OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 31st, 2022

Everyone, let's love each other in all our humanness, arrogance and all.

The number one thing that will never sit right with me is the concept of humans arbitrarily assigning "guilt" to food with high calories.

Celestial bodies like white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes are often referred to like the dead bodies of stars, but I think likening it to death is just based on our viewpoint as humans and it's no more than a change of state. Don't you think?

It only contains white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes.

RT @tom_caramel @fuwacina There's a little universe of lactic acid bacteria inside this bottle, but if you check the ingredients on the back, there's also disinfectant... The stars are being destroyed.
Whaaa... [Photo of the ingredients confirming this]

[Photo of a bottle of Zero Cider Triple claiming "0 calories, 0 sweetener, 0 fat, contains 100 billion lactic acid bacteria"] But isn't that still fewer than the number of stars in the Milky Way?

I think having had the illusion that you might be amazing partly helps with enjoying putting in the effort to become truly amazing. But now you can see amazin' people all over the world with just one click. Makes you lose confidence.

As someone who grew up in a time before online became commonplace in games, thinking about others growing up in an environment where they can't even hold the illusion that they might be amazing at a game makes me want to commend those who manage to find self-affirmation regardless. Feels like we old-timers couldn't possibly do it.

There being a lot of other amazing people is different from you not being amazing.

Making vocal songs for 15 years has made me a lot better at making music.

Ain't many people who've been releasing original songs with Miku-san every year for 15 years, are there? Well, I'm one of 'em.

Thanks to Miku-san, I was able to eat cake again this year.

Happy birthday, Miku-san. :cake: :clap:


Hehehe... August was a real hurdle, but September's lookin' like a real hurdle too... (despair)

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