OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 29th, 2021

Your standpoint changes your mindset, so the ability to discern and understand people's standpoints is incredibly important. Sometimes I realize after the fact I said something I shouldn't have said in my position because I'm dumb, and get sullen. I'm a newborn, so I wanna be forgiven.

And also, this is only something you should keep in mind when you're the one doing something for someone. When someone does something for you, you can't wield it like an excuse to not show gratitude.

When you do something for someone, it's because it satisfies you to do something for someone. If you don't properly understand that, selfish dissatisfaction will pile up, like "but I did all this for you!"

Maybe it's the result of competitiveness taken to an extreme.

Q. How have you been able to keep making Vocaloid music for 13 years?
A. Good question.

Q. What's something you were into in your student days?
A. MIDI sequencing.

I impulsively started making a cool song, but I wanna make a cute one.

I make songs praising the virtues of rice, so I'm essentially a farmer.

Normally I don't make Eurobeat, but songs about rice. [Retweets Rice Disco]

What's club house [music]? It sounds tasty.

Full version, you say...

I want to upload a full version of Pedal to the Metal Molcar for next week's Pui Pui racing.

As an adult, I've forgotten any way of making friends other than human transmutation.

The music that plays when a molcar puts the pedal to the metal. #Molcar #Dominowns

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