OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

February 25th, 2021

I can't rest when I'm working with everyone watching over me, so I make a ton of progress and use my brain a bunch and get really tired, but since I make a ton of progress it's fun.

I made the rough arrangement for this in 2 and a half hours... Good work, me...

Analyzing the chords for these every time is seriously exhausting.

I finished one of those childen's song arrangements I've been longing to do! Awright! Wanna do it again!

A video where the children's song "The Other Day I Met a Bear" gets more and more outrageously rearranged. #Dominowns #TesrosetTransmission

Eb9 and E(b9) are completely different things. [For clarity: E-flat + 9, versus E + flat 9.]

A video of Roset-chan singing I Met a Bear and putting more and more emotion into it. #TesrosetTransmission

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