OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 11th, 2020

[After another Bubblegum K.K. stream] I only just realized the existence of Bubblegum K.K.'s bridge from the comments...

[Sora: "Flaming is scary, ya... The internet is terrifying..."]
It do be like that.

Time isn't something you have or don't have, it something's you make...

[C.J.: "You've hooked a Fishing Tourney net total of over 300 points! You're a castin' LEGEND!"]
Good work.

I now understand the Fishing Tourney completely.

Looks like it won't break, yeah... [More accurately, fishing rods only ever break after catching something, and are kept from breaking during the time limit. But if you catch something right after time runs out, that often results in an "overdue" breaking.]

In the Fishing Tourney, if you switch from your rod to a different tool before time's up, does your rod not break...?

Wrong: Fishing Tourney
Correct: Shell-Gathering Tourney

Also, like how artistic professions are subdivided into animators, illustrators, manga artists, etc., a composer can't just make anything, and when I see people who can make things I'm bad at making or flat-out can't make, I respect it and get bummed by it and do my best.

People sometimes say it's amazing how I'm a composer, but you're amazing for living too, and I don't think there's any superiority or inferiority to be found there, so I can't think of myself as amazing at all. Well, hold on, if I think of others as amazing but no one's actually superior, that means I have to be amazing too. Alright then, everyone including myself is amazing.

I'm a composer, so I don't know anything about other occupations. I'm in no position to say this and that about things I don't understand, and all professions deserve respect. Everyone does things that I can't, so everyone's amazing.

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