OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

March 11th, 2022

Is this my self-introduction? [Screenshot of Elden Ring item description for Glass Shard: "Glass shard covered in dirt. Essentially worthless."]

I'm so bad at interacting with others. (not as if something happened, but because so little has happened)

Once you defeat all the parry teachers, they go away...

Wanna be human.

I've become somebody who sleeps at weird times again, I'm gradually becoming not human...

Don't depend on Pokemon.

Arceus: "Send in a Pokemon, and do battle!"
Me: "Don't wanna. (rapid-firing balms)"

Elden Ring is a game you can recommend to beginners that you can see the ending of in 1 hour. (?)

[Retweets news about first sub-1-hour Elden Ring speedrun: "far from perfect, but not bad for 12 days since the game came out"] ???

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