OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 23rd, 2022

Listening to this, it doesn't really sound like a song whining about not wanting to break up, does it????

On the other hand, musicals are where it's okay to make whining about not wanting to break up with a guy you're dating dramatic.

Suddenly remembered how there was this musical I'd never even watched, and the songs were in English so I didn't know what they were about, but it had a song I liked a lot, so I watched it wondering what kind of dramatic scene it's sung during, and it was a song just whining about not wanting to break up with the man she was dating.

They all go to chiropractors.

None of the women in my songs have back pain or anything. I'm envious.

I have two screenshots in my camera roll of alarms I don't remember at all, so I'm pretty sleepy.

The strongest energy, more than dreams, more than hope, is curses. You can cutely tie a ribbon on a curse and call it a dream if you want.

I have a theory that cute songs are born from the curse of wanting to be cute.

Listening to a cute song makes me wanna be cute, it hurts (it hurts)

That kitty game everyone's talking about... cats... Palicos... Gotta play Sunbreak...

I really wanna play the kitty game... [Stray]

Anchor points are an evil custom.

I woke up to escape a nightmare where I just couldn't make videos in After Effects the way I wanted.

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