OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

May 26th, 2021

Monster Hunter Rice :rice bowl:

The way that even the names of monsters who weren't announced for the update are filling the trends box really goes to show the staggering amount of content.

[Apex Roset-chan]
A Roset-chan which has taken on the title of "Apex."
Seen in songs making perverse progressions like a raging storm, seemingly ever under the control of augs and dims.

Monster Hunter gives me life.

[After stream with 3.0 update details] Thank you, Monster Hunter...

I'm not very smart, so I dun' really know...
But it's cute when two girls get along.

Like always, I'm pretty much just immersing myself in solo play.

I've already played this Monster Hunter more than any other.

Monster Hunter tonight... Monster Hunter tonight...

I'm envious of people who can do anything skillfully, so I pretend to be someone who can do anything skillfully.

Since you can connect with skilled people in one click these days, the days of being lionized just because you have skills might be over, I think to myself, yet all I can do is work on my skills.

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