OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

February 4th, 2022

No dice on tailsmans today either.

At first I thought I could never reach the point of doing elder dragons in 5 minutes, but I'm glad I kept going.

I like games, and I like being able to feel my growth the more I play...

Reached a stopping point on composition for now, so I'll do a bit of talisman hunting...

How do you make lyrics?

Today's one of those days where I just can't find the tension as much as I keep arranging...

Valstrax's music is among my favorites in Monster Hunter.

Valstrax. #MonsterHunterRise #Dominowns

Mahjong's rules are so complex I can't remember them all, and the explanations of yaku are so full of special terminology I don't get them at all, so I'm like, wasn't it super hard for everyone to learn this stuff?

Trying to do mahjong and Monster Hunter and work and cooking and treatments and the room and Y-shirts and I and the cursed princess and Guri and Gura and a bell and a bird and me all at once, there could never be enough time. [Referencing song "The Room, the Y-Shirts, and I," the Japanese subtitle of Dragon Quest VIII, a children's book series, and poem "A Bell, A Bird, and Me."]

Yakuman feels like Teostra's Supernova or Magnamalo's Hellfire Divebomb, in that you normally defeat them before you see the move, so you need to win swiftly before you get hit with a yakuman.

Yakuman is such a powerful move.

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