OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

April 25th, 2022

A hamburger made with the energy from annihilating an anti-hamburger made of antimatter with a hamburger.
An Anti-Hamburger Hamburger Annihilation Hamburger.

[Links Whale Rider] Has it been 5 years since Rin-chan become a whale...?

People who can give their songs personality in ways besides chords are amazing.

Despite having been through over 30 Aprils, I just realized it only has 30 days and I'm dying.

The parry videos may look silly, but the strategy content is relatively serious.

I've fully passed being scared and arrived at a point where ultimately all I'm able to do is what I like, so I guess I'll do what I like.

If people are scared to start something new at their age, or worry about losing people who pay attention to them compared to their past activity, I want them to look at me. You just want people to watch you parry, right? That's right.

I've been a Vocalodi producer since probably the term Vocaloid producer didn't even exist yet, but I'm so grateful to still have a chance for a song to be listened to this much... Thank you, iroha-san and n!ka-san... :clap:

I went to lunch with a friend of my mom who said "Weren't you making a song about drinking beer the other day??", and I laughed a ton.

[Retweets Vocaloid Collection announcement] My Meltdown remix placed second in the Vocaloid Collection Remix Ranking! :party horn: :party popper: :party popper: :party popper: Thank you for giving so much support! :clap:

It's bizarre how if your body's unhealthy, your mind dies too, but your mind being healthy won't make your body healthy. Keep up, would you?

I've had surgery for my health issues, and have been working on treatment for years, so when I'm in bad condition and someone laughs "what are you, an old person?", it honestly hurts me a lot, but lately there haven't been very many people like that, which I really appreciate... Everyone's kind, I'm grateful.

Thank you for your service.

Sexy Lady: "Well then, shall we get to a bed?"
Chiropractor: "Well then, shall we get to a bed?"

I thought it was an incredibly niche arrangement, but I'm glad it's getting listened to a bunch. :folded hands:

It was Elden Ring that taught me how if you fear failure, growth is never going to happen.

Once, a math teacher told us "Even in pro baseball, someone with a 30% batting average is still a top batter. So don't fear failure," and I remember it making a deep impression on me.

But thinking about it now, it'd be no good if you got 30% on a math test, right?

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