OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 10th, 2022

Even Sirius is a white dwarf, y'know.

I like neutron stars, so I can't really accept supernova explosions being called a star's "death."

If you eat a neutron star, it'll ruin your stomach.

Red Giant Chocolate

When I look up things about space development, I find there's a bunch of projects advancing that I just didn't know about, so I look forward to checking on them.

People say things like "I can't die until my favorite media finishes," but if you stan space, human lifespaces are too pathetic for that.

I'm looking forward to them maybe progressing on terraforming Mars, or maybe achieving thermonuclear power and mining helium-3 on the moon, within my lifetime.

It feels so restricting how space is so huge, but the places humans can go are so limited.

Might have finally gotten back in normal condition. [Around 10 PM]

Never gonna drink again.

I'm currently in bed feeling extremely bad. Congratulations on adulthood.

Been a while since I drank so much I felt terrible the next day...

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