OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 6th, 2022

I've been struck down by the thought that human brains can't intuitively understand the concept of infinity ever since high school math.

I've got no clue whether the theory the Big Bang itself was a white hole is realistic or not, but it's super interesting for sure.

Black holes just being stupid-heavy celestial bodies, I can't remotely imagine materials that get sucked in going through a wormhole to somewhere else, but the very fact of "infinite density" already goes beyond imagination, making it feel like anything might as well happen.

If gamma ray bursts are white holes, is it like black holes are stationed in various places yet white holes are akin to making appearances at events? Or maybe there's another universe that's just full of white holes?

I like the theory that gamma ray bursts might actually be white holes.

When it comes to composition, if it's no good, it's entirely no good, so I'm thankfully able to stay in good spirits scrapping it even if it was time-consuming...

Arranging is more laborious the more of a foolish worker you are...

I'm a genius, so I finished composing a song in about 2 hours... (not saying I finished arranging it)

The trouble is that making instrumental songs is deathly tiring, but the more deathly tiring it is the better it turns out.

[Linking her song AMABIE] Won't this person make more instrumental songs?

The work it takes to get to "there's so much meaning to this song existing in the world" is so exhausting.

When I listen to a song I made, I'm like "this is super genius," but when I open a blank project file, I'm like "how do I make a song from here, there's no way I can, it's hopeless..."

Also, I'm searching endlessly for people who can make animated MVs. :video camera:

I wanna have people with cute voices sing my songs, so I wanna ask someone to sing again for Vol. 4...

If I were my fave's vocal cords, I probably couldn't have been a Vocaloid producer, so it's fine.

I wanna be my fave's vocal cords...

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