OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 6th, 2021

I leanred that you look for allotropes with a shovel.

Aren't you ever unsure sometimes if it's isotrope or allotrope?


The sun is burning from a reaction between Hs.

When H and H get extremely hot and fuse, it generates incredible energy.

What's she getting so excited about hydrogen for? [ecchi (sexy) = H]

Wanna put sexy lyrics over a sexy song and be like "Bam! Here's your sexy platter!!"

A Vtuber whose forte is making sexy songs.

The song I'm making now is too sexy. #Dominowns

Wanna write a strings section that makes people think "I wanna hear this live."

Even listening to other people's songs, I think "I wanna hear this with live striiiiings" all the time.

Sequenced vs. live seemingly isn't something normal people worry about, but as a creator, they're completely different in every way.

Ahh, I've got a bunch of money to spare, maybe I'll record the strings and horns live...
is something I want to say someday.

It's way too difficult to just casually record that. (since I'm listening to each individual part and singing it and overlapping them)

Should I record another entry in the entirely-me Monster Hunter BGM series?

Seasoned seaweed being "ajitsuke (seasoning) nori" rather than "ajitsuki (seasoned) nori" implies the existence of a completely different food which can be seasoned by this seaweed.

A 50km race walk is nuts. Even going on a 5km stroll exhausts me...

Relative to human history, the entirety of a human's life is no more than a suckling baby, and to the history of the universe it's smaller than a grain of rice, so be at ease and screw up.

I'm still just an infant who's only lived 30-some years, but I've felt how totally a society's values can change in as short a time as 10 years, so I'm always thinking how I don't want that mood shifting in a bad direction.

It's necessary to know the struggles of our predecessors that allowed us to take this world for granted.

Thinking about how, in the millennia of human history, it's only been 80 years since the end of the war, makes me realize how this peaceful world I've taken for granted since birth ain't for granted at all.

A world where you can tweet dumb stuff on Twitter isn't something to take for granted, it's precious.

I wish for the world to keep using the technology humans have built up for peace.

What kind of H do you like? With neutrons or without neutrons?

H dream (dream involving hydrogen atoms)

The ability to be in a scary dream and be like "I'm turnin' this into a pervy dream!!" has gotta take immense mental strength. If you're gonna give me one, make it pervy from the start.

I know there's ways to practice having lucid dreams, but if I'm in the middle of a super scary dream and realize it's a dream, what then? Do I lead it into being a non-scary dream?

The fact that it's difficult to realize it's a dream even when clearly strange things are happening is so mysterious.

When you want to go the toilet in real life, you also want to go to the toilet in your dreams.

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