OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 3rd, 2021

Looking at history from above and knowing how things turn out, it can be easy to say this and that, but if thinking about if you'd been right in the middle of it, you have no clue what you would've felt or thought.

I want to keep it in the back of my mind that in all ways, I'm able to live as consequence of the efforts of my predecessors.

It's truly good fortune that I was able to be born in this era.

Seeing how hunger and the disgrace of defeat make people turn to conflict makes me reflect on how matter influences mind...

All war produces is more war...

Describing The 20th Century on Film as "interesting" feels inappropriate, but it's super engrossing.

When I'm making a serious song, it makes me wanna make a really crappy song.

I've made music for over 20 years, yet I still make music being super uneasy whether it'll turn out good until it actually turns out good.

Perhaps once this song takes form a bit, then I'll do a composition stream...

Because even if you just go singing whatever like "dongs dongs, whoa whoa," a song is a song.

Making music is super simple, yet making music is deathly difficult.

Seeing as I got accepted to M3, I gotta make that song I gave up on...

It's worrying how I have no appetite at night lately.

Fleets: "I thought I'd make everyone feel ashamed if I said I was ending..."

No way this insane heat didn't surpass 95 degrees... It was as hot as the surface of the sun.

My lack of stamina is so severe, I fall asleep every time I get home from the hospital.

Wanna draw more Tesroset art and for others to draw it.

I once realized you can rhyme "do-seiron (sound argument)" with "Poseidon," yet I've never once been able to make use of it in daily life, so I want somebody on the street to abruptly challenge me to a rap battle.

In Japan, it seems cafes where your little sister scolds you are more common.

Wanna go to a restaurant where the mama will scold me.

When I say I don't like thrill rides, 100 in 10 people tell me they expected otherwise.

Twitter! It's me! Verify me!

Whenever I'm using art drawn by someone else as my icon, there's added responsibility to what I say. Dongs.

I'll make a song every time I get lyrics from Twitter. (?)

Might get another message.

2nd challenge [Photo of submitting another Twitter verification request]

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