OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

May 3rd, 2021

[After posting a compilation video from the previous multiplayer stream, where they argue about misremembered lyrics to a Dragon Ball OP and one of the guests is stubborn about it] You can only argue with people you're really friendly with.

The koto at the start of the original Bunny Dango Song is also an aug.

Let's all sing the instrumental version together! #MonsterHunterRise #BunnyDangoSong #Dominowns

Thought I'd accomplish nothing today due to sluggishness and sleepiness, but I made the bunny dango song perverse, so it's all good.

An explosive-type bunny dango.

Perverse Dango :dango: #MonsterHunterRise #BunnyDangoSong
["(Here's an aug)
Big and fluffy half-diminished
Cute friends sharp-ninth and altered
Friendly with everyone, Blackadder...
Your bunny dango's
Ready to eat!

Pokemon Snap is tons of fun, it's wild. [Open for a surprise]

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