OSTER project's Twitter
Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.
February 28th, 2022
I searched for "Maritozzo the Fell Omen" and there were just two people who said it before me. So close... (?)
I was thinking "dungeons sure are tough," but I realized they're tough because I try to defeat everything, so I'll aim to move through avoiding combat now.
Today I beat Maritozzo and a huge dragon, so I'm closer to being a lord.
I didn't even know that message was written by a player at first...
Is there anyone whose first death in Elden Ring wasn't to Tree Sentinel or a solider, but to believing a message that said "Try jumping off" and jumping off a cliff?
This is my first time with a Soulslike [technically "you-die game," but they're sort of synonymous], but it's so up my alley I'm wondering why I never played one until now.
Nuggsnfries (area boss)
[Screenshot of "Area Boss" header with an ad for McDonalds nuggests and fries under it] This Elden Ring strategy site... What is this, McDonald the Fell Omen?
I'm an old-timer, so I called my smartphone a mobile phone again...
My mobile phone calendar says February ends today, is that a bug? Anyone else having the same issue?
I was startled when a sudden sexy event occurred. (I was hugged)
Raising my stats let me win in a blink with even sloppier movement than yesterday, so I'm arbitrarily unsatisfied. (??)
If I could just use an Iai Spirit Slash on Tree Sentinel, it'd be a shutout...