OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 20th, 2022

My living rhythm is nuts.

There's so much to do in Monster Hunter, am I really gonna be able to buy Splatoon?

The gyoza on the ramen wasn't just the wings. I'm glad.

Days where I don't have to cook are so fun...

My new song cover.

Sublime cruelty. #TesrosetTransmission
[(I'm hungry...)
When I split open the hamburg steak... HALF-COOKED
(Guess it's good to have ramen sometimes...)
The gyoza that's on the ramen... JUST THE WINGS
(Tired from going to work on a holiday again...)
Who didn't know about the class reunion...? JUST ME]

This universe is no more than God playing house on a massive scale.

Is the "what can you make with rock-paper-scissors?" song [song to the tune of the Brother John nursery rhyme about making animals/etc. with hands, i.e. two scissors for a crab] referring to the fact that all the forms of matter that exist in the universe are made of combinations of just a handful of elementary particles?

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