OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 3rd, 2021

Today was a day of thinking people good at singing are good at singing, that people good at art are good at art, that kind people are kind, and that cute people are cute.

When you're in a state like super armor where you don't flinch but damage still goes through, the lack of flinching tends to make you not notice damage, neglect to manage your health, and die. Both in games and in real life.

so many GOKAGO [blessings] with me

The first thing I listened to on my new airpods was Claire-san's voice... :bell:

Whatever worries you have, someday the sun will become a red giant and burn everything up, so go ahead and live assured.

I'd really like to see Master Utsushi loving Kamura Village so much that he arrives at the conclusion he needs to destroy it.

Master Utushi around volume 32 of the series, unsure of who's an enemy and who's an ally: "I'll destroy Kamura."

A cute person saying you're cute is as powerful as piercing a weak body part with a Critical Eye + Weakness Exploit + Critical Boost Helmsplitter. (Monster Hunter brain)

Get-togethers where the only thing I partially remember is saying "It's a waste to drink such good beer when I'm this drunk... I'll definitely forget this taste, but it's delicious..." are wild.

Th-thump! A girls' sleepover!
No way something isn't going to happen... (drinking tons of whiskey at 5 AM)

And thus I learned that most people in the world are not stimulated by chord progressions, and those who are are perverts.

Whenever I try to remember why I started making music, I reach the conclusion that I don't know why... I just liked music and had a computer at home, but can't think of an event that tied those together... I just sort of started making music.

It's sad how Tesro-sama and Roset-chan can't both star together...

Always watching other people's streams and being like "having someone who'll stream with you is nice..."

After all, some people feel good when they drink and some people feel bad!!!!

There are people who say my progressions are gross, but they feel good to me.

I've lost the stamina to spend a day outside from all this staying inside, so I need to rehabilitate myself this month.

Today's work is... *badumbadumbadumbadum*... Outside!!

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