OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 17th, 2021

I swallow them whole so that it doesn't hurt, don't worry.

I like drinking with people more than alcohol. I like drinking people.

I'm a dog, so I like people.

People!!! I like people.

While I'm at it, I'm going to do a stream now. (while you're at what)
[Monster Hunter Rise] Magna and Teo Practice [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

The line "If you have time to say "every night has its dawn," start running east instead" is too cool.

I thought "decoupling" meant shipping tall chaaracters. ["Dekappuringu," dekai = huge]

The word "normal" can be used to push people who don't fit into "normal" to the brink of solitude and kill them, so I don't want to use it, but it's annoying how I sometimes have to use it for convenience, so I want to erase everything leading to the origin of the word "normal."

You're just like "Oh! So they've having a nice time!"

When you get to my level, you can't properly read the sentence "the two women got into a scuffle [readable as "mutual groping"]."

Since people are lonely, they need all kinds of ways to make them forget their loneliness.

[Retweeting article about widespread loneliness in people age 20 to 30 due to coronavirus] Aren't all humans lonely?!?!

Make rice, don't make rice, make rice, don't make rice, make rice, don't make rice, make rice. :flower: :OK sign:


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