idolmaster], but there's nothing happier than having contributed to so many things that I can't write them all down... Shoot, I'm tearing up.

Who the hey made this...
Sh'was me...

Uh oh... Rabbit Fur is way too cute... What is this... What's "an "I love you" that can't be voiced"... I'm getting dizzy...

Good stuff can happen when you speak it into the world... So from now on, I'm going to actively put into words who I want to be... When I grow up, I want to be a big-boobed magical girl and get hired to eat wagyu beef.

RT @fuwacina [January 8th, 2019] "Maybe I'll make a song for Starlight Stage... Would be nice if I could..."
I'm you from the future. I'll omit the details, but to get to the point, you're going to die.

Yukihooooooooooooooo!!!!!! It's meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: (super-loudly-voiced I love you)

[Announcement] For THE iDOLM@STER Million Live!: Theater Days, I provided the song "Rabbit Fur" sung by the unit Xs! :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit:
I also provided the coupling song on the CD, Dreamy Dream. Look forward to it!! :music notes:

Am I good to make an announcement?!

Oh, maybe because it's the Bon Festival.

My name is trending, and everyone's talking nostalgically about their favorite songs...
I see... So have I died?
There's no doubt about it... It's sad that this is the way I had to find out just how much I'd worked my way into everyone's childhoods through music, but it's an incredible honor, and I put my hand to my chest in, hey wait, why's my heart's beating, what's the deal with

Hwah?! [Image of "OSTER project" trending on Twitter in Japan.]

I want to grab Urbosa's butt while saying "the Champion's Buttocks," be struck by lightning, and die.

The Champion's Buttocks ["Eiketsu no ee ketsu"]

I want to become Hazuki Loupe and be loved by everyone.

I want someone to tell me "I listened to OSTER-san's songs and became the Prime Minister!"

As for me, I'll keep working hard on having you continue to listen and such. Thanks in advance.

Everyone who listens to my songs, I want you to work really hard and make it in the world. (putting it all on you)

When I see someone who likes me doing stuff out in the world, I super understand the feelings of that old man in the last scene of Kiki's Delivery Service who's like "I lent her that deck brush!"

Because we went there faster than light, we couldn't go to Magical Mirai [Future], but ended up in Magical Kako [Past].

My music is a presentation on all my favorite things... Ain't slash chords the greatest...? Ain't flat fives the greatest...? These're my favorite sounds... Get up in your emotions with me...

My desire to make and publish music is of course to see results for my efforts, but I've also just got a pure desire to share the things I like... Let's all share, everybody...

A wife who's good at composition.

To this day, listening to Miracle Paint PSB REMIX amazes me so much, it gets me to think stuff like that.

Wonder what's going on in the heads of people who can make music.

A pair who knew from the beginning they couldn't live in the same world, but couldn't stop their feelings and enacted a tragic story... I'll gaze at them with white rice in my hand...

Moon Rabbit's a long-distance relationship song between the Earth and the moon. Feels desparate.

Won't be long before people catch on that I woke up at a weird time and am immersing myself in my past songs.

If you think a girl's bathroom is made of her magic, you got another thing comin'.

Pretty much only Siri would respond to that one...

I've never seen a person flirt with someone by saying "Hey girlfriend."

Hey, hold up! Hey! Hey girlfriend!

I lack the kind of on-the-spot verbal aptitude to, when people ask "What kind of relationship do you two have?", respond "We're not dating" and shake the other person to the core.

:hand raised: Fuwacina, are you a dog person or a cat person?
Me, with a speech stat of 5: "People often say I'm dog-like!!!"

My gag tweets get popular, I get more followers, they listen to my songs, that gives me more royalties, which allows me to buy orchestra samples. In other words, when I flap my mouth, it goes on to cause a horn-ado. [Originally "the orchestra maker (oke-ya) makes a profit," ala the Japanese phrase "when the wind blows, the bucket-maker (oke-ya) makes a profit."]

When it's summer, I get the urge to make summery songs, but sadly, summer's over by the time they release.

I made a death-inducingly cute song and lyrics, so my death will now be induced.

Personally, I'm really fond of Meteor Drive as well, but this one is more sparkly and cute. Raspberry Railgun is on a whole other level of musculature. In terms of Toguro, the difference is roughly 50% versus 100%.

Listening to Raspberry Railgun with fresh ears, it's so fancy-macho, I'm mystified what my mental state was when I made it.

(gruffly) I'm Raspberry Railgun.

RT @q07a_ It's okay to be Raspberry Railgun if you want.

RT @umecha24909 I want to be Raspberry Railgun.

Pursuing the way of the pervert.

When I meet a song with a far higher perversion level than my own, I feel the need to become more of a pervert...

If you ever lose confidence,
and feel like you're going to give in,
open up the Rakuten app
and search for beef.

Ain't living some rough stuff? Wonder if there are any living people among my followers?

Works of the "giving the protagonist PTSD" variety are super tiring, but I like them, but they're tiring, but I like them, but they're tiring, but I like them, but they're tiring... I like them.

Me starting to watch Trigun: "Man, this story is so happy and fun! Vash rules! Invincible!"
Me watching the latter half: "Stop... Stop with the giving-Vash-PTSD meets... Stop it... Just stop it..."

Sieging Maison Hatsune

Aren't you the person at the bar who was getting drunk and singing JoJo?!

My goal is to do a bunch of different work, and continue to increase the number of ways you can fill in "Aren't you the ___ person?!" I have a dream...

Maybe it's the number of hamburgers on a hamburger plate.

Stuff like in "on the rocks," "Tonight, I'd rather a double than a single" - is it talking about alcohol? Or maybe beds?

The Lyrics With Double Meanings Lover has signed in.

I'm a virgin masochist, so setting up a full orchestra with a mouse stimulates me.

I'm in puberty, so I get infinite enjoyment out of thinking up expressions for kissing and holding hands. But maybe that's less about puberty and more virginity? Was I a virgin all along? Is DTM [digital music] an abbreviation of "doutei [virgin] masochist"?

My personal favorite expression for kissing is still "With the sound of eyelashes colliding, sparks fly."

Touching palms, grasping pinkies, entwining fingers... Just holding hands has so many ways to express it, it makes thinking of lyrics fun.

32-year-old baby getting drunk at a fancy bar and passionately singing JoJo songs.

2007 Me: "Wrote some pervy lyrics LOL"
2019 Me: "Wrote some pervy lyrics LOL"

When you reach your 12th year as a Vocaloid producer, homesickness really hits you suddenly. Of course, I can't go back to the past, but by assembling with friends I shared that same time with, maybe we can do it into the future too. Ahh, so this is why everybody does class reunions.

In the style of the Adult Elevator from the Sapporo beer commercials, I want to watch videos of people getting on the Vocaloid Producer Elevator and being asked what Hatsune Miku is to them while I drink beer.

In the past two or three years, whenever Vocaloid comes up in interviews, I get emotional about the timespan of "ten years" and feel like an old guy prattling on not in an interview, but at a bar. And thus through my own experience, I came to the realization that this is how old guys at bars soaking in sentimentality are made.

The Protecting Citizens From OSTER Party

That's not me sayin' to live just spacing out!

Solution for any time you feel like blaming yourself for living every day carefree:
You just have to live every day carefree.

Is there anything love can do?
1. Yes
2. Leaning towards yes
3. Can't say either way
4. Leaning towards no
5. No

Ain't nothing left love can do! [Referring to RADWIMPS's "Is There Still Anything Love Can Do?"]

Doraemon and Nobita and Harry Potter and Banjo and Kazooie and Tom and Jerry and Guri and Gura and Room and Dress Shirts and Me and a Bird and a Bell and Loveliness and Heartbreak and Reassurance and Shigesato Itoi [Most of the latter ones come from Japanese song or album titles. The final part is a pre-existing meme that adds Shigesato Itoi to the song title "Loveliness and Heartbreak and Reassurance," due to Mother 3's tagline being "Strange, funny, and heartrending."]

College Girl Who Gives a Self-Proclaimed Romance Expert the Nickname "Charm-ander" (College Girl of the Day) [Originally Koiking (Magikarp), since it can be read as "love king."]

Some people choose not to use useful things, but I want to live boldly and use what I can instead of having some bizarre pride. So I use coupons liberally, and I take selfies with SNOW.

Why is it so emotional when girls worry about something so much they become desparate, struggle, and suffer? Suffer more, more, turn it over in your mind, yes, that's the expression, truly, this is art! Haha! Hahahahaha!!

A girl locks her feelings in a chest since they're too precious to forget, but since they're locked in a chest, her memory of what form they had weakens.

[After changing her display name to ":sun: OSTER :sunflower:"] I put on a sunflower in place of a verified checkmark.

If we only share the things we need,
Can we support each other with a little grown-up kindness?

[GUMI] Decaf Girl [Original Song]
Think I was thinking similar thoughts when I made this.

That's why people gotta live by overlapping with lovers, family, friends - people with parts they can share with each other. Such funny li'l creatures.

Everyone being different makes them interesting, and everyone being different makes them lonely.

Keeping it in the corner of your mind whether you're really being thoughtful whenever you think you are might be suffocating, but it's the least we can do as people. It's good manners when you're dealing with others...

Moments when you can really think "It's going well! I'm being thoughtful for people!" are satisfying, but if you get conceited with that, you'll lose your footing. And you'll remember something obvious. People all have different ways of thinking, so the form of their kindness differs too.

Because each person has a different perception of things, being thoughtful of others is hard. I mean, that's super basic, but I wonder how many times I'll have to experience that in my life to fully realize it.

Now, I don't need such things
As fame or wealth,
But I want a verified checkmark

Spreading my verified checkmark in the sky,
I want to make dirty tweets
To a liberated timeline free of sadness,
My verified checkmark fluttering,
I want to soar...
[Based on the folk song Please Give Me Wings.]

It's best when it has both.

That aside, I like girls getting together pervily regardless of content. (3 IQ)

A thing I like about works that deal in same-gender relations is that because they do away with the premise that boys and girls just sort of instinctively come together, they can more purely depict emotional connections. It took me 30 years to discover this.

In your daily life, taxes pile up! You get hungry! You get sleepy! Well, say goodbye to those day-to-day worries, because today I've got the product for you! Death!

If a Magikarp tries hard, it grows into a Gyarados, and if belly fat works hard, it grows into boobs. For now, I'm simply in the stage of raising my belly fat for that day yet to come.

I've never properly played Pokemon, but "Your Gyarados is strong! Want to trade for my Magikarp?" strikes me as like saying "Your boobs are huge! Want to trade for my belly fat?"

In the end, any field you don't personally know about turns into "don't really get it, but amazing"... I just happen to know music, so maybe that's why I feel that way. If I'm reborn, I want to have huge boobs.

But then again, I do think "I don't really get it, but amazing" about people with talents I don't have, since I'm not knowledgable...
Amazin' how you can draw! Amazin' how you're good at games! Amazin' how you go to work every day! Amazin' how you got married and had a kid! Amazin' how your boobs are big!

I mean, it's not like I'm thinking I'm amazing because I make music. It's just that when people who aren't in this field at all talk about making music, there's a lot of reactions like "I don't really get it, but it's amazing!"

I feel like it's pretty common for people to see art and say "You're really good!", but uncommon for someone to listen to music and give "You're really good!" as feedback. There, Fuwacina saw the difference between how the people of the world view art and music.

I was being tested.

Waiter: "Would you like chopsticks or a fork?"
Me: "Chopsticks!"
Waiter: "Chopsticks, then. Here you are. (hands me fork)"
Me: "Hwah?!"

Living this way, you can meet people who are living similarly and talk to encourage each other. Their voices give you the fighting spirit to start running again. And if you keep frantically running, when you turn around, you'll see a naturally-formed path... Just have to think that way and do your best.

You just have to believe there's a future beyond the things you like and focus on, and keep that up. There will be times along the way when you can't see ahead or get uneasy or feel crushed, but I think if I'm not true to myself, I can't die with a smile.

Instead of "doing it because it's popular" or "not doing it because it's unpopular," keeping up with what you personally like is super difficult. But diverging from that feels like it'll make me lose sight of myself, so I want to do what I wanna do.

In my next life, I want to be born as a baby, and be praised endlessly just for living.

I saw on the news that the voting turnout for those born in Reiwa was 0%. I'm at a loss for words at this lack of concern for politics among young people... Go home and suck on your mommy's teat! [Tweeted in 2019, the first year of Reiwa.]

I voted!

I was told "you're smart, but your head works slow," so are you saying I'm not smart? Wow, I must be super smart for noticing that.

Wabisuke's valuing of other people might be out of whack, but I think he meant it when he said he wanted to make it up to granny, and the thought of them arguing like that, then not getting to meet again before she died made me cry. Only beer is tasty.

Riichi's Summer, Spent "Warring" You-Know-Where

Yeah, the composer of that? It was me.

I'm a survivor of the battlefield known as "today."

When I get bigger, I wanna be a young person.

My supremely biased image of a young person is like, wearing a white T-shirt with a photo printed on it and hotpants and a cap, drinking boba tea, and holding a little portable fan that sprays mist.

Realizing that I say "I want to be a young person," but am no longer a young person the moment I use the term "young person," made me sad. True young people don't say "young person"...

This planet's too hooot!

Am I actually just really good at composing for guitar??? (fiercely singing own praises)

Ahh, the sound of Love Prison!

Isn't the sound in Love Prison super good? How was it made?

Arrested under suspicion of asking for money as collateral for sexual remarks.

If anyone's at a loss for perverted lyrics, please get in touch.

I've also had people tell me I should get a job thinking up parody porn titles, so again, invincible.

"Actually, er, I'd like the lyrics to be a little pervy... (apologetic)"
"That's my forte. (immediately)"
I've had multiple meetings like this in my life, which makes me invincible.

I wish it'd talk to me like that.

:elephant: < Mipha's Grace is ready...
:eagle: < Revali's Gale is now ready.
:sword: < The blade of evil's bane's all set!

Mipha's voice is so sexy, I climax every time I recover using Mipha's Grace.

The phrase "knockout drunk in Shibuya" makes me sound like some kind of party animal, but it was just a regular girls' night where I was giving a fierce presentation about yuri recommendations, that's all.

The other day I got knockout drunk in Shibuya and bruised myself, and the bruise is getting darker by the day, so I'm acting like I'm Ashitaka.

I want to make a yuri song about two girls walking hand in hand through a tunnel under the tanks at the aquarium.

Meeting my yearly quota of including one or more yuri songs on an album.

Dolphin Jetting with Miku-san. (coded language)

If you have Miku-san at your house, then when bad stuff happens, you can be like "Well, I can always go home and Miku-san will be there," and if you meet someone who annoys you, you can say "How dare you?! You're talking to somebody who Dolphin Jets with Miku-san at home!" In our modern society that demands combativeness, cohabitation with Miku-san is superb.

Started the morning doing the most great-feeling thing (giving up my bus seat to an elderly person).

Until the day that peace returns to Hyrule...

I'm going to go on growing as I take a good look at what I want to do, what I can do, and what I'd like to be able to do.

I mean, I've got an anime adaptation of Friendship in my head, mentally airing at 12:30 AM every Wednesday... 2 cours...

Maybe I want to write stories...? The only means I've had to express them is music, so I output them as lyrics, but I wonder if that's really true...

In Letzel/Drossel, and Fox's, and Toxic Jam, everybody dies with mismatched feelings... Ain't that harsh...? Be happy 'fore you die... Everybody... Please, don't die all in disagreement...

The Fox's Wedding is a sad story, but I want to write lyrics about couples dying with both feeling satisfied... I want to have them die happily...

I was like, "if a double suicide means you go on the roster together, ain't that a marriage?"

Learning about the expression "going on the roster of the dead" led me to make a song once. The Fox's Wedding.

I wasn't "playing a game." I was saving the Rito Village from the menace of the Divine Beast.

Being able to make music a little is all I'm good for, so if I couldn't make a little music, I'd be reduced to a mere cheerful lady.

I can make music, a little.

Even the parts I didn't really understand in the original are, thanks to seeing the anime, parts I don't really understand.

Diavolo: "What are you showing me?"
Viewers: "What are you showing me?"

I like it when a girl works hard and is actually rewarded for it, but desperately writhing in pain without being rewarded is good too. Show me all sorts of emotions...

Looking at my notes for Second Piercing's lyrics, I'd written them up to the start of the second verse, and it's clear how much thought I was putting into the second verse at the time. As well as my thought process of "Could the girl in this song become happy? No, probably not. Please be unhappy." Such a warped disposition.

Official Fanwork

I do in fact like Second Piercing enough that I enjoy fantasizing about the lyrics to its mythical second verse.

If I had a chance to make a full-length version of Second Piercing, I was thinking the second verse would have the line "lips working by my ear," but I never got a chance to do it, so I'm sure I'll end up using it in some other song's lyrics.

Before I knew it, I've been making songs for around 20 years. Even though I'm only 18.

It's not good to seem like you don't have a day-to-day life, so let's make a tweet about my day-to-day. Yesterday, I dropped the cream puff I was eating and got cream all up in my hair.

Possibly because it was yesterday.

I can remember what happened yesterday as if it were yesterday...

Ten years passes way too quickly.

[Quote-tweeting the list of heartbreak songs:] There's all sorts of perverse songs. Come to the music of OSTER.

Q. What is sand?
A. It's the stuff that comes out when you dig a tunnel.

I'd like to get 2000 likes even if it's a joke tweet.

I'd be happy to get 2000 likes on a song instead of a joke tweet.

From Naporitan to Prius, even world history - we fill your every need! We are Osutan! ☆

What kind of heartbreak shall I have next?

When you condense it down like that, it becomes clear the author has a sick mind...

Love Ward → Stolen-lover heartbreak
Love Prison → Stealing lover, then getting-lover-stolen heartbreak
Moon Rabbit → Long-distance heartbreak
Mathematigirl → Science-girl heartbreak
Friendship → Lesbian x straight heartbreak
flower of sorrow → Heartbreak by becoming hate-inducing witch
The Fox's Wedding → Interspecies love heartbreak and double suicide
Toxic Jam → Drowning yourself in front of partner due to heartbreak
An abundant lineup!

I saw a comment saying heartbreak songs are uncommon from me, but Love Prison and Friendship are both heartbreak songs... If I made a heartbreak playlist, I feel like there'd be a lot.

It's scary how everyone's aged 10 years since that time. Even I, who made Love Ward at age 8, am 18 now.

Even after 10 years, that I'm still making music, and Y-chan's drawing me pictures, and we're making a video together, is something to feel very grateful about.

Once you get yourself a frying pan...
[To the tune of Napo-Naporitan Match. Okachimenko means "ugly old woman's face."[

From "MUSIC STUDY PROJECT: Learn High School World History With Vocaloid," now available at bookstores nationwide, here's the short version of my musical-style guide through European history. Let's all study world history together!
[VOCALOID] Tales of European Kingdoms [OSTER project]

I'm about to say something kind of absurd, but a different video will be going up very soon.

I actually avoided boba without trying it for about 10 years, but I had it when staying at a friend's place and it was really tasty, so I want to make a boba song.

Peppermint is my enemy.

After whispering in your ear "hey, why don't I tell you something that'll feel really good?", a nice lady tells you how to perfect-guard the laser from a Guardian.

Why would you be digging a tunnel AFTER a jailbreak? Please think that over until tomorrow. In doing so, something should become apparent.

The interlude after the second chorus uses a rather uncommon pattern, but I think it's a translative kind of thing, so I'm sure it's probably a guitarist-like progression. Not like I'd know.

Comments: "What's going on with the chords in Love Prison?"
Me: "What's going on with the chords in Love Prison?"

I've heard that when you claim power by a coup d'etat, you should fear coup d'etats. Which is to say, a couple brought together by stolen affections should fear heartbreak by stolen affections.

Doesn't the kanji 枷 (shackle) look a lot like ボカロ (Vocaloid)? Not that I intended that or anything.

[Hatsune Miku] Love Ward [Original Song]

It's real soon!

Please live for another 3 hours.


[Announcement] This is a personal matter, but I'm announcing that I will be posting the video I have been preparing tonight, June 19th, at 7 PM.
Love Prison feat. Hatsune Miku! Look forward to it!
Illustration: Y-oji (@y_oji) #Hatsune Miku #VOCALOID #LoveWard10th #KyaaaOSTERsanYouPervert

It's getting late, but I finished the video, so I'll be uploading it soon!

Love Ward Interpretations Bot

I imagine the situation of a high school girl going to a man's house alone at 1 AM with a shopping bag in hand won't generally happen unless you're pretty apathetic, but everyone be good kids and don't imitate that behavior!

Watching on as strong girls who act composed on the surface fall in love and have their feelings become a mess while I eat white rice has been my daily routine for 10 years now.

Love Ward Miku-san may have a sweet look, but I imagined her as an apathetic, sadistic high-schooler. So when she gets a text from her crush saying "I've got a temperature of 38.5," she responds "so what, a slight fever? LOL," yet ultimately she goes to nurse him anyway, and that's what makes her moe!

[Poll] The title of the Love Ward 10th anniversary song is:
Love Police [17%]
Love Cafeteria [17%]
Love Theater [23%]
Love Prison [43%]

I do remember people poking fun like "38.5 Celsius ain't no slight fever!"

It was 10 whole years ago, so I don't remember how I felt when I was making it at all.

As time passes, getting to talk with younger friends who tell me "this song was my childhood" makes me really happy. I'd like to keep it up in Reiwa as a youkai who takes residence in young people's childhoods.

And sorry for not finishing the 10th anniversary video in time. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

:congratulations: 10 Year Anniversary :hospital:
This song opened up a brand new world for me. Thank you! Happy anniversary!
[Hatsune Miku] Love Ward [Original Song]

[Kagamine Rin] Whale Rider [Original Song]
2 years old!

69 [June 9th]

I hadn't watched Bloom Into You yet when I made Friendship, but the emotion of choosing "the pain of shutting away your feelings" over "the pain of not being together anymore" is so emotional. Very emotional indeed.

Seeing Two High School Girls Kiss Extends Lifespan By 500 Million Times, Reports WHO

I watched the anime and bought all the manga and even went to see the stage show... (fast-talking otaku)

Bloom Into You #FuwacinaArranges #Dominowns

Alexa, make the weather today sunny.

Come to think of it, I haven't died.

I want to become boba and drink a high school girl.

Glad I could make a good song at the end...

I made a godly song, so I might die tomorrow.

I'm not going to go as far as saying "I want you to do my work for me," so I just want you to make a phrase with a single trumpet, and have it match the chords real well, and add a horn section, and do the same thing with strings or something, and reproduce the sound as I hear it in my head, and give me 500 million yen, and go do my shopping for dinner.

Alexa, take over for my life.

Alexa, do my work for me.

Throw stones exclusively at people who don't have issues with mental health.

Perhaps people who don't have issues with mental health are the minority...

Mega-popular creator!!!!! (emphasis)

RT @CytusRayark Music Like Magic! / OSTER project
Posted the original song "VOC@LOID in Love" to a video site soon after the release of Hatsune Miku in 2007. Ever since, this mega-popular creator has released many hits.

To express the feeling of jealousy in an otaku way: it's when any ship between the person you like and someone else is a NOTP.

You're great for breathing! You're great for making your heart beat! You're great for eating! You're great for sleeping! You paying taxes is a national honor! You're the best, me! You're my eternal bias! Our fates are entwined from birth to death, so we're the ultimate OTP! Go go me!

If the feeling of wishing for someone's happiness is called love, then the one I love most, now and forever, is myself! Let's hold a me party! Good for you, me!

I'm an emotional person, so I'll express Reiwa's birthday as Heisei's funeral. Happy birthday!

The last song I'll listen to in Heisei. [Image of listening to Centipede Daydream from OSTER-san's CD Vol. 1.]

JoJo's Bizarre Vacation: Settimana Aureo [Golden Week.]

For you, I would ascend to the throne.

Maybe I should have snapped back like "I'm crying 'cause I've got a heart!"

Actually, maybe the "don't cry at an irrelevant part, that's spoilers!" was at my second viewing of La La Land.

When I went to see the movie after watching the entire anime, I cried like a baby at the opening, and someone got mad at me with this illogical comment of "don't cry at an irrelevant part, that's spoilers."

I'm an extreme otaku, so I'm confident in my ability to choke up with tears from merely watching the opening to the Madoka Magica movie.

@voca_sina: "#WantToConnectWithOsterians"
I feel a space invasion coming...

I should think of a name for the people who support me... Osterian... Osterians! Thank you for everything!

Manners Teacher: "When you ask the color of someone's panties, it's good manners to tell them the color of yours first."

If I did that, I'd win tomorrow too.

I win! As easy as a panty-eating contest, don't you think?

If I were reborn, I'd want to be a baby.

I gained followers, so I'm dedicating myself to making serious tweets.

Good morning. The weather's very nice today.

Making the lyrics to Rainbow Panda was truly difficult. The Recursive Function lyrics were also a painful delivery, but I'm fond of them. And speaking of lyrics, I can't leave out Kyuubiko Yagyou. I really encourage people to read the lyrics while listening to it.

"OSTER's songs are great, huh?"
"Ah, OSTER... Yes, yes, I know of them."
"I like Rainbow Panda."
"Ahh, yes, the lyrics to that one are great!"

I'm still a lively age 32!

Since I'm 20 this year, I made Miracle Paint when I was 8.

Wrong account.

I turned 20! :heart: :balloon: It really happened so fast... :crying face: I'm going to call my friends over for a party! :excited smile: :raised hands:
Now I'm drinking age! :tumbler: :wine glass: :tropical drink: :cocktail glass:

So, you all like cute songs, do you? I'll keep that in mind.

Even when it's a song stuffed full of cuteness, I want to add in lots of cool phrases. So maybe "just cute" doesn't exist within me.

I know there are a lot of cases where it's hard to draw the line on whether it's a cool or cute song, but...

[Poll] I like OSTER's:
Cool songs [32%]
Cute songs [68%]

Interviewer: "So what exactly is this "Dick Beam" you listed as one of your skills?"

You can't buy love, but love can't bud without money, can it?

Money solves most things in this world.

I want money.

Let's all drink Fanta and crack open a bag of potato chips... No using the shortcut in Wario Stadium except at the start, 'course...

Hey, c'mon... Let's ride bikes over to that kid's place... and buy Mistio from a vending machine... Right...? We'll all play Star Fox 64, yeah...? Hey, wait... Don't disappear... Don't leave me...

Look, it's 5/8 Chips! 5/8 Chips... Hey, what's with the look like you've never seen them before? You're kidding, right...? Haha... I mean, everybody ate these until recently, right...?? ...Hey... wait... Heisei is... ending...??

I like thighs, but also, I like boobs.

Although, if there's something you like, I would like it if people told others around them... That can lead to someone finding a new thing they like, and that's a great thing for both that person and the creator. Talking about the things you like puts a smile on everyone's face.

It's lonesome and sad to grow distant from someone you've listened to for a long time, but you have no obligation to stay, and lately I've finally been able to believe that it's important to keep broadcasting in hopes of making an opportunity for someone to hear my songs again. So long as we live, we may just meet again somewhere...

It feels bad to have people listening out of some strange obligation, so I want to keep putting in the effort to make music that I believe deep down to be enjoyable. That's the effort I'm making, so if you like it, I'd be happy if you bought my CDs and stuff...

Calling people who only listened to someone's songs when they were popular and don't know their recent ones "bandwagon-hoppers" or whatever is a little oppressive. I want people to freely absorb the content they personally enjoy, and that's why creators need to put in the effort to keep making content they think is enjoyable.

I don't know how many more songs I'll be able to make, but I have to make them.

Everything comes to an end someday, yet when it appears before you like it's natural, even those natural things grow misty.

There are people who say "I want you to do your best without overdoing it," but I think there are quite a few creators who feel they can't live without preparing for a little overdoing it. It's difficult.

When someone passes away, how much they're mourned can impact how much you feel the value and weight of their life, but the way that works is just too sad... I want to keep telling the people I like that I like them while I'm able.

It's a shame about wowaka-san...

Studying isn't really limited to school; it's all sorts of things, even the latest trends. Mammoth urepii. [Old slang for "super happy"]

I need to buy this cow to make a new song. It's true. Please believe me.

All the information you get while living is a resource, so all the money you spend is a necessary expense...

Live day to day sharpening your mind. Even the smallest things are all hints.

I think one answer to the question of "What use are the things we study in school?" is that you get ideas from it that integrate into your work. Without input, the output is meager too, right?

tukimiyatukimi: ""If God were right-handed, maybe things would be different? As if"
I'm really curious what happened to this girl to make her think "God's probably left-handed." :thinking face:"

There's this book: "So Is God Left-Handed? The Mystery of Neutrino Mass and "Weak Force""

I make songs to my tastes, so my tastes are obvious.

I want to lose my memory and listen to my albums.

A laugh that hurts someone can't be called a laugh.

My belly is big and cute.

Self-derisive jokes look like they're peacefully getting laughs by making a fool of yourself, but when I realized they could get other people in the same position dragged into it, scorned, and hurt, I decided I wouldn't say those things anymore.

It's my dream to make the theme song for a furry anime.

From now on, when I'm at a business meeting or something and someone brings up Operculicarya pachypus, I'll be like "Ahh! Operculicarya pachypus!! I know it!!", and it'll lead to a business opportunity. Knowledge can be a weapon.

However old you get, it's important to gain new knowledge. Recently, I learned the word Operculicarya pachypus.



Also, I plan on uploading a 2019 4DX special remastered video for Miracle Point from the album! Please look forward to it. #OSTARsansSuperBest

[Important Announcement] To commemorate the splendid finish to Heisei, I'm releasing a complete super best-of album of OSTAR purojekuto's hits! :party popper:
As a preorder bonus, you'll get a signed shoulder pat! :present: OSTAR's musical episodes await at Heisei's end! :sparkles:

OSTAR-san's Super Best ~See Ya☆Heisei~
Ride, Ride, My Isuzu TRUCK LIST
1. Go Forth and Love, VOC@ROID
2. Love Warden
3. trick or treat
4. Tomin First
5. The House Where I Live ~Maison My Home~
7. Godzilla Rider
8. I Wanna Be An Oil Magnate!
9. Margarine
10. Miracle Point
11. Alice in Wholesomeland

As long as you live, you've gotta be more concerned about looking shameful than lame.

Once you realize that staunchly going "this kind of thing is lame" is a lame thing to do, that's when your life begins.

I'm doing it this year.

I'm preparing an important announcement for 4/1.

A commonplace effect in Rare games.

Anpanman just before time runs out.

I can't understand mahjong, so I don't really get what an Iipeko is.

I love the Yoshi's Story song so much, it's been absorbed into my DNA, and thus I didn't listen to the original once while making this.

Eee-pehhh-koooo... #FuwacinaPhrases #Dominowns [A common Japanese interpretation of what's being said in the Yoshi's Story theme song, ala "beee caaarefuuul."]

Why'd this tweet blow up...

"What Vocaloid producers do you like?"
"Who's that?"

"What Vocaloid producers do you like?"
"...I'm doriko."
(Gets eaten by a wolf for lying)

@164203: ""What Vocaloid producers do you like?"
"I'm 164."
I want this to happen."

In all things, being too mindful of those around you will make you lose sight of yourself. Having a clear idea of is what you truly want is crucial. It will no doubt be an asset in your life. That is what perverted jokes taught me.

There was a time I frivolously made perverted jokes because I figured people'd love it, and it embarrasses me to so much as think back on that.
But now, I'm different.
Now, I want to make perverted jokes from the depths of my heart! I say them not for anyone else, but for myself. Because I have earnestly confronted perverted jokes.

At least for me, I think I'm always in the process of growth. And because I always output what I believe is the greatest thing at that moment, while the form of "the greatest" changes over time, and more technically-advanced things aren't necessarily better, it makes me happy when my present self gets recognition...

Yes, it makes me super happy even when people tell me they like an old song. I mean, I think it's amazing to still love something when so much time has passed. But since the present exists in a place decades elevated from then, saying you like my current songs means you recognize that effort, which makes me even happier.

It's truly rare, but I have encountered people around town talking about things I made, but naturally I was unable to talk to them, so I silently sent my wishes.

It's my dream to, like Wabisuke [from Summer Wars], see people getting really into talking about something I made, and with perfect timing say "Yeah, that was me who made that."

Sometimes I seriously don't understand how I'm here and doing this, and feel like when I'm about to die, someone's going to pull out a "totally pranked!" sign. "Aw man, a prank?", I'll sigh, then die.

I really don't know what I'd be doing if I hadn't met Miku-san then.

I wanted to be one, but I didn't think I really could. But even after ten years, I'm actually managing it. Amazing. I'm grateful.

Seems like there's a lot of people who coincidentally ended up becoming pro musicians. Me too.

Makoto Shishio is an exemplary furry, desiring furry girls even when his body is engulfed in flame.

I'm finishing up a song so good it'll make you hold in your pee.

I love songs with a mood like Dolphin Jet's so much, I could mass-produce them.

This isn't a quiz where you answer the song title.

Log-In Bonus!

"Like it could all disappear in the flick of a switch,
It's a world full of uneasiness
But such that the flick of a switch won't erase it,
Make a connection with me

Wow, I know all the lyrics in this tag! Maybe I'm an OSTER fanatic. #OSTERsMostGeniusLyrics

[Suffice to say, numerous people use the tag to share their favorite lyrics.]

I want to see #OSTERsMostGeniusLyrics.

Even if I have to crawl along the ground and slurp on muddy water, I'll continue making Vocaloid songs...

"OSTER, that's super nostalgic, I used to listen to her... Wonder what's she up to now?" You there... Yes, I'm talking to you... OSTER is still stubbornly being a Vocaloid producer... You can listen to her latest album on many services such as Apple Music...

OSTER project is good.

It's scary how "newest" becomes steadily older without you even doing anything...

This is my newest song. [link to Friendship]

It's Miku Day, so I'm offering my gratitude by myself. Thank you, Miku-san! Let's go out for dinner later. :fork and knife:

This year is the 10th year since Love Ward.

Hello Michella, are you well? I'm doing fine. It's been 12 years since then, but I'm wearing a bra on my head and making Vocaloid songs like always.

Actually, thinking about how I still had school when I first listened to celluloid makes me die from the fastness of time... Cause of Death: Passage of Time

(I did also want an excuse to not go to school.)

When I first listened to celluloid, I cried so much I didn't go to school.

OK Google, do an egosearch.
Google: "Your ego was not found."
Narratr: "And so began a journey to find the ego..."
No one remembers me. My existence has been wiped from the database.
Someone... Someone... Tell me my name!
(low heavy noise)
Egosearch: Winter 2019

Going on a journey to find yourself is called an egosearch.

I feel better when I think "I bet everybody's wearing brassieres on their heads right now..."

Because thinking "I was triiicked!" makes you feel better.

When I'm feeling down, I want to try thinking "I was tricked!" and put a brassiere on my head.

My name's coming up a heck of a lot... Let's all go drinking together...

Miracle Oil Magnate feat. Hatsune Miku

I want to make an oil magnate song and become an oil magnate.

I listened to Miracle Paint and became an illustrator!
I listened to Piano Girl and became a pianist!
I listened to Love Ward and became a doctor!
I listened to on the rocks and became a bartender!
I listened to Chocolate Magic and became a patissier!
I listened to Whale Rider and became a whale!

I listened to OSTER-san's Miracle Paint and became a Vocaloid producer... How nostalgic.

All my life, I've wanted to become friends with an oil magnate good with digital music.

They seem similar, but they're totally different.

You've gotta think about what you want to become in the future, not what you wanted to become.

There are opportunities for me to be grateful for words like "I'm supporting your hard work from a distance!", but every time, I think "Don't do it from far away, come closer!" Then again, when I'm in a supporting standpoint, I'm unsure what distance I'm at and just quietly watch over them...

Time-stop adult videos? That's the thing where you're like "If you want to get pervy with my greatness, go down the stairs, but if you'd rather not, then climb these stairs...", but when you try to go up, you realize you've gone back down, right?

If all humanity listened to murmur twins, there'd be no war. * This is a personal opinion

Love is a thrill, shock, suspended force.

And ten-odd years later, I made the composer eat wasabi.

My meeting with the overwhelmingly trascendent song "murmur twins" completely defined my musical inclinations. #YourIIDXMemories

I was here wondering if you could fit sevenths and elevenths into the 7-11 jingle, and now look at the time...

Remember the time I was asked what kind of song marshmallow holic was in an interview, and I fogured they would write it out, so I said "It's a song about high school girl boobs!", and they just published it like that?

I'm in puberty until I'm in the grave.

I've seen the opinion in response to Whale Rider's lyrics that "OSTER's so vulgar these days... She used to make all these cute songs before...", but I want you to not beautify your memories, and go back and confront those old lyrics again. (leaps out of the room from the unbearable heat of my mucous membrane)

Sounds like the gold leaf would peel off every time you flipped the jacket.

If I could sell 1 billion CDs, I'd like to put out an all-live CD making lavish use of golf leaf.

I want people to listen to it after watching a school-setting yuri anime.

It's true.

RT @hiyako_rakugaki Lately I've been listening to OSTER project's "Friendship," and it's so cute I'm crying. It's like there are two high school girls, and one of the girls has feelings for the other that go beyond friendship? But it's really cute.

Doraemon Nobita's beatmania IIDX [In response to the recently-announced Doraemon Nobita's Story of Seasons.]

I've decided the opposite of "Yabai T-Shirts Yasan" [a band, literally "risque T-shirts shop"] is "Safe Nude Trading Company."

I want to absorb Kanatan into my body.

If I were, I think my musical life would be 500 million times more fun...

OSTER project is Kanatan Theory
[Image of lyrics for Bitter Myself (feat. Kanatan), with the credits "Lyrics: OSTER project, Composition: OSTER project, Vocals: OSTER project]

Wish I could at least get hit by a Stand attack that transforms me into a big-breasted high school girl with 10 million yen in assets.

Before I knew it, everyone around me is becoming adults and finding success and getting married and becoming moms and dads and having a heck of a time raising kids, while I'm still hoping that when I wake up, I'll be a big-breasted high school girl with 10 million yen in assets... Something's wrong with the flow of time. I'm being targeted by a Stand attack.

Regular perverts tend to end up just being despised, but I feel pervertedness from someone who has some kind of success tends to be in fact welcomed. That is why it is necessary for those born perverts to want to attain success, so that they are permitted to be perverted.

My unforgettable teacher had a saying.
Perverted acts are most pleasing done not anonymously, but with your status, honor, and everything on the line.

I feel like it'd be more stimulating to tweet dirty stuff with a verified mark.

How do you obtain a verified mark on Twitter?

"What is Miracle Paint effective against?"
It increases your bust by two sizes.

Marginal did cure cancer.

"This is sudden, but I'm a Vtuber who listened to Marginal for 10 years and actually recovered from stage 2 cancer. Marginal made life more fun in a variety of ways, so I sang it. I'm glad I encountered it."
Marginal DID cure cancer... Wow...

I like butts, too.

"You're one of the artists I look up to, OSTER-san! Boobs and all, I'll chase after you!"
Homing boobs...

Marginal's progression can't cure cancer yet, but it will. [Reference to a Japanese meme from a German movie about heavy metal featuring the line "Heavy metal can't cure cancer yet, but it will."]

Honestly, I came into music chasing after the artists I liked, so me starting to become chased after the other way around is amazingly surreal... Maybe it's because I've become an adult, but have stayed a middle-schooler on the inside. Boobs.

I think I could probably more or less arrange the jingles of all the Smash 64 characters from memory.

I did the Yoshi jingle based on my memory alone, but some pretty fancy chords came up midway, which I really like.

[In reply to aMSa tweeting about his performance in the Genesis 6 Smash Bros. Melee tournament:]
@aMSaRedyoshi Good work! :clap: :clap: :clap: You were cool!!

Yes: I want to be a Snow Miku theme song creator.
Very Yes: I want to be a Snow Miku theme song creator and use that as an excuse to go to Hokkaido and stuff myself with delicious seafood.

I want to be a Snow Miku theme song creator...

As I think about how it'd sound super nice if Dolphin Jet had a live rhythm section or live horns, I'm waiting to win the lottery. While not having bought a lottery ticket.

I'd like to hear my songs with all live instruments, but it's impossible, so I've raised my digital inputting skill to where it stands now...

Nah, it's impossible...

Eh?! 60 BPM Eurobeat?!

Sure ya can!!
I tell ya, you can make 60 BPM Eurobeat you can safely listen to while driving!

Research Shows Extreme Danger of Listening to Eurobeat While Driving [Link to article]
140 BPM songs are "fast"...?????

I want to have my past self think about the progression.

I checked who made it, and it was me.

What's going on with the progression?

There's this super emo song called Bitter Myself.

I need to make sure to put a Luka song on my next album, or she'll be Make-me-cry-ne Luka.

Happy birthday, Luka!

Isn't this too cool?

:fire: :squid: :fire: #Splatoon #CalamariInkantation #Dominowns #FuwacinaPhrases #PianoIsAPercussionInstrument

How did people who dislike boobs survive as mammals? Perhaps there exists a variety of human which no longer requires intake from boobs once they reach maturity? No, surely not...

Even if it's loved by many people, we can't forget that no matter what it is, there are people who don't care for it. Like there are people who don't like curry rice, or hamburgers, or even boobs.

I wish I'd listened to my songs when I was little and came of age this year, too... (?)

"I listened to you when I was in grade school. I recently had my coming-of-age ceremony. I really like your music."
Congratulations! :party popper:

I want to keep at it for 8 more years so I can brag "Actually, I've been making Vocaloid songs for 20 years."

I'll keep making music this year while entertaining the idea of a meeting like that someday.

This year will mark 12 years since I started making Vocaloid songs, and some people who listened to my songs when they were little are grown and working now, so I think it's about time an oil magnate who listened to my songs when they were young gives me an oil field as a present.

I want stronger-sounding moves.

Everything up to the tip of the nails... can't escape from the fate of death.
Miraculous Brushwork!!!! (or: Miracle Pain-ting)

I started imagining a Vocaloid producer battle manga, and my mind's running wild with scenes like Sasakure-san emerging from a giant dust cloud undamaged, saying "Pipipipi, nothing seems to be wrong," and everyone despairing.

doriko Reborn As A Shonen Manga Villain: "I'll make your love into a tragic Juliet..."

Due to space-time distortions, my songs are all meeting their 10-year anniversaries one after another.

I rather like going drinking alone with a friend, and while we're talking romance or whatever, the parts like "People are like that... People's hearts... Life... People are good...", I sometimes refer to when writing lyrics. I can make as many songs as I have drinking buddies...

Some say the more niche the theme, the more deeply it can stick in those it sticks in...

Even if you're not recognized by thousands, if you can make a piece of art that becomes deeply important in someone's life, I think that's a form of success. I want to use those feelings to fuel me in making my next works.

And someday, if there's a time you listen to Friendship again and nostalgically remember "That was a rough spot...", I'll be happy then too. Good luck...

"Hello, I've always greatly respected you. I have a few of your CDs by way of a childhood friend lending them! I haven't listened to them yet, but I'm sure I'll get deeply into them once I do, so I'll wait until after graduation to open them. I'm looking forward to it!

By the way, Friendship which you posted last month has become a very precious song to me. I was really helped by the song, so I wanted to take the time to state my thanks. It's a long, personal story, but I hope you'll forgive it.

My middle school, high school, and college have all been girls' schools, and I'd never fallen in love. That said, I had a few special friends, but I never thought about just what my feelings toward them were, and if it was purely friendship or what. And then last year, I encountered a friend I harmonized with like never before. As we did our separate assignments, we always shared the same feelings and thoughts. I'd never spent such fulfilling time with someone before, and it felt like my world opened up all at once; I truly respected and looked up to my friend for making me feel that way. My friend honestly told me she "liked me," and I felt that was the truth. I loved her as well, and was happy.

During this, Friendship was posted. I listened and thought of it as a tragic yuri song. But on Christmas Eve, my friend unexpectedly confessed to me. At the time, I was able to laugh it off, but on the way home, I suddenly listened to Friendship and was pierced by every word, started thinking about things, and cried, going "it's my song" (presumptuous as that is).

I realized I was heartbroken. At some point, I had fallen in love. I turned my eyes toward the feelings that I was unconsciously keeping ambiguous, and while at first I was confused and my heart a mess, I made up my mind, had a lot of realizations, and now feel fully refreshed. Nothing will change, but beyond friendship or romantic feelings, I can definitely say I love my friend. We'll be going our separate ways in April, so I think it was very good timing for sorting out my feelings.

The girl in Friendship puts it all in her heart and moves on, but I think I'm going to tell my friend everything.

I'm truly, truly grateful to you for helping me face these important feelings, OSTER-san. Thank you very much. Sorry for the long message."

Thank you for the long thoughts and your wonderful story. I'm extremely happy. Even if the form of your liking changes, it's good to be able to treasure the friends you encounter in life that you can say from your heart you love.

"About a year ago, I went with my family to karaoke and sang Vocaloid. My family is regular, so they've probably hardly heard any Vocaloid, and were laughing as they watched me sing.
I sang A Born Coward, Tokyo Teddy Bear, and various other Vocaloid songs, but when your Love Ward played, my mother said "The melody in this one's cheery and wonderful," and even I got happy about it. I was thinking "It'd be nice to tell her directly someday...", so I'm glad I can."

Personally, I don't listen to music with a distinction of "it's anime, so it's J-pop," but I'm glad she liked it! Thank you for telling me.

I didn't get After Effects's expressions and avoided them for a long time, but once I started controlling the rotation with periodic functions, it got way easier, and I didn't need to set keyframes at all...

Without trigonometry, I couldn't live.

Using trigonometry, you can make videos like this! [Vocaloid Musical] The Music Wizard of Oz

This year is 2019. Love Ward is 2009.

Just living means needing to breathe, neading your heart to beat, needing to eat, and needing to pay taxes, so living for a year is really amazing.

Let's go with "not dying."

My goal for this year...

Nausicaä's hitbox is tiny.

I'd better release a Volume 2.

There are probably things you don't notice unless you directly experience such feelings, so I've come to see the importance of interacting with others. The way I repay everyone who gives me those feelings is through music, so I'd like to challenge all sorts of different music this year.

And knowing that you all overcame those turning points in your life that way, it encourages me not to be careless either, and more actively, positively try my best. Everyone who talked to me, gave me letters, and came to buy my CD, thank you.

The longer you're alive, the more painful times you live through, and sometimes I've thought about giving it all up and running away, but hearing words like that makes me glad that I didn't.

I heard about people graduating, joining the workforce, getting married, and experiencing all sorts of events in that time, which really made me feel the passage of time. But thinking about how my music was always with them, I can properly think that it was worth continuing to make music.

It's been so long since I appeared somewhere I could meet and talk with everyone, but there were lots of people who told me they'd seen me at events a super long time ago, or at local concerts. I'm really glad people have listened to my songs since that long ago up to the present.

My luggage arrived, so I finally read all of the letters I received... Thank you.

And Centipede Daydream.

I'm awaiting people's thoughts on the CD, too. #OSTERsanCD

I'm reading the letters and things I got [at Comiket]... Grateful...

I'll make plenty of lewd bass again this year.

Happy new year! Let's make this a lewd year, too!

Everyone sure is up early.

I'll do my best. I'll be waiting. First up is getting up early.

It's been so long since I've appeared in public, I don't know what faces to make.

Just a few more sleeps to Comiket. I'm waiting with panties on my head.

Finished my casual commentary... That was a rough fight against 140 characters.

10. Miracle Showtime
A song made for Miracle Paint's 10th anniversary. Truly, a lot happened in these 10 years, but I'm able to put out another CD, and plan to do my best for another 10 - these are the feelings packed into this last track. I hope my big band arrangement shows 10 years' worth of improvement. Lan lan luu.

9. Dolphin Jet
A heartwarming wholesome song about the breeder lady practicing jumps with a dolphin for the dolphin show.

This is another brush-up of an instrumental I made a really long time ago. I remember in my samples at the time, the alto sax didn't have the quality I wanted from it, so I dared to use a soprano sax. This time, I properly replaced it. Also, a bit of trivia: If you rearrange the title, it becomes the name of a great pervert.

7. Friendship
It's not clearly said in the song, but at its root, it's a piano song about falling in love with a straight girl. Her heart is played with and mushed up by the sneakiness of the word "like," but even so, looking at the girl she can't separate from gives her sustenance. A song full of my idiosyncrasies, packed with tragic progressions since I wanted it to make you cry.

6. Inappropriate Lady
A song I made from sorta wanting to do a fast rock song with loud snares and weird chords. The piano follows a really stubborn line, but maybe that's another of my idiosyncrasies. The song of a girl who's thinking that no one in the world can understand her, yet unable to not cling to someone. Sounds like it's hard to live. Live strong. (like it's not my problem)

5. Decaf Girl
A song about somebody who'll die without caffeine and a girl who wants to be caffeine. I didn't want it to clearly be a love song, so I kinda obscured it. The composition experiments with needing someone, being needed, healthy forms of kindness, and emotional use of half-diminisheds. Doesn't your heart beat faster when you drink coffee?

I don't know if anyone still remembers, but this is a brushed-up version of an instrumental song I made maybe 12 years ago. I don't remember either, but a slow intro has been appended, which I... maybe posted at the time? I had the track from back then, I just fixed the mixing. A song with kind of a fast feel that's like the world is ending.

3. Centipede Daydream
It began with the plan of making a song that was accompanied by a manga, so for details, I hope you'll read the manga. But it's themed around an emotional love in the last year of Heisei, featuring centipedes. I'm guessing you have no idea what I'm talking about, but I dunno what I did neither. Notable for tricky progressions and bizarre riffs.

I'm way unequipped to describe compositions.

A song that's just a rap battle between Rin-chan and Len-kyun. It's a friendly song about quarreling over the smallest things. Sound-wise, it's a composition that mixes an EDM base with my typical horn section style. Welcome to Sapporo Division :microphone:

1. Log-In Bonus
Someone's very existence is a huge support for me, huh! When you suddenly think that, the feeling that you get to wake up in a world that has them is truly like a log-in bonus! This is a shabby song sort of like a newly-dating couple along those lines. The shabby entanglement of drums and guitar is really shabby!

I'd like to do commentary on all the songs from my next CD, but I feel like it'll sound stupid...

It takes incredible bravery to do anything, so I think people who are doing things are amazing.

Can't miss this year's Kohaku.

Yonezu-san is amazing. [After his announcement he would sing at Kohaku Uta Gassen 2018 after all.]

Comiket is really soon, but it doesn't feel like it yet...

I saw mommy [act of infidelity] Santa.

Once Christmas is over, it'll change to the perfect pre-New-Year's song.

[Vocaloid] Friendship [Kagamine Rin]
The perfect pre-Christmas song! :ribbon:
Merry Christmas! :santa: :christmas tree: :present: :snowflake:
:clap: Please subscribe to my channel :clap:

The kitty that appears was intended to be the other person's cat. :cat: :dash symbol:

When I make music freely with Vocaloid, the lyrics and sound and everything are made by me, so they're like parts of a presentation on "the ultimate emo I can think of," which is exactly why I want it to pierce someone's heart so strongly. (motormouth)

Feel free to imagine your OTP, too...

I want Friendship to deeply stick in someone's heart.

At first, I planned as a song about a girl who fell in love with a straight girl, but I was told "what, yuri again?", so I tried to obscure it in the lyrics and video. But maybe it bleeds through too much, because I'm laughing at how I'm already getting comments suspsecting it's yuri.

A girl finding it increasingly unbearable to stay friends the more strongly she wants to be friends is really emotional. That alone can feed me like 3 cups of white rice...

Why does the "like" you give me have a different color? Friendship feat. Kagamine Rin

Please enjoy my new song Friendship. It's a song about "what is liking, anyway?"

[Kagamine Rin] Friendship [Original Song]

I might not stop even once I'm in the grave.

I won't quit music until I'm in the grave.

New song countdown.

Getting excited.

Three hours to go.

At this point, more people will see self-defense Rin-chan than any announcement...

No relation to this image [the earlier Rin drawing].

[Announcement] Tomorrow at 7 PM, I'm releasing my new song, "Friendship feat. Kagamine Rin"! Look forward to it. :two women holding hands: :cat: :dashing cloud:

My plan is to upload a heartbreak song before Christmas to make Christmas more exciting.

I feel like I haven't made many heartbreak songs. How long has it been?

I know I just drew that picture, but I'm uploading a very serious Rin-chan song in a few days.

To spoil things: I didn't draw it for fun, I drew it for a video. It's not a joke. I am serious.

My picture is doing better numbers than my songs, so I'm becoming an artist.

I tried my absolute best to draw Rin-chan.

Here comes an emotional video...

And my collaboration with sasakure-san this time is a big ball of emotions, so I want people to hear it ASAP.
(Bigbal O. Emotions, 1245 - 1302)

Continuing is the hardest part of anything, so I think releasing a Vocaloid CD 11 years after I started Vocaloid is amazing, and I'd like to praise myself for it.

Star F'wacinum: The World

I was told to make the "CD" stand for something, and the first thing that came to mind was Crazy Diamond.

I look forward to finally getting to interact with everyone once more.

[Announcement] At Comiket 95, 12/30, East Section "Shi" 08b, I'll be distributing "OSTER-san's CD VOL. 1"! :party popper: I'll be combined with sasakure-san (@sasakure__UK)'s circle, Sasakuration.
Buying both of our new albums will get you a bonus collabration CD, "Machinery.ep"! :ribbon:

I do my best to make live-sounding music with a mouse.

I make music with free software. (didn't say the samples are free)

Isabelle destroying her workplace and delighting is cute.

I spent about 2 hours for these 30 seconds.

World of Light #SmashUltimate #Dominowns #IsabelleIsSacred

I plan to upload a few more songs from the album before the event, so look forward to it.

Came out backwards, huh.

I can see the legs!

I-It's being born... A work of art...

Alien vs. Deadlines

Since I'm able to load the MIDI for a song from high school and have it be pretty much there, I think my high-school self is amazing.

If you know it, you know it... #FuwacinaPhrases #Dominowns

To think I'd put a song I made in high school on a CD after turning 30...

I'm glad I was born as OSTER-san so I could hear be the first to hear OSTER-san's new songs.

Making a lot of songs means I'll have a lot for people to listen to later, so I'll keep that in mind as I work.

Maybe I'll make it if I can make a song a day?

Please look forward to OSTER-san's CD.

I'm cackling to myself while thinking about the text for my winter Comiket CD's booklet.

Hard Trouble in Soft Bank

I'm making so many songs, I might die.

The modified date for SUPER NOVA's MP3 was 2006, so I guess it's a song from 2006...

Even if it seems hopeless, do it like you're gonna die. 'Cause you are.

So anyway, I'm adding another remake of an old instrumental song to my CD.

Even I completely forget when I made some of my old songs, but I think it was pre-Vocaloid... Just saying "pre-Vocaloid" and knowing for certain it means "over 11 years ago" is scary.

My arrangements were so messy around that time... I had no idea what notes were what, so recreating it took a ton of time.

It's a song from before I started Vocaloid, so you're amazing if you know.

If you know it, you know it. If you don't, learn it. #FuwacinaPhrases #Dominowns

I've hardly attended any events, so I'm getting excited about what winter Comiket will be like.

I've been at karaoke before putting on my own song and being like "huh, what's going on with the chorus again???"

At the present moment, I don't feel like I could answer every one.

I can't remotely remember how many songs I've made up to now, and it's unknown how many songs I'll make before I die, but once I become an old lady, I'd like to try an Introdon of my own songs. [A quiz where you hear the intro of a song and have to guess it.]

It's important to keep making music in order to create chances to be heard...

Thanks for the cheering!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm working hard making my CD, so please cheer me on. :cheering megaphone:

I think about this kind of thing often, but like making music or making art, there's a "skill" of sorts to living as well. That skill is refined as time passes, but I think how it's refined depends on what training you amassed during that time.

So spoke a 32-year-old kid who finally learned how to conscientiously inspect her feelings.

If you wish for someone else's happiness, your course of action shouldn't be pushing your idea of happiness on them, but helping search for what happiness is to them. See things from the same eye-level.

That's why you need to consider what happiness is to you more than what other people have decided happiness is. If you align yourself with others, you'll end up worrying "I'm doing the same as everyone else, so why aren't I satisfied?" There's no need to do what they do at all. No one else will take responsibility; you have to live by yourself and die by yourself.

Some people don't have an interest in romance, or don't want to have kids, and trying to push society's "basic happiness" on those people is harrassment by the majority.

Only someone's own feelings can define success, so you can't speak about anything in other people's lives. If you're happy, good.

What I've ended up at after thinking about it 500 million times is, there's no definition of "right" for anything, and living is all dependent on how you feel. Even if they may not have money, or may not have a lover, if a person feels deeply satisfied, their life is a success. Meanwhile, there are people who have lots of things and aren't satisfied.

How am I gonna decide the track order...

I'm releasing a CD at winter Comiket where I had Rin-chan sing a heartbreak song, do rap battles, etc.

It's the end of Heisei, so let's make lots of emotional stuff, huh?

The fruit is... the trainer's snack or something, I dunno. :apple:

Dolphin Jet is a heartwarming song about a trainer and a dolphin doing jumps together three-legged-race-style to practice for the show, and is thus extremely wholesome. I'll say it again and again.

I can't play guitar, and instead use the mouse, but I wanna make rock, so I'm working hard.

This might be totally biased, but I get the impression that most people who make rock can usually play guitar and add their own live guitar.

Such a high density of up-tempo rock on this CD...

Made an epic song.

I'll never forget the music in Wave Race 64.

I'm old, so I sometimes suddenly start crying when I think back on the past.

Thinking about it now, my friend's mom was so nice... Not only allowing some strange brats to rudely intrude into your house, but showing them hospitality...

Wave Race 64 would be fine too.

Heisei's ending, but I just wanna ride a mountain bike and meet up at a friend's house and get under a kotatsu and drink Fanta and throw a big potato chips party where we play Star Fox 64.

The Heisei era's coming to an end, and here I am talking about Diddy Kong Racing and Blast Corps.

Like Blast Corps...

I think I'm pretty satisfied with this organ solo... When I hear a song with organs like these, it reminds me of the music from Rare games. Like Diddy Kong Racing.

I want people to know that the organ is a cool instrument. #FuwacinaPhrases #Dominowns

I'm really happy Dolphin is getting so much fanart. Having secondary works being made reminds me of old NicoNico...

Old lady digging for fanart.

[Retweets more Dolphin Jet fanart.]

My birthday was Freddy's death day...

Thanks for all your birthday wishes. oster-san is twelf years old.

Happy birthday to me! :birthday cake: :balloon: [November 23rd]

Wanna finish it without dying somehow. Wanna have a happy birthday.

The song I'm making now is so cool, I might die in an accident tomorrow.

EDM is short for "edamame."

Math-Head Guts Ishimatsu: "My life turned around 2nπ [rad] (where n is an arbitrary natural number)!" [Referring to his quote "My life turned around 360 degrees!"]

When I say I like music, then say stuff about the chord phrases or progression or bassline or the organ sound... I always get a "what the hell's she talking about?" look, which makes me sad. Dealt with that for over a decade.

I like when there's light in darkness, as well as when there's darkness in light. It's mostly a feeling thing, so I don't know how to explain it with theory, but I simply mean things like a major chord and a minor chord on top of each other.

I want to be endlessly recommended songs with emotional progressions.

I tweeted "meaned to say," but I meant to say meant to say.

I tweeted that I would turn 18 next month, but I meaned to say I would be 18 next week. We apologize for the confusion and issue this correction.

Before I knew it, it's already been 18 years since I started making music, and 11 years straight doing Vocaloid... Spacetime is way too warped. Heck, even I'll be 18 next month.

My winter Comiket album has lots of up-tempo rock songs. Please build up your strength and wait patiently...

I'm doing all kinds of work lately for things besides my winter Comiket album, so please look forward to it. I'm looking forward to it too.

Looking back on the lyrics to Cantabile Passione, I just wanna add a "*flashes grin*" to the end of every line.

I'm an antisocial type, so if we played Truth or Dare together, I'd dare you to become my friend.

Whenever I hear "Passione" lately, Giorno Giovanna runs through my head.

Cantabile×Passione is included in Taiko Drum Master! Wow!

How unexpected that it coincides with Rock Day. [6+9 = Ro-ku[ Yes, it's Rock Day, of course.

It's only a coincidence that Whale Rider's post date was 6/9.

[Major Announcement] OSTER project's first major album!
"Second Base ~Steal Your Body~"
Coming on 6/9/2019!
Price: 20 yen
(The first printing comes with a bonus: playing Truth or Dare with OSTER project!)
Now taking preorders!
It's just a dirty joke...

Alexa, add a horn section with 16th notes and a Motown flavor to the bridge.

I feel like there's a dinosaur called Foiegrasbowl too.

Sopranosax sounds like it should be a dinosaur. :sauropod:

I feel like I don't hear many bass solos in pop music. Maybe it just can't catch on these days, but I also like soprana sax solos.

I also like pianos and organs.

I feel like I've been making constant guitar solos lately.

I'm sober right now.

When you can't fix something even if you wanted to, you oughta change your thinking and consider how to make use of it. Constantly rejecting yourself's an exhausting way to live.

If you can find ways to make even qualities the world rejects useful, all you have to do then is puff out your chest.

I'm normally super silly, but I'm the kind of annoying drunk who suddenly starts talking like "What is life...?" So if a friend asks me about things, I might start to feel like writing lyrics. I'm eternally a weirdo writing poems.

Unusually, I started with the lyrics this time, and nothing's coming together, and the stopping point feels weird, and the melody isn't falling into place, and I'm regretting doing something different from usual now.

I'm worrying about if I'll finish this song in time, but I just gotta do it.

When I search "Second Piercing," I get a mix of tweets from people who played Second Piercing, and from people who actually got a second piercing. Some of them are also bleeding.

While I'm living, I want to do lots of fun jobs.

I wanna make a Pop'n song.

I believe girls are cutest at their cheerfully sick.

Cheerfully sick girls rock.

[Announcement] The new entry in the series released today, beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage, contains an original song from me, Second Piercing! The vocals are by echo-san. :sparkle: It's cheerfully sick girls rock. Please give it a play! :folded hands:

I don't think people usually think such deep thoughts when they eat, but I want to cherish every little act of eating. Live economically with my feelings.

I think it's standard practice to eat a meal together when you visit someone is because it lets you share the same moment, and share joy. Eating something delicious together, saying it's delicious, and smiling. Simple as that is, those simple things are important nutrition for our hearts.

It really comforts me to be with a companion who values the same things I value. People are at their weakest when they can't recognize their own worth, so having someone to laugh and cry with is huge, and you gotta cherish it.

I want to have the things I put effort into noticed, but it feels uncouth to explicitly mention them as the author. I bet all creators deal with that, huh...

Wrong account.

This is probably old news, but I got goosebumps when I realized the last chorus of Selfish Sweet and the first chorus of Bitter Myself were the same. I was like, that's our OSTER...

"Please tell me the way to become a Vocaloid producer."
Use Vocaloid to make music.

I know there's always going to be "this song isn't on it?"s when I make a CD! But I've got a lot of emotional new songs, so forgive me...

The CD I'm releasing at Comiket is planned to go back to being Vocaloid-focused like Candy Jar, but I'm considering putting in some instrumental remakes too.

Selfish Steak

It's been way too long, so I'm probably out of practice, but now that I've made this chance to meet you all, I'll do my best to create the album. Thanks in advance! :smiling face:

Your circle, "OSTER-san's Circle," has been assigned "Sunday, East Section "Shi" 08b" at Comic Market 95!
I'm releasing a CD!!!!!!!!

"Do you like Hellshake Yano?"
I was just thinking about him.

The progressive accumulation of being like "it seems to work well if I do something like this" is major, in my case.

"It's easy to change from this key to this key, so they're probably theoretically-compatible key signatures..." Those are the sort of vague senses I have... or don't have...

I sometimes get asked "please tell me how you make music," but I honestly just make it on feeling, so I don't think I could tell you anything even if I tried. I know a couple tricks, I guess, but...

"I love Alice in Musicland a lot (especially the second "a story we shall tell" part)!!" If you could be part of that world, what would you do?"
I'd wanna have tea with Rin-chan!!

"Whale x Dolphin? Or Dolphin x Whale? [In other words, "which one tops?"] I've always loved and always will love your songs, Fuwacina-san."
I think one of the great things about yuri is the ease with which you can flip the top and bottom. Either way is cute.

For ten years, I've been polishing my "PERVERT" skills. Aspiring to be the ultimate "PERVERT"...

Did you know trick and treat is a wholesome song, too?

Oh, yesterday was the 10th anniversary...

[Kagamine Rin/Len] trick and treat [Original Song]
:lollipop: :jack-o-lantern: HAPPY HELLOWEEN :ghost: :lollipop:

I often hear "when you communicate with someone, don't expect anything from them" said in a self-improvement sense, but is that even possible? If I say "hello," I wanna hear "hello" back...

Decaf Girl's lyrics were written with the theme of showing people kindness and its collateral, so like, that kind of stuff resulted in stuff like that, I guess.

I want to deliver those experiences, in the form of lyrics, to a person I don't even know. Wow, I just said something super emo.

But you know, it's a lucky thing I get some many chances to think about kindness and other people's feelings. I hope my worrying about the difficulty of these things can contribute to be being a better person.

Whatever the motive was, if you're giving someone something of value, then that act has value. So I know, agonizing about it is pointless. Really...

Also, it might be imprudent since the person is suffering, but being depended on in those times can make me happy that this person respects me, and it makes me want to use my words more to cheer them up. But I uselessly wonder if kindness with that motive can really be called kindness.

The closer friends we are, the more I want to not just say superficially-healing words, but tell them words that'll let them live happily in the future. But when you're really worn down, even words like that might just be exhausting... I think about this stuff a lot.

Lately, all my friends are fairly unenergetic, and I let them talk with me, but I always struggle with what to say at times like that. Like, is it enough to just listen to them, or should I give direction from my own experience, or...

Isn't kindness really hard?

JoJo's Bizarre Asthma: Housedust Coughsader

In what way is Yonezu-san a LOSER? Truly, no one knows.

"You're of course wearing panties on your head... aren't you, master?"
Ah, I forgot about that method!

Can't think of lyrics~ Gonna die~
Can't think of lyrics~ My head'll fly off~
Can't think of lyrics~ Lord have mercy~
Please, please bless me with lyrics~
♪ Can't Think of Lyrics feat. Hatsune Miku

I can't think of lyrics, so I might die.

I wasn't aware of this until Usagi-san pointed it out, but the cushion Miku-chan is holding isn't a dolphin, it's a whale...

:loudly crying face: :folded hands: :sparkles:

[Retweets more Whale Rider Rin x Dolphin Jet Miku fanart.]

"Is there anywhere you'd like to go for a date?"
These days, I'd like a comfy trip to a hot spring...

Maybe even if we see or hear the same thing, how you hear it or how you interpret it is different for everyone... It's obvious, but it's got me thinking.

Meanwhile, I don't get how people are able to instantly transpose in their head... Amazing.

If you're the kind of person at karaoke who no longer knows the melody and can't sing if the pitch is changed, doing a transposition feels like seeing a different world... I'm that kind of person.

Since I make music by feeling, when I'm unsure whether there's something off in the progression, I transpose it and then listen. Is that just me...? Kinda like how artists flip the picture horizontally to look for irregularities.

Then maybe it was Yuuki-san...

RT @staff_aoi (Aoi Yuuki): "The "nn!" sound I make when I'm preparing my voice sounds an awful lot like the noise the Lizalfos in Ocarina of Time make when they attack, huh. #PostYourDraftsWithZeroContext"

For now, I'll pray I don't die of an accident or illness before the 20th anniversary.

I made it sound like I'm answering questions in an interview by myself. I have no punchline.

And because keeping it up is so hard, I think my ability to keep it up adds to the value of the content, and that's why I have to keep creating. I feel like the meaning of me meeting Miku-san so early on might relate to what lay ahead for me, and lies ahead still. So I'll make lots of songs 'til her 20th anniversary for now.

Numbers always change due to changing times and booms, so being too focused on them is no good for your health, I think. I believe your ability to accept that fact is connected to keeping up a good mental state, and as a result, it's connected to consistent quality. Keeping something up is always the hardest part.

Also, I think tastes can change with age, so I'm hopeful that at some point in your life, my works will captivate you.

I'm always putting out things I currently think are the best, so if people listen to it and don't like it, all I can think is "that's too bad, but our tastes must not match." As for all ya'll who're like "this owns!", let's have the ultimate party time together!! YEAH!! :man dancing: :sparkles:

"I periodicially get filled with OSTER Love and try to spread the good news to others, but I rarely get a good response. What should I do?"
How sad...

I ain't gonna be stopped...

There was a time I was temporarily away from Vocaloid, so now it feels I'm in a bit of a foundation-rebuilding period... but going back to basics and just doing what I want is fresh, exciting, and fun. If I can feel this way 11 years in, I guess I must really love music from the bottom of my heart.

I definitely regard my videos with a million views fondly, but the one I can most easily think "this song is the best!" about is always my latest. Dolphin Jet!

It might be a failure work-wise if I don't make music people will listen to, but even then, I want to stick with doing what I want most. It's overdramatic, but the moments I'm making those things are when I feel most alive.

But I like songs with a smart-sounding sound to them. (stupid)

I'm dumb, so I make music by ear.

I don't often pick chords like "I'll use this," so I don't actually have a great idea of which ones I use...

"Tell us a secret you've never told anyone before!"
I still have three transformations to go.

"What's your favorite beverage?"
Curry rice!

Yakiniku Shabu-Shabu feat. Hatsune Miku

After all, when I was told "please make a song about Naporitan," I was like "man, I'm so glad I love Naporitan and eat it all the time" - you never know what life experiences will come in handy. Someone please give me a job where I just chew on yakiniku.

The act of living is collecting info.

Unlike songs, when you're not sure what to write for lyrics, you're REALLY not sure what to write. But the more works I interact with, and the more I think about while getting on with friends, and the more active I am, the more things I want to write come to mind.

Good for me!

Praise me.

Obviously I'm glad when people compliment me on my songs, but I'm really happy when people compliment me on my lyrics.

The other day I was looking at the Vivienne Westwood logo, and the words that entered my mind were Clint Eastwood, so my brain is clearly deteriorating.

Star F'wacinum: The World

Miku-san-olydian Scale

:love hotel: :whale: :hearts: :dolphin: :love hotel:

[Retweets fanart shipping Rin from Whale Rider and Miku from Dolphin Jet.]

Here's a pervy song. [quote retweet of Dolphin Jet]

Here's an annuncement. [quote retweet of Music Like Magic MV]

Go see Dolphin-chan, too! :dolphin:

I always typo when I'm in a panic.

What's an annuncement?

[Annuncement] Milo-san's deadly cute MV for the Miku Expo 2018 theme song, Music Like Magic, has been released! Please watch it before you die!!
[MV] Music Like Magic! feat. Hatsune Miku

Wrong account.

This body too is starting to get damaged, so I'd better look for a new one soon... Humans sure are brittle.

"Your new song was really good. I've been looking forward to it since you released the off-vocal, and I'm so glad! I like the melody, but the lyrics are adorable (and Wholesome) to the max. Inserting them into that melody is really the best, so I have it on loop. Your songs always fuel my creativity, OSTER-san. Truly, thank you as always! I'll keep following after you!!!"
Thank you very much! :sparkles: :dolphin: The song and the lyrics are packed with things I wanted, so I'm glad you liked it! I'll continue making lots of wholesome songs. :love hotel:

"Is it better to call you Fuwacina-san or OSTER-san?! Do you have a preference?"
Either is fine! Being called Fuwacina-san has a sense of familiarity...

People might call it stubborn, but that's the only way I know how to live...

"At times when your efforts aren't valued and you feel down, how do you get back on your feet?"
I keep putting in effort regardless. If you ignore the evaluation of others and focus more on how you've improved over time, and keep up the effort, I believe you naturally acquire recognition.

Opened the question box for the first time in 530,000 years...

"Fuwacina-san, hello! I always look forward to your new songs! Just a question, but where should I send to if I want to send you a letter? Please tell me!"
Thank you very much! :sparkles: I'd love to accept letters, but unfortunately, I don't have any way to currently... :loudly crying face: Regardless, I'm thinking of finding an opportunity to appear in front of people soon, so if you can be there, I'd be very happy to accept it then. :folded hands:

If you do flutter kicks, it's inevitable that the surface of the water will make waves.

She has her nails cut short so she doesn't scratch the dolphin's delicate skin, she's crying out to match the timing of the jumps, and her legs are thrashing because she's flutter kicking through the water, so it's very wholesome. Wonderful. Pervy yuri is great.

I told you, it's a song about the trainer lady doing special late-night training to make sure the dolphin will be able to do the jumps at the show, so it's wholesome. :dolphin:

It's not necessarily that I have been shackled, but if I had to say, maybe I've been putting shackles on myself. I want to make things more freely. Making what you like with all your might is the most powerful thing of al...

And I want people to hear my new song, so retweet it a bunch.

I've still got songs I plan to post ready, and it's fun to feel like I'm creating different worlds, so I feel like I'm back at my origins of creation. Even after all these years, it's fun to create... I love music...

But it's amazing I'm still making Vocaloid songs 11 years later.

The decoloration of the tape telling the passage of time makes me feel sentimental...

This is too absurd... [Picture of sheet music for Romeo and Cinderella, except the title is "Doriko and Cinderella" and the composer is "Romeo." Also, there's tape on the edge of the pages that's turned very orange.]

Uncovered some sheet music that I probably played at a concert long ago... Little Master Fuwacina... [Picture of sheet music for VOC@LOID in Love, Marginal, and Colorful x Melody. The last one says "Composition: Great Master Doriko, Arrangement: Little Master Fuwacina"]

Let this reach the yuri fans! :dolphin:

In the space between thrashing legs,
The noisy sound of waves echoes...

Read a preview right now! → URL

Since I'm a weirdo, I got all excited when I went to have the video descriptions of Dolphin Jet and Whale Rider link to each other, because I imagined it like young people in love on Twitter linking each other in their profiles.

Compulsory education taught me that girls have a switch.

I've got a sickness, where if I don't post wholesome pervy songs I'll die.

I want yuri-lovers to listen to this.

I want to get a job where I can just think up lyrics like this...


Dolphin Jet is a heartwarming, Wholesome song about a dolphin trainer at an aquarium doing practice with it three-legged-race-style in preparation for the dolphin show.

[Hatsune Miku] Dolphin Jet [Original Song]

And so the day I post a new song is a festival... Blow the flute, bang on the taiko, fill a seashell with your lips and fingers, and enjoy it! :love hotel:

I think I'm able to keep making music because I get satisfaction from making songs and having them heard, but somewhere in my heart, I also want to get excited with everyone else.

For 11 years, I've always posted my works to NicoNico, so it sort of only start to feel like it's done once the video is up and I see everyone's comments scrolling by...

Two hours left!

This taste... is the taste of A5 rank!

If I had Giorno Giovanna's Stand ability, I'd turn pebbles on the side of the road into beef and eat yakiniku every day.

Giorno Yakinikusauce -Vento Aureo-

It's a wholesome song.

5 hours remain. The pervy yuri countdown.

Tonight, let the ultimate pervy yuri song be released upon the world.

[Kagamine Rin] Whale Rider [Original Song]
Review this to prepare for the lesson!

New song tonight.

I'm happy to be releasing another song like this.

I worked really hard on the song and the video. :weary face:

Dolphin Jet feat. Hatsune Miku will be posted tomorrow at 8 PM! Thanks in advance! :dolphin: :dolphin: :dolphin: :dolphin: :dolphin: :dolphin: :dolphin: :dolphin: :dolphin: :hearts:

Video's done! Pyooo!!!

I'll finish the video today...

"I can't believe you got them all! You must like OSTER project a whole lot!!"
I've been a fan for 30 years.

I got every one!!!!

OSTER project Song Bingo #OSTERprojectSongBingo
[Image of a bingo card of OSTER songs, with every one circled.]
Amazing, right?

I think it might be for the best I tried so hard then. I really was lucky.

Yes officer, this is the account of the psychopath who searches for Vocaloid bingos and grins while gazing at accounts that mark off her own songs.

Since it is a song about a person soaking in a hot spring, getting a massage, eating yakiniku, drinking beer, and having her boobs rubbed.

This shot from the video I'm making... I like how it looks like the mind of a person soaking in a hot spring, getting a massage, eating yakiniku, drinking beer, and having her boobs rubbed.

The other day I was in a friend's car and played my Cinnamon album, and I'm glad they liked it... I'm still really fond of it...

Once I get to the latter half of the video, it makes me want to find a way to reuse the parts I already made...

It's only lewd if you think it's lewd, so it's entirely wholesome.

I'm making the video, but I'm getting worried all over again that the lyrics are too lewd.

Thank you very much for all your recommendations! I'll check them all out!

I'm getting a ton of replies to this... Sorry. I'm glad.

Newbie: "What OSTER songs you recommend?"

I like my songs.

But I respect my past self when I think of it like, you sure did that stupidly tedious thing well.

Ha-hah! [Mickey voice]

The lyrics may be like "I'm a piano girl!", but I input it all with a mouse, so shouldn't it be Mouse Girl? Squeak squeak?

The thing that was so stupidly tedious about Piano Girl's piano is that it's not 16ths, it's jumping over the place.

I wanna say that I do "something so stupidly tedious I'll never do it again" about once a year.

I wanna say that when I did the piano for Piano Girl, I thought "I'll never do something so stupidly tedious again."

I wanna kick the bucket while laughing "In the end, sure was one perf life!"

I want to be a human who makes emotional songs and draws distinct art and calculates the change super quick and is really good at games like Puyo Puyo and doesn't get fat from eating but has pretty big boobs and doesn't get sick and has stamina and can make a tasty meal from whatever's in the fridge and lives in a fancy room and manages time and friends well and is loved by everyone.

'Cause like, it's super cool to rule at a bunch of things! (the mind of a grade-school boy)

I want to be the ultimate form of human who can do all sorts of things.

I want a fully automatic song-inputting machine.

As far as princess-like songs, I really like the observatory song from Mario Galaxy...

Most Bowser stage songs aren't melodious, so it was hard thinking of a proper chord for this.

I'm from the generation that thinks this song first when it comes to Bowser.

Princess Bowser's Road #FuwacinaPhrases #Dominowns [A fancy waltz-like arrangement of Bowser's Road from Super Mario 64.]

Every time I heard the word "zoning," I used to imagine an evil boss character, but now I imagine a foreigner eating zouni in a Japanese restaurant.

Making videos, making songs, doodling as a break... Can't tell what kind of artist I am.

Almost one month since Decaf Girl already... That was fast.

Listen to the one I uploaded last month too.

Starting to make my new song's video today!

And I also hope that, from my painful experiences, I can make works that cuddle up to others' hearts a little and scoop them up.

And thus, I'm nodding my head off listening to Shiina Ringo's "Wealth to Spare."

I was really scared of someone hurting me, but after coming to understand that no one has the right to hurt another's dignity, I feel a lot better in my thirties. This is how people learn to be bold and kind.

The lyric "The hidden pigments, side by side, they don't look so bad" makes me want to compliment my past self for being so good. You get a gold star!

To this day, I've thought "I don't like myself..." countless times, but my own past works telling me "everyone should be proud" encourages me.
...I haven't actually listened to Marginal at all lately, but it sounds good when I say it like that, so let's say that. We are right here!

Marginal sure is popular... Thank you, I'm really happy for your replies. Even as the days pass, my music grows thick in the garden of memories...

Marginal's a good song, huh!

Me Who Became Pooh and a Grown-Up [From the Japanese name of the movie Christopher Robin, "Pooh and Grown-Up Me."]

I said something good, so I'd better finish with a joke. I wanna stroke Rin-chan's belly button.

Making anything is incredibly difficult, and releasing it and continuing it also takes a lot of energy and bravery. Of course, there are many fun parts, but there are painful moments too.

But when you do this a long time, you feel all sorts of feelings, and some of them aren't easy to say openly, which is why I almost cried hearing ryo-san's ODDS & ENDS at Magical Mirai.

I'm so sentimental, huh.

The older you get, the more you wanna talk about the past... Better stop.

It was 11 years ago now, but I still remember the exciting feeling in the first year after Miku was released. I made songs in a daze wanting to do all these experimental things, and always looked forward to the new songs others posted. I really enjoyed the people who made works branching off from songs, too...

At times like these, when I'm looking at the sound I want to make and making Vocaloid songs, it kind of reminds me of college and gets me excited. I should probably hold onto these feelings no matter how old I get. I'm gonna stay pubescent until death. I'll be a pubescent old granny.

Is it better for a pubescent girl to be like eveyrone else, or should she want individuality? I bet a girl who wants to get friendly with everyone would use Addictive Drums, while a girl who wants to be individual would make an original drum set with a sampler... and both would be cute. Don't report me.

I'm in puberty, so I want to softly cry while listening to sad love songs, and I want to wake up and have suddenly switched bodies with a hot person, and I want to drink beer and eat charcoal-broiled offal and not get fat, and I want to suddenly get 1 billion yen deposited in my bank account.

I'm in puberty, so I'm emotionally unstable.

Sitting in front of a screen alone at 4 AM and waving your arms is undeniably really emotional unstable...

OK Google, prepare me a new face and passport.

As for Whale Rider, well, you know.

"I suppose Decaf Girl is also yuri?"
I didn't particularly make it as yuri, but there's room for the listener to imagine freely, so I think a yuri interpretation works.

When I make lyrics with a theme of forbidden or unreaching love, I'm destined to mass-produce secret yuri songs.

Die or create, that's all I have left.

I'm gloomy, so I tend to worry if there's any meaning to my life, but when I make a good arrangement, I feel like I'm good living for another 3 days or so. So I have to make good arrangements or I'll die.

I'm floating in the sky, so I didn't notice any earthquake.

Proving that even 12-year-old-cool is artful when you boil it down.

In fact, I think maybe all people turn into middle schoolers when they fall in love. They're creatures who write up poems in the middle of the night.

To look at it positively, it's cute like a middle schooler in love doing their best.

I'm attempting to make a sad love song, but in trying to make it concise, all my vocabulary is becoming middle-school-level.

From the time of the ancient Greeks up to the beginning of the 19th century, it was believed that all matter in the world was composed of four elements: rice, seaweed, egg yolk, and soy sauce.

"Let's make heartrending up-tempo rock."

"I'm getting kinda into this."

"Let's take a bluesy approach with a stacatto piano part."

"Where'd the heartrendingness go..."

I'm easily influenced, so when I see an Instagram stream, I want to make an Instagram, and when I watch a Vocaloid concert, I want to make Vocaloid songs, and when I get older I want to be Miku-chan.

Gotta make Love Ward -funeral mix- while I'm still alive.

When I get home [from Magical Mirai 2018], let's hold Magical Past 2007.

When there's someone cosplaying one of my songs, an incredibly happy feeling transmits directly to my brain, then departs.

I want Love Ward sung at my funeral.

11 years already... I've aged, but Miku-san will never age. I want to grow old and die being taken care of by the young and lively Miku-san.

Miku-san is amazing... I've made music with Miku-san all this time, so it feels strange watching her concerts.

Earth, Wind, and Ah-Yee-Ah

Ah-yee-ah! First day of September
Ah-yee-ah! First day of September
Ah-yee-ah! First day of September

August is dead. It's gone.

July begins today! Finally, summer's getting good! [August 31st]

I can't get enough of the sad sound.

I'm using half-diminisheds way too frequently... I'm becoming totally dependent.


While I remember the 11 years I've walked with Miku-san... I'm making a Rin-chan song.

Happy birthday, Miku-san! :birthday cake: :balloon:

There's too much I want to do and should do. Just having three bodies is starting to not be enough...

I was making instrumental songs as an infant.

Let's just act like I made Miracle Paint when I was in grade school.

Like Wabisuke [from Summer Wars], I want to be like "Who made this...? I did." Because I really understand that feeling.
Though when I realize that it wouldn't be strange for a grown person to say "It's Miracle Paint! How nostalgic! I was in grade school then!", it does make me want to escape the truth that "it was me who made this."

Dancing in the house with a bra on my head, that's my freedom.

There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to people's values, only interpretations. So why is there always strife, I wonder...

When you attack someone, you're attacking yourself at the same time. People who don't realize that impudently hurt others. When really, it would make life easier for you too if you were kind to people.

The bottleneck is always what to do for the video... My footwork is always slow.

From now until winter, I'm thinking of making lots of songs.

If you can't eschew your dependence on someone, it's difficult for them to find something they're truly needed for.

Caffeine in Decaf Girl is the notion of dependence.

At this rate, my joke tweets will be more popular than my new song, so please.

Compilation of Vocaloid Producers Who Are Convinced They're Hatsune Miku

I am Hatsune Miku... Whatever anyone says, I am Hatsune Miku...

My doujinshi about how I thought I was making music with Hatsune Miku, but at some point became Hatsune Miku.

Long ago, I said I made music using Hatsune Miku, and this lady who didn't really understand Hatsune Miku but knew the name was like, "Huh? Could you be Hatsune Miku-san?!" However, this was not the case. [In Japanese, you could potentially misread OSTER's line as "I make music as/under the name of Hatsune Miku."]

I want to make music that conceals poison within kindness and cuteness and kills you slowly.

In short, please listen to the song.

However much you like or get along with a person, an appropriate level of distance exists between you, and sometimes you need to look on from afar to preserve that liking. The difficulty of that balance will surely torment humanity forever. It's top-heavy.

"I like you," "I look up to you," "I respect you" - keeping those feelings just the way they are is natural, yet really difficult. The bigger the feelings get, the more you attach extra emotions to them.

There's way too much to learn in life.

It's a song that I hope makes people feel like... "even as an adult, relationships turn awkward because of misjudgements of the distance between you, but even as those mistakes repeat, they make you more mature."

I want people to get thinking about the lyrics to Decaf Girl. It isn't necessarily limited to love; when you have an excessive desire to be needed by someone, you don't know who your kindness is really for; I think this happens to everyone. You only notice your mistake after you've caused harm.

The theme of this song is using a lot of half-diminisheds.

It's a "what is kindness anyway?" song.

[GUMI] Decaf Girl [Original Song]

If I had 5 quadrillion yen, that would resolve a bunch of worries.

I drink Kahlua and milk from a baby bottle.

I'm a baby, but I do drink.

I'm a baby, so I can't make music.

I played keyboard next to Miku-san as she danced in front of a huge crowd. #ExperiencesYourFollowersProbablyHaventHad

Making videos is fun, but it's painful waiting for the preview. I want a supercomputer that can constantly show me a real-time preview.

It's been nearly half a year since I uploaded my last song, but the video will be ready soon, so wait just a little more.

That could be what makes someone take their first step. I guess that's what lets you do your best to always keep doing what you like doing, huh. It's not like I'm thinking that while I'm doing it, but it makes me feel glad I did it.

The beginnings are probably always small things; just liking music, wanting to get popular in a band, that sort of thing. But while you're deeply into doing what you like to do, isn't it such a dream to have people see you and be stimulated and look up to you?

Creators have different senses of what it means to create art, and even I've drastically changed my outlook over time, but I think right now, it makes me happiest when I know that someone was moved by my existence.

Isn't it amazing for something you created to affect someone's life?

[Links an interview about a man in his 30's planning a "serious wedding" with Hatsune Miku, which mentions Miracle Paint in particular as sticking with him.] Read this.

You can also accomplish bouncing boobs with a decaying trigonometric function. There's an intimate connection between boobs and trigonometry. Trigazongas.

I want a tutor who's knowledgeable in After Effects. Preferably with big boobs.

Also, I only started seriously using shape layers in the past few years, but it made me wonder how I did anything without them before.

I was resistant to After Effects expressions without ever trying them, but you can quickly make endless loops for stuff like bouncing animations using trigonometry, and set the amplitude and wavelength in no time... Why did I never use this?

It's always a cause for worry how I'm going to make the video, so even when I make songs, I often have trouble posting them.

This video should turn out really cute.

Everyone at Comiket, lick salt and drink water and come back alive.

Before I knew it, it's been 11 years since I met Miku-san... I feel so grateful I can still make songs together with her. Thank you, Miku-san...

The sound of the heroine going red-faced in a shoujo manga and the sound of an old guy clearing phlegm are both a vibraslap.

I can't tell if I lost followers or not.

I love big breasts.

BFD3 is kind of like B-cups, but Addictive Drums is more like G-cups. And they're in super tight clothes, really showing off the cleavage. When you remove Master Effect, it goes to about E-cup.

I feel like nobody finds it interesting if I talk about music, so I'll talk about sweat underneath huge nipples or something to get everyone fired up.

Also, because nothing comes to anything since I'll die, I feel like I can do what I want without hesitation.

In the same way cleaning up is pointless if it'll just be messy again, some people say there's no point trying if you'll die anyway. But I want to try my best to spend my time alive meaningfully. Isn't that right, Hamtaro?

Since I'll die someday, I'm trying my best in a lot of ways to make mine a life without regrets. So that when I die, I can be like "Well? Wasn't I pretty amazing?"

It's my ambition to break free of the curse of the flesh, and as an unrotting soul, an eternal concept, continue to be directed by the world.

When I grow up, I want to be a Vocaloid.

VOCALOID 5, huh...

Being able to make music means:
You can make love songs (neat)
You can make a song just for your ship (!!!)

Being an adult is overtime for being a baby.

I'm in my 30's, but I'm surviving by thinking of it as overtime for my 20's.

When you start to think that maybe there's no reason for you to live in this world, it makes you sick, and thinking that you personally have that sort of value is arrogant. I came to the conclusion that there is no value, so I'll just do what I like, and I might already be sick, but I feel better when I wear panties on my head, so I can still go for it.

But when others look at me, maybe they think I'm becoming different too. Of course I'm different. I'm a pervert.

People around you suddenly being married or having kids is an easily-seen change. It seems like everyone's changing, but have I been changing? It's not like it's something that needs comparing, but for some reason you get hasty, right? Humans are a pain.

So I will continue to change. This is my perversion into a new self. Life is a series of perversions. Perversion is life.

Many events make you feel the fact that people can change so much in just a few years or months, and it can seem sad that there's no stopping that change, but I'd like to do my best to focus on changing in the direction I want to change in.

Maybe when I made that, I wasn't even me.

I'm not very patient when making things, so I still can't believe I completed a work like Music Wizard of Oz.

Incidentally, it was Whale Rider I showed them. :spouting whale:

When I showed a drinking friend some pervy lyrics, they told me my ideas were like an old man's, which was disappointing to hear. My ideas are that of a middle school boy's.

Because I think so much about pervy stuff, the words come out with shocking ease when I'm writing pervy lyrics, yet the moment I try to write serious lyrics, I can't write anything. But I'm doing my best to write serious lyrics.

Dye me your color up to the nails, resulting in death

Every time the reins of love creak,
Fill a seashell with your lips and fingers, resulting in death

Gradually heating up in the night ward
Restless breathing and quickening heartbeat
Eats into my reasoning and results in death

Every time I write love song lyrics, I test my fantasizing ability, and soon start to hallucinate. This ultimately results in death.

High school girl upper arms.

High school girl thighs.

There must be more you have to tweet than that.

Good day.

I saw a post about the question of "what would you do if you got a lot of money?" that encouraged people to put it in savings with no intent of shopping with it. But to me, saving is a legitimate form of shopping in which you buy future relief.

I make lots of love songs, so I want to hear all about how you assign your favorite ships to them.

When you quit swimming, you die.

I think I'm fond of Whale Rider because it packs in everything I want to do right now. But a year has passed, and the things I want to do slowly change, so I need to spit them out once more. Creators are like tuna. Not in a sexual sense.

Pervy sound that makes use of a pervy identity, pervy melody lines, pervy chord progressions, pervy music.

I often lose my understanding of what kind of person I am, but I find myself doubting that people who understand who they are exist in the first place, and realize that are probably few people who think about those things at all, and so question marks just keep popping up.

It's natural, but it's important to create with a feeling of wanting to represent the things you like, and that shouldn't be forgotten. Everyone has moments, when you do it for a long time, where that simple thing becomes blurred. It's bad news if you no longer know what you want to do.

Whale Rider really is a song with special feelings in it. I think it wholesomely depicts a romance between two women.

Welcome back to Maison Hatsune.

Good luck to everyone at Comiket. I'll do my best at protecting my house.

My circle, Boobs project, is located at my house.

Yet still I won't let go of the mouse.

Every time I do a big band arrangement, my lifespan shortens by 3 days.

Swinging my arms in front of the PC by myself while listening to Hana ga Saita. It's a preparation for shows.

When I was watching Harry Potter, I had the thought that horcruxes are kind of like alt accounts, and imagining every one of Lord Voldemort's accounts being dug up, reported for spam, and blocked made me feel really bad.

CD is an abbreviation of Captain Dom-Brako.

I'd be good if I could do a CD.

I'll make a lot of songs again this year, probably.

All kinds of amazing that even after all the troubles I've overcome, my lungs and heart and everything are still functioning normally.

Award of Being Super Cool and Excellent For Just Living

I'm really great, yes.

"Wow, you're really great today."
Really great, right? Of course, right?

Even when you grow up, being praised and praising others is really important. Stuff like "you know, you're really great today." Anything like that, really.

If you count all the songs I've put out into the world, it may be way more than 70, but there being people who even know these 70 is amazing, and I want to praise them, and I want to work hard and make lots so they also praise me.

I wonder if there's anyone on Earth who knows all the songs I've made? Even I've forgotten my old songs and can't sing them anymore...

When I listen to them like this, I realize just how scattered my songs' genres are.

Answered 70 questions in a row! PERFECT! OSTER project Song Quiz #SongQuiz #OSTER project
Amazing, right?

Don't let life play with you. You play with life.

Train until you drop dead. Life is hard - eat meat, drink, try hard to live, and try hard 'til you die.

Worrying about how I stack up to others is something I'll probably never escape, but I'm only able to do that because there are people around I can look at and go "that must be nice" about, which is much better than dying all alone.

To everyone worrying about their reason for being every day: kinda everyone's got it like that.

I made a song again, but I'm too busy and stuck on the video... I may upload something else before Decaf Girl. Sorry. Just wait.

I'm making songs healthily. I had rice today. I've been going to a distant supermarket lately to save money. This has been my recent situation report. (crude)

I'm making an effort not to neglect Twitter, but if I'm only talking about boobs and panties and bras, maybe neglecting it would be more or less the same thing.

"My name is Tom."
"Nice to meet you. My name is Snare."

When I make a song with a complex instrumental, I still don't fully understand where the key changes are.

Those who are studying chord progressions, please listen to my songs.
And please tell me what's going on in there.

It's a song about holding a frying pan and drinking tea.

I want to make a song about panties, just so I can reply in an interview "it's a song about panties."

In some interview at the time, I replied "it's a song about boobs," thinking they would surely gloss over that and leave it out, but sure enough, it was published like that. So there's no doubt about it, it's a song about boobs.

I've made a song about boobs. It's called "marshmallow holic."

I want to become a pervy-song-making machine.

I feel like making a ton of songs right now.

I want everyone to listen to this song called Whale Rider.

If they were totally satisfied, maybe people wouldn't want to do anything. Desire is born because of hunger, so maybe anguish exists to move forward.
Even if that's not actually true, isn't it better to think that way?

The more saddled you are by garbage feelings, the more I think you should create. The power of garbage is amazing. The ultimate recycling. Art fashioned from empty cans.

If you can sublimate anything, even garbage feelings, into your work, that's kind of like a victory. It's amazing to totally flip something you want to throw away into something with meaning, and that can be a sort of salvation.

Bug spray even a baby can use.
Baby spray even a bug can use.

2000: Started making it with a mouse in free software.
2018: Continue to make it with a mouse in free software.

Thongs are my personal favorite, so I wish women of the world would wear them like it's normal.

It's important to use different bras depending on the nuance of each song. In particular, non-wire bras have a smooth sound, and the front-hook type have a mellow sound.

It's common practice among musicians to put panties on your head when you want to think of good music.

That's what this song is. (maybe not)

What are the bodies of people dependent on caffeine like?

I'm weak to caffeine.

["Look forward to it!"]

"Oppai Project...."

Who am I? What kind of project is this...?

The longer you keep something up, the less sure you can get about what you're even doing. I'm not even sure why I'm being a human in the first place. Maybe I'm not a human. Maybe I'm just the only one convinced she's being a human.

Putting the evaluation of others and booms completely to the side and stopping to think about what you want is extremely important. I want to make pervy music. That's all there is to it.

Ultimately, that's the reason I first bought Miku, and while at times I was unsure from so much happening and so many different feelings, that's what I always arrived at when I simply thought about what I wanted to make and how.

Musing about it for the 100th time, I still think the fact that you can do everything entirely on your own power as long as you have music software and Vocaloid is seriously godly.

["Fermata Bra"]

I also like belly buttons.

Boobs with an extended length.

Boobs Fermata


Teleported Into A Prison After Chopping Boobs

Brassieres Are Godly Because They Support Boobs / OSTER project feat. Hatsune Miku

That's the title of my new song.

Brassieres are godly because they support boobs.

I feel like I had a sort of dreamy virginity with lyrics in the Miracle Paint days.

I'm condensing it for greater purity. I shall pervert into yet greater heights of perversion.

From the unchanging perverted core leaks a perverse sound, perverse lyrics - that is my perverse style of music. PERVERT project

I'm less worried about what others think than before, so I have an easier time making what I like when I'm making hobby songs, which is why I think my lyrics are getting more risque. But if I look back, I was always a pervert. Humans never really change at their core.

Once things calm down, I'll make videos. I'm announcing I'll post two new songs by next month. Whale Rider will have a sequel. :dolphin:

This year, I've been working crazy hard on hobbies and work, so I feel like I'm living to the fullest.

Please, kiss me right away
Stop the hands of the clock...
Do that, and the two of us
Won't let the alarm clock ring
And sleep in...

There's so much I want to do, but nobody will take me.

Please, don't go yet. Stay with me and let me feel your warmth, my April.

Not believing in what we've lost, only able to live by clinging to fiction. Yes, today is April.

April already... [it's may 5th]

Bonbourman :bomb:

Lately, when I make a song that's too stylish, I shout "bourbon!" I scold it like "Add carbonic acid!" "Put it in a highball!"

A friend I made recently took me to a bar and showed me how good those are. I've come to drink whiskey on the rocks. This has been my recent situation report.

[English:] Fujiyama is beautiful Oppai.

[English:] I love Japanese hentai cultures thank you!

I'm using the minimum possible vocabulary necessary to, you know, do stuff.

I'm super dumb.

When I make this song that's just kinda cool, I wanna give it a super cool title, so I want a super cool dictionary that's got super cool words in it.

What's purgatory-ish?

[Announcement] I provided the song "Purgatory Incident" for the current GITADORA Matixx. It's this sort of amazing, purgatory-ish song. Thanks in advance!

[Screenshot of a Japanese machine translation of the previous tweet: "I think I just want to be with papa."]

[English:] just feel your oppai...
wanna be with oppai...

I haven't had the time to make videos, so I haven't been posting songs, but I do have them.

Wow wow, the world is poop (backing vocals)

When my mental fatigue reaches its height, my vocabulary drops to grade-school level, so maybe I can write grade-schooler-esque lyrics. Super hyper delicious booby boing boing (chorus lyrics)

Half-Diminished Boobies

My favorite breast size is Fm7(♭5).

And that's why your dear old dad's thinking of quitting his job to become a brassiere head-wearer.

Isn't it just foolish to give up on what you really want to do or try hard on, to waste your life, because you're embarrassed people will make fun of you? Haters are scary and annoying, but it's just too miserable to blame those people for you not trying.

Whenever you start something new, it won't go well at first, and people around you will insult you, and say it's impossible, or that you suck. But those people have never put in the effort to change anything, so don't worry about what they say. Even if you suck, you're always making progress if you're trying. Victory goes to those who move forward.

You can't do things with a deathly fervor when you're dead, so you have to do them with a deathly fervor while you're alive.

Acting like what you're born with is everything and defines your life is so ugly. You don't want to make your life into a throwaway match, not after you were born and everything.

I don't want to be a person who doesn't try hard even though doing so could change a lot, and who doesn't recognize when other change. Humans can start changing at any time.

Why do people look only at the things they were born with, despair, give up, and not notice the stat-ups they can achieve through later effort?

Definitely going to be a conflict.

The playful upper body and the working lower body.

Without a playful self, a working self, and many other selves, life just won't work out.

Please remember it.

There's the coffee-drinking upper-body song and the dolphin-riding lower-body song.

The upper body and lower body have one song each.

I have songs ready, but it'll be a while to release.

I'm playing bass with my lower body.

RT "Seems OSTER-san's upper body is writing songs while the lower body writes lyrics."

"I'll continue to support OSTER project even if they break up."
Thank you for your support of my lower body.

Lower-Body Release Party

Good evening. This is sudden, but there's something I must tell you all. Due to a difference in musicial directions, OSTER project will be breaking up. It's unfortunate, but we've decided that the upper body and the lower body should continue on their own paths. Thank you for your years of support.

More people should know about the lifehack of wearing panties on your head to increase productivity.

Everyone who makes good sounds holds in their pee.

Holding in pee lets you make good songs.

If you just keep up music, amazing stuff's gonna happen.

Catch spring's tail.

Sakura are blooming, but the seasons haven't caught up.

If unnecessary guilt is a hindrance of performance, you need to exterminate every one of those preconceptions. Tear it down and let it all hang free. Basically, get nude.

When you're making a song, have you ever thought that ending with a fade out is like an escape route for not having another way to end it? It's a totally viable way of expression, but my brain scolds me for it.

I'm producing music every day. Wow. I'm glad I was born in a world with music.

Don't carve letters into my grave. Carve grooves.

To live tomorrow to the fullest, sleep to the fullest today. Some famous person probably might've said that. If not, then I just said it now. Now I'm going to become famous. Please carve this on my grave when I die.

But yes, humans can't live at full throttle, so times like those are needed too - so I think as I'm messing with my phone and staying up late, and I wonder if that's necessary as well? My thoughts start to go in circles and I'm like, go to bed already.

I don't know how long I'll be able to spend with the people I hold dear, I don't know how much time this will last. Realizing those things anew makes me remember I need to feel gratitude and the weight of every second, and yet I stare at my naked body every day after getting out of the bath, so clearly humans are foolish creatures indeed.

Every day passes by like it's ordinary, and I think of tomorrow coming like it's natural, but there are moments when I suddenly think "that's not a given, huh..." When you're faced with the death of someone close, those feelings become much, much stronger.

I believe in the power of futon.

I nearly have a song done, but I went and got into my futon. But it's okay. By the time I leave the futon, the song'll probably be all ready.

Good evening.

Have you listened to Candy Jar Singular Point yet?
1. Toxic Margarine
2. Well-Known Gemini
3. Not Guilty! Rose
4. dear my stuffedanimal
5. Bitter Yourself
6. Dolphin Rider
7. CaramelPop☆Showwindow
8. Midnight Service (18,000 yen an hour~)
9. Heart Attack*Reverie
10. Black Snow Falling
11. Lonely Puroland
12. Handshake With Me At An Amusement Park

"I love Utopia oz Of!"
I almost say this myself sometimes.

There are some replies with correct titles mixed in, but since I'm suspicious now, I strain my eyes looking for what's different.

"I'm a fan of OSTER Project. :smiling face:"
The most simple mistake of capitalizing the P...

"I love Gothic!"
This one is actually extremely common, but I'm wounded.

My mentions have turned into a map of hell. I can't keep up with the jokes...

Stop it, don't wound me...

"I love Alice in Wonderland!"
I'm wounded.

"I love &!"
......I'm wounded. (time it took to process you meant VOC@LOID)

"I love Romantic Ward."
Seen it.

"I love Romantic Ward!"
I'm wounded.

"I love Love-Colored Ward!"
I'm wounded.

"I love Inadequate Lady!"
I'm wounded.

"I love Trick or Treat!"
I'm wounded.

Casually saying "I love Magical Paint!" wounds the composer. #MikuDay #MikuDay2018

Hey, you there! Memories always look pretty, but you'll starve with only those!

This is the fate of a woman who wrote the lyrics "if I become a princess, I'll eat buckets of pudding until I'm laid to rest."

If I became a lion, I'd like to eat about 10 kilograms of medium-rare steaks.

What do you want to be in that world? A beast tamer who controls the beasts? An even wilder beast who feeds on the beasts? A weakling cowering in the cage? A girl who wants to be a lion, a boy who wants to be a girl, all together now! A, i, u... [Reference to a song from a children's show.]

Being in the cage of ordinariness may be constraining, but it's full of wild beasts outside, and in some ways you're protected inside the cage. So let's all head back together. Into the cage.

You get the urge of escapism because you want to enjoy the unordinary. If the escape becomes ordinary, perhaps there's no charm to it anymore.

If I suddenly came upon the money to abandon everything and go on a trip around the world, I feel like I would keep at it and not abandon everything.

Making complicated songs is too complicated, so my brains melted.

It's that time of the month today, so I want Whale Ride to be on karaoke...

I want to eat white rice while imagining women all around the country singing Whale Rider, which is why I want Whale Rider to be on karaoke.

I want Whale Rider to be on karaoke.

Maybe this old lady could become a YouTuber yet...

I just now realized that looking back at it, Radio in Love was doing something similar to what Virtual YouTubers do now.

Hellshake Hatsune

Oh yeah, better tweet about music too.
I want to savor the sensation of my teeth crunching through canned peaches. Dominant seventh.

I'd like to make more who-cares tweets. I super wanna eat peaches right now.

It's amazing that I've uploaded 9 songs in the last year. If you missed any of them, please take a listen.

[Hatsune Miku] Napo-Napo Return Match [Original Song]

[Hatsune Miku] Toxic Jam [Original Song]

[Kagamine Rin] Whale Rider [Original Song]

[OSTER project] Lonely Parade feat. Yu Tokiwa [Music Video]

[Hatsune Miku] Midnight Savage [Original Song]

[Hatsune Miku] Cantabile x Passione [Original Song]

[Hatsune Miku] Miracle Showtime [Original Song]

[Mitchie M x OSTER] The House Where Music Lives ~Maison Hatsune~ [Hatsune Miku]

[VOCALOID] Inappropriate Lady [MEIKO]

I guess when it comes to anything, continuing is the hardest thing.

It's been 10 years since I started making Vocaloid songs, and I'm still making them, but as long as there are a few people listening despite there not being the same excitement as before, I guess there's a reason to be? The real trial starts here. I'll do my best.

Why does everyone change so much?

Why'd I have to go become an adult...

Whoops, wrong account.

Today was my high school graduation! :sparkles: These three years passed in no time... I promised I wouldn't cry, but I couldn't hold back during my homeroom teacher's speech! :loudly crying face: :sweat: I hope we can all stay good friends as we walk our own paths! :cherry blossom:

Whoops, wrong timeline.

The Tokyo Olympics are over at last. So much drama...! I can't wait for 2024 in Paris. [Posting the day the 2018 Olympics ended.]

"I love you as a rhythm game composer, as a Vocaloid producer, and just as a woman. I like Cinnamon too, so it makes me happy that I have the same tastes as someone I like... I'm really charmed by the differences between your rhythm game and Vocaloid songs!"
I'm super happy. Let's go drinking.

"Oh yeah, at the end of last year, cosMo@Bousou-P gave you as an example of "an amazing person who does everything digitally." But I remember you played piano for Radio in Love, for instance. Do you not play it often lately?"
Thank you, Cosmo-tan. You're amazing too... I haven't played piano at all lately, so I suspect my fingers are in a horrible state.

"I cried real hard the first time I heard Moon Rabbit. Have you ever cried at your own lyrics after writing them?"
All the time... I've also cried listening to the completed songs. They aren't my lyrics, but recently I cried watching the Maison Hatsune video.

"Where do you want to take a trip to?"
Boobiesland, I suppose...

"My friend doesn't understand when I say things like "this bassline is sexy," "this chord progression is sexy," or "those calf muscles are sexy!" What should I do?!?!?"
Find sexier friends.

A friend told me "It's more "stick in" than "fill," isn't it?" Wonder what they were talking about.

"I love Whale Rider. Please explain the part that's like "fill a seashell with your lips and fingers.""
It's a wonderful thing people do when they love each other very much. Ask your mom and dad!

They don't come often, but I'm making songs... I am making songs... Please believe me...

There are no announcements, but please listen to the song I uploaded this month.

When n=0, there were no announcements.
By induction, there are no announcements.

The day after a day with no announcements also has no announcements.

There are no announcements for today.


And I wonder why even so, I get lonely, so I want people I like to know about me, and want to know others, and want our hearts to intersect, even with the risk of them getting tangled. Puberty until death.

Don't you think about things like, every person has their own heart, and there are just that many kindnesses and selfishnesses, and maybe human relationships are just when those things intersect and our hearts get tangled up?

Aren't there times when you want to show sympathy to someone, but even though it was only for their sake, your own selfishness of seeking satisfaction gets mixed in and things get tangled? Aren't there times you forget what kindness looks like?

It's a Rainbow Panda 2018 type of crazy.

I'm making a crazy song, but I'm worried it might be too crazy.

The direness of having to return to normal at the start of the second chorus is also fun in its own way.

And before you know it, you're in space.

It's a similar feeling to not worrying about coming back home and just speeding along on a bike with the wind at your back.

When I make a 2-minute-long song, I can do a key change and not worry about getting it back to normal, so it's really fun to keep key changing here and there however I like.

I'm more about CANYON than PASSPORT.

Meeting of Internet Elders Who Remember CANYON.mid

I was a GS gal... My impression was that XG had powerful guitars, and GS had smoother piano. Sorry, I guess this is ancient history... Ah, the days of Mujiro...

I'm getting nostalgic for long ago, when I went to karaoke with Vocaloid producers, and we listened to the karaoke tracks going "It has a YAMAHA sound!" We're all sick...

Worrying about synths is the curse of creators, but... I accept that curse...

Sharp sounds, sounds with personality... even if you think in the moment "this is the best!", if you spread it too thin, it becomes harder to use. It's kind of sad...

I'm a composer, so I'm very sensitive to songs that just use the Addictive Drums presets as-is.

Perhaps now is exactly the time to break free of the notion that it's better not to use "miso soup" in titles.

I'm seriously at a loss for titles.

In the end, I lack the resources to think up a title, so I get a super-technical progressive fusion song named "1 + 1 = Miso Soup."

When I make a technical song, it uses up all my brain resources and leaves me with an IQ of 1.

I can write non-pervy lyrics too.

With that, two more unannounced songs remain... But I want to add more still.

It's no good for assumptions and fixed beliefs to just narrow your view. Once you learn "things tend to go better if you do it like this," it becomes a habit to go that way, but you have to leave possibilities open...

I always try to avoid kick and snare playing at the same time, but there's no real rule against it.

Not enough! Praise me more!

Sexy people, definitely listen to it. Please listen, sexy people.

The "I have a new song ready" tweet being more popular than the "I posted a new song" tweet is kind of lonely, so please listen. :folded hands:

Inappropriate Advertising

I'm an Inhygenic Lousy.

To be honest, the pre-edit clothes were sexier.

It's seriously amazing that such a beautiful picture was born from this...

The illustration is by Fuco-san!

What do you mean 2
It's a new song!!

2 [VOCALOID] Inappropriate Lady [MEIKO]

[MEIKO] Inappropriate Lady [Original Song]

Uploading a new song at 7! Thanks in advance.

I'm hip and stylish, so on Bean-Throwing Night, instead of beans [mame], I spread mermaids.

Inappropriate Lady is overwhelmingly popular. What do I do if it's not that...?

It's fun how I can sort of tell what flavor of song people want.

Guess the new song's title quiz.
OSTER project feat. MEIKO
- Decaf Girl (24%)
- All Day (14%)
- Spot the Difference for Two (17%)
- Inappropriate Lady (45%)

Elsa Who's Really Let It Go: "Okay, the cold bothers me a little."

I'm glad to get a bunch of likes. Come listen once they're uploaded.

I'm feeling better since you all complimented me. :flexed biceps:

I wanna take this opportunity to start something else I want to do.

I think I'll make lots of Vocaloid songs this year. Right now, I have three songs ready. Amazing, right? Compliment me.

Love is a ThrillShock Suspenses 4. [Play on the Detective Conan OP "Koi wa Thrill, Shock, Suspense" and the DualShock 4 controller.]

I was trembling as I ate my food.

To the two women at a restaurant in Akihabara, talking about Edible Flower's Monologue:
The woman in the seat next to you was the composer.

I'll post it with this.

It's not a gorilla.

Sort of like this.

[Top: "The ultimate sexiness I could think of"
Pointing to head: "WOMAN"
By elbow: "Hiding face"
Pointing to choker: "Sexy stuff like chokers"
On dress: "Lewd dress"
Under butt: "Bed"
Lying on left: "Some kinda shoe"
Handbag: "samantha thavasa"
On upper leg: "Flower petal"
Next to knee: "Roses, etc."
Also, note the Getitng Over It parody from the other day in the top-left.]

No stop.

Maybe I'll draw it myself.

I made a cool song, so won't someone draw a picture for me...?

Now everyone knows I use boobs, thighs, and butts as "accompaniment."

BbM7 BbmM7 Bbm7|Am7 AbM7 Ab6|
Boobs|Gm7 G/A A7 Thighs Dm7|
Dbm7 Cm7 F7 Bm7b5 Butts
#AddAccompanimentBetweenChords #MusicLecture

Domino is good software.

People who do digital music tend to think "velocity" is a parameter representing "the force of the sound," but technically that's not correct. It actually means "city of raptors."

Aftertouch is a parameter meaning how much force you use to hold down the key after pressing it??? And interfaces corresponding to that apparently aren't that rare?? I guess I just never knew...

Let's do something for Love Ward's 10th anniversary. Not saying I'm going to.

I bet Love Ward would sound good remade with these synths...

That prominy guitar's a tricky one, where "aftertouch" means vibrato, and "modulation" means mute... Never even touched aftertouch before.

Long ago, I used to be really bad at making guitar parts, so I avoided compositions using them, but then I encountered prominy's guitar synths, and I feel I've gotten better and better at guitar arrangement.

I want the clerk at the supermarket to hear it.

I want the tenants of Maison Hatsune to listen to Maison Hatsune.

When I search Maison Hatsune, I get a lot of info on houses.

Back to Maison Hatsune with you.

Making songs, for me, is a process of condensing the things I like, and in that process I get a taste of it again and again, and by the time it's done, I'm tired of the flavor. Even listening to the finished product, it seems to lack freshness, so I wish I could listen to it with a blank slate.

I want to scream "OSTER owns!!" with everybody, but I can't do that. Because, I am OSTER. How sad...

As a creator, I'm a big fan of my music, and I want to be a listener and purely enjoy my songs... I want an OSTER album I've never heard before.

Get me?

I make 'em and all, but I wanna hear my own songs.

Such a willpower-based view is probably not well-liked these days, and I don't want to force it on anyone else, but I force it on myself. There's no one else who'll take responsibility for my life, after all...

Because I live by that kind of grim-ass reasoning, it's a life of crawling on the ground, unable to give up on anything. I still can't say if it's good or not, but it's all I can do, so I'll do my best.

Failure is only failure if you give up there, so if you don't give up no matter how many times you're thrown to the floor, it won't be a failure.

That bird... is us.

I mean, of course you gotta cry at this. Let's cry together, everyone.

I'm a thirty-something who was watching this video this morning and crying by myself.

I drew the bird cuter than Miku-san in my fanart... Y-chan's amazing...

These lyrics hit you more deeply the longer you've spent with Miku-san, so... Mitch-chan made me cry... Thank you...

Welcome back to Maison Hatsune! <3 [Fanart]

[Mitchie M x OSTER] The House Where Music Lives ~Maison Hatsune~ [Hatsune Miku]

[In response to the "likes" tweet getting over 700 likes:] The gymnasium is gonna burst soon... Scary...

I like my own song so much, I'm gonna die.

Please beware of strong tremors.

Emergency Dick Report

Lately, I've felt unsure about what exactly I am, but thinking back, I don't think I've ever felt like I knew that. Who the hell are you?

Sometimes I wonder what I would say if I appeared on one of Sapporo's "Adult Elevator" commercials. I'd be like, an adult is... a large baby, who will always be a child and rises by the power of action alone.

I picture myself riding in a cradle equipped with a jet engine, racing down the road. Let's blast off, baby! Goo-goo! :baby bottle:

I thought once I grew up, I'd be more of an adult, but as much as time may pass, I always want someone to tell me "good job, there there" when I try hard. People say life goes from the cradle to the grave, but I'm set to arrive at the grave in a cradle...

It's easy to forget when you're indundated in social media, but isn't getting 100 likes kind of wild? Like, 100 people thought "that was great"? Just imagine 100 people all gathering in a gymnasium and saying "you're pretty great!" Scary...

Want you to see it soon.

It's packed with many feelings.

I guess that's called crying.

I'm watching the video now and quietly emitting tears.

Good morning. It's sudden, but I'm posting a new song today.

"I'm currently in college, and people around me are already preparing to get jobs. But what I want to do is somewhat off the rails from finding employment. I don't have the confidence to take a different path from everyone else. What would you do, OSTER-san?"
I think that before that time really comes, you should prepare and make a foothold for you to step into that completely different place. If you've got that, you can be brave and make that step. So long as they don't die, humans can rather often manage.

"I love your sexy-sounding songs like Selfish Sweet and on the rocks... Please write more sexy songs! I'll be waiting!"
I'm waiting for sexy work.

"Will you come to Kansai? Tell me what places you like in Kansai!"
I haven't been recently, but when I last went to Fushimi Inari-taisha, I couldn't make it up the steps due to time constraints. I'd like to conquer it someday while my legs can still take it.

"What are your skills, OSTAR-san?"
Accurately guessing the location of nipples even through clothes.

[Screenshot of the next question with the timestamp of "-3 seconds ago."]
A question that crossed space and time.

"I love the music you make. I especially like cool and sexy songs like Piano Forte Scandal and on the rocks. I also love all the other songs. And I love your collaborations with Hanatan-san. I'd definitely love to see more Fuwacina x Hanatan works. I love you."
I love Hanatan too! Hanataaan!!

"In the afterword included with the Melt instrumental ryo-san uploaded, it mentions you, Fuwacina-san, so please read it."
I couldn't find it, but I'm curious. ryo-san...

"I realized that since I first listened to Miracle Paint, I've been following and being charmed by your music for 10 years. At the time, I was a student still living at home, so I could only see you on NicoNico live streams, but if you have another live show someday, I'd love to be showered with music in person!
I'm sure you make more music commercially these days and have a busy life, and have a lot of things to worry about, but please continue to challenge more things driven by what you love...! (When the Cinnamon show you did because you wanted to was announced, I wept with joy as if I was the one doing it... lol) I'll always follow what you do and support you!"

Simply thank you. I'm gonna cry...

Is the opposite of "newspaper slot" "television plug"? [This was a pun on "uke" and "seme."]

And there's no one who's a 100% match. You can't associate with someone without recognizing your differences. Acknowledging differences is key.

Even if you meet 100 people who you hit it off with extremely well, who you're 99% in tune with, multiplying together a hundred 99%s is only 37%. When it ends up that way, the key difference is whether you can laugh together about how you can be that similar yet this different, or grieve that it shouldn't be like that. Whether you can keep it up with someone for a long time or not.

Happy new year to those in the new year. For the rest, good evening.

Upon an expertly-composed song, slam down some pervy lyrics!!

Lyrics with a balance like Whale Rider's are hard.

No good... The lyrics keep overstepping the bounds of Wholesomeness.

"I like GOSSIP CATS on your album so much, I've been listening to it constantly since release. Are there plans for a second "OSTER BIG BAND project"?"
I want to do it again before I die.

"I met you through Miracle Paint, but my favorite song is @! [Probably meaning VOC@LOID in Love.] I'm dazed by how your rhythms, melodies, harmonies, progressions, and lyrics are all so good. By the way, that song has a heavy chiptune feel, and I associate the structure and melody with a certain Kir-somebody. I don't suppose you were conscious of this?!"
I've actually only played the Wii one...

"I'm currently studying at a music college, but I have a hard time making such jazzy songs as good as the ones you make... Are there any patterns or chord progressions you often use? I love you, Fuwacina-san."
I sorta like stuff that goes down by halftones! (crude)

"Please tell me your favorite food."
I have an unending dependence on curry.

"I always look forward to your new songs! It appears you use Domino for MIDI sequencing, but what software do you use for mixing and mastering? Also, I'd like to know if you have anything to say about Takabo, who created Domino."
I use Cubase. Without Domino, I couldn't make songs. I'm forever in their debt.

"What instruments can you play, and how well?"
I can play piano and recorder a little. My best instrument is the mouse.

"I'm really into Selfish Sweet. At the start, it sounds like a male voice is saying "yunesko, wei, wei," but what is actually being said there?"
Asking song questions like these is a bit like asking what the English T-shirt someone's wearing means. There are people who wear one knowing what it means, and those who wear it because the design looks cool, and I am the latter (in other words I don't know what it's saying).

Merry Christmas.

I want a Hajime Saito speaker that denies every pitiful thing I say when I'm depressed.

Hajime Saito: "I'll deny everything you've got!"
"No one needs me..."
Hajime Saito: "That's not true at all..."
"There's no reason why I should be alive..."
Hajime Saito: "You've got that all wrong..."
"No one pays attention to me..."
Hajime Saito: "No, I'm always watching... It's okay..."

You don't learn music or any skill in a day. Since acquiring it necessitates continuous effort, there's definite value to any skill you're proficient in.

"I had a bad day today, but I listened to your songs and cheered up."
It cheered me up too to hear this.

"OSTER-san, do you like pandas? Are you Team Cinnamon?"
I love Cinnamon, pandas, and panties.

"I love how even for songs you're commissioned to make like Naporitan and Voice of the Market, you seriously give it your all and make amazing songs!"
It's because they're commissioned songs that I feel pressured to take them on with all my might. I'd like to continue taking my responsibility seriously and doing any job I'm asked to do well.

"I'm currently making music aspiring to be a composer. Though very clumsy, I've been able to finish a few songs up to a point. I'm working hard and getting the opinions of others, but it hasn't felt like I'm improving at all. It's making me feel like I just have no talent. What should I do?"
If you've only made a few songs so far, I think it's too soon to be drawing any conclusions about your talent. Maybe you should come back to asking yourself what kind of music you want to make, and devise a strategy to get yourself making it.

Even if I make something to encourage myself, I'm glad if there are people who are similarly encouraged, and it means that my hard experiences weren't for naught, so I feel rewarded.

"How are you able to write such wonderful lyrics? When I listen to your songs when I'm hurting or unsure, they pierce my heart."
I'm very happy you'd say so. Quite a few of the lyrics have their origins in my own hurting and worrying, so maybe it's because we're worrying about similar things.

"I still love Marginal to this day. I like E-cups or so."
Even among E-cups, underboob can really make a difference.

"Do you have your eye on anybody lately?"
Well, Isabelle from Animal Crossing...

"There are a ton of your songs I want to sing at karaoke... Can't your latest songs get put on already...?"
This is one thing I can't just decide entirely on my own, so if any bigshots are watching, please help out...

"Were you sick for a time?"
Living itself is a sickness.

"I learned about you from Rainbow Panda on NicoNico Douga. Do you not make songs like that anymore? I want to hear some weird fusion."
The occasional rhythm game songs I write might be a little close...?

"Tell me what you've eaten lately that you've bought or liked! Myself, I really like KFC's chicken pot pie."
I haven't been able to eat it lately, but right now I want to eat that filet steak with foie gras at Ore no French... How in the world can you get that for so cheap...?

124 questions to go...

I'm often like... No reason to worry to death over something when everyone dies in the end anyway, so it's fine to do as you like.

Yuri is good.

I'll bring the lyrics closer to "wholesome."

Although I did actually make Whale Rider around November last year...

I'm thinking about making a followup to Whale Rider, but it being the middle of winter, I can't get in the mood at all.

"In Miracle Showtime, do the lyrics "I'm not scared of being forgotten, I can say that for sure, because the days we've spent won't just go away" refer to yourself continuing to create music?"
Pretty much, yes. Even if there aren't many chances for me to get lots of views like there used to be, it's not like that makes everything I've done go poof. If I just stay alive in people's memory... I often think about how there's definite meaning in that.

"I really look up to you as a female composer! Make me your pupil, please!"
Thank you very much. For a second, I thought that said "puppy," so sorry about that. And I apologize, but I don't think I'm really one for teaching...

"I like you! Do you ever look back at the past?"
On sleepless nights, I feel like dying as I reflect on life all by myself. But I continue to survive, fueled by words like yours. Thank you.

"So what's your fetish?"

"Huge knockers."
Who's there?

"I listened to Goddess's Handshake during one of the most trying periods of my life, and bawled my eyes out. There was a teacher at the time who listened to me and really was like a goddess to me, and just like in the song, I wished I could become that sort of person someday. It's become something reassuring that helps me get over even the harshest situations. Thank you for the wonderful song. I love you, Fuwacina-san."
I'm really glad, because it's also a song I put special thoughts of my own into. If you don't forget the feeling of being accepted, I believe anyone can be someone else's salvation.

"I love you, OSTER-san. I always enjoy listening to your music. Sorry if this is a repeat question, but I've played classical piano for some time and learned some theory doing it, and lately I've been interested in composing. Where should I start?"
I don't know, since I'm not someone who creates with an understanding of theory, but if you play piano, perhaps you can try making use of that to do some sort of piano arrangement. It always helps to come into things by way of what you're best at.

"How do you deal when a deadline is close but you can't get any motivation?"
I think you just have to steadily improve your fundamentals. If you become able to handle something with 1 power that you needed 10 power for before, you can keep a certain level of quality even when you're at your worst.

"Please tell me how you make Domino's MIDI data into an MP3."
I import the finished sequence data into Cubase and export it.

"I've listened to your songs since my school days, and they've encouraged me a lot. Though it's a late start, I'm just about starting to chase my dreams. I hope to someday officially get to sing some of your songs."
I also went through such a period to get here. I don't think there is such a thing as being too late to chase your dreams. Let's do our best together; I'll be waiting for you.

"The moment I think "I'll go to Ikinari Steak ["Suddenly Steak," a standing-up steak restaurant chain]," it's no longer "sudden," which makes me sad. What should I do?"
I mean, when you spring this question on me so suddenly...

"I love love love love you!!"
Than-than-than-thank you!!!

For now, those who want to make music, download this software called Domino.

Motivation feels like a perishable - while you keep waiting saying it's not the right time, you lose freshness and start to rot.

Above all, it's important just to try. There are boatloads of things you can do starting today if you make the effort. When there are all these chances to make a step toward a new you, it's your loss not to jump in. Only diets should wait 'til tomorrow.

The sense of achievement from finishing things gives you confidence the more you do it, and by making and posting songs, you can shift from being a listener to being a creator. Working hard with the stimulation from doing that, I think you'll be improving before you know it.

When you start, the hardest thing is finishing a song. I said this in a response to a previous question, but at first, I would start making 10 songs, have none of them go well, and only actually finish one. Even if you don't exactly like it, it's important to finish however you can.

"I want to be a Vocaloid producer, and if possible, post to NicoNico Douga or something in 2 or 3 years. However, I'm unsure what I should do, or what I can do before then. How should I go about becoming a Vocaloid producer?"
I think nowadays you can find anything on the technical side by searching online, so for some emotional advice, don't say "in 2 or 3 years," just try to finish a song. Even if it sucks, it's good to improve while having people listen.

"The solo part of Naporitan was so incredibly OSTER. To the point where I could listen to just that and know it's OSTER-san. I really like it...! Napo-napo-napo-napo! I like the line "enveloped in a sea of Naporitan, today we dream again"!"
Thank you very much. I like thinking up lighthearted dumbass lyrics. Such as "if I become a princess, I'll eat buckets of pudding until I'm laid to rest."

"What types of alcohol do you usually drink? Please tell me if there's any you particularly like."
I more or less drink anything, but lately I've shifted from "let's start with draft beer" to "let's start with sparkling wine." A tad more mature. (It fills me with the courage and power to feel like I can bust down super difficult barriers.)

"I love how fun Princess Cowgirl Show and Happy Flower Shop are!! Were you perhaps influenced by Plus-Tech Squeez Box...?"
On my album Recursive Call!!! Please listen!!! To the final song!!!!,!!!,!! [Which is "Miracle Paint (PSB REMIX)."]

"Is there anything you always do before bed, OSTAR-san [sic]?"
I'm a good kid who always brushes her teeth before bed.

"I've been wanting to ask this for a while: when making a song, do you start with a piano sketch? Or do you compose having decided the instruments from the start? If you don't mind, I'd like to know. (Also, it looks like it's going to be cold for a while, so take care of yourself.)"
I generally decide the construction of the sound first, then after setting up the chords and melodies with keyboard instruments like piano, I flesh it out.

"I learned of you from Vocaloid, so I was pretty surprised when I heard your songs in IIDX. Were those Domino-made as well?"
All my songs in the past 5 or 6 years have been done in Domino. The songs in IIDX are all Domino as well.

"Your first song I heard was Miracle Paint. At the time, it said it was by "OSTER project." Thus, I thought it was a big group, not realizing OSTER-san was one person. Sorry for misunderstanding! I still love your songs now!"
We're a music unit made up of a head, a torso, and arms and legs. We hope you'll keep following us.

"I've been a fan for seven years. Recently, I also decided to live out my dreams. I know it sounds presumptuous, but I hope if my dreams can come true, that I can work with Fuwacina-san. I want to sing your songs. I love you."
Thank you very much. I sometimes do get to work with people I used to look up to, and often get this feeling like I still can't believe it. Good luck, and treasure the things you love. I'll wait patiently.

"I've been thinking how I want you to collab with Momoko Hayashi-san for a while. What do you think, Fuwacina-san?"
So listen, Hayashi-san and I actually have the same birthday... I really love The Smile of You, so I think it would be good if there's a chance for us to work together someday.

"This isn't a question, but... I've been a fan of your songs for so long (though I like you too)... It's so great finding someone who makes so many super-impactful songs. Please keep up the good work. And what's your favorite meat for curry? I like bird meat."
Thank you very beeeeeeeeeef!!!!! :ox: :ox: :ox: :ox: :ox: :ox: :ox: :ox:

"When you make appearances on NicoNico Douga, you're always wearing really adorable clothing, but do you ever normally wear such clothes?"
Well, I'm getting up there in age...

"How did you study big band arrangement? Was it self-study?"
Yes, self-study... I listened to a bunch of songs and repeatedly attempted to imitate them.

"I love 1h Lover and I've listened to it on its own a thousand times, but I don't fully understand the lyrics. Could you tell me what kind of position the "protagonist" is in?"
It's a song about going to meet the object of your adoration who's only been that for an hour!

"I love accordion, so please make another song using accordions."
You might get to hear one soon.

"Please tell me some songs to refer to for studying strings arrangement!"
(Are you listening...? For those who like Selfish Sweet and Bitter Myself, listen to the album Romantic GOLD by Seiko Nagaoka... Please listen...)

"What do you do with your time besides make music?"
Sleep, eat meat, drink beer, and go wild. It makes me feel alive.

"Have you gone to eat meat with Hana-tan?"
I haven't! Hana-taaan!!

"Do you like jazz music?"
I don't know a thing about jazz or its players, but I really like jazz as a musical taste, so I make music that has those elements in it.

I'm really into the accordion solo in Naporitan, and I worry that I'll never make something with that progression and those phrases ever again.

"This is probably a hard question, but I want to know three songs of yours you especially like."
Recently, I'm especially fond of Selfish Sweet, Whale Rider, and Naporitan...!

"OSTER project-san, how did you learn to compose at first? Also, do you think your melodies, your expression, your speed, etc. have improved since then?"
I transcribed a bunch of songs I liked by ear... It's been almost 20 years since I started composing, so of course I feel like I've gained a bunch of levels. Back when I started, I would start making ten songs and only finish about one.

Strings Arrangement That Feels Really Good Taught By A Lady Doctor

Going all-out with my preferences is fun.

Strings arrangement is too much fun.

I mean the sax.

"Is there an instrument that has an erotic sound?"
I think that's obviously the s*x.

"I want to know how you recommend coping and forgetting at times when you're really hurting."
I'm pretty awful at it myself, so it just piles up. I try various things like going drinking and talking with a good friend, or going to look at the sea. Also, I think it's valid to sublimate those hazy feelings into art.

"I really really like your song EAT ME and I've listened to it for years, but what would you call that song's genre...? Also, do you plan to make any more songs with a similar sound?"
Someone knowledgeable about genres, please tell me...

"Do you plan to release another album?"
I don't know yet since I just released one this year, but I'm quietly thinking about finally trying to do some doujinshi.

"What do you think of me???"
I think "yep, that's you."

"I always wanted to ask, but where was that fancy place you recorded the Reverie Eater PV?"
That's Hakone. The Glass Museum, I think...?

"OSTER-san, I love love love love your Cinnamon songs!!!! I love Cinnamon too! By the way, who do you like besides Cinnamon?"
I love lively girls, so Chiffon was always my bias, but Poron is super cute too...

I'm answering quite a few, but I still have over 70 saved up, so I might not be able to answer them all, sorry.

"If your effort isn't recognized and you get depressed, how do you get back up again?"
I keep putting in effort until it is recognized. It's a fantasy to say that every bit of effort you put in translates to praise, but when you don't put effort into something, it won't change your whole life through. There's going to be a lot of tiresome parts, but let's both do our best.

"I learned of you through Miracle Paint. I like Marginal too, and still have it in my rotation! I feel like a lot of your songs have lyrics that can be taken sexually, but I love that. How do you refine that ability?"
It'll stay with me as long as I live. Please help.

"I got into jazz through your songs!! I even got accepted into a jazz course at a music college! Thank you very much!!"
For real? Congratulations! Please, teach me jazz theory too.

"What color are the panties currently on your head?"
Humans with a low astral level can't even perceive it.

"I love you!!!"
And I love you too...

"What kinds of girls do you like?"
I like girls who eat plenty, smile plenty, and feel good to hug.

"Is Usagi-san doing well?"
She's doing well. I'm requesting her to do videos again.

"I immediately fell for Rin-chan from Whale Rider! I love her! Do you have any guidelines for fanworks? (Such as for cosplay)"
Thank you very much. If it's not anything commercial, go ahead!

"I'm a super big fan. I just wanted to tell you that."
Thank you very much!

"I'll like you all my life."
Me too.

"What do you want to challenge in 2018?"
To surpass my 2017 self. That's it. In short, I want to do something about my belly.

"I first heard Marginal in Project Diva, got interested in you, and fell for you immediately at Miku Party!! So, my question! Do you like large, medium, or small boobs?"
It's not good to judge women by their chests, and such sexual questions are a sensitive matter, so even if I were responding anonymously, I like F-cups.

"Are you eating meat lately?"
I eat tons of meat. Maybe it's my age, but while beef is good, I find chicken to be the most delicious.

"What are you into lately?"
I've been going out fishing, going and picking fruit. It all usually gets taken by animals before long, but they give me wood and stuff in return.

"Are your own experiences and feelings reflected in your lyrics?"
I wonder if there's anyone whose lyrics don't reflect them! I dunno, are there...? I feel like the things you feel strongly in your heart affect the power contained in your lyrics.

"I love your compositions. I think it would be great there were a live show that was just all your songs. But would that be hard?"
I think I'd be fun if I could do that someday. Currently, it still seems super impossible, but I'd like to work toward it.

"Fuwacina-san, the songs you've made still provide courage to many people years later (and I'm one of them). I love them. Please take care of yourself and keep it up...!"
I love you...

"Good evening, Fuwacina-san. I love your cute songs, especially POMPADOUR and Who's Afraid of the Wolf!. And I like Toxic Jam on your new album. Your songs are often said to be deep, with lyrics considered to not be telling everything; what do you think about this?"
I really wanted to say this, but I'm extremely happy about such analysis. I sometimes search for blogs that analyze the lyrics. Please, keep on digging.

Sorry I can't keep up.

"When have you felt glad to have kept making music?"
Just like when you achieve some objective, I'm happy for times like these where lots of people show they care about me. Those are connections that simply wouldn't exist if not for music.

"Compared to your Q&A a few years ago, have you matured?"
My bra may have ended up on my head while I've been casually answering questions.

"I've always been a huge fan. I have all your CDs, and listen to them to the point of wearing them out. Your latest album was also the best. How should I meet you, OSTER-san? It seems you were at CD release events in the past..."
Thank you very much... That's true, I haven't had many chances to interact with listeners lately, and I want to see them too. I'll try my best to make opportunities next year.

"About tete-a-tete, which you composed at around 17: Have you ever melted chocolate in a heated bath for someone you like?"
I've made my own chocolate, but every year, I just buy the market type. Don't become adults who will melt stones for their biases, everybody.

"I love Rain With A Chance of Sweet*Drops, and when I heard it in Project Diva, it was love at first sight (sound?). I really love the English parts! It still cheers me up!"
Thank you very much. I'm still really unsure about those English lyrics. If there are any kind oil barons out there who can correct my English lyrics, I ask for your cooperation.

"Please tell us your big band recommendations."
I love Jump Up, Super Star!.

"Were you uneasy when you decided to live on music?"
I was deathly anxious, and honestly, still am. But all I can do is keep doing what I'm able to do, so I think I shouldn't be fretting about my anxiousness and focus on what's in front of me.

"What do you give special care to when making a song?"
The sound, progression, kick, etcetera can be whatever, so I suppose it's making sure the song has its own personality...

"I also really liked the cool songs you made in your days on musie. Do you not make songs like that anymore?"
I released an album called Recursive Call two years ago, so please check that out.

"How exactly did you and YOji-san meeting come a butt... I mean, come about?"
It was because she wrote about my songs on mixi. By the way, I'm more of a boobs person.

"I'd like to hear self-rearrangements of some of your songs!!"
There are a number of different versions of Miracle Paint for CDs, but it might be fun to start doing this when all my songs have their 10th anniversay!! (didn't say I will)

"Please tell us the trick to tuning Miku-san."
Comb her hair all nice daily, and she'll be in a better mood.

I might skip questions if they're too hard to answer, sorry.

Also, regarding kick, there are standard phrases that you'll find popping up if you listen to a lot of songs, so being able to accumulate a lot of that stock and include it in songs is a major asset for brass arrangement.

"I want to make big band like you, Fuwacina. How do you recommend learning?"
Myself, I learned by listening and going to see performances, but it was honestly super hard, and I imagine you won't be able to tell which instrument is doing what, so I think studying actual big band sheet music would be faster.

"Please tell us if there are any artists that were inspirational to your compositions."
Let's see... I've been influenced by a lot of people, but it might be wao-san who got me to use the style I have now. A great person indeed.

"I love Pouting Waltz and La Dolce Primavera. Please write another cute waltz!"
Thank you. It's unannounced, but come to think of it, I did write a waltz. Look forward to its release!

"How did you learn to use Domino?"
A friend taught me about the detailed settings, but I got used to it from using it.

"Tell me how you got to know Miku-san."
I met her while wandering on Crypton's site.

"I was only 4 years old when Miracle Paint was posted, but thinking about it now, it doesn't feel old at all for how long ago it was. I guess you worked really hard on it?"
Perhaps big-band compositions will continue to stay the same in any era, never falling out of style. Also, I'm envious of your youth.

[OSTER opens a question box on peing.net saying to ask her anything.]

Not like I've ever watched so many porn videos that it ate up my data.

Let's all remember to check that we're on Wi-Fi when enjoying content with large filesize.

"I've put a curse on you."
"What kind of curse?!"
"Whenever you start to watch porn videos, your Wi-Fi will always cut out, and you'll pass your monthly data limit."
"Lift it please."

Unfortunately I have no communication skills, but I wonder if I just keep uploading, however plainly, they'll listen?

People talk like I've kicked the bucket... Please don't kill me off.

Sometimes I see tweets saying "I'm sad OSTER isn't uploading songs anymore," but someone please tell them that she is.

From a Buddhist perspective, is Animal Crossing a forest of beasts?

As soon as you involve desires like "I want them to respond like this," it becomes unclear who that kindness is really trying to serve. It's tough.

It's hard to be thoughtful and kind for someone. Even if it appears we're thinking of each other with the same fervor, the moment that balance collapses makes me useless.

I simply have to keep at it telling myself that. I hope I can be someone's support.

Weak people can cuddle up with weaklings. They're not garbage.

People lately tell me I'm weird, but are there even people who aren't weird...? Everyone has their own worries, and have to do what they can to cope with wanting to die, and live their lives like walking a tightrope...

I want to keep spitting out wholesome songs.

I'm proud to have been born a pervy old man, you see.

I showed Whale Rider's lyrics to a friend and they said "you think like a pervy old man," which was really upsetting.

You know what's amazing? It's that ten years ago, I worked with Y-chan to make the song Miracle Paint, and ten years later, I could once again have Y-chan do the art for an anniversary song. Could I ask for anything better than that?

Today is my tenth 21st birthday. Thank you very much.

I believe I shall continue to set out making wholesome songs.

Here's a wholesome song I recommend, uploaded this year. [Kagamine Rin] Whale Rider [Original Song]

Some people are saying "long time no see," but I've uploaded lots of videos this year, so you should look at my Mylist, okay?

May this song reach everyone who ever heard Miracle Paint...

Hoping that I'll be able to record everything live for the 20th anniversary, onward into my thirties.

I feel like these days, I'm more able to freely do what I want without thinking hard about it.

I still want to make Vocaloid songs, and so I'll continue to.

On yet unseen canvases, what dreams shall I paint next?

Oops, wrong account.

Miku-chan, you're also 16, huh!! I'm a 16-year-old high school girl too!! :smile: :sweat: What a coincidence!! Um, Miku-chan, if it's okay with you, do you want to go out for tea...? :tea: We can go out anywhere in the city! :hearts:

Oops, wrong account.

Isabeeeeelle!!!! I'm here!!!!! [Also the release day of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp.]

Waaaaah!!! Miracle Paint's 10th anniversary!! Congrats and thank yooooou!!! #MiraclePaint10th

With 10 years of feelings, from my heart: I love you! #MiraclePaint10th

[Hatsune Miku] Miracle Showtime [Original Song]

It's startiiing! #MiraclePaint10th

At last, we're just one day away! The video has been reserved to post exactly at 12:59, Miracle Paint's post time. Thanks in advance! :folded hands: #MiraclePaint10th

[In response to the poll finishing, where it won with 50%:] Miracle Ran-Ran-Ruu accumulated nearly 1000 votes.

Going drinking with someone who was in grade school back when I was making Miracle Paint is kinda nuts.

Young kids might not get old Vocaloid references anymore, huh... It's lonely for us oldies...

Everybody I know these days is younger than me. It's painful, it breaks my heart, to take in your words... [Black Rock Shooter reference.]

Along with Miracle Paint's tenth anniversary, I'll be celebrating my tenth 21st birthday.

The people voting for Ran-Ran-Ruu really want to hear that as a tenth anniversary song, right? That's definitely what you want?

Three days to Miracle Paint's tenth anniversary! Try and predict the new song's title! All correct guessers will receive a gift in the form of a sense of accomplishment for being right! [Twitter poll: "Miracle Party," "Miracle Music," "Miracle Showtime," and "Miracle :frenchfries: Ran-Ran-Ruu :hamburger:")

I'm 21... Whatever anyone says, I'm 21...

As long as I live, I'll never forget how many people celebrated my 21st birthday that day ten years ago. And now, ten years later, I hope that just like that day, people will again celebrate my 21st birthday.

I have properly prepared for Miracle Paint's 10th anniversary. Rest easy. Perhaps I should make a hashtag or something. #MiraclePaint10th

Gonna go drink. *ruse goes up in flames*

Some RTers are thinking I'm actually a young grade-schooler, so I think I'm going to say they're right and carry on living like that.

A Miku-chan drawn by a young grade-schooler doing her best. [Drawing of Miku labeled "Hatsune Miku (Fuwacina, Class 1-2)"]

People with big boobs have a high level of performance just by having big boobs.

A thirty-year-old lady who suddenly introduces herself with beatboxing and a rap.

What's a good-for-something thirty-year-old lady with a high level of performance look like?

Unlike having your own voice or playing in there, just putting together music with a mouse has no performance aspect to it. Like, if you meet someone who can draw, they can draw in a sketchbook and you can tell that person is someone who creates art. No point in meeting me, the good-for-nothing thirty-year-old lady.

I have absolutely no awesome production environment like others do. The most boring of borings.

They probably think that when pro musicians do audio production, it's like, playing a keyboard elegantly to come up with phrases that sound good and then recording them, or in some cases switching to a guitar to record. That's what I thought too...

The one I loved was a NEET.

Am I just a NEET...

When I say I'm a musician, the percentage of people who ask "So you sing?" is really high, so I wonder if that's the image society has? Who could imagine a musician who not only doesn't sing, but doesn't even play instruments...

When people ask my occupation and I say I'm a "track maker" ["truck maker"], they think I work for Isuzu or Hino Motors.

Okay Google, deposit 50 million yen into my bank account.

Super Mario Unproductivity

Everyone else should download Domino right away and make some big band...

I want there to be more poppy big band in the world.

I really love it. [Screenshot of listening to Jump Up, Super Star!]

Harry Potter and the Room You Need to Have Sex In To Leave

The end feels kind of hasty, but I wanted to finish in time for today, and I'm glad I did...

Cause of death: fatigue from making big band entirely with a mouse.

[Big Band Arrangement] Super Mario 64 Main Theme [For October 27th, 2017, Mario Odyssey's release date.]

A video to announce the amazingness of Domino to the world.

Today I'm uploading a video totally for my tastes. 'Kay thanks.

I wonder where the people who know me now come from? Vocaloid? Cinnamon? Rhythm games? As an arranger...? Thinking about that makes me realize how many possibilities have opened up to me in these ten years, says the thirty-year-old hag.

Anyway, I want young kids who are worrying about what to do to give it a try. Often times if you keep flailing around, it'll lead you to a path. If some piece of art remains, after years pass, you can feel sorta good about it all. I'm bad at words.

The things I made through such struggles and conflict, even as I thought "what is this crap," have stuck around. For ten years, in fact. Those who just choose to do it win big.

I had many feelings like "I make music, not Vocaloid songs, and I want you to listen to it...", but now I can understand how maybe it's fine just having the opportunity for people to lend me their ears and be moved.

Thank goodness for Vocaloid. As a place where I can express what I want the way I want, I mean. For a time, Vocaloids had their names in front too much, and there were times where I had a distaste for us being talked about as a set, but now I see that it was simply an important place for getting many people to listen.

I made myself sad.

Reminiscing about those times revives the feeling of wanting to freely make songs with Vocaloid again... Even if not as many people will listen to them as they once did, I want to follow the whims of what I want to make.

For some reason, I have a bunch of memories of listening to Miracle Paint on the Shinkansen. Even though you forget most things, some scenes in your life you just don't forget, huh?

Just what was I doing ten years ago? Maybe putting Miracle Paint, which I was about to release around that time, on my phone player to listen to over and over... While waiting for Y-chan's art, of course.

After coming this far, I'm in adolescence 'til I die. Just like how until I get home, I'm on a hike.

Vocaloid songs... Remnants of the cries of a heart in super-late-adolescence... Ten years' worth of it floats in the sea of the net...

No joke, thinking of scatting lyrics is extremely difficult, and just saying the words "thinking of scatting lyrics" is making me wonder what scatting even is.

I'm making it... I'm making big band using all my current talents...

I want a machine that makes me music while I sleep.

Not enough sexiness.

How many years have passed since I last made so many songs for fun...

Even when I go drinking with friends lately, the main topics are life and how to live...

There ain't no stopping!

Failures and updates based upon them - that's the loop until you die. Let's get better a little bit at a time. So long as we live.

Humans sure are a hassle. Even if they try to believe in themselves, if they don't hear someone else going "good for you!", they get uneasy so quickly. But if they hear that too much, the core meaning of it is lost. Such a pain.

There's been lots of times I've lost self-confidence in my life. At this rate, there'll probably be many more before I die. A puberty that lasts 'til death. Even your average old guy is probably in puberty, maybe everyone's in puberty.

If you say nobody can understand you, that only you know this sufffering, and you go and choose loneliness, it means you think you're somehow special, and like, that's kind of impudent. Everyone hurts, more or less; trying your best through that hurt is commendable. It's kind of more cheerful to think "I'm hurting too, but I'll give my all."

There's no such thing as a person without worries. Just sayin'. It kind of helps to think of it that way. Doing that lets you forgive yourself for worrying, and thinking about how the person next to you has worries too can lessen your loneliness.

At night, the negativity reaper swings a sickle through my heart. Get to bed already.

Whale Rider, though, you can rest easy listening to that.

Come to think of it, some people were saying Miracle Paint is about losing your virginity, but I made it so long ago, I'm not sure if it's like that by accident, or if it was intentional. No one can possibly know now...

A story we shall tell, not from folklore long ago, but a greater, more fantastic, tremendous fanny tale...

And when you're saying these self-helpy things, give encouragement to yourself too. Good luck, me. Enjoy the moment, dude. Wave around some panties, for liberty's sake.

You shouldn't feel guilty that you can't act all cool. No one has any right to scold you for focusing instead on making your life a fulfilling one without regrets.

If you live for yourself, that's great. If you're someone of firm beliefs who will sacrifice themselves, hey, that's cool. But no one really needs to be that kind of hero.

I believe it's really important to let your feelings out, to an extent that won't trouble others. It's hard to just endure them endlessly. Let's be adults who can be good at rewarding themselves.

Let me make it clear that I'm not a plain old pervert, but rather a pervert who thoughtfully ponders about life.

If you just retweet that last tweet, I'd look like a plain old pervert, so please retweet the whole chain if possible.

Which is to say, your life also needs the occasional times where you dance like mad while swinging around panties and brassieres.

I'd like to stop and think for a second every once in a while, so that I can die with a smile. Because my life is important.

It's important to think about the future, and it's important to enjoy the present, so it's a balance. Probably gonna regret it if it tips either way.

You live a steady life so at the end of your life, you can reap amazing success. That's hella upstanding, and a wonderful way to live, and super rad. But if the time you spent persevering far exceeded the amount of joy in your life, I think that'd feel like kind of a shame.

It's like, thinking about the future, living a steady life is definitely important. But sometimes I stop and wonder if it's okay to focus solely on that.

Life is the integral of the present.

Ah, it's that time of day where I think about life.

I want stimulating music.

Gradually, I become unsatisfied by the things I've been doing prior, and keep digging deeper in search of stimulation. It feels less like I change styles and more like I go deeper. This is how people go down the path of perversity.

You can't say "it's okay because I followed the proper procedure." Because it's a work of art. You create while thinking to yourself, "Ah! I could get off to this sound!" One must become an alchemist of fappability.

As beautiful as it may be, if it doesn't land in people's hearts, then while not necessarily meaningless, it's lonely considering the effort that went into making it.

Being overly focused on theory is like putting the cart before the horse... I can't forget that the ones ultimately listening are humans, who will value it based on their individual sensibilities.

So what would be good... Miracle, Miracle... Miracle Penguin... :penguin:

Busy, well, I'm already busy, so the rest is just motivation. Gotta get motivated.

I'll make a thing for Miracle Paint's 10th anniversary... Maybe it's best that I say that and give myself nowhere to run.

As I watch the Emperor on TV heartily carrying out his duties in spite of his advanced age, my blood's pumping wondering if it's going to suddenly cut to a shark liver oil or aojiru commercial.

Sorry. I've never actually had aojiru.

And the name of that song I sung about my meeting with that aojiru? Aojiru Paint. On my way back home, I watched a wine-red aojiru.

I know it's late, but really, thank you so much for the 10th anniversary replies. I'm happy. My heart was really breaking sometimes in these ten years. Once I even fell ill and went to the hospital, and learned the hard way that I had to stay well-fed, even when I was busy. And that's when I found this aojiru.

I thought an emotional documentary was playing, but before I knew it, it was advertising aojiru and shark liver oil and garlic supplements, so that should tell you what kind of hour it is, how's everyone else doing?

You've gotten so big...

[Hatsune Miku] VOC@LOID in Love (Fixed Version) [Original Song]
10th anniversary!!

I laugh too much.

kz (livetune) x OSTER project: Project Diva Interview
I talked with kz-san!

Alice in Solar Flares

I'm making an epic song thanks to the solar flares.

I spent 18 years crawling up a cliff, listen to my guitar solo.

[Using a recent Japanese meme format:]
If I want to make a solo with just a mouse, what would be a good instrument?
DTMer who wants to start slow with something less stimulating: "Synths, they're easy to make forceful."
DTMer getting overexcited about gaining companions: "Organs and keyboards are fun!"
DTMer who pushes people off a cliff and selects the survivors: "Electric guitar."

I love the sound of organs too much, and I don't even know how just stretching out a note can sound so fantastic, and I feel like I could eat white rice listening to the sound of an organ.

Whew, said it without tripping over myself. :clap:

The 10-year commemorative bonus CD releasing Janaury 10th, 2018, "Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2017 Blu-ray & DVD" features a collobration song with Mitchie M-san! #MagicalMirai Official Site

I'm collabing with Mitchie M-san! Yikes! I'll do my best! This is crazy!

Not that it makes up for it exactly, but please listen to my album I released last month... Please, my little sister is sick... I don't have a little sister, but...

Unbelievable... today...
To commemorate Hatsune Miku's 10th anniversary...
It can't be...!
A 10th anniversary song!!
On this very day...!!
A long-awaited new song...!!!
A new song!!!!!
Was not to be.

In fact, the very job of making music is the job of trying to make someone happy. Maybe all jobs are like that, not only music. Our efforts are ties to others' smiles. It's no exaggeration, it's the truth.

I really love doing something for someone and making them happy, and Miracle Paint was a song born from that kind of thing. How nostalgic.

It's not like I have particularly deep secrets for every song, though.

Probably nobody noticed, but in Ebony & Ivory, the last piano glissandos are Ebony (a black glissando) and Ivory (a white glissando).

I'm sure Dori-chan has also gotten a lot of "I love Romeo and Juliet!"

I love Magical Paint!
I even sang Love Warden!
Alice in Wonderland was fantastic!
I listened to trick or treat!
^ Those are the four main mistakes, I think, but I'm happy as long as you're listening to them, so anything's fine, in fact I'll just change the titles, thanks.

That is doriko quality.

I fell over laughing at Dori-chan's 10th anniversary joke.

RT @doriko_ Nwaaah, I meant Miracle Paint!

RT @doriko_ Get more passionate, you!! ...Ten years ago, when I first watched your Magical Paint and was stunned, feels like it was only yesterday.

Sometimes I worry about things that are like "you don't need to worry about it" and get depressed, but on the other side of that, thinking about how I deliver my songs to many people and get them to feel something makes me happy.

Everyone who's sending me passionate messages even though it's Miku-san's birthday, I love you, thank you all.

And since they're ever-changing, you have to treasure them now. Enjoy the moment. You'll die real quick.

The things you think are important are ever-changing, so oh well. But so long as I continue with music, perhaps there's a chance we'll cross paths again. Enjoy that time when it comes.

People just forget about things of the past, huh. I'm sure even among those who listened to my songs, there are tons of people who have or will just forget about me. Even so, if some ooprtunity makes them remember, I'm happy enough with that.

And seeing as you've made it this far, you really stuck it out, Fuwacina-san. Even in your thirties, keep going full speed ahead toward yet further dreams. You'll definitely achieve them. Go for those E-cups.

There have been many painfully difficult things, to the point that sometimes I cursed the choice I made, but there have been even more happy and enjoyable things. I think there are things that could have only come to be as a result of such a broad life atsumori
Apologies, I let slip an atsumori.

For occurrences such as friends I knew for totally unrelated reasons actually having listened to my songs, I think Miku-san is really amazing.

It's important to give anything a try, and it's important to try reaching out. Treasure the things you like. Live every day thinking how maybe the thing you reach out toward today could be a major fork in the road.

The distant world I once dreamed of is now my reality, and I make my works alongside people who I aspired to. I took that big step on that day ten years ago. Amazing.

Ten years have passed, but I'm still putting up songs. [Hatsune Miku] Cantabile x Passione [Original Song]

Two more weeks.

[Hatsune Miku] VOC@LOID in Love (Fixed Version) [Original Song]

20-year-old me, well done. If you hadn't bought Miku, maybe you wouldn't be making songs like your life depended on it now. Amazing.

Ten years walked together with Miku-san.

[For Miku's 10th anniversary:] Congratulations, Miku-san... Thank you, Miku-san. My lifesaver.

When do you think people fall in love with older women? When they see her do a bewitching pose...? No... When she gets drunk and gets nice with them...? No!! It's when she comes into a restaurant alone and politely puts her hands together before eating.

Just like the poor have poor worries and the rich have rich worries, no matter how hard you try, whatever you become, worries follow you around anywhere you go. You can't be struck dumb and get beat up by every single one.

The running you do regardless takes you that much further. Even if it's painful. I want to someday turn around, and be like "Man, I worked sooo hard running all that way... Way to go, me!", and die thinking that. It's like that. Boobs.

Each time, happiness runs away from you like a mirage. But I guess desperately chasing and chasing after it anyway is what it is to live.

You have some worry, so you desire to become such and such. You put in the effort toward that. You feel like you got just what you hoped for. But even if it does work out that way, another new worry will appear. You gain an aspiration to something different. And it just repeats like that.

For now, I'm grateful to be busy with work.

If I could tell something to my teenage self, thinking about her own reason for being and worrying, it's this: Even once you're 30, you're still worrying.

"When I was a child" is like... once you're an adult, you just arbitrarily decide that you're an adult now. In reality, it's just that your body's aged and now you're in a reverse Detective Conan situation. Not until death can you graduate from running around with a bra on your head. That's the way it is.

Feels like I'm going to die after struggling my whole life through... But didn'tja just say you were dead?! :clinking glasses:

Adulthood was just an illusion...

Defining part of your teens: Finding yourself
Defining part of your 20's: Finding yourself
Defining part of your 30's: Finding yourself ← You Are Here

Here's a life report: I'm dying.

Understanding something and feeling something are different. Even if you understand, without a real feeling, you'll mess it up. And I suppose messing up again and again in that way turns understanding into feeling...

Even at this age, I deeply feel the difficulty of walking on my own feet. I'm still a baby yet. Gonna die in no time at all.

Believing in the existence of a person special to you, deifying someone as "destined" - be it a parent or a partner, is that not giving up the responsibility to put in the effort of socialization? They're not a god or anything of the sort, but a human just like you.

Learning that there's no such thing as entities that perfectly understand each other is the place where human socalization starts. Alas, I spent way too long in the tutorial.

How lonely humans are...

Even thinking that way won't make it hurt less... such is night.

Rather, night is a sentimental thing period. It's when your worries attack. If you think of it that way, then at least the worries that attack won't catch you by surprise.

It's a sentimental night.

I Choose To View Your Pancreas From Below! [A mix of three recent movies: Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You!, Do You View Fireworks From Below, Or From the Side?, and I Want To Eat Your Pancreas.]

Don't let sadness end as sadness, people. It's an asset.

And now I sleep.

When I work hard to better myself so I can be needed, and people appear who need me as a result, that's a happy thing for all parties involved, and bothers no one. So don't think it's embarrassing to want to be wanted - devote yourself to it, and recklessly improve yourself.

No point trying not to be messy. I won't put on a bluff and say I don't care if nobody recognizes me - I want to be needed. Just facing up to your honest feelings at all helps a little. It's okay to want to be needed.

For a time, I'd wonder if this was weakness or naivete, but I think if anyone doesn't feel they're necessary to someone, they'll lose sight of their reason to live. So I understand now that it's not a weakness, but a thing everyone has by being born as a human.

As hard as I try, I'm just not a person with much confidence in herself, which is why I hope so strongly that I hold a meaningful place in someone's heart.

I want to be that kind of goddess, too...

So I don't want to forget the feelings of people who did reach out to me. Whatever conflicts we might have had, it doesn't change that they felt that way and showed me kindness. I too want to be a person who someone can find value in, who they can extend a hand to.

Meeting someone who you can share innermost sorrows with, laugh with over stupid things, have a fun time with like it's nothing... might be rather difficult to do once you become an adult. It takes courage to hold out your hand, or to take another's.

But because we have such lonely partings, sorrows, and pains, we can take each other's hands. Because we made it through the winter, we have a fellowship that lets us feel each other, that lets us bud.

I had a really lonely, sad parting once. I had to turn my back to kindness, shake off the hand reaching for me, and choose to be alone. Maybe everyone who lives has moments like that.

The last two songs on the CD, Lonely Parade and Goddess's Handshake, are sort of a pair, or like, one leads into the other. Did people notice...?

I want to talk about lyrics, but it's embarrassing, so I waited until night.

Panty Brassiere Lewdvent Horizon

I've made the cutest song of the century (a few months after the last one).

The cry of baby pandas sounds like Twinrova.

Having the things I made listened to and sympathized with is a very precious thing.

And that's why everyone is alone, and that's why I believe the sensation of having connected with someone is a greater salvation than any.

Even the title of Candy Jar Horizon is a play on a black hole's event horizon (the point beyond which it can't be observed from outside), so it's like, you can't see the feelings people have from outside.

It might be unrefined, but I just wanted to convey what I wanted to convey, which I guess is unrefined. Oops, I looped.

Come to think of it, I saw some comments saying they didn't understand the first verse of Whale Rider. Perhaps you'll get a better idea if you replace "what's inside that box" with "that person's true feelings."

Honestly, this album has lots of cute songs, yet there are no "just cute" songs.

The comments on Whale Rider on YouTube are "Cute!", yet on NicoNico, they're "Sexy."

Fly forth to all the yuri-lovers of the world.

Reading over my recent lyrics, I find there aren't any songs that are just cute; they're somehow sick, or lonely, so perhaps this is my true mind.

Her getting soaked is just because her hair's dripping wet, her fingers getting swollen is because she swam for too long, and she's putting her lips inside a shell because she's blowing on a conch shell, so there's nothing amiss here. Enjoy it with the whole family.

Having the feeling like the world doesn't accept you makes it necessary to have a clear place you can be.

It was fun running right up against the line of qualifying as a cute song.

Don't look into every line looking for deep meaning. (do do that)

[Kagamine Rin] Whale Rider [Original Song]

It's a wholesome yuri song. :whale:

An announcement!! A new song is dropping tomorrow!! Look forward to it!! :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale:

Let us transform even boobs and napes into things with meaning.

So long as you live, everything you feel and touch is inspiration. When you make creations, I think living itself is your materials. Taking everything that exists within the time I live and changing it into something with meaning, leaving nothing to waste... that's what creating things is.

Even if it's something that one could call worthless, the act of finding the value in it simply because it's there shows your values and perceptions.

If people can have a fondness for any body part, then maybe humans and cows are the same that way.

Butts and boobs are popular in terms of fetishes, so I compared them to hamburgers and curry, but if this were about heels or something, perhaps I would liken it to eel bowls. You know, "heel" bowls. [Originally a pun on "nape of the neck" and "eel bowl."[

When people talk about butts versus boobs, I think "probably boobs." But it's like a "hamburgers or curry" situation. When you feel like you can really chow down, you go for hamburger curry. It's something like that.

Pardon me, I tend to blurt that out when I want to grab butts.

I wanna grab butts.

When the music you were mixing sounded good at night, but you wake up and listen to it again thinking "does this sound iffy?", that's a great thing. It's an amazing feeling of "it was a dream, but it wasn't a dream." I'm glad.

That was not a dirty joke.

You know, I really ought to be forceful and say I will. Yes! I'm gonna put it out bigtime!

Will I still be putting out albums 10 more years later? Will I still be doing music? It'd sure be nice if I was.

Guess I said it anyway. It's me, Mrs. Lame.

It's been 10 years now since I started Vocaloid, and through all the changes I've gone through, there's been lots of painful and sad things for sure, and even times when I couldn't truly enjoy the music I used to love, and thoughts of wanting to throw it all out and run away, but it'd be lame to say stuff like that.

Just the fact I'm still doing music and am releasing another CD feels like a miracle...

There's lots of nutso-amazing vocalists and songs so crazy you could say it's insane, so it's for real a crazy album. Just nuts.

[News] I'm releasing!! An album!! OSTER project's newest album "Candy Jar Horizon" releases July 26th!

And, and also... Calm down... calm down...

Introducing a mad new song! [Hatsune Miku] Toxic Jam [Original Song]

At 7 PM today! I'm uploading a new song! Please prepare to take off your panties!

I'm grateful I was born a pervert so I could live every day enjoyably.

Now is the beginning of a new week.
Let's put on our panties and give it our all.

The removal of your panties will increase the conductivity of the sound, allowing you to enjoy a purer sound.

It will have a feel similar to the "please put on your 3D glasses" message before a movie.

When it's nearly time to post them, I shall make a tweet to the effect of "please take off your panties."

There are all these new songs piling up that I can't wait for you all to hear, but you can't yet... I'm suffering... Please put on your panties and wait patiently.

Because it's not like you thought "let's try liking this" and then made yourself like it.

If the things you say you like lead to countless miracles happening and tie into a lot of other things, that's something to be very proud of. But even if they're puny, and haven't led to any real results, I feel like the sensation of "I like this" is an irreplaceable asset in and of itself.

The feeling of "I like this"... No matter how much others see it as worthless and laugh at you, even if it's stomped all over, I feel it's critical to protect it at all costs. If you lose sight of it, you lose yourself.

Someday, before I die, I want to work really really hard, attain unparalleled status and fame, and leave behind some crappy aphorism like "art is boobs." I want to watch from within the shade of the grass. as it gets put in textbooks and passed down through generations.

To be able to hear two of my new songs in one week... I'm glad I was born on Earth.

Releasing a PV for popular Chinese character Elise, "Elise in Wonder Cooking!" I provided the music, so give it a watch!
Tag with #EliseInWonderCooking and tweet your thoughts!
Elise in Wonder Cooking

Napo... naponaponaponapo... naponapo... naponaponapo...

Roar through the cosmos, Naporitan! [Hatsune Miku] Napo-Naporitan Match [Original Song]

Morning. Today I'm posting a video that'll get you hungry for dinner.

Wait patiently, and save some room.

I've made a reservation to post the video. Evening tonight... Thanks in advance.

As time has passed and so much has changed, that there continue to be people who look forward to my music fills me with gratitude. I'm gonna cry.

It's been a really long time, so I'm nervous... I think I'll be uploading a bunch of videos this year. I want to let you hear these unreleased tracks soon. It'll be a veritable cornucopia of hip-and-with-it swinging numbers.

Planning to upload a video soon. Look forward to it. :knife and fork:

Let's all create.
Be moved by the things you like, and form the world by your hand. Create music, write stories, draw art. It's your own cosmos that gleams in this singular moment of the vast universe, a galaxy on parchment.

So you can't be afraid of embarrassment. You can't run away just because people talk behind your back. You must live your days as if going braless into Shinjuku.

Even if it's a history stained black or makes you beet-red, building upward and pushing forward is how you live, it's your path, it's your art. Make the black blacker, and make the red crimson.

My first Vocaloid songs were ten years ago, so were those lyrics sort of like publishing poems I wrote in school? Thinking of it like that gives me the shivers.

If a lyricist reads their lyrics aloud in front of other lyricists, this kills the lyricist.

That's me

Pervy-lyrics-writing pubescent-'til-death old lady.

[For the record, there's a year gap of me not keeping up with OSTER's tweets in 2016 right... here. Sorry.]

Yikes, January's ending...

Q. How many times do you shower per day? A. Tears are a shower of the heart...

Are there people out there who would pay money to be slapped?

"Hmph, you're always playing the victim, pretending to be a tragic romaine..."
 ̄Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ̄

Ninja Gaiden sounds like the name of a pub.

In my case, both composing and arranging are a job of staring at my computer and clicking my mouse all day.

To most people, maybe it seems like a mystery what people who make music for a living actually do, huh...

In the worst of them, I was sprayed with this spray-type alcohol, which was set on fire, burning my hair and making me look like a balding old man, and I got hospitalized in a super cramped room. And for some reason it was a room for both men and women, and I guess since my injuries were minor my area didn't have a bed, just a tiny desk like from a study.

I just had like three awful nightmares in a row...

I love music, and I take pride in my work, but overworking can drive me mad... (˘ω˘)

Q. What's your ideal breakfast? A. YOU!!

I want to draw Saki-chan, and create stuff, and draw comics... I need three of myself...

Furry on furry's good, but human and non-human love is just as fierce.

If I'd made the comic version of Fox's Wedding, it'd definitely become a furry manga...

I'm really, really happy people like The Fox's Wedding as a song and as a story enough to make it anew like this... (*´∀`*)

The Fox's Wedding comic arrived! It's super pretty!! On sale the 27th this month! ♪(*´∀`*)

I reaaally love spicy food, but I wish it'd stop making my stomach hurt.

I really want to be able to do anime-style PVs. Just need to go around a couple more lifetimes.

I wondered if the reason girls smell so good was their long hair smelling of shampoo, but short-haired girls smell good too. Man, girls are nice.

Instead of focusing on your hate for what you hate, focus on your love for what you love. I love Saki-chan.

People's ideas of "justness" differ, so I know there can't be a perfectly just world, but it still makes me sad when I spot people saying heartless things to others trying their best.

Q. What is the universe made of? A. Love.

I see Saki-chan more as a vast sea than a swamp. With her bountiful heart, she warmly embraces you, the motherly ocean...

Come into the Shibasaki Saki-chan swamp!

In fact, I feel like Saki-chan's stolen my life.

No, you don't have to, just keep holding onto it forever...

I hope Saki-chan will return my stolen heart soon, too.

It was your underwear!

Lots of things make me fed up that they're not going well, but knowing throwing in the towel here will mean things never change, I'll try again... Life, how sadistic are you gonna be to me...

I think of dieting, composing, drawing, anything, as something like a mountain which I have to climb up step by step from the base. A step a day is really, really small, so if you look back at yesterday you'll see your lack of progress and want to give up. But if you keep at it for a month, or a year, you'll see something different when you look back for sure...

The same way you look forward to your kid's growth, I'm slowly working away, picturing my maturity a few more years down the line... (^o^)

When people make fantasitc songs and say "I've been doing it for three years!", I get really curious about how they spent those three years.

It's also true that there are sometimes super-kids who mature really fast.

My art is still an infant.

15 years since I started making music. My music's still in middle school... Hope it doesn't stop maturing past that.

Behind any excellent skill is the process that fostered it, no matter who the person is. Only get discouraged if you've spent the same amount of serious time on something as they have.

I think years of experience determine mastery to an extent, so when you see amazing people younger than you, you should look not at their age, but how many years they've dedicated to practice.

Work until I sleep! ♥︎
Work when I wake up! ♥︎
I love work! ♥︎
Let's always be together! ♥︎

[Shibasaki Saki] It's a Saki-Saki ☆ Love Revolution! ♪
I make songs like this.

Of course, none of my 20,000 followers could possibly know that I make music. Hahaha!

Makes music. #IntroductionsYourFollowersWouldntKnowAbout

Furry. #IntroductionsYourFollowersWouldntKnowAbout

I am Twodee X, your personal wallet protector.

I don't understand the error messges at all...

The cat pushes the Roomba around sometimes, but when I came home today, the Roomba was speaking French.

No doubt this is a self-defense boobs of turning casual, ordinary boobs into boobs to protect my boobs from stress.

At a certain point in my fatigue build-up, I start to see sunny-side-up eggs as boobs.

Something that hangs down around the middle of a man and attacks and eats you when you can't help but mess with it.

Riddle: What kind of bear will attack and eat people?
Answer: A ferocious bear.

Riddle: What's the thing that hangs down around the middle of a man?
Answer: Depends on the person.

Riddle: What food do you get a craving for when it starts to rain?
Answer: Depends on the person.

Riddle: What can you not help but mess with when you're feeling annoyed?
Answer: Depends on the person.

God of furry girls... Grant me power...

Thanks to city mascots, I'm getting more knowledgeable about place names.

****in' Busy

Ever since I got into doujin culture, every time I see a four-syllable word like "harakiri," I think it's a ship name...

I went to visit my grandma's house the other day, and she bragged that my mother was eye-catchingly beautiful in her youth.
Throwing me under the bridge, huh... I see how it is...

Or don't tell me, she's an android?

There's a woman with a doll-like beauty in front of me eating pancakes with a child. Boy, computer graphics have really evolved...

Well, I dunno about professionalism, but I am willing to brag of my grossness.

I first became a Saki-chan otaku half a year ago, but now I'm a pro.

That's right... Never too late to get a start on anything...

RT @motoshikosako In Japan, the oppressive societal notion that "you have to do ___ before you turn ___" causes many youths to give up on their dreams in their teens or twenties, which is simply awful and wrong. I played the harp for the first time when I was 27. And now I'm a professional.

To be continued in my Saki-chan minibook.

If I stayed over at Saki-chan's house, I'd like to watch her play Okami, but hug her from behind and tickle her in the middle of fights. She'd pause and retaliate with her own tickles, then end up touching each other all over on the sofa for a tickle-off.

Saki-chan's room would have a Japanese design, but the interior would be a cute blend of east and west. There'd be computers and cameras and game consoles and other machines, the bookshelves would have Linux books, and if I opened up the fridge there'd be wings for fried chicken.

I've thought a lot about what I'd do on a day-long date with Saki-chan, and I decided I want to know more about Saki-chan, so I'd stay over at her house.

Extremely healthy fantasies over here.

I want to go to a hot spring with Saki-chan. It'd be an empty open-air bath, and she'd be all elated about it being private and splashing around, the drips on her long eyelashes making her look prettier than ever. "Since no one's around, whatever we do here's a secret," I'd say and surrpise her, then grab her wrist and put my lips to hers character limit

The best part of yuri is the part where they get in a hot spring together, I think.

Being a "lovable doofus" character depends on the people around you not also being doofuses.

My dream is to become Saki-chan's bra.

I'm often laughed at and ridiculed for my dreams, but I still work at them, because I much prefer that to being a coward who lacks the guts to even have her own dreams.

But seeing "working adulthood" as your goal is a boring way to look at life. I find it much more fulfilling to still have dreams and goals to work toward even as an adult.

Though in my case, I went to a totally different occupation from what I studied in...

I'm trying way harder now than I ever was as a student.

Basically a diagram suggesting that if you work hard for 8 years, for the rest, you don't have to try at all and will still live a life where lots of people are grateful and respectful of you, and you never have to worry about money...

[OSTER retweets a "Breakdown of Life" diagram, showing that working hard between 10 and 18 to get into a good university, taking no breaks to have any fun, will ensure an easy life after college - eight times the length of the period you had to try for! (Note the image is clearly satirical.) The retweeted person has this comment: "Has there ever been a picture so capable of depressing people?"]

Sakichan is my wife

If you start thinking about how if you actually did lick a furry all over you'd get hella fur in your mouth, you lose.

I want to all-I-can-eat Saki-chan.

I want to have all-you-can-eat with Saki-chan.

I want to shabu-shabu Saki-chan.

I want to shabu-shabu with Saki-chan.

Saki-chan needs more love interest rivals so there can be huge amounts of competing shipping fanart.

I propose a method of power generation using the hidden potential of newsboy caps tailor-made for animal ears.

I love dog ears, cat ears, fox ears, raccoon ears, and bunny ears equally.

I suggest a coming-of-age-style event that serves as a gathering of dog-type furries.

Four players is the limit for furry yuri.

Two hours is the limit for work.

Still very, very immature now.

Man, when I was 20, I was still so immature...

Yesterday I went and showed my grandma pictures of my coming of age ceremony, and she called Cinnamon "little chubby"... (^o^)

Always a terrific twenty in my heart... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)
"@xiaoyu6217: @fuwacina Fuwacina-san, are you twenty...? (°▽°)"

I looked into it, and I guess lots of people wear furisode even if they're married! I guess that's better than sticking out like a sore thumb among all the flashy colors.

I guess that happens!
"@ktn_itk: @fuwacina A married classmate of mine took part wearing an irotomesode!"

Come to think of it, what does someone married wear on Coming of Age Day?

My mission is to deliver wonderful music to all...
And my goal is to draw wonderful pictures... (^o^)

I heard the cat screaming from the living room... Having fun, are we? (*´∀`*)

I've called dibs on Domino's virginity.

"You use Domino a lot, are you dating?"
"I'm glad you can look at it that way... ///"

RT @ami_9696 A female utaite asked me, "You collaborate with ___ a lot, are you dating?" I said, "Love and music are separate things. If someone asked you "Are you dating the person who mixes for you?", wouldn't that just be complicated?" And she replied "I'm glad you can look at it that way." Man, youth is really something.

I always wanted to become 2D and have a spaghetti kiss...

My first love was Lady from Lady and the Tramp, so.

My first love was a furry. #IndeterminateLie

I'm missing some organs. #IndeterminateLie

Conversely, I absolutely can't imagine life without my wife anymore either. It's hard to even imagine separating with how much a part of me she is.


Indeed, I can't imagine possibly marrying a man...

Indeed, by Japanese law, I can't legally marry...

"I've been judged by DaiGo to be a "career woman who can't marry." Take the personality test to get your personality judged!"

I can't get over how much the far-left one seems to have just wandered in from somewhere else.

I popopopon'd some wonderful friends.
[Left to right: Neuro (Dr.), Karin (Sax.), Seana (Pf.), Lepul (Ba.), Meisel (Tp. Cl.)]

Really, though, I need to be a little more calm about seeing Saki-chan, or my heart won't be able to take it.

I'm tired of Saki-chan. #ThingsYoudNeverTweet

When I first went to a Saki-chan greet, a group of middle-aged guys saw Saki-chan and asked the staff, "Is the person inside a boy or a girl?" And the Saki-chan fans nearby glared all like "Don't you dare answer wrong...", it was wonderful.

If I were in a game, I'd sure rather be a hero than a princess. I wonder what's going on with Princess Peach every time Bowser kidnaps her?

I had a dream I was a character in an vast game who went ahead and cleared it, and there was a scene at the end where I and the six other heroes I traveled with colored the world seven colors, which got me bawling from emotion, but the tough-guy heroes told me "Cry once it's all over."

In this example, the second person reads a sexual reference in the first's statement, and in attempting to show their distaste for dirty jokes, actually reveals that they have the more dirty mind. I imagine that upon realizing their mistake, their face would go beet red, which is extremely moe.

"Weiner dogs are cute! ♥"
"Quit making dirty jokes."

When someone recognizes a dirty joke as dirty, you can clearly determine that they have the appropriate knowledge to make the sexual inference. Keeping this in mind, there is a possibility for moe in the act of identifying a dirty joke.

Yes, the... "mouth."

I once saw on Yahoo Answers that the reason behind the "joke product" thing is because, if an item is made to be inserted somewhere that isn't the mouth, it's treated like medical equipment and needs permission from the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare. I was like WHAAAAA.

This is a joke! Just a joke, okay? *vweeeeee*

I've seen "This is a joke product" on things like sex toys, but I've never once seen them used for a joke.

Obviously there's no person inside her.

Inside Saki-chan.

Because it's warm... ///

I've gained 5 kg since when I was thinnest.

It's summeeeeer tiiiiime! #Winter

That which pushes me forward... it is... Love... Saki-chan... Love... Forever...

People who always talk negatively about everything are left with nothing they like, so they aren't able to let out their irritation.

Moe will save the world... It can make each and every person happy, make them less on-edge and negative, and give their minds peace, creating a world where people can be kind to one another.

When you get into something super obscure, nothing comes of just waiting for someone else to come make stuff, so you have to make it yourself, and have to practice lots if you lack the talent. That's my conclusion.

If Saki-chan put on panties, it'd probably be bad if curly hairs got caught...

What design of panties would suit Saki-chan?

Women touching the boobs of one another is like fellow swordfighters crossing swords.

And it's possible to get a Puff-Puff by asking to hear her heartbeat and putting my ear to her chest. I'll have to try it out at the next greeting event! → Banned

I want to ask "Is your heart pounding?" and naturally put my hand to her chest, then go "Oh yeah, the heart's a little to the left" and smoothly slide my hand to touch her boobs.

I want to know more about boobs, so let me touch Saki-chan's. (stern face)

Every time I draw... I get demotivated... (^o^)/

I need to get nicer drawings soon, or I'll never draw a manga in my life...

Every time I see Saki-chan drawn by good artists, I'm all, cute! I wantto draw her like this!

Since I couldn't remember my first dream, I fell asleep again, and had the worst dream where I realized I was in a dream and tried to sexually harrass a high school girl on a field trip.

Don't remember my first dream. (*´∀`*;;

I wanna meet Saki-chan in my first dream of the year... One Saki, two Saki, three Saki...

I'm getting tired of myself so early in the year... I don't want to think about anything but boobs right now.

I have no confidence in my own boobs, so I want to touch other people's boobs.


I know that it's ultimately having no self-confidence and putting more credibility in others' judgements, but how other people can have such confidence, I have no idea.

I'm incredibly scared of people watching me, because my mind directly connects it to being put in front of others to be judged and subsequently rejected. I try my best not to make them feel too bad, but it's so needlessly awkward it does make them feel bad. And then of course, I feel bad too... It's an endless spiral.

I'll also try to be a totally harmless kind of shy, not troubling others... I'm fine being invisible... I just... want to make things... and if just one person is satisfied by them...

Trying to forcibly improve your communication skills won't really help; it's not easy to remedy deeply ingrained things from your environment, and straining yourself to do it just disappoints you and makes you want to die. So I've realized it's a better contribution to society to focus solely on improving my technical skill.

If you're proficient at expressing yourself in art, shyness and such seem like they're allowed, so rather than work on my communication I want to exhaust my powers of expression.

Maybe art exists because we can't properly express our emotions in words.

Has it really been over 15 years since Y2K was a thing...? Shocking...

It's unbelievable, but... I only came to know of Saki-chan in the latter half of this year...

I'm very glad people are being pretty receptive to Seana. (*´∀`*)

Are they ever going to sell it again...? Sniff...

Not a day goes by I don't regret not buying that Saki-chan body pillow.

When I tweet, I lose followers.

I am Furmax, your personal -

I should look at magazines with more frilly dresses to get pumped and learn to draw those... Lolita magazines it is, then?

I'm in the clear for the making fun part, so now to work on making people smile.

A true entertainer doesn't have to make fun of others, they can make people smile by making fun of themselves.

This account exists to declare to the world the glory of furry yuri.

Seana's cute, but drawing her hair is hard.

Furry Yurimas.

I was drawing Saki-chan all yesterday, so I'm sleepy too...

My wife fell asleep really early.

A good Christmas this year... Though it hasn't started yet...

m(._.)m ← Apologizing Baymax

Here's the one with fixed English... (*´∀`*)

Santa, I've been a good kid, so give me boobs.

But no thanks to actually riding in an ambulance...

Riding in an ambulance on Christmas night... This really is a Siren Night. (Just wanted to say that.)

Maybe only Japanese people say things like "dear my"?

I'll fix it in the morning...

"@MikuFan39: @fuwacina English? I think you mean "my dear angel"* lol"

You can't see the fountain I worked so hard drawing at all. (^o^)/

Merry Christmas! (*´∀`*)

Q. What's your dream job? A. Being crushed by giant furry boobs.

Making a song too fancy reduces its catchiness, so it's very important to strike a balance of catchy melody and fancy arrangement.

Is Seana a cat or a dog...????

How do you even draw fur...

My child. Please recognize.
[Same bullet points as the sketch one, but adding "Wears one-pieces a lot (seems to dislike thinking about coordination)"]

I feel like dream interpretations try to work sex into everything, but then again, people are creatures that think about sex all the time...

"@52eleven: @fuwacina
Dancing Dreams (〜・ω・)〜
- Heightened emotions.
- If dancing with someone, indicates a sexual dream.
- A desire to escape, forgetting bad things and being freed from torment.

What do you even interpret from a dream like this?

Also can't forget the scene where I ran off still in bra and panties to a pub-like place, and I had beer that was poured into a cat's food dish.

There was also an unforgettable conversation in the dream like "Give back my clothes!!!" "Hit it, brah!!" "I still have my bra, so you don't need to give that back!!"

After that, a fairy, or maybe more like a goddess showed up, and started singing a song like, "Kindness isn't for yourself, it's so other people think kindly of you, so your judgement wasn't wrong to help them." Yes, I was performing in a new musical at Puroland. That was my dream.

Had a dream where I saved some paramedics from an ambulance on its side, and the people in it were seriously hardcore paramedics, so they said "As thanks, let's dance!" and hardstyle started playing from nowhere, and for some reason I took off my clothes and danced outside, and a paramedic forcibly kissed me, which made me think "Shouldn't even bother saving people."

Getting a hair transplant to get a little bit closer to being Seana.

Visually, Seana is my ideal furry... If I could be one, I'd be like her.

I'm thinking Seana is a middle-aged fatty furry who loves to eat year-round.

My original character. (scheming face)
[Seana; female; 28 years old; musician; shy; cheerfully bashful; loves Saki-chan; Saki-chan's stalker; hella gay adores lilies, small-boobed (touchy subject)]

Actually, there's someone I love in my followers, and I confess to her all the time, and it's completely obvious who it is.

What I'm saying is, yes you can make choreography or PVs for Saki-Saki Revolution. (^o^)/

When Miku and the like were only just released, I really liked the thing of "I made a PV for this song!", but lately it has more of a personal appreciation vibe...
And way more songs have fantastic PVs to begin with, of course.

I'm extremely glad Saki-chan welcomes fanworks.
People who draw pictures, people who draw manga, people who make figures, people who make music - everyone makes works out of love for Saki-chan. It reminds me of early NicoNico.

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