OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 25th, 2021

Want there to be an increase of people older than me sometimes.

Lately I've been thinking "wow, everybody's younger than me," but considering how as long as you live, only people younger than you come into the world while the number of people older than you doesn't increase, I guess that's only natural.

I have a strong desire to draw a Confession comic.

Let's say it's because I learned from watching the tournament.

Why did I improve my Magnamalo time the moment the tournament ended?

Ahh, victory. Going in the bath.

The tournament's over, yet I still wanna run Magna and Teo...

If I saw a tennis serve on the court, I'd definitely be so scared I'd run.

Me: "I don't wanna die!! I don't wanna die!!"
Commentator: "Even as she says she doesn't want to die, she doesn't heal!!!"
↑I liked this.

Almudron, the monster who demolishes a month of effort in one second.

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