OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 22nd, 2020

But because of the reality that I was chosen even though it didn't really have to be me, I can feel valued and do my best.

I naturally pack my works full of the things I like, so obviously I like them, but there's also a feeling of "because I made this myself" within that liking. Surely, if someone else had made the exact same thing, I feel like I'd have a regret like "Why wasn't I the one who made this?"

I think you could make songs like mine if you used the same techniques, so there are plenty of people who could take my place, and I'm not a one-of-a-kind entity at all, but someone thinking fondly of the works I created makes a memory between the two of us, and that's the one thing that's irreplaceable. That's the one thing I can say is one-of-a-kind.

I've got my new mic, so tomorrow, maybe I'll have Roset-chan say some sexy words... (easily predictable for trained Roset-chan fans)

There are only so many emoji, so it's likely that's someone else's fave-mark, but please forgive me... (scared)

I want people to see :music score: and go "Roset-chan... :heart:" (?)

[Screenshot of a notifications alert with a bell icon] I've already become an otaku who sees totally unrelated :bell:s like this and goes "Claire-san..." (fave-marks are powerful)

I like women who immediately compliment my hair color when we meet.

[Jun: "Nude women... You could live without them, but having them makes life 100 times richer!"]

Roset-san's voice will be clear now...

my new gear

I wanna make music but I wanna draw but I wanna stream but I wanna make videos but I wanna play games... :crying: :crying: :crying:

Composers who I respect: "I see you have a sickness that will kill you if you don't reharmonize."
Composers who respect me: "I see you have a sickness that will kill you if you don't reharmonize."
Me: "I have a sickness that will kill me if I don't reharmonize."

Yesterday, Bayachao-san was drawing, and AAAA-san was making music, but I was just an average woman eating yakitori and guffawing...

RT @q07a_ [AAAA] Yesterday, I got to see Bayachao-sensei working, and it made me feel like Yamcha. (so fast) (didn't even take 20 minutes to draw a picture)

When you're at the end of your rope, something as mall as seeing your train leave in front of you makes you feel like the world's fully abandoned you and make you want to disappear, yet when you're feeling fulfilled, just having the person at the register treat you politely can make you cry with emotion, so life is all about perspective.

When I hear songs singing "girls want to kiss," I'm like "y'know, we do want that..."

Stop making typhoons without me knowing.

Believing in the possibility that as long as I keep creating and sending out art, it'll be someone's salvation, is dreaming too much, huh...

I'm glad to meet a woman even more nuts than me. (?)

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