OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 3rd, 2020

[Screenshot of "My First Kiss" playlist, for the band Kiss] This here is super envious. (??)

I want to start a band called "Sexy Stuff" just so Apple Music will make an officail playlist called "My First Sexy Stuff."

Fit some rings after a while and got so exhausted I died.

I like my self-Tesroset art. (self-love)

As you grow old, time passes. Normally it should be that itme passes so you grow old, but that's the way it feels physically.

I could see Bikkuri [Surprise] Steak being a thing, but Ikinari [Sudden] Donkey has such a feel of "what have we wrought...?" [Ikinari Steak and Bikkuri Donkey being restaurants.]

Krillin Harassment

Since I see words like "___ hara" [i.e. "sekuhara," abbreviation for sexual harassment] so often, when I saw "Served by: Kurihara" on a receipt, I was like "Another new kind of harassment...?" for a second, but obviously it was the cashier's name.

The kind of thing where it just goes from normal C to C7 is basic but nice. Makes it feel like a story.

When I see "FF7," I think "It'd be nice if that was followed by BbM7BbmM7."

I also want Japanese Black beef.

I really do have so little in the way of worldly desires that if you asked what I wanted, I'd say Super Chats.

The more neatly I try to draw, the less cute it gets. (because I'm bad)

The Tesroset Art tag isn't necessarily a tag just for me drawing Tesroset, so please make use of it, everyone... :heart:

Isn't my crappy art cute???

It's my birthday month, so I drew a comic. #TesrosetArt

[Tesro: "Oh yeah, Roset's birthday is this month... The great Tesro's got no knack for picking out presents, so maybe I'll just ask what she wants diectly..."
Tesro: "Hey Roset, there anything you want or whatever?"
Roset: "SUPER CHATS" (21 days until birthday)]

While there are yet things love can do, you should be sure to do them.

Even if someone was like "disgusting" about my tastes, I'd be like "Huh?! You're disgusted by it? 'Cause it feels super good to me, yaaaaay!!!!!"

Let's not say "everyone thinks this way," but rather "I think this way."

The fictional aggregate known as "women" that frequently appears when discussing topics of gender eternally excludes pervy woman-loving women as if they're nonexistent. It would seem I have no place in this world.

It's Culture Day, so I'm making an effort to make cultural tweets.

Look, it's the chord progressions who gave me bedroom eyes first, so what do you want from me...

Perhaps I'll soon be judged by pure musicians for my sexual objectification of chords... Scary...

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