OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 3rd, 2021

I'm sure Monster Hunter is a game you play with others for most people, but I like solo hunting too.

I've always liked playing games alone, so I have such an affinity with Monster Hunter... A game where you can just fight against the AI... So fun.

I feel like I distanced myself from getting way into games for a while, but since corona, I've been so saved by getting way into games...

Every time I draw, it's like I'm just repeatedly building and tearing down a house with no proper foundation.

That's why rough sketches are important. (doesn't notice weird spots in the rough sketch stage and dies)

With art, don't you find one spot that's weird and try to fix it, but then fixing it makes other spots weird, and it just falls apart like that???

I wanna make a new Tesroset introduction video.

Today's viral tweets have gotten me to 47,000 followers. Good day. (greeting)


[Retweets some people singing the Twitter song] I'm glad the Twitter message is getting around.

I'm telling my cat who doesn't want to go to the hospital "I'm going to the hospital too, so let's do our best."

I've gained followers. Good day. (greeting)

I couldn't get the mysteriously pleasant-sounding phrase "the tiniest gold-toothed Vtuber" out of my head.

I'm becoming a nonsense content production machine, but these are all things I wanted to do...

They're usually streaming footage from a microscope, you see.

You're punier than I thought. #TesrosetTransmission
['Tiny, tiny, so tiny
You're punier than I thought
The tiniest gold-toothed Vtuber
Not visible to the naked eye, maybe"]

Karaoke version. Everyone who gets sent the lyrics from Twitter, please feel free to sing it. I'll do anything. #Dominowns

Truthfully, I thought of this joke before the verified denial email came, so part of me was waiting for that verified denial emial to come.

I made this song yesterday on the members-only stream.

My new song! Thanks in advance!

"This is a message from Twitter."
Lyrics: Twitter
Composition: Me
Vocals: Kiritan
[The lyrics are a message saying her account did not meet the requirements for verification. Also, the "Go to Twitter" button is included.]

Superbly-Dressed Lady search. :magnifying glass:

RT @go_tws Whenever I see a person wearing clothes with exposed shoulders, the phrase "superbly-dressed lady" comes to mind.

Yet thinking of things that have died and finding meaning there is an ability humans have won, so in that sense, perhaps they can also breathe life back into them.

Words are living creatures. Eventually, they die.

Pondering whether it's impossible to make words suitable for the era without destroying tradition, but all I could think of was stuff like "mega-yuudachi," so the modern fool admits defeat.

The Japanese word "yuudachi (sudden evening shower)" being consumed by "guerilla rainstorm" makes me think of pre-existing creatures being driven out of their home by imported species.

Ancient sage: "Akatsuki, shinonome, akebono, ariake, tsutomete..." [different words for dawn/daybreak]
Modern fool: "Let's call anything before noon "morning.""

Since I'm a composer, I was even making music in my dreams. I can't carry it over to reality, but it enriched the dream world, so it was a meaningful act.

Let's call anything before noon "morning."

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