OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 22nd, 2021

Super Gario Malaxy

Finally went back to Splatoon and man, this is fun.

RT @MuguetLinh [Susu] I take this, and do this, to make this.

More importantly than being accepted by the majority of people, I wonder if I've made a series that hits a portion of people right in their weak point...? Friendship and Confession... That's my scheme...

I love this kind of yuri with complex feelings like "there are times you can't accept their like despite how precious they are to you," I really do...

Hair gets caught in necklaces all the time... That always hurts.

There's lots of comparions to make between Friendship and Confession, so by all means, give it scrutiny...

Miku-chan's hair is thin and gets caught in her necklace. (unique interpretation)

Me too!

Trot and run, Hamtaro
What he loves is
Yuri about thinking dearly of each other yet passing each other by

Rin-chan in Friendship suffering as she sees you off from behind the ticket gate, Miku-chan in Confession's heart breaking seeing you grow distant waving behind the ticket gate, do you guys wanna talk?????

Just experienced the embarrassing play of being shown a video of me dead drunk the next morning.

I wanna draw a Tokyo Drinklympics comic.

I drank a bunch, so I'm super tired the next day... Drinking is a sport.

New song released! Thank you very much!! :crying: :crying: :crying:
[Official MV] Confession feat. Hatsune Miku

Almost time!

One more hour.

100-degree weather.
A summer festival.
On days like these...

McNuggets are the most delicious food in this world.

Today. :heart:

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