OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

May 8th, 2021

Online drinking meetups with no concept of a "last train" are wild. [4:13 AM]

I like how Kiritan is toasting with steaks yet has white rice on standby.

[New Song] Song of Super Chat
With gratitude for all Super Chats around the world... #TesrosetTransmission
["A blue Super Chat, a blue Super Chat [Kaito]
Let's toast with canned drinks!
A blue Super Chat - thank you!

A light-blue Super Chat, a light-blue Super Chat [Miku]
Let's toast with cafe lattes!
A light-blue Super Chat - thank you!

A green Super Chat, a green Super Chat [Gumi]
Let's toast with beef bowls!
A green Super Chat - thank you!

A yellow Super Chat, a yellow Super Chat [Rin & Len]
Let's toast with cutlet curry!
A yellow Super Chat - thank you!

The kindness you all show
Lets me live each day joyfully
So it may not be much,
But I'll put my thanks into song...

An orange Super Chat, an orange Super Chat [Kiritan]
Let's toast with steaks!
An orange Super Chat - thank you!

A magenta Super Chat, a magenta Super Chat [Luka]
Let's toast with a full course dinner!
A magenta Super Chat - thank you!

A red Super Chat, a red Super Chat [Meiko]
Let's toast with chateaubriand!
A red Super Chat - thank you!

With all of your support...
I can keep giving my all tomorrow..."]


It's very sudden, but I finished the video, so I uploaded it.

:clock: Premiering tonight at at 6:00!
A new song. Thanks in advance.
[Original Song] Song of Super Chat #TesrosetTransmission

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