OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

May 5th, 2021

The Capcom connection.

D o n ' t  f o r g e t  D L - 6

[Name: "Polly"]

Should I give it a Minna no Uta-style opening?

I started making a Super Chat song, but this is kinda sounding like a Minna no Uta [Songs for Everyone]...

The contradiction of having the desire to not be a commonplace person, but finding it lonely that you're different from others, is a common thing with humans, right?

Women who are tired of following the concerto of "commonplace me" day by day, I want you to listen to Piano Forte Scandal. (??)

Said synth is also once I've wanted for a while, so..........

I'm the biggest idiot for trying to decide if I should buy a 50,000-yen synth so I can make a joke video.

By the way, when I happened to get 3:XX, that was just a regular run, so it was without buffs...

There just happened to be a Tobi-Kadachi in the starting area to Wyvern Ride, so I'm personally not counting it, but I'm still glad to receive the title of "Vtuber who can hunt Zinogre in the 3 minute range."

Why???? lol

Hang on, I got 3:XX.......... [Screenshot of 3:54 on Zinogre]

I'm mad. :angry face:

"This is the animation before Magnamalo's front-leg sweep."
"And this is the animation before Magnamalo's double-bite charge."
"They're the same animation!!"

I'm a child, so I'm allowed to have fun on Children's Day.

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