OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 5th, 2020

I want the ability to go to sleep freely when I want to sleep. [Posted at 4:46 AM]

Living people are amazing. I've never lived before, so I dunno how to.

Finished a song.

[Jun: "The world exists for major minor sevenths."]
Biased education.

The things that have always supported my life are non-essential things, so they're not non-essential to me.

The proper response to coronavirus. [Retweets "When you're thirsty, apparently it's effective to gargle dry highballs, mya."]

I'm starving for non-essential affection.

Changing positions is way too difficult????

First day after starting ukulele → My fingertips on both hands hurt, stroking's impossible...
Fifth day after starting ukulele → Left fingertips hurt, right nails are looking bad, I can't even
Tenth day after starting ukulele → Left hand's feeling pretty okay but my right wrist hurts ← I am here

[Jun (off to the side of Level 1210): "Life is tragic."]
She's started to say stuff.

:thinking face: Homosexuals

Happy new year! Here's to 2030!

I'm crying every day lately. Even today, I cried while cutting onions.

I'm a good kid, so I'm making dinner right after eating lunch.

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