OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 23rd, 2022

I'm most energetic when I'm playing games.

I've learned all over again how getting your longsword manuevering from 0 to 95% isn't as brutal as getting from 95% to 100%. With Anomalies, even if you're at 95%, it's all over if you roll the 5%, so takes serious training.

Despite fighting Magnamalo this much, to think I'd get patterns I still can't handle, it's too strong, this game's so hard.

With a 25-minute 2-death Magnamalo, I've achieved Level 100 with longsword solo!! Invincible hunter!! Thanks for coming to the stream. #TesrosetTransmission

Anomaly Level 98, we're in the finale...

At 95.

I'm gonna get up to 100 today!

[MHRise/SB] Endurance! Getting Up to Anomaly Research Lv. 100 With Solo Longsword [Link to her Twitch]

Hold on for a little longer..........

I've met my quota for today, so I'm off to prepare for stream.

The music video's so cute...

RT @omarupolka Things are pretty busy, but!
Epilogue in the Attic is premiering now!
Wait for a formal post later. :carousel horse: :crescent moon:
[Original] Epilogue in the Attic [Omaru Polka]


Today's stream: [Poll]
- Exists [48.1%]
- Exists [51.9%]

The difference between days when I'm active and days when I'm not is like the Mariana Trench.

I've eaten lunch, done work, and come to the hospital, but I believe I'd like to stream tonight.

Rather than saying "if you live, good things will happen," it's far more valuable to spread info like "if you cut up perilla leaves and mix them in natto, your life will become richer."

No, it's Bosch. Please don't spread false rumors.

Sometimes you still learn things even after living for over 30 years, like how the "Bosu" in Huis ten "Bosu" is spelled Boche.

You should also sleep when you're not doing well with longsword.

When you're a creator, you intimately learn how inefficient it is to work long hours, so you should just stop talking and sleep for 2 hours.

I don't know. Maybe Japan's work culture created people like that. Was it the chicken, or the egg?

When I see people telling politicians "you shouldn't be taking time off at a serious time like this!", it makes me wonder if this mentality is what created Japan's work culture...

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