OSTER project's Twitter
Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.
January 10th, 2021
Not "gonna," I'm snapping now.
I can understand getting a mouth ulcer somewhere I bit, but getting a mouth ulcer somewhere I didn't even bite makes so little sense I'm gonna snap.
So long as there's no way to go back in time, my life will forever and always start "now."
Being well isn't a thing to take for granted, it's a precious thing. I don't know why I was so invincible back in grade school.
When asked "are you well?", I used to just reply "I'm well!" as a matter of course, like repeating a password. But lately, I've come to pointlessly think "Can I say I'm well right now? What is "well"? How many "well" days have there been in my life?"